How to change CSS from NPM package and use SCSS instead? - css

So I downloaded a package from NPM its called react-csv-importer. My React app is using scss to customize layouts. I am coding from a react-bootstrap template I purchased from react-bootstrap.
Their layout is confusing me and I cant seem to understand how to customize an NPM package I install...
Here is a photo of the index.css file that contains everything I need to edit
Here is a screenshot of the layout of the SCSS
Here is another screenshot inside the theme folder, It contains most of the scss files
Now shouldnt I just be able to create a new file called something like csv-importer.scss and then copy the code from index.css thats located in the NPM package and update it in the SCSS? How do people go about editing an NPM install this way?

You should never customize or touch a package you've installed through npm. If you change the package in node_modules then 1. it will get overwritten as soon as you do npm install again, 2. it won't be saved to your github since you need to exclude node_modules with .gitignore. node_module packages should be left alone, untouched.
Instead you should import the things you need to use from packages and use it in your own code. So if you have a package called "example" that you've installed through npm then you need to do:
import Something from 'example'
// use Something here
In order to use it. This is how you use stuff from node_modules.
In your case you should likely import the styles from the package you've installed, either through scss #import or through node import, after which you can use it in your own code. However you should not modify the original code they have.
If the package they have is .css then you can't change that to .scss, you'll just have to use it as .css. Which is not such a big deal since scss will get compiled to css anyways.
What you can do is to import all of their styles through #import and then to overwrite the things you want in your own code or scss.


React with SASS - How to work with SASS in React

So, the basic usage of SASS in react is
Install node-sass and import ./mysass.scss in index.js file
I did the same it worked with bootstrap SASS.
I have successfully imported bootstrap.scss in index.js file
import 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';
But, now if I try to import mine it did not work.
Let me give you some information about my SASS files.
My style.scss file importing other CSS modules by using #use instead of #import in sass.
For example
Using -> `#use 'sections/navbar';`
Instead of -> `#import 'sections/navbar';`
I am also using #use "sass:map";
Does this #use create the problem?
I have checked the bootstrap.scss file and they are using #import.
See this issue on Github: Link. Solution posted by user asyncLiz.
That error is typically seen when using the node-sass implementation, which does not support Sass modules and is not supported by MDC. You'll need to use the Dart sass implementation.
Luckily it's an easy replacement when using sass-loader. Run npm uninstall node-sass && npm install sass. sass-loader will automatically use the new implementation.
If it does not, check your webpack.config.js in case you're manually specifying the implementation in your sass-loader options. If you are, change implementation: require('node-sass') to implementation: require('sass').

How to get started with NodeJS and Sass project, so I can customize bootstrap 4 theme

I want to customize Bootstrap 4 theme such as colors, fonts, etc..
I read the instructions from Bootstrap website saying that I need to create custom.scss file and import Bootstrap’s source Sass files like this
// Custom.scss
// Your variable overrides
$body-bg: #000;
$body-color: #111;
// Bootstrap and its default variables
#import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
I'm new to both Sass and NodeJS and I do not know how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project.
I went as far as installing NodeJS and Sass on my Mac using brew. I also installed Bootstrap by typing:
npm install bootstrap
This is the most progress I have made. I do not know in which path the bootstrap files are installed when I did the command npm install bootstrap and also I do not know how to bring that Bootstrap installation into my project folder.
Could anyone please provide some information or point me to a resource on how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project so I can customize Bootstrap 4 theme using Sass.
You have to run the npm install bootstrap command inside your project directory. Bootstrap and its files will then be installed into the directory node_modules/bootstrap inside your project directory.
Now, when placing your custom scss files into this folder, they will be able to access the node_modules directory, in which bootstrap is.
You can then create a custom building pipeline using npm tools for compiling scss files to css. This requires more in-depth knowledge on node.js and NPM, but that is the usual and recommended way of doing it.
If you just want to compile the scss once and work with the css from there without having to use node.js more in depth, you can use packages like scss-compile and then use console commands like node-sass -rw scssFiles -o cssOutputFiles to compile your custom theme once.

How to compile SASS .scss files in most basic method (without framework)

I installed Bootstrap CSS with SASS from the following repo:
I ran the command "bower install bootstrap-sass" on the command line and this successfully installed the folder bower_components on my project folder. (Incidentally - I have nothing else present yet, I want to learn to bootstrap the CSS compiling first).
OK, here's what I want to accomplish:
I want to be able to add .scss files to the folder I create called resources/assets/sass/
I want to provision/manage so that .scss files I add to this directory are in turn compiled to public/build/css/that_file_name.css
More practically, I would like to compile all of the .scss files into one large .css file.
My question(s) are:
What does the compiling?
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
What does the compiling?
Compiling Sass files transforms stylesheets with Sass-specific syntax like selector nesting and mixins into normal CSS that can be parsed by browsers.
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Since you're already using Bower which is a Node.js package, I assume that you have no problem using the Node.js package node-sass instead of the original Ruby version.
First, install the package using npm i -D node-sass. Then, create a new script inside your project's package.json:
"compile-sass": "node-sass resources/assets/sass/main.scss public/build/css/main.css"
main.scss is now your entry point where you import Bootstrap and your other stylesheets.
// I don't know whether this path is correct
// Just find out the location of "_bootstrap.scss" and then create the relative path
#import "../../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
/* Your custom SCSS */
Finally, to actually run the compilation, execute npm run compile-sass in your terminal.
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Since you never tell node-sass to "compile everything inside this folder" and instead use an entry point file (main.js), when you want to include a new file you simply add an #import directive with a relative path to it.
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
To minify the resulting main.css file, I recommend csso. You can install its CLI package using npm i -D csso-cli and then add another script to your package.json:
"minify-css": "csso public/build/css/main.css public/build/css/main.min.css"
You can then run that script using npm run minify-css. The minified file will be outputted as main.min.css.
For all the question asked, the answer can be found above. But if you are just looking to compile .scss file to .css using command line, use below,
sass source/stylesheets/index.scss build/stylesheets/index.css
Make sure you have "node JS/npm" and Sass compiler installed.
If not, use this to install Node.js and npm -
And use this to install Sass -
Enjoy ;)

How to add js and css files that are part of an npm dependency to <head> in Meteor 1.4?

For example, I want to use Slider Pro in my meteor project as an npm package without having to create an Atmosphere package out of it, however the docs ( say to include files in <head>. See Image Snippet of Docs. How would I do that?
There are a few ways you could do this. Either way you choose you still need to add it as an npm package through Meteor:
meteor npm install --save slider-pro
And then what I commonly do, is create a file inside imports/startup/client directory called vendor.js, and just use this code in the vendor.js file:
import '../../../node_modules/slider-pro/dist/js/jquery.sliderPro.js';
import '../../../node_modules/slider-pro/dist/css/slider-pro.css';
Then in the file located at imports/startup/index.js just add this to include that vendor.js file:
import './vendor.js';
You just need to make sure that the path is correct, in the vendor.js file, as you can see, since my vendor.js file is nested 3 directories deeper than the node_modules directory, all files have to be prepended with ../../../ which basically means "go back three directories"

Adding Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.3 to Ember application

I'm trying to update my Bootstrap dependency in my Ember application to the alpha 4 version so I can access the utility classes (such as margin/padding).
I think Bootstrap is a bower dependency since it's listed in bower.json, so I followed the instructions from the new Bootstrap website:
bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
When I did this, bower.json didn't update. In fact, Bootstrap version is still "bootstrap": "^3.3.7".
The only differences are:
Now I have 152 JSHint errors in my terminal...I tried adding "bootstrap":true to .jshintrc and restarted my server but the errors were still there.
My ember app was broken until I removed line 1 in change-version.js, which was #!/usr/bin/env node.
When I start typing a new css style in my templates, the CSS styles are showing up, but my Ember application is not recognizing them. For example, here is an image:
When I add the class m-r-3 and reload localhost, nothing shows up.
I've already tried importing bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap.css in the ember-cli-build.js file. It didn't work.
I have already read through this page which goes over dependencies but I have had no luck. If anyone could assist here that would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use --save parameter to save bower.json:
bower install --save bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
Look at the bower_components directory, does it keep the old version of the bootstrap? If so remove it.
You should add bootstrap.css to the ember-cli-build.js, as you said. Have a look at this addon, check your coding against of a typo or erronous adding.
Does your client loads any version of bootstrap? (Check vendor.js)
