Which is the most efficient operation to split an integer to two characters in an Arduino? - arduino

Which of the following two approches is more efficient on an ATmega328P?
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
value = value<<8;
char_low = value>>8;
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
char_low = value & 0xff;

You really should measure. I won't answer your question (since you'd benefit more from measuring than I would), but I'll give you a third option:
struct {
union {
uint16_t big;
uint8_t small[2];
} nums;
(be aware of the difference between big endian and little endian here)

One option would be to measure it (as has already been said).
Or, compile both and see what the assembly language output looks like.
but actually, the 2nd code you have won't work - if you take value << 8 and assign it to a char, all you get is zero in the char. The subsequent >>8 will still leave you with zero.


QString to qint16

I am trying to convert a QString to a qint16 with
udpListenPort = ui->lineEdit_UdpListenPort->text().toShort();
but it converts "40690" to 0.
I tried different casts and conversions but neither works. I think I can't see the wood for the trees here.
The maximal value a qint16 (which is a typedef short qint16; /* 16 bit signed */) can hold is 32767 using two's complement, hence "40690" overflows and signed integer overflow is undefined behaviour.
Use quint16 instead (which is a typedef unsigned short quint16; /* 16 bit unsigned */) and ushort QString::toUShort(bool *ok = nullptr, int base = 10) const.
You came most of the way, just change the toShort() to toUShort() to fix that.
udpListenPort = ui->lineEdit_UdpListenPort->text().toUShort();
quint16 is just a typedef for unsigned short.

Conversion with Pointsers in C

I need to implement but I am not sure how can I as I am completely new into this. A function called get_values that has the prototype:
void get_values(unsigned int value, unsigned int *p_lsb, unsigned int *p_msb,
unsigned int *p_combined)
The function computes the least significant byte and the most significant byte of the value
parameter. In addition, both values are combined. For this problem:
a. You may not use any loop constructs.
b. You may not use the multiplication operator (* or *=).
c. Your code must work for unsigned integers of any size (4 bytes, 8 bytes, etc.).
d. To combine the values, append the least significant byte to the most significant one.
e. Your implementation should be efficient.
The following driver (and associated output) provides an example of using the function you are
expected to write. Notice that in this example an unsigned int is 4 bytes, but your function
needs to work with an unsigned int of any size.
int main() {
unsigned int value = 0xabcdfaec, lsb, msb, combined;
get_values(value, &lsb, &msb, &combined);
printf("Value: %x, lsb: %x, msb: %x, combined: %x\n", value, lsb, msb, combined);
return 0;
Value: abcdfaec, lsb: ec, msb: ab, combined: abec
I think you want to look into bitwise and and bit shifting operators. The last piece of the puzzle might be the sizeof() operator if the question is asking that the code should work with platforms with different sized int types.

Struct Stuffing Incorrectly

I have the following struct:
typedef union
unsigned char ID;
unsigned short Vdd;
unsigned char B1State;
unsigned short B1FloatV;
unsigned short B1ChargeV;
unsigned short B1Current;
unsigned short B1TempC;
unsigned short B1StateTimer;
unsigned short B1DutyMod;
unsigned char B2State;
unsigned short B2FloatV;
unsigned short B2ChargeV;
unsigned short B2Current;
unsigned short B2TempC;
unsigned short B2StateTimer;
unsigned short B2DutyMod;
} bat_values;
unsigned char buf[64];
and I am stuffing it from an array as follows:
for(unsigned char ii = 0; ii < 64; ii++) usb_debug_data.buf[ii]=inBuffer[ii];
I can see that the array has the following (arbitrary) values:
inBuffer[0] = 80;
inBuffer[1] = 128;
inBuffer[2] = 12;
inBuffer[3] = 0;
inBuffer[4] = 23;
now I want display these values by changing the text of a QEditLine:
however, the QEditLine text values are not turning up as expected. I see the following:
usb_debug_data.bat_values.ID = 80 (correct)
usb_debug_data.bat_values.Vdd = 12 (incorrect)
usb_debug_data.bat_values.B1State = 23 (incorrect)
seems like 'usb_debug_data.bat_values.Vdd', which is a short, is not taking its value from inBuffer[1] and inBuffer[2]. Likewise, 'usb_debug_data.bat_values.B1State' should get its value from inBuffer[3] but for some reason is picking up its value from inBuffer[4].
Any idea why this is happening?
C and C++ are free to insert padding between elements of a structure, and beyond the last element, for whatever purposes it desires (usually efficiency but sometimes because the underlying architecture does not allow unaligned access at all).
So you'll probably find that items of two-bytes length are aligned to two-byte boundaries, so you'll end up with something like:
unsigned char ID; // 1 byte
// 1 byte filler, aligns following short
unsigned short Vdd; // 2 bytes
unsigned char B1State; // 1 byte
// 3 bytes filler, aligns following int
unsigned int myVar; // 4 bytes
Many compilers will allow you to specific how to pack structures, such as with:
#pragma pack(1)
or the gcc:
If you don't want to (or can't) pack your structures, you can revert to field-by-filed copying (probably best in a function):
void copyData (BATTERY_CHARGE_STATUS *bsc, unsigned char *debugData) {
memcpy (&(bsc->ID), debugData, sizeof (bsc->ID));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->ID);
memcpy (&(bsc->Vdd), debugData, sizeof (bsc->Vdd));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->Vdd);
: : :
memcpy (&(bsc->B2DutyMod), debugData, sizeof (bsc->B2DutyMod));
debugData += sizeof (bsc->B2DutyMod); // Not really needed
It's a pain that you have to keep the structure and function synchronised but hopefully it won't be changing that much.
Structs are not packed by default so the compiler is free to insert padding between members. The most common reason is to ensure some machine dependent alignment. The wikipedia entry on data structure alignment is a pretty good place to start. You essentially have two choices:
insert compiler specific pragmas to force alignment (e.g, #pragma packed or __attribute__((packed))__.
write explicit serialization and deserialization functions to transform your structures into and from byte arrays
I usually prefer the latter since it doesn't make my code ugly with little compiler specific adornments everywhere.
The next thing that you are likely to discover is that the byte order for multi-byte integers is also platform specific. Look up endianness for more details

how to convert double between host and network byte order?

Could somebody tell me how to convert double precision into network byte ordering.
I tried
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
functions and they worked well but none of them does double (float) conversion because these types are different on every architecture. And through the XDR i found double-float precision format representations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_precision) but no byte ordering there.
So, I would much appreciate if somebody helps me out on this (C code would be great!).
NOTE: OS is Linux kernel (2.6.29), ARMv7 CPU architecture.
You could look at IEEE 754 at the interchanging formats of floating points.
But the key should be to define a network order, ex. 1. byte exponent and sign, bytes 2 to n as mantissa in msb order.
Then you can declare your functions
uint64_t htond(double hostdouble);
double ntohd(uint64_t netdouble);
The implementation only depends of your compiler/plattform.
The best should be to use some natural definition,
so you could use at the ARM-platform simple transformations.
From the comment
static void htond (double &x)
int *Double_Overlay;
int Holding_Buffer;
Double_Overlay = (int *) &x;
Holding_Buffer = Double_Overlay [0];
Double_Overlay [0] = htonl (Double_Overlay [1]);
Double_Overlay [1] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
This could work, but obviously only if both platforms use the same coding schema for double and if int has the same size of long.
Btw. The way of returning the value is a bit odd.
But you could write a more stable version, like this (pseudo code)
void htond (const double hostDouble, uint8_t result[8])
result[0] = signOf(hostDouble);
result[1] = exponentOf(hostDouble);
result[2..7] = mantissaOf(hostDouble);
This might be hacky (the char* hack), but it works for me:
double Buffer::get8AsDouble(){
double little_endian = *(double*)this->cursor;
double big_endian;
int x = 0;
char *little_pointer = (char*)&little_endian;
char *big_pointer = (char*)&big_endian;
while( x < 8 ){
big_pointer[x] = little_pointer[7 - x];
return big_endian;
For brevity, I've not include the range guards. Though, you should include range guards when working at this level.

Is there a way to receive data as unsigned char over UDP on Qt?

I need to send floating point numbers using a UDP connection to a Qt application. Now in Qt the only function available is
qint64 readDatagram ( char * data, qint64 maxSize, QHostAddress * address = 0, quint16 * port = 0 )
which accepts data in the form of signed character buffer. I can convert my float into a string and send it but it will obviously not be very efficient converting a 4 byte float into a much longer sized character buffer.
I got hold of these 2 functions to convert a 4 byte float into an unsinged 32 bit integer to transfer over network which works fine for a simple C++ UDP program but for Qt I need to receive the data as unsigned char.
Is it possible to avoid converting the floatinf point data into a string and then sending it?
uint32_t htonf(float f)
uint32_t p;
uint32_t sign;
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; f = -f; }
else { sign = 0; }
p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31); // Whole part and sign.
p |= (uint32_t)(((f - (int)f) * 65536.0f))&0xffff; // Fraction.
return p;
float ntohf(uint32_t p)
float f = ((p>>16)&0x7fff); // Whole part.
f += (p&0xffff) / 65536.0f; // Fraction.
if (((p>>31)&0x1) == 0x1) { f = -f; } // Sign bit set.
return f;
Have you tried using readDatagram? Or converting the data to a QByteArray after reading? In many cases a char* is really just a byte array. This is one of those cases. Note that the writeDatagram can take a QByteArray.
Generally every thing sent across sockets is in bytes not strings, layers on either end do the conversions. Take a look here, especially the Broadcaster examples. They show how to create a QByteArray for broadcast and receive.
Not sure why the downvote, since the question is vague in requirements.
A 4-byte float is simply a 4 character buffer, if cast as one. If the systems are homogenous, the float can be sent as a signed char *, and bit for bit it'll be the same read into the signed char * on the receiver directly, no conversion needed. If the systems are heterogenous, then this won't work and you need to convert it to a portable format, anyway. IEEE format is often used, but my question is still, what are the requirements, is the float format the same between systems?
If I read it correctly, your primary question seems to be how to receive data of type unsigned char with QT's readDatagram function which uses a pointer to a buffer of type char.
The short answer is use a cast along these lines:
const size_t MAXSIZE = 1024;
unsigned char* data = malloc(MAXSIZE);
readDatagram ( (unsigned char *)data, MAXSIZE, address, port )
I'm going to assume you have multiple machines which use the same IEEE floating point format but some of which are big endian and some of which are little endian. See this SO post for a good discussion of this issue.
In that case you could do something a bit simpler like this:
const size_t FCOUNT = 256;
float* data = malloc(FCOUNT * sizeof(*data));
readDatagram ( (char *)data, FCOUNT * sizeof(*data), address, port )
for (int i = 0; i != FCOUNT; ++i)
data[i] = ntohf(*((uint32_t*)&data[i]));
The thing to remember is that as far as networking functions like readDatagram are concerned, the data is just a bunch of bits and it doesn't care what type those bits are interpreted as.
If both ends of your UDP connection use Qt, I would suggest looking at QDataStream. You can create this from a QByteArray each time you read a datagram, and then read whatever values you require - floats, maps, lists, QVariants, and of course string.
Similarly, on the sending side, you'd create a data stream, push data into it, then send the resulting QByteArray over writeDatagram.
Obviously this only works if both ends use Qt - the data encoding is well-defined, but non-trivial to generate by hand.
(If you want stream orientated behaviour, you could use the fact that QUDPSocket is a QIODevice with a data-stream, but it sounds as if you want per-datagram behaviour)
