wordpress website not getting indexed by search engine - wordpress

I recently developed a wordpress website and hosted it successfully a week back. But the problem is it is not getting indexed by any search engine. My previous website got indexed within 3 days of launch. I tried using "wordpress yoast SEO" plugin, even tried it with "Google webmaster tool". Please help.
website link: http://www.teamstudsat.in

You should update the page links so they contain the page names instead of the page id's. In the dashboard, go to Settings > Permalinks and select "Post Name" as the permalink structure.
The SEO Yoast Plugin also gives you detailed advice for improving the SEO of each page. Click on the "Page Analysis" tab of the SEO Yoast plugin box.
Giving meaningful alt tags to all the images on your site also helps.


WooCommerce Default Pages NOT showing up on brand new site

I recently installed WooCommerce on a brand new Wordpress website. I went through all the steps as directed exactly in this tutorial I found on YouTube How To Create An eCommerce Website With Wordpress 2021 -ONLINE STORE- (Easy For Beginners)
I then needed to edit the cart, shop, account, etc. pages. The only problem I have is that those pages did not generate when I installed WooCommerce. They do not exist. I have tried multiple ways to solve my problem. One of which is a tool that WooCommerce has in their plugin. If I go to WooCommerce-->Status-->Tools and scroll down I have an option that says, "Create default WooCommerce pages
Note: This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already defined and set up will not be replaced."
This option DOES NOT install missing WooCommerce pages.
WooCommerce-->Settings-->Advanced No Default Pages:
Appearance-->Menus-->View All No Default Pages:
How can I fix this so that I can create the needed default pages and continue creating my online store?
Thank you!
There are multiple ways of solving this issue. But following the guideline on woocommerce website, please try manual instructions below.
First make sure there no default pages, Cart, Checkout and My Account page exists, Not as publish or draft or event in trash.
Then go ahead and create new pages for each as mentioned below.
Create a cart page and paste the shortcode [woocommerce_cart]
Create checkout page and paste the shortcode [woocommerce_checkout]
Create My Account page and paste shortcode [woocommerce_my_account]
This should do the trick, Also make sure that in permalinks options available under Settings -> Permalinks and make sure Post Name is selected and click save changes.
If this does not work for you, do post a comment with exact screenshot of the issue.
Article link on official website - https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-pages/

Facebook og:image doesn't load the image

When I want to share my blog posts on facebook, the preview image does not load. I debugged the links and it gave the following error.
Inferred Property
The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
I am using Yoast SEO plugin and it automatically generates og:image meta before tag. However, when I viewed the page source, I noticed that Yoast Seo Plugin also created an automatic og:image meta before .
I uninstalled and reinstalled the Yoast Seo Plugin but still the issue did not go away. I installed the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin on Wordpress and noticed that the Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) plugin was conflicting. I deleted this plugin but still there are 2 of the og:image: url meta (one before and one before .).
How can I fix this issue?

Problem with website indexing on Google (Wordpress + Yoast plugin)

I am using Wordpress and Yoast plugin and I have problem with website indexing. I added the website to the Google search console succesfully and verify it in Wordpress dashboard. Also I added sitemaps succesfully (image below)
But my page is not indexed on the Google, it says that there is some problem with noindex pages. I will provide you more images below:
Does someone know some solution for this?
Did you check if your Wordpress installation is allowing Search Engines to index your site?

Why is the blog section of my wordpress site not on Google?

I recently started a website,(fortunepush.xyz),
I made a seperate sub directory for my blog section and added wordpress to it with Ocean WP theme. I realized that my posts are not coming up on google, site indexing is failing everytime.
I do not understand what is wrong with the site?
Does installing seperate wordpress in my subdirectory affect google somehow?
I just want my posts to show up on google.
The SEO is very well done and properly optimized, also if anyone can check
can you check if my blog is mobile friendly because it shows up perfectly on my iphone, but google says its not mobile friendly.
The sitemaps are not being indexed too.This is the sitemap index
Make sure you don't have checked "Search Engine Visibility" option in Reading Settings on admin.
The option you will find here in admin side: mydomain.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php

Error in meta tag description in Google SERP (Yoast pluggin on Wordpress)

I am using YOAST plugin for SEO on my Wordpress website. I have a multilingual websites (one language/subdomain) using WPML plugin.
SEO settings in my website and homepage is correctly set and I can find my website correctly when I type keywords on Google search engine.
However I found an error:
When I type "http://www.mywebsite.com" in the search engines, the Google search results shows me a wrong meta description snippet (from a blog post) and wrong sitelinks (one including a a page from a subdomain language).
How can I correct this?
For correct it's you can use Google webmaster Tools : https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
Google list most used pages as "Sitelinks" when you search your root domain. This pages and folders usually generated automatically by Google.
However you are able to remove, or manually add this links from Google Webmaster Tools.
Follow this steps :
Login or Sign up Google Webmaster Tools. Add your site and verify. Click on your domain name at Search console. And in the left menu click on Search Appearance find "Sitelinks" in this menu
Google Webmaster Tools > click on your domain > Search Appearance > Sitelinks
In this section you can use "Demote this sitelink URL" and Change or remove Sitelinks. Or you can offer new one.
