QString to qint16 - qt

I am trying to convert a QString to a qint16 with
udpListenPort = ui->lineEdit_UdpListenPort->text().toShort();
but it converts "40690" to 0.
I tried different casts and conversions but neither works. I think I can't see the wood for the trees here.

The maximal value a qint16 (which is a typedef short qint16; /* 16 bit signed */) can hold is 32767 using two's complement, hence "40690" overflows and signed integer overflow is undefined behaviour.
Use quint16 instead (which is a typedef unsigned short quint16; /* 16 bit unsigned */) and ushort QString::toUShort(bool *ok = nullptr, int base = 10) const.

You came most of the way, just change the toShort() to toUShort() to fix that.
udpListenPort = ui->lineEdit_UdpListenPort->text().toUShort();
quint16 is just a typedef for unsigned short.


Saving 64-bit integer with QSettings

Is there any neat way, short of converting number to QByteArray, to save quint64 with QSettings? The problem is QVariant doesn't accept qint64 nor quint64.
QVariant supports qlonglong and qulonglong. As the documentation says, these are the same as qint64 and quint64. So you can just use QVariant::QVariant(qlonglong) and QVariant::toLongLong.
What if you store qint64 as a string. QString supports such conversion: QString::number(qlonglong n, int base), where qlonglong is the same as qint64. The same for quint64 - use QString::number(qulonglong n, int base), where qulonglong is the same as quint64.
QSettings settings("config.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
qint64 largeNumber = Q_INT64_C(932838457459459);
settings.setValue("LargeNumber", QString::number(largeNumber));
Another solution is to realize that IEEE 754 double format has a 53 bit fraction (don't forget the implicit 53rd bit!) and a sign bit. This allows you to store unsigned 53 bit integers without loss of precision, or signed 54 bit integers. You can store if:
your qint64's absolute value is smaller than 2^55, or
your quint64 is smaller than 2^54.

Does CUDA support pointer-aliasing?

The reason why I ask this is because there is some strange bug in my code and I suspect it could be some aliasing problem:
__shared__ float x[32];
__shared__ unsigned int xsum[32];
int idx=threadIdx.x;
unsigned char * xchar=(unsigned char *)x;
//...do something
if (threadIdx.x<32)
xsum[idx]+=*((unsigned int *)(x+idx));//<-Looks like the compiler sometimes fail to recongize this as the aliasing of xchar;
The compiler only needs to honour aliasing between compatible types. Since char and float are not compatible, the compiler is free to assume the pointers never alias.
If you want to do bitwise operations on float, firstly convert (via __float_as_int()) to unsigned integer, then operate on that, and finally convert back to float (using __int_as_float()).
I think you have a race condition here. But I don't know what is somestring. If it is the same for all threads you can do like this:
__shared__ float x[32];
unsigned char * xchar=(unsigned char *)x;
//...do something
if(threadIdx.x<4) {
unsigned int xsum+=*((unsigned int *)x);
It means that every thread shares the same array and therefore, xsum is the same between all threads. If you want that each thread has its own array, you have to allocate an array of 32*number_of_threads_in_block and use an offset.
PS: the code above works only in 1D block. In 2D or 3D you have to compute you own threadID and be sure that only 4 threads execute the code.

Struct Stuffing Incorrectly

I have the following struct:
typedef union
unsigned char ID;
unsigned short Vdd;
unsigned char B1State;
unsigned short B1FloatV;
unsigned short B1ChargeV;
unsigned short B1Current;
unsigned short B1TempC;
unsigned short B1StateTimer;
unsigned short B1DutyMod;
unsigned char B2State;
unsigned short B2FloatV;
unsigned short B2ChargeV;
unsigned short B2Current;
unsigned short B2TempC;
unsigned short B2StateTimer;
unsigned short B2DutyMod;
} bat_values;
unsigned char buf[64];
and I am stuffing it from an array as follows:
for(unsigned char ii = 0; ii < 64; ii++) usb_debug_data.buf[ii]=inBuffer[ii];
I can see that the array has the following (arbitrary) values:
inBuffer[0] = 80;
inBuffer[1] = 128;
inBuffer[2] = 12;
inBuffer[3] = 0;
inBuffer[4] = 23;
now I want display these values by changing the text of a QEditLine:
however, the QEditLine text values are not turning up as expected. I see the following:
usb_debug_data.bat_values.ID = 80 (correct)
usb_debug_data.bat_values.Vdd = 12 (incorrect)
usb_debug_data.bat_values.B1State = 23 (incorrect)
seems like 'usb_debug_data.bat_values.Vdd', which is a short, is not taking its value from inBuffer[1] and inBuffer[2]. Likewise, 'usb_debug_data.bat_values.B1State' should get its value from inBuffer[3] but for some reason is picking up its value from inBuffer[4].
Any idea why this is happening?
C and C++ are free to insert padding between elements of a structure, and beyond the last element, for whatever purposes it desires (usually efficiency but sometimes because the underlying architecture does not allow unaligned access at all).
So you'll probably find that items of two-bytes length are aligned to two-byte boundaries, so you'll end up with something like:
unsigned char ID; // 1 byte
// 1 byte filler, aligns following short
unsigned short Vdd; // 2 bytes
unsigned char B1State; // 1 byte
// 3 bytes filler, aligns following int
unsigned int myVar; // 4 bytes
Many compilers will allow you to specific how to pack structures, such as with:
#pragma pack(1)
or the gcc:
If you don't want to (or can't) pack your structures, you can revert to field-by-filed copying (probably best in a function):
void copyData (BATTERY_CHARGE_STATUS *bsc, unsigned char *debugData) {
memcpy (&(bsc->ID), debugData, sizeof (bsc->ID));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->ID);
memcpy (&(bsc->Vdd), debugData, sizeof (bsc->Vdd));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->Vdd);
: : :
memcpy (&(bsc->B2DutyMod), debugData, sizeof (bsc->B2DutyMod));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->B2DutyMod); // Not really needed
It's a pain that you have to keep the structure and function synchronised but hopefully it won't be changing that much.
Structs are not packed by default so the compiler is free to insert padding between members. The most common reason is to ensure some machine dependent alignment. The wikipedia entry on data structure alignment is a pretty good place to start. You essentially have two choices:
insert compiler specific pragmas to force alignment (e.g, #pragma packed or __attribute__((packed))__.
write explicit serialization and deserialization functions to transform your structures into and from byte arrays
I usually prefer the latter since it doesn't make my code ugly with little compiler specific adornments everywhere.
The next thing that you are likely to discover is that the byte order for multi-byte integers is also platform specific. Look up endianness for more details

Avoiding data alignment in OpenCL

I need to pass a complex data type to OpenCL as a buffer and I want (if possible) to avoid the buffer alignment.
In OpenCL I need to use two structures to differentiate the data passed in the buffer casting to them:
typedef struct
char a;
float2 position;
} s1;
typedef struct
char a;
float2 position;
char b;
} s2;
I define the kernel in this way:
__kernel void
__global const void* bufferData,
const int amountElements // in the buffer
// Now I cast to one of the structs depending on an extra value
__global s1* x = (__global s1*)bufferData;
And it works well only when I align the data passed in the buffer.
The question is: Is there a way to use _attribute_ ((packed)) or _attribute_((aligned(1))) to avoid the alignment in data passed in the buffer?
If padding the smaller structure is not an option, I suggest passing another parameter to let your kernel function know what the type is - maybe just the size of the elements.
Since you have data types that are 9 and 10 bytes, it may be worth a try padding them both out to 12 bytes depending on how many of them you read within your kernel.
Something else you may be interested in is the extension: cl_khr_byte_addressable_store
I didn't realize you were passing a mixed array, I thought It was uniform in type. If you want to track the type on a per-element basis, you should pass a list of the types (or codes). Using float2 on its own in bufferData would probably be faster as well.
__kernel void
__global const float2* bufferData,
__global const char* bufferTypes,
const int amountElements // in the buffer

Which is the most efficient operation to split an integer to two characters in an Arduino?

Which of the following two approches is more efficient on an ATmega328P?
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
value = value<<8;
char_low = value>>8;
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
char_low = value & 0xff;
You really should measure. I won't answer your question (since you'd benefit more from measuring than I would), but I'll give you a third option:
struct {
union {
uint16_t big;
uint8_t small[2];
} nums;
(be aware of the difference between big endian and little endian here)
One option would be to measure it (as has already been said).
Or, compile both and see what the assembly language output looks like.
but actually, the 2nd code you have won't work - if you take value << 8 and assign it to a char, all you get is zero in the char. The subsequent >>8 will still leave you with zero.
