Facebook og:image doesn't load the image - wordpress

When I want to share my blog posts on facebook, the preview image does not load. I debugged the links and it gave the following error.
Inferred Property
The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
I am using Yoast SEO plugin and it automatically generates og:image meta before tag. However, when I viewed the page source, I noticed that Yoast Seo Plugin also created an automatic og:image meta before .
I uninstalled and reinstalled the Yoast Seo Plugin but still the issue did not go away. I installed the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin on Wordpress and noticed that the Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) plugin was conflicting. I deleted this plugin but still there are 2 of the og:image: url meta (one before and one before .).
How can I fix this issue?


Problem with website indexing on Google (Wordpress + Yoast plugin)

I am using Wordpress and Yoast plugin and I have problem with website indexing. I added the website to the Google search console succesfully and verify it in Wordpress dashboard. Also I added sitemaps succesfully (image below)
But my page is not indexed on the Google, it says that there is some problem with noindex pages. I will provide you more images below:
Does someone know some solution for this?
Did you check if your Wordpress installation is allowing Search Engines to index your site?

uninstall yoast plugin after using it in website

I am using Yoast plugin in my WordPress website for SEO. If I uninstall it after implementing SEO, will its features be removed from my website? Features like title, meta descriptions etc. I want to uninstall to make my website faster to load.
Yes, those features wil be removed (or rather: not be present anymore): They are added dynamically by the plugin when a page is loaded. So if the plugin is gone, that won't happen anymore.
If your website is static, you could copy the relevant HTML meta tags for SEO from the header while the plugin is active, insert them in your code (i.e. in the header.php file) and then deactivate the plugin. But you'd have to do that for every page seperately (which works against the concept of having one header.php file for all pages). But all that is rather mere theory for a Wordpress site (I wouldn't bother trying that).
First be sure that it is the Yoast plugin that is making your website slow.
You can do this by deactivating all plugin then activating one by one until you find the plugin causing the problem.
You can also view ways to make your website faster using this guide:
The Ultimate Guide to Boost WordPress Speed & Performance
Deactivating Yoast SEO would remove all optimization done on the site as they are all loaded dynamically on page load.

My website AMP pages doesn't appear in google search though they are indexed and no errors appear in the search console. Why?

I am using Automattic AMP plugin for my WordPress site and its doing very well as no AMP page errors appear in search console after indexation. The problem is that my AMP pages doesn't appear in top carousel in google search. Why does this happen? Please anyone try to post a relevant answer.

What's causing multiple meta tags on my wordpress site?

I honestly have no idea when or why it started, but I'm getting multiple meta tags generated for my WordPress posts.
My site.
I'm running BlackMag on the latest version of WP.
My Plugins are:
Advertising Manager
Better RSS Widget
Contact Form 7
Display Authors Widget
Dynamic Widgets
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
Exclude Pages from Navigation
Featured Image In Rss Feed
Go Daddy Quick Setup
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager for Wordpress
Insert Headers and Footers
iThemes Security
Jetpack by WordPress.com
P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
Pretty Link Lite
Restrict Widgets
Sexy Author Bio
TinyMCE Advanced
Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget
User Role Editor
W3 Total Cache
WP Mobile Detect
WP Post Template
WP Smush
WP User Avatar
Yoast SEO
If you are talking about the double analytics code - did you, by any chance, inserted it as pure code (hardcoded or with analytics plugin), and then - once again, with Google Tag Manager?
I don't see any doubled meta tags, anywhere...

wordpress website not getting indexed by search engine

I recently developed a wordpress website and hosted it successfully a week back. But the problem is it is not getting indexed by any search engine. My previous website got indexed within 3 days of launch. I tried using "wordpress yoast SEO" plugin, even tried it with "Google webmaster tool". Please help.
website link: http://www.teamstudsat.in
You should update the page links so they contain the page names instead of the page id's. In the dashboard, go to Settings > Permalinks and select "Post Name" as the permalink structure.
The SEO Yoast Plugin also gives you detailed advice for improving the SEO of each page. Click on the "Page Analysis" tab of the SEO Yoast plugin box.
Giving meaningful alt tags to all the images on your site also helps.
