is there any complete minecraft forge documentation anywhere? - minecraft-forge

While it doesn't appear that this is a duplicate based on my searches, I'm sure other people have complained about this in many places.
I play minecraft and know java pretty well, so I thought it would be interesting to make mods with the minecraft forge. However, most tutorials are outdated or incomplete and I can't find a complete documentation. Now, if someone says, for instance, that existing blocks can be accessed through the Blocks class, I don't know what package that class is in. My more specific question was about modifying the properties of TNT(I wanted to do this as a test mod). Based on what I've been able to scrounge from various forums, using reflection on existing blocks in the game is possible, and what I found surrounding food would suggest there is a class for TNT somewhere that can be modified to boost its power. Just so someone can explain the not-well-explained principles of forge mod making, where would I find this TNT-related class that I could use reflection on, and how would I go about doing that(I've never done stuff with reflection before)?
To be clear, I've gotten forge minecraft all set up, I don't need an explanation of that. Just how to modify the properties of TNT(and hopefully this explanation will help me understand some broader principles)

I've been using for a while. It has 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 and 1.17.1

I've been looking for a complete documentation/tutorial too, and I haven't fount a lot of stuff to be clear, but I found a wiki that might be useful. Here it is if you want to check it out:
Mcjty's wiki:

Forge's official documentation can be found here, versions:


ATMEL SAMB11/BTLC1000 simple GAP/GATT example

I hope someone could give me a quick example how to configure the BTLE-Device correctly without the huge BLE-Manager library. Simply a litte GAP Authetication and one GATT-Service would be enough to start. I've managed to create my own GATT-Service and characteristics without the need for BLE-Manager but thanks to several defines, typedefs etc. I can't figure out how to do this for GAP and how to register my callbacks for it. Maybe someone has used these modules before and can give me a quick example how it's done?
Since you mentioned One GATT-Service with Authentication Atmel-BAS [Battery Service] example is easy one. To better understand you can download the getting started guide see the architecture. In-order to register the callbacks you need to check the order of callbacks in function ble_event_manager in ble_manager.c file.

How to find other built-in DWT fields?

Within a DWT Template Building Block, we can use a few "free" variables such as ##Component.Title## or ##Component.ID## as well as built-in DWT functions.
I didn't realize we can also get a component's schema description with ##Component.Description## or ##Description##.
The out-of-the-box Default Dreamweaver Component Design has a good set of examples, along with the Tridion Cook book's iteration example, and SDL Live Content.
How else could I find other allowed built-in DWT functions and variables, programmatic or otherwise?
In other words, I wouldn't have thought ##Description## was even available in DWT without seeing an example first (not that I have a use for it yet).
Edit (June 8, 2013): I did find additional information on SDL Live Content (requires login). We can of course use available Package variables as described in the documentation.
Researching a bit, I found that if we go to the tridion.contenmanager.config file, we will discover the node, which references to the Dreamweaver mediator type:
<mediator matchMIMEType="text/x-tcm-dreamweaver" type="Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Dreamweaver.DreamweaverMediator" />
This namespace can be found inside Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.dll
Decompiling is the best way to find out what is inside and learn something. Since it is .Net code, that will not be a problem, there is many free good tools available. I'm using lately JustDecompile
I did not go too deep into the code, but I can see that there is a TridionObjectSource class, with a number of Constants for reserved words, like:
Searching where this constants are used on the code, can help to better understand what they do, and the way the Dreamweaver Mediator works inside.
Seems like an interesting learning exercise
I take it that you've searched the documentation for the answer and come up empty. I suggest that you go to the relevant part of the LiveContent documentation and add a comment. This will reach the documentation team directly, and I'm sure they'll be very interested to hear of a feature that isn't properly covered. With a bit of luck they'll update it, and you'll have done us all a favour.
I have some sympathy for the "help yourself" approach too, but if you find a feature by your own analysis of the software, and it gets removed in a later release, you won't have a leg to stand on to complain about this. So help Tridion to get the feature documented, and then it's there to use with confidence.

Updating a Sharepoint List from flex

I have been trying to find a way to connect Flex to sharepoint in an elegant way that allows me to update lists, build charts, and create widgets with FLEX on the client-side. I have researched this extensively but I am running into circles.
I understand the basics of Flex data connection/webservices/etc... , I just can't seem to get my head around how to use the sharepoint list services.
Does anybody out there have a nice detailed example of what I'm trying to achieve? Simple examples work too! :)
Thanks so much Everyone!
Look at the "SOAP query example" or the WSDL from the SharePoint web-service (e.g. .../_vti_bin/lists.asmx?op=GetListItems or ../_vti_bin/lists.asmx?op=GetListItems&WSDL) and then look at the corresponding MSDN documentation (such as GetListItems) on how to "use" the web-service.
It takes a little bit of familiarity to "know" to map viewFields with <viewFields>...</viewFields> (most work like this), but... the MSDN documentation (if prodded carefully) says "what" to put in the XML where the WSDL just gives the near-useless outline. There are a number of examples in the tubes (and related SO questions) of hand-rolled SOAP access for SP for various tasks.
Microsoft also has some Open Specifications -- the link is always hard for me to find. Lots of stuff under the SharePoint branch. YMMV and it's mostly white-paper, but a good resource.
Not sure what tools Flex has but because of the limited WSDL support, most of the mapping has to be hand-coded or come from a better definition source -- hopefully "an existing library" which can be used directly or modified-to-suit.
I would highly recommend using a tool for testing the service access -- e.g. soapUI, which actually has a horrid UI -- because even the littlest error will come back with a cryptic error messages. Also, make sure to use SOAP 1.2.
Happy (less than maximal pain) coding.
P.S. A more specific question about a specific web-service would likely yield better responses.

Basic examples of InfoGrid applications

I am trying to use this software called InfoGrid for a project that I am building. Can someone please point me to some basic getting started articles. I don't see any documentation on the site.
Peopl with enough reputations, please edit the question and add the tag InfoGrid to this question.
I joined the infogrid mailing list and wrote to the dev team to include a simple getting started article. The dev's have been kind enough to provide the same on their wiki here:
I am an early user and have some experience I can share. Basically this stuff rocks. It's quite hard to get your head into at first but once once you get past the "aha" it makes complete sense.

"Selling" trac/buildbot/etc to upper management

My team works mostly w/ Flex-based applications. That being said, there are nearly no conventions at all (even getting them to refactor is a miracle in itself) and the like.
Coming from a .NET + CruiseControl.NET background, I've been aching to getting everyone to use some decent tracking software (we're using a todo list coded in PHP now) and CI; I figured trac+BuildBot would be a nice option.
How would you convince upper management that this is the way to go, as well as some of the rules mentioned in this post? One of my main issues is that everyone codes without thinking (You'd be amazed at the type of "logic" this spawns...)
Is there anything you could do now that wouldn't require permission from anyone else? Could you start by just using trac/buildbot/etc for just your own work, then add in others as they are interested?
In my experience you can get quite far by doing w/out asking.
Tell the management that they'll be better able to keep their eye on progress with such a tool.
Are there specific benefits to the route that you're suggesting that you could show them without them having to buy in?
I had an experience with getting my team to accept a maven + cruisecontrol CI setup. Basically I tried to get them to go along with it for a few days and they kept balking because it was unfamiliar. Then I just did it on my own and had all broken builds emailed to the mailing list. That night the project lead made a check in that broke the build (he just forgot a file) and, of course, everybody was emailed with his screw up.
The next day he came over to me and said, "I get it now."
It required no effort from him to get involved and got to see the benefits for free.
