How can I find out what application and application error keeps disabling my IIS 10 Application Pool? -

I have two Application Pools, Prod_Apps_Pool and Prod_Mobs_Pool. For some reason, the Prod_Apps_Pool will keep stopping, but the Prod_Mobs_Pool will keep running just fine. I do understand that it's the Rapid-Fail Protection that is turning off the pool; what I don't understand is what failing specific process is causing this.
Looking at Event Viewer, I do get a System Error that says "Application pool 'Prod_Apps_Pool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool." Prior to this error, I have several warnings about processes serving the pool exceeding time limits during shut down, as well as processes requesting a recycle due to reaching a virtual memory limit.
I do not see anything in the Application Log, nor anything in the W3SVC# logs IIS logs. If I had to guess, I would say that these processes that are exceeding time limits are counting as "failures", the maximum number of failed processes in a given time limit is being hit, and then the Rapid-Fail Response is being triggered stopping the application pool. I would further guess that one of the applications in the pool specifically is causing these issues.
How can I specifically find out which application is causing this to happen? The only thing I have seen suggested so far is to put every single application in the pool into it's own pool, then find out which pool is shutting it down. But aside from the impracticality of separating a pool with dozens of applications into dozens of separate pools, this still doesn't tell me what error is causing all of this.
What's the best approach to narrow down the application and error causing this?


iis process serving application pool exceeded time limits during shut down

Recently, some of my IIS application is having no response. I check the event log and found that some
error happened in WAS service which cause some application pool to be stopped.
The following is the error message.
I can see only the process id causing
the problem.
I checked the error and find in one apppool a process is exceeded time limits during shut down.
Is that possible the process cannot shutdown and cause the other apppool to shutdown. My solutions is set the Test_pool application pool timeout to 1440 minutes(24 hour) and set recylcing time at a specific time
of the day to avoid the shutdown failure of process and prevent the auto shutdown of application pool. Is that workable?
A process serving application pool 'CEHL_POOL' exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id was '529004'.
A worker process '504596' serving application pool 'TEST_POOL' failed to stop a listener channel for protocol 'http' in the allotted time. The data field contains the error number.
A worker process with process id of '794136' serving application pool 'TEST_POOL' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration was set to 20 minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
Application pool 'TEST_POOL' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.
Application pool 'DefaultAppPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.
The event logs included mutiple errors with different application pool. So please point out which application pool stop responding. The error message "exceeded time limits during shut down" means the application failed to finish all current requests inside the process before application pool shutdown timeout reached. So either threads hang up or locked up.
“being automatically disabled due to a series of failures。。。”is caused by rapid failure protection, so you need to check application events and you should be able to find the crash event.
No matter crash or hang, you need to reproduce the issue and monitor the request status inside worker process monitor. It will show the time taken and current handler. You may need to collect and analyze dump file to trace the root cause.
Besides, in some case, http.sys will cause this issue because it is no longer able to wake up a new appliction pool. You may need to check whether your application pool is able to be waked up after your application stop responding.

Can IIS AppPool be unavailable due to idle?

I have a ASP.NET application running on IIS 8. My application sometimes does not respond to request with clients logging a timeout and then IIS starts sending out 503 Unavailable response codes. Each outage seems to last 5 minutes which corresponds to a 5 minute limit interval for Kill w3wp.
I have the App Pool configured for a Kill w3wp limit action with limit percentage of 80%.
While it might seems the pool is getting killed due to high CPU usage, I could not find any records in the event viewer. In fact, it had gone to idle state because of no requests in about 25 minutes.
The crash happened with 3 simple identical requests issued when the pool was idle.It cannot be reproduced manually in any environment.
This is happening about once a week. Since its a critical application, its running on a separate server with no other applications installed.
I have changed the Limit from Kill to throttle but I am not sure its a good idea. Anyways I've got to find a way to reproduce this.
Can the pool fail to exit an idle state?
If there is no traffic, w3wp.exe may go idle aka stop running. But that is not the same as it being truly stopped and it would not cause a 503. It would just start back up on the next request.
A 503 is more likely because your IIS App Pool is crashing or literally being stopped.
I would check Windows Event Viewer to see if says anything around that time frame around w3wp crashing. You can also set IIS to do more detailed logging anytime your w3wp app pool is stopped, started, recycled.
Docs about enabling more app pool logging:
You could also search various IIS logs for errors:
If you set auto recycle option then remove it and make it schedule recycle instead.
It seems as the memory consumption by your application tends to saturation level, IIS being recycled

What is the relationship between Application Pools and worker process threads?

I'm troubleshooting restarts in an ASP.NET application. The application is restarting about 20 times a day. We strongly suspect one part of the application because the restarts began when this particular feature when into production. I've added some logging to those pages using the log4net library, but I'm having trouble interpreting the logs.
When an ASP.NET application is running in an Application Pool, does only a single instance of that application run, or will multiple instances of that application run? I know several worker process threads will be spawned. What is the relationship of the worker process threads to the application(s) running in the App Pool?
I am thinking that I may not be interpreting the results correctly if there are multiple applications logging to the same log. If one is restarted but the other is not, the logs aren't really telling me much about what was happening when the restart occurred.
Looking at this page, I find the following information:
An application pool defines a group of one or more worker processes, configured with common settings that serve requests to one or more applications that are assigned to that application pool. Because application pools allow a set of Web applications to share one or more similarly configured worker processes, they provide a convenient way to isolate a set of Web applications from other Web applications on the server computer. Process boundaries separate each worker process; therefore, application problems in one application pool do not affect Web sites or applications in other application pools.
But I am still confused. I know from experience that I can assign two entirely different applications to use the same App Pool. Does that mean that exactly two worker processes will be spawned? Or can there be multiple worker processes spawned for the first app, and multiple worker processes spawned for the second app? If a problem happens in one worker process, can it take down every application running in that App Pool?
From this page about using WinDbg, I found this information (emphasis mine):
In IIS 5.x, there is only one Aspnet_wp.exe worker process and one debugger thread. Consequently, only one debugger can be attached to the Aspnet_wp.exe process at a time. This can pose a problem if you're dealing with multiple Web applications on the same machine. In IIS 6.0, you can coerce an AppDomain to run in a separate application pool. (For more information, see "IIS 5.x Process Model" and "IIS 6.0 Process Model" in Chapter 1.) Separate application pools provide multiple W3wp.exe processes. Multiple debugger threads are created in these processes (one in each), allowing you to debug more efficiently.
This sounds to me like each App Pool gets one w3wp.exe process. Am I interpreting that right? And if so, does that still apply in IIS 7.5?
Yes, each application pool is typically a single process1, but can contain multiple threads. You can assign multiple sites to an application pool, and those sites will all run under the same process, however they will run under different "app domains", which are security contexts that separate the code of one site from another, even if they're running on the same app pool.
Two users hitting the site at the same time can run on different threads, meaning they can run concurrently. That means any logging can have values interspersed. You might want to add a session value to your logging so you can sort based on session.
App pool restarts (recycling) are normal, 20 restarts in a day does not seem unusual. They can happen multiple times per day, and IIS controls when app pools are restarted. It does this whenever it feels it needs to clean up the pool.2 Your applications should be written in such a way as to recover gracefully from this (ie, do not keep anything in session that cannot be easily recreated if the app pool restarts).
The app pool can also restart when an unhandled exception occurs in your app. In that case, you want to address the cause of this. Such exceptions are usually logged in the event log.
1 – While you can configure an application pool to have multiple worker processes (this is known as a Web Garden), this is not a typical (nor generally recommended) configuration in my experience.
2 – Note that using IIS Manager you can configure an application to log recycle events to the Windows Event Log. You can also use IIS Manager to set the threshold for when several of the different types of recycle events occur.

ASP.NET Session Recycles

In an ASP.NET website we are storing sessions in SQL Server. All is working fine except that sessions frequently recycle. I've a timeout period set to 30 minutes but some times it recycles within a few minutes. We've a dedicated server, and website running under a 'classic' application pool. I've searched a lot on this problem, but didn't find a satisfactory answer. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Note: mostly it happens on a page where there is lots of use of viewstate, I'm curious that is there a link of viewstate with session recycling?
We've experienced this problem when we either have a web farm (more than one web server servicing clients) or a web garden (more than one worker process in an application pool).
If you have a web farm, then you need to ensure that all web servers have the same machine key and that all instances have the exact same application path.
If you have a web garden, try dropping the maximum worker processes back to 1 to see if that resolves the issue.
While you are checking the IIS settings, you should probably also ensure that the application pool is not recycling regularly. This can be due any of the following specified in the app pool:
1) Private Memory Limit (the app pool is reset if the maximum amount of memory has been exceeded)
2) Regular Time Interval recycling (the app pool is automatically recycled after a specified number of minutes, defaulting to 1740, and/or at specific times).
3) Idle Time-out (the number of minutes of inactivity that can elapse before the application pool is automatically shutdown).
You should also check the event logs for reports of the application pool crashing or otherwise being recycled.
An additional thought:
If you have an application, such as anti-virus or backup software, that monitors your application's bin directory and modifies or changes attributes (such as the backup flag or timestamp) of files in that directory OR your web.config file, this will cause application recycling as well.

Overcome compilation(?) pause on *secondary* initial ASP.Net application startup?

After deploying an ASP.Net application to a new server, the first user to hit the app gets a long pause, presumably because the app is performing its initial compilation. However, this pause seems to also also occur after the application has timed out and unloaded itself from memory.
The first compilation would be tolerable as it only happpens once, but the 2nd one seems to me like it should be there a workaround to address this issue? It would be nice to be able to extend the application timeout, but I only see a way to extend the session timeout, which I would rather not do, as this would keep all user sessions in memory for a long period of time.
That's IIS shutting down the worker process - the default is a 20 min idle time. In IIS6, you can configure the app pool and turn off the Idle timeout (on Performance tab). In IIS7, it's in the Advanced Settings.
A common way (though looks hackish to me) to keep the worker process alive is to have some program issue web requests to some URL in the application on a regular basis.
You can reduce the initial startup time by precompiling the ASP.NET app with aspnet_compiler.exe. This won't reduce the initial request time to zero (it'll still need to create the worker process and do other housekeeping.) but it'll noticeably reduce it.
I did find some recommended settings for the App Pools in IIS. The intended outcome of these settings is to reduce the number of times your application needs to go through the startup cycle. These settings should apply to IIS 6 as well as IIS 7:
Recycle Worker Process: Disable. Use this only if you have multiple websites and are trying to isolate processes.
Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in minutes): Disable unless you are sharing resources on your server. With this setting disabled, your website should not unload, ensuring that startup time for your site is as minimal as possible.
