unable to acaess the application in localhost through saucelabs tunnel - saucelabs

I am using Saucelabs to test my application on Mac, chrome configuration as I am using windows machine.
As per Saucelabs documentation, downloaded the Saucelabs Connect Proxy. Extracted the file and went to bin folder in command line and executed the below command
bin/sc -u <sauce_username> -k <sauce_accesskey> -x <sauce_data_center> -i <tunnel_id>
I got the message on the command line as "Sauce Connect is up, you may start your tests." Showed one tunnel is active on the SauceLabs my account under tunnel tab.
I started the session by going to Live --> Crossbrowser; selected the tunnel, localhost application url, browser(chrome 90) and Mac-Sierra and Start Session
Opened the application but it didn't show the feature which are on localhost.
Anyone, please help me on this, is there anything wrong i am doing in the proxy connection, because the same is working fine, if i directly open the application url on my windows machine with chrome.

I found the answer in the sauce labs documentation itself. The problem i am getting is related to SSL and here the solution.
If you don't want any domains to be SSL re-encrypted, you can specify all with the argument (i.e., -B all or --no-ssl-bump-domains all)
Now when run the below command to start the tunnel it resolve the issue.
bin/sc -u <sauce_username> -k <sauce_accesskey> -x <sauce_data_center> -i <tunnel_id> -B all


VPN killswitch using UFW, but now openvpn3 no longer can start automatically

I successfully implemented this, which blocks all internet connections on my Linux machine UNLESS it connects via a specific VPN :
If I manually execute openvpn3 session-start --config ~/Desktop/config.ovpn, it successfully connects via the VPN.
I used to have this command in a script (that has #!/bin/bash as header) which ran at device bootup without any issues, UNTIL I configured ufw for the killswitch above (now ufw runs on device bootup).
I use openvpn3 so using instructions in the above tutorial for openvpn commands didn't work at all.
I even tried using a sleep in my bash script to get it to wait a while until after bootup. Doesn't work. But if I issue the connection command manually in the command prompt, it works.
Please help! I need it to connect automatically. Much appreciated!
After spending a whole day on this, I figured out a solution. I found an article that guided me : https://www.howtogeek.com/687970/how-to-run-a-linux-program-at-startup-with-systemd/
I set up a service item using systemd (systemctl) just for that command to connect. Here is what my entry looks like :
Description=Connect VPN
After=ufw.service network.target
openvpn3 session-start --config /home/xyz/Desktop/config.ovpn
Working nicely now, connects to the VPN on bootup.

managemnt tab in kaa sandbox URL

I created Kaa sandbox instance on the AWS Linux host. I am getting some of the issues
Still I am not able to see the management button on the kaa Sandbox console.
I am not able to connect AWS with using ssh. I followed all the required step to connect to AWS Linux host, but not lucky to connect.
My problem is that, I would like to change the host IP in the sandbox setting with my AWS linux host IP, so that my end point device gets connected to host,
Still I am struggling with above points. Please advise.
That seems to be an issue with the Kaa 0.10.0 Sandbox for AWS. We created a bug for tracking this.
For now, you can use the next workaround:
echo "sudo sed -Ei 's/(gui_change_host_enabled=).*$/\1true/'" \
"/usr/lib/kaa-sandbox/conf/sandbox-server.properties;" \
"sudo service kaa-sandbox restart" | \
ssh -i <your-private-aws-instance-key.pem> ubuntu#<your-aws-instance-host>
Note: this is a multi-line single command that works correctly in bash (should also work in sh and others, but that is not tested).
Note 2: don't forget to replace
with the respective key name and host name/IP address.

Setting up ngrok an homestad

I am trying to setup ngrok on my homestead, but it is not opening my project.
I have run ngrok http 80 and copied the address in forwarding part of the output to my Homestead.yaml file to map it to my project, and ran vagrant provision after that:
Forwarding http://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Forwarding https://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
But when I open the http://92832de0.ngrok.io in the browser it opens up ngrok page "It works" and not my project.
When I have changed the port to ngrok http 8000 then I get Laravel error message:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
You can use any of your application which is in homestead.
For that, you need to run the below command by replacing 'your-site.app:8000'
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite your-site.app:8000
Before that, you need to register into ngrok and install ngrok then use the authtoken that given in your account.
For more details, refer this https://ngrok.com/docs
This is how It worked for me:
1) I have downloaded the ngrok (https://ngrok.com/) on my Windows host machine and executed ngrok.exe.
It has opened a command line interface for me
2) I typed the following
ngrok.exe http -host-header=homestead.test
And it gave me the link of where to go:
Forwarding http://123456.ngrok.io ->
Forwarding https://123456.ngrok.io ->
I just went there ans saw my local environment Laravel Project.
You can add a function like this to your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile script on the host machine:
ngrok http -host-header=$1
After that you can use it to proxify any site on your Homestead machine like this:
rock your-site.app:8000
If you have multiple sites on your homestead you have to:
ssh into your homestead.
run this command: share yoursite.test
and that's it.
In homestead ngrok is already installed by default,
You just need to create an account from ngrok at https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup
And then run:
vagrant up (in folder Homestead)
vagrant ssh
cd to/your/project/proyect
ngrok authtoken your__ngrok__account___token
share yourproject.test

Exposing localhost to the internet via tunneling (using ngrok): HTTP error 400: bad request; invalid hostname

From previous versions of the question, there is this: Browse website with ip address rather than localhost, which outlines pretty much what I've done so far...I've got the local IP working. Then I found ngrok, and apparently I don't need to connect via the IP.
What I am trying to do is expose my website running on localhost to the internet. I found a tool that will do this: ngrok.
Running the website in visual studio, the website starts up on localhost/port#. I run the command "ngrok http port#" in the command line. Everything seems to start up fine. I generate a couple of URLs, and the ngrok inspection url (localhost:4040) works.
The only problem is that when I go to the generated URLs, I get an HTTP error 400: bad request invalid hostname. This is a different error than when I run "ngrok http wrongport#", which is a host not found error...so I think something good is happening. I just can't tell what...
Is there a step I am missing in exposing my site to the internet via the tunneling service? If there is, I can't find it in the ngrok documentation.
Troubleshot this issue with ngrok. In the words of inconshrevable, some applications get angry when they see a different host header than expected.
Running the following command should fix the problem:
ngrok http [port] --host-header="localhost:[port]"
Depending on the version, you may also want to try:
ngrok http [port] --host-header="localhost:[port]"
Following command will fix the issue
ngrok http -host-header=localhost 8080
This didn't work for me.
you could do the following:
For IIS Express
In VS 2015:
Go to the .vs\config\applicationhost.config folder in your project
In VS 2013 and earlier:
Go to %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config
Find the binding that says:
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:5219:localhost" />
For me it was a project running on port 5219
change it to
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:5219:" />
IIS Express will now accept all incoming connections on that port.
Disadvantage: you need to run IIS Express as admin.
or you could rewrite the host header in Ngrok:
ngrok.exe http -host-header=rewrite localhost:5219
For https this works:
ngrok http https://localhost:<PORT> --host-header="localhost:<PORT>"
Tested with: (Windows) (ngrok v3.0.5)
Use -- instead of -
ngrok http --host-header=localhost 8080
The simplest thing for me was using iisexpress-proxy + ngrok.
First I install iisexpress-proxy globally with npm
npm install -g iisexpress-proxy
Then I proxy my localhost with it. Say for instance my site is running on 3003.
iisexpress-proxy 3003 to 12345 where 12345 is the new http port I want to proxy to.
Then I can run ngrok on it.
./ngrok.exe http 12345
It just works! 😃
But I think it works only with http. Right now I don't use https to test, but even if it works, usually it's a lot of work as always.
For https this works:
ngrok http https://localhost:<PORT> --host-header="localhost:<PORT>"
Try with different locations from the Global infrastructure > Locations
ngrok http -region eu 8080
You can make a request and view any traffic passing through your tunnel using the ngrok traffic inspector at http://localhost:4040.
OR in command line
ngrok http -region eu 8080 --log=stdout
If one region fails then try with another.
ngrok runs tunnel servers in datacenters around the world. The location of the datacenter within a given region may change without notice (e.g. the European servers may move from Frankfurt to London).
us - United States (Ohio)
eu - Europe (Frankfurt)
ap - Asia/Pacific (Singapore)
au - Australia (Sydney)
sa - South America (Sao Paulo)
jp - Japan (Tokyo)
in - India (Mumbai)
First open ngrok configuration YAML file, run from terminal:
ngrok config edit
Example of yaml for localhost setup (client & server):
version: "2"
addr: 3000
proto: http
host_header: localhost
addr: 4000
proto: http
host_header: localhost
Save the config file based on your client and server ports and run the following command:
ngrok start --all
This will make ngrok open a tunnel for all the configurations declared in the yaml file
Had IIS Express .net web API, had installed NGROK in docker (windows as a host)
Had "Bad Request" error, the next command worked for me:
docker run -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=<token> ngrok/ngrok --host-header=localhost:21852 http host.docker.internal:21852
As I understood later, --host-header needed because IIS Express refuses all requests from outside (must be "localhost:port
"), host.docker.internal I've used instead of localhost, because NGROK was running inside docker, while IIS Express was running on a windows host.
I had the same issue and used the following solution:
Make sure your application binding in your IIS is set to All Unassigned IP address
Run ngrok HTTP --region=eu --hostname=yourcustomdomain.eu.ngrok.io
That's it. Works perfectly. This solution is also for paid pro accounts
Run command on your console from ngrok.exe directory . ngrok http
port i.e ngrok http 80 https://www.screencast.com/t/oyuEPlR6Z Set
Ngrok url to your app .
It will create a tunnel to your application.
Thanks .

Stop sharing a port on Ngrok

The Ngrok documentation mentions this example to share a local port on Internet.
Example: Open port 80 on your local machine to the internet
$ ngrok 80
How do I stop sharing this port if I would not want it to be accessed on the internet any more>
On windows machine go to command prompt:
taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe
killall ngrok from a script or the command line will kill all running ngrok tunnels that are running.
This is what worked for me. Ty #kkron.
First, you have to find the ngrok process id by $ top command.
After that, just run $ kill -9 {ngrok_id}
That's all :)
Stopping the ngrok port/tunnel
Simple Solution
If you are running ngrok normally, then use Ctrl+C (On Windows) or Cmd+C (On Mac) in ngrok command line.
(Check below if issue still persist)
Extended Solution
If the port does not stop/close normally or there are active ngrok sessions that are not responding, then use: killall ngrok
If the above does not work or the port is still running,
Fix ngrok in your system by setting up your auth code again by logging into https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started
Generate a new token on the dashboard (scroll down dashboard) to https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken
Click on "reset authtoken", copy the auth-code, then go-to ngrok on command-line ngrok authtoken INSERT-YOUR-NEW-TOKEN-HERE
Then go to ngrok folder or use command line to delete the .ngrok configuration file and directory: ngrok.yml, to remove the old configuration effectively ending all the open ports, tunnels and sessions.
Simple as pressing ctrl+c. But I'm not sure if it closes any ports. The same happens as #user7032676 told.
You just have to stop ngrok for this.
Quick search process with grep
top | grep "ngrok"
My id was this, make sure to change with yours
kill -9 55636
If you like start again tunneling from working directory
ngrok http 3000
You should see (CTRL+C to quit) on the top right corner of your terminal, when you are running a ngrok session (Online).
Although in my case, CTRL+C wasn't working. Instead CTRL+ALT+C did the quitting for me.
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
For some reason whenever I launched the ngrok agent on windows, the terminal will shutdown and not stay open. I would have to go to the website to see the url for the website.
To shut it down I could not do ctrl-c. I simply went into task manager and deleted the process.
To access the task manager on windows do ctrl + alt + delete
Reboot the computer and all. Hope helped
