background-image disappearing in Chrome - css

In a website I am developing, the background image is disappearing in Chrome. It is working fine in Edge and Firefox. I tried it in Another laptop to assure the problem is with Chrome and same in other laptop too. On inspecting, I found that for some unknown reason, Chrome automatically adds a property background-image: none; directly to the element.
See the faulty code here
This overwrites the property and div and makes background none. On disabling this property in inspect tool, the background images appears but refreshing page brings back the problem.

Well, here i have suggestions for you:
Check if any adblocker is working in your chrome or not. If yes, then please remove it, and try again.
Do not run the code at Chrome's incognito
Add the style elements at the head section of your HTML file.
Please let me know if it works or not. Don't hesitate to ask further questions.

I have found the root cause. It was due to an extension. It was not the Ad-Blocker in my case. Removing that extension has solved my problem


Can anyone explain this firefox issue?

Here is the site: . If you load the site on chrome and then click on the yellow section, then the section completely fills the entire screen, however in firefox, there appears to be some problem with margins. I've looked through firebug, I can't seem to find what is causing the issue. Here are two images just to clarify what's going on:
Chrome version:
Firefox version:
Any insight into the issue would be really helpful. Thanks!
By navigating to #three, the browser may scroll to bring that element into view, even if you have overflow:hidden. It appears IE and Firefox do this, while Chrome does not.
You should change the ID of the target element to something like id="box-three", then make sure you adjust selectors accordingly to add that prefix.

IE10, Same Domain IFRAME and Style shset

In my application, I am including one page within another via an iframe. I'm working on a quick prototype here, so I don't want to take additional time right now to implement something fancier].
Everything looks good except for IE10 on Windows 7. From what I can tell, the style sheet of the iframe is being added into the cascade of the style sheet for the page and causing strange display errors. I'm a little dumbfounded this is even possible.
If I comment out the iframe, everything renders correctly.
I can also see the styles changing as the iframe loads:
Anyone else experience strange behavior like this?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your reply. My coworker was actually able to help me trace this back to an issue with the IE10 developer toolbar.
I was able to create a file that replicates the issue:
If you open the index, you'll notice that there is no margin on the body. While you have that page open and you open the F12 Developer Toolbar in IE10 (10.0.9200.16540) on Windows 7 (at least), you will see the body becomes padded and the parent window font switches to Times. Hope this helps someone!

Chrome not showing background images or colour on body

When checking my website a couple of days ago, everything was OK, but having looked at it this morning in Chrome, the background image and colour applied to the body have just disappeared completely. Safari is also looking pretty bad with the background colour visible and the background image on the body only visible behind other background images!
Things I've tried...
resizing the background image so that it's a lot smaller
removing the image and just having a background colour
viewing the site in incognito mode
Absolutely no difference in the outcome. I've cleared the cache and tried disabling caching but to no avail. Also, the file definitely exists. Not only can I see them being downloaded in the 'Network' tab in the Chrome developer tools, you can see it here:
You can also see the smaller version I tried
Weirdly, resizing the browser window in Safari brings the background image in. Another odd thing is that another site I built using almost exactly the same background techniques shows the images just fine, see
The CSS has been generated using LESSPHP but I'm sure this isn't the issue as it was working fine before and no changes have been made to the CSS in months.
I have Chrome v19.0.1084.46 m and Safari 5.1.2, Windows 7 but the issue also occurred on my MacBook with the Chrome 19.
Tiny bit more information: Issue happens in a locally run copy of the website too.
Although it seems to be a browser issue, the culprit was the following line of CSS at the top of the stylesheet:
* {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
I tried moving it elsewhere but I still get the same issue. Applying to individual elements seems to work, but as I no longer use any 3D transitions on the site, there's no need for it and removing it has solved the problem.
In my chrome(20.0.1132.11 dev-m) everything is ok.
The problem may be in the extensions (try to disable all) or the most chrome (try to reinstall it)
Update: Same bug on SO and in accordance with the answers to that question, this bug is known and not yet fixed
I checked your website, and the background works, try to clear all navigation data (ctrl+shift+delete select all check-boxes and any time of).

CSS background image disappearing in Chrome

This problem is only happening in Google Chrome on Mac OS X (Chrome 17). I've tested it on all the major browsers on Mac and Windows 7.
Here is the page in question:
As you can see, I'm loading divs via JQuery AJAX.
The page is always fine on "Refresh."
You can navigate pages with the left and right arrows. The problem happens when you change pages; especially when you change pages when scrolling the page quickly. Try scrolling the page down very fast and hit the right arrow.
The background images that were already loaded via CSS (for example):
.sort_block{ background: url(images/sort_block.png) no-repeat;}
start to disappear. Only background images that are loaded with CSS start disappearing. All are fine. If you open Developer Tools on Chrome inspect the elements, you will see that the browser has the correct syntax and it has already downloaded the image into its cache. For some reason, it's just failing to display it. The CSS display value is correct. In the Inspector, for the div with the missing background, if you modify a value such as "top: 8px;" to "top: 9px;" the image suddenly appears.
This is only happening in Chrome (v. 17) and Chrome Canary (v. 19) for Mac OS X (10.7.3).
Should I report this bug to Google or is there a known work around or fix? I guess I can replace the s with s but I would rather do it correctly and fix this weird issue.
I don't know if this is the same issue, but the root is probably the same: Based on that report, I don't think there's a known fix yet.
I had the same problem and diagnosed it for hours, but it's not about your code, it's a memory related bug in latest chrome. In my experience it doesn't happen to small images, so a temporary solution would be to decrease the file size (to under 10kB or so).
I have a test file here, showing the difference between a big and a small background image.
We worked up a solution for this issue until Chromium/Chrome "fixes the glitch" (hi, Milton)...
My colleague, Andrew, posted our solution here:
You can see the page in question at:
It sounds like this has worked for others as well, but it's ugly!
I've recently had this issue, and the fix was to use the complete url, rather than a relative path.
E.g. change url(images/image.png)
Use :url(.//images path. The .// should solve the problem.

What Could Cause Intermittent Issues with Images Loading in Internet Explorer 6?

I am having issues with a website that I am working on in which images and background-images fail to load in Internet Explorer 6.
Here is an example of a page on which you might experience this issue:
Example Page
So far I have looked at the following possible issues and pretty much ruled them out:
XML/Extraneous data in the image files (google photoshop 7 internet explorer)
Corrupt image files
I have not ruled out invalid markup.
I have noticed that there are validation errors in most of the pages where this problem has been reported and I am working on getting those fixed where appropriate.
The behavior I see is that the page will load and all elements other than the background image render. There are no javascript errors thrown. When using Fiddler, no request for the image is made. If the browser is pointed directly to the background-image, the cache is cleared and then the browser is pointed back at the HTML page, the background-image will load inside the HTML page.
Does anyone have any additional suggestions for ways to attack this issue?
Twice now I've had people have problems with photos not showing up, and it was because they were in an incorrect colorspace, using CMYK instead of RGB.
this is a weird issue with IE6. I just right click on the image and select "Show Picture" then the image loads properly.
I'm looking at this in IE6 and trying to replicate the problem, but I can't seem to get it to happen - it always seems to load.
Some thoughts on things to try though as there appears to be another two classes that the background is over-riding is to try adding !important after the background assignment, so:
div.gBodyContainer {
background-image:url(/etc/medialib/europe/about_infiniti/; !important
Another thing to try is getting rid of all the . in the filename and cut down the length of it, shouldn't matter, but it may be causing some problems, doesn't hurt to try it anyway.
The other thing you could try is making gBodyContainer an ID instead of a class, or give it an ID as well as a class and assign the background to the ID. Again, it shouldn't matter, but it doesn't hurt to try and see if it works, IE6 does a lot of funny things.
is it only ie6 and not ie7 too? IE is pretty strict with html sometimes, versus firefox lets you get away with more. Not sure if this helps, but I just debugged weird IE6/7 bugs by slowly taking away content. But if it's only intermittent, as in happens with the same code on and off, that's a really weird one.
The problem is the "IE6" part ;-)
I think in some cases you could solve this issue by loading the full size image before the request and hide it with style display: none; so IE6 will load the image from cache.
