ATMEL SAMB11/BTLC1000 simple GAP/GATT example - bluetooth-lowenergy

I hope someone could give me a quick example how to configure the BTLE-Device correctly without the huge BLE-Manager library. Simply a litte GAP Authetication and one GATT-Service would be enough to start. I've managed to create my own GATT-Service and characteristics without the need for BLE-Manager but thanks to several defines, typedefs etc. I can't figure out how to do this for GAP and how to register my callbacks for it. Maybe someone has used these modules before and can give me a quick example how it's done?

Since you mentioned One GATT-Service with Authentication Atmel-BAS [Battery Service] example is easy one. To better understand you can download the getting started guide see the architecture. In-order to register the callbacks you need to check the order of callbacks in function ble_event_manager in ble_manager.c file.


is there any complete minecraft forge documentation anywhere?

While it doesn't appear that this is a duplicate based on my searches, I'm sure other people have complained about this in many places.
I play minecraft and know java pretty well, so I thought it would be interesting to make mods with the minecraft forge. However, most tutorials are outdated or incomplete and I can't find a complete documentation. Now, if someone says, for instance, that existing blocks can be accessed through the Blocks class, I don't know what package that class is in. My more specific question was about modifying the properties of TNT(I wanted to do this as a test mod). Based on what I've been able to scrounge from various forums, using reflection on existing blocks in the game is possible, and what I found surrounding food would suggest there is a class for TNT somewhere that can be modified to boost its power. Just so someone can explain the not-well-explained principles of forge mod making, where would I find this TNT-related class that I could use reflection on, and how would I go about doing that(I've never done stuff with reflection before)?
To be clear, I've gotten forge minecraft all set up, I don't need an explanation of that. Just how to modify the properties of TNT(and hopefully this explanation will help me understand some broader principles)
I've been using for a while. It has 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 and 1.17.1
I've been looking for a complete documentation/tutorial too, and I haven't fount a lot of stuff to be clear, but I found a wiki that might be useful. Here it is if you want to check it out:
Mcjty's wiki:
Forge's official documentation can be found here, versions:

How to used NetworkBehavior in Unity3D

Check the Picture- Image Here
I made a c# script then change the MonoBehavior to NetworkBehavior
then pud the script in the Main Camera.
I have problem using NetworkBehavior I dont know how to execute it, I want to try the SyncVar and other attributes that can help about server-client data networking.
It is difficult to tell what is going on from you picture, and it would be helpful if you could tell us exactly what you are looking for, but as far as SyncVar working, it is important to note that it only works from the server side. That is, you can't sync an attribute from a remote player to the server, but the server can sync a player's attribute to everyone else. another thing to note about sync var is that it only works on basic types and unity math types (quaternion, vector3, etc.) if I recall correctly. If you need more help please try to be more specific.

Exploring a ASP.NET website's code

I have been set a new project at work and have been given the code beforehand to give it a good look. Since time is limited, can anyone please give me the best way to get a good feel of the project. What are the things I should be looking for within the code?
Well, first I'd get the app running and get a sense of the functionality (the business functionality) of the application. If you're not familiar with the business functionality, keep notes on your questions.
Next examine the code. things like:
1. Database access methodology (ASP.NET Core, Linq2SQL, EF, NHibernate etc.)
2. Take a look at the database and the data model
3. Examine the areas you're not comfortable with in regards the ASP.NET/C# etc.
Keep a note of questions you have through this phase. If they want you to hit the ground running, you'll need your questions answered. Asking the right (intelligent) questions shows you've spent time examining the code (as they would expect)
Set a breakpoint at the page_load or init event handler of a page of interest and step through the code (F11) to see where it goes and what it does.

Refactoring to separate business logic from code behind

I've inherited a project and I'm finding that the code behind pages contain a lot of business logic.
I've decided that in most cases it's better to leave the working code in place than try and do a massive refactoring. However there are pages that perform functionality that could be re-used in command line utilities for batch processing. I'd like to focus my energies on these pages, refactoring out the business logic and referencing that in other utilities.
I am currently looking to refactor this particular page which has 6200 lines of code in the code behind. What I'm finding is it's very tedious work trying to locate the dependencies between the code behind and the page specific objects.
I'm wondering if anybody knows of a tool, a VS feature, or a method that would allow me to systematically locate and attack these dependencies? Something that will allow me to identify any area of the code that references ViewState, a textbox, panel, drop downlist, etc..., so I can move these references to method parameters and ultimately move this functionality out of the page class.
I would begin by examining any method that doesn't follow the Single Responsibility Principle and break them down so that they do. Once that's done you should have a handle on what the code does and you should be able to group the code more easily and move it into dedicated classes for those groups creating the necessary objects to use as you go. I find ReSharper is a very useful tool to help do all this. Ultimately you will always need to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals within the code before you can successfully refactor.
We've all been there at some point and you have my deepest sympathy but your willingness to attempt it at all means you're already heading in the right direction. Good Luck!
Wow first of all sorry to here that. Anyone who would put 6000 lines of code in code behind deserve to be smacked :)
Now I have done this kind of refactoring before. I would approach this in few steps:
(1) Create Logical Regions #Region and #EndRegion
Like - Save Methods , Load Methods or
(2) See if you can create physical business objects based on these regions in your business
(3) Once you are done just refer all your code to appropriate class.
I understand you want some tool to make this all go away but I am afraid by doing this you will dig the hole dipper. Understanding the code and moving it method by method will give you better understanding.
One way I can immediately think is Compile then into Assemblies and Analyze the assembly using NDepend

Flash Logging API

Can anyone recommend a good (AS3) logging API for Flash/AIR/Flex? I need something to capture and record mouse and keyboard events in addition to coded events. Preferably something well documented/supported. Thanks in advance.
I've been using Thunderbolt. It allows you to see your log results in Firebug.
I developed and manage Loggee!, a Flash/Flex Logging Tool:
You must see
with no more....
bye bye
I would recommend Arthropod if you are looking for a development tool (this wasn't very clear in your question), if it's to log your client's behavior, I'm not aware of any tool sorry.
I always end up writing my own logging solutions. They generally are very simple compared to the rest of the project, and by writing my own I can tailor it exactly to what I need. Whereas using a pre-built one, always seems like either it is too over-engineered and complex to use, or it's too simple and lacking a couple features I need.
Try to use Log5F logging utility for ActionScript 3.0
