What is this redirection called and how can it be setup for an ASP based site? - asp.net

Does this redirection method have a specific name, and how do I set it up for an ASP based site?

Ok, in that case, it not really the web server, but simply your code that can do this.
so, if you web page was:
So, in your code, all you have to do is grab that 1st parameter, and then run code to jump/navigate to that page.
string strURL = "";
strURL = Request.QueryString("URL");
Response.Redirect("http://" + strURL);
So, the code behind a button, or even on page load can simply pull the query value from the url string, and then jump to that URL.


how to forward a link with URI to another link with the same URI

My program directs users to a webpage with their username and password. E.g.
Now I created another page in asp.net and I want some code on example.html to redirect the link to http://example.aspx?username=username&password=password.
So what i want is to get the URI from the first url and direct it to the new url by appending the URI.
Any suggestions?
You can grab the querystring in its entirety via
See this with more about that. Using this, you can extract the parameters, append them to a new URL, and render the link, or set
window.location = "example.aspx" + window.location.search
I believe search comes with "?", but I could be wrong. I assume this is an exmaple; note it's not a good practice to pass the password through a querystring as clear text, especially if you are not using HTTPS. It's generally advisable to do a POST operation, not a GET operation with querystring, when it comes to sensitive information.
Use window.location.search to get everything after "?". Then you can just direct the new aspx page using this java script line.
window.location = "example.aspx" + window.location.search

Working with Query String in ASP.NET

This is a URL which will be redirected after a click event.
after that i want to utilize the second part of the QueryString i,e, SUName.
You have to use like
and then you get SUName from code behind
string str=Request.QueryString["SUName"];

Send query string parameter from a non-web application

Ok, I've been bugging with this for too long.
I need to call my website from a rough VB.net app. Then only thing I need is to attach a query string parameter to the calling url, so I can distinguish the pages to be shown to different VB app users.
So I want to click a button and launch that website, giving this parameter.
First I was bugging with adding the system.web libraries. Now I can't use Request/Response.QueryString as well.
I tried getting some example help from this post. but as I said before - I cannot make use of Request.QueryString as I cannot import it.
I am stuck here:
I need to attach a query string parameter to the url and then open the website with that url.
Can someone just give me a sample code for my problem.
Query parameters are parsed by the web server/http handler off the URL you use to call the page. They consist of key and value pairs that come at the end of the URL. Your code is nearly there. Say you needed to pass through the parameters:
ID = 1234
Page = 2
Display = Portrait
Then you'd turn them into a URL like this:
Therefore in your code you'd have:

Single Page Applications using ASP Web Forms

I need to implement single page applications using ASP Web Forms. I faced with a navigation problem. I need to use a navigation pattern like this:
http:// web site url / ... / page.aspx? {query string} # {ListId} / {ItemId}
When a user request a data from the server, the request on the server doesn't contain hash # (because this is a client-side feature). And it looks like this:
http:// web site url / ... / page.aspx? {query string}
So, actually I need two requests:
to get a page without hash and load javascript;
to handle hash data using javascript and async call required data from the server.
Is it possible to implement this logic with only one request?
Are there any best practices?
You can append ListId/ItemId to query string before sending request and read it regularly on a server.
var url = 'http://example.com?param1=10&param2=20#1000';
var beforeHash = url.split('#')[0];
var itemId= url.split('#')[1];
var processedUrl = beforeHash + '&itemId=' + itemId;
If your request is not already fired from JavaScript, you will have to hook into link's click event...
Or maybe you can get rid of # entirely and scroll content via JavaScript (my guess is that you use # because of local anchors to jump to different places in document)?
BTW There is window.location.hash property.
Based on your comment the flow is like this:
User types URL with #ItemId
Server returns the page
JavaScript reads #ItemId from window.location, puts it into QueryString and makes a request
Server returns the page based on modified QueryString
In this situation the two-requests pattern seems to be the only viable option. By design server does not get #Item part (called fragment). So there is no way to guess ItemId upon initial request. If after second (ajax) request, you refresh #ItemId dependant parts of the page through JavaScirpt, user experience will not be hindered much.

Pass parameter from 1 page to another using post method

I have a page "Demo.aspx". I need to set some parameters using post method and redirect the page to "DemoTest.aspx".
Is there any way to set parameters in post method in asp.net? I don't want to set "Querystring" due to security propose.
Also I need server side code for this. I am not able to use "Javascript" or "Jquery" for the same.
Here is some more description for the same.
Right now I am using Response.Redirect("www.ABC.Com/DemoTest.aspx?P1=2"). So the page is simply redirect to the given URL.
Now I don't want to pass that "P1" in "Querystring". Instead of query string I want to use Post method.
Please note that redirection page is not in my own application. So I cant maintain session or "Viewstate".
Thanks in advance.
Use a session variable and response.redirect to the next page.
Session["MyVariable"] = "someThing";
The value stored in Session variables will be accessible across application.
you can store in session like this :
Session["id"] = "anyID";
To get values On another page you need to write
string id = Convert.ToString(Session["Id"]);
By default, in .NET pages post() do the things automatically.
You will need to do sumthing like this:
Server.Transfer("DemoTest.aspx", True)
