Can I define variable in Julia just like in Fortran - julia

I am new to Julia. Have a quick question.
In Fortran, we can do
implicit none
Therefore whenever we use a variable, we need to define it first. Otherwise it will give error.
In Julia, I want to do the same time thing. I want to define the type of each variable first, like Float64, Int64, etc. So that I wish that Julia no longer need to automatically do type conversion, which may slow down the code.
Because I know if Julia code looks like Fortran it usually runs fast.
So, in short, is there a way in Julia such that, I can force it to only use variables whose types has been defined, and otherwise give me an error message? I just want to be strict.
I just wanted to define all the variables first, then use them. Just like Fortran does.
As suggested by the experts who answers the questions, thank you very much! I know that perhaps in Julia there is no need to manually define each variables one by one. Because for one thing, if I do that, the code will become just like Fortran, and it can be very very long especially if I have many variables.
But if I do not define the type of the each variables, is Julia smart enough to know the type? Will it do some conversions which may slow down the code?
Also, even if there is no need to define variables one by one, is there in some situations we may have to manually define the type manually?

No, this is not possible* as such. You can, however, add type annotations at any point in your code, which will raise an error if the variable is not of the expected type:
julia> i = 1
julia> i::Int64
julia> i = 1.0
julia> i::Int64
ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Int64, got a value of type Float64
[1] top-level scope
# REPL[4]:1
julia> i=0x01::UInt8
*Julia is a dynamically-typed language, though there are packages such as for static type-checking (i.e., no type annotations required) and for exploring Julia's type inference system.

Strict type declaration is not how you achieve performance in Julia.
You achieve the performance by type stability.
Moreover declaring the types is usually not recommended because it decreases interoperability.
Consider the following function:
f(x::Int) = rand() < 4+x ? 1 : "0"
The types of everything seem to be known. However, this is a terrible (from performance point of view) function because the type of output can not be calcuated by looking types of input. And this is exactly how you write the performant code with regard to types.
So how to check your code? There is a special macro #code_warntype to detect such cases so you can correct your code:
Another type related issue are the containers that should not be specified by abstract elements. So you never want to have neither Vector{Any} nor Vector{Real} - rather than that you want Vector{Int} or Vector{Float64}.
See also for further discussion.


The Idiomatic Way To Do OOP, Types and Methods in Julia

As I'm learning Julia, I am wondering how to properly do things I might have done in Python, Java or C++ before. For example, previously I might have used an abstract base class (or interface) to define a family of models through classes. Each class might then have a method like calculate. So to call it I might have model.calculate(), where the model is an object from one of the inheriting classes.
I get that Julia uses multiple dispatch to overload functions with different signatures such as calculate(model). The question I have is how to create different models. Do I use the type system for that and create different types like:
abstract type Model end
type BlackScholes <: Model end
type Heston <: Model end
where BlackScholes and Heston are different types of model? If so, then I can overload different calculate methods:
function calculate(model::BlackScholes)
# code
function calculate(model::Heston)
# code
But I'm not sure if this is a proper and idiomatic use of types in Julia. I will greatly appreciate your guidance!
This is a hard question to answer. Julia offers a wide range of tools to solve any given problem, and it would be hard for even a core developer of the language to assert that one particular approach is "right" or even "idiomatic".
For example, in the realm of simulating and solving stochastic differential equations, you could look at the approach taken by Chris Rackauckas (and many others) in the suite of packages under the JuliaDiffEq umbrella. However, many of these people are extremely experienced Julia coders, and what they do may be somewhat out of reach for less experienced Julia coders who just want to model something in a manner that is reasonably sensible and attainable for a mere mortal.
It is is possible that the only "right" answer to this question is to direct users to the Performance Tips section of the docs, and then assert that as long as you aren't violating any of the recommendations there, then what you are doing is probably okay.
I think the best way I can answer this question from my own personal experience is to provide an example of how I (a mere mortal) would approach the problem of simulating different Ito processes. It is actually not too far off what you have put in the question, although with one additional layer. To be clear, I make no claim that this is the "right" way to do things, merely that it is one approach that utilizes multiple dispatch and Julia's type system in a reasonably sensible fashion.
I start off with an abstract type, for nesting specific subtypes that represent specific models.
abstract type ItoProcess ; end
Now I define some specific model subtypes, e.g.
struct GeometricBrownianMotion <: ItoProcess
struct Heston <: ItoProcess
Note, in this case I don't need to add constructors that convert arguments to Float64, since Julia does this automatically, e.g. GeometricBrownianMotion(1, 2.0) will work out-of-the-box, as Julia will automatically convert 1 to 1.0 when constructing the type.
However, I might want to add some constructors for common parameterizations, e.g.
GeometricBrownianMotion() = GeometricBrownianMotion(0.0, 1.0)
I might also want some functions that return useful information about my models, e.g.
number_parameter(model::GeometricBrownianMotion) = 2
number_parameter(model::Heston) = 4
In fact, given how I've defined the models above, I could actually be a bit sneaky and define a method that works for all subtypes:
number_parameter(model::T) where {T<:ItoProcess} = length(fieldnames(typeof(model)))
Now I want to add some code that allows me to simulate my models:
function simulate(model::T, numobs::Int, stval) where {T<:ItoProcess}
# code here that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
simulate_inner(model, somethingelse)
# maybe more code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
function simulate_inner(model::GeometricBrownianMotion, somethingelse)
# code here that is specific to GeometricBrownianMotion
function simulate_inner(model::Heston, somethingelse)
# code here that is specific to Heston
Note that I have used the abstract type to allow me to group all code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess in the simulate function. I then use multiple dispatch and simulate_inner to run any code that needs to be specific to a particular subtype of ItoProcess. For the aforementioned reasons, I hesitate to use the phrase "idiomatic", but let me instead say that the above is quite a common pattern in typical Julia code.
The one thing to be careful of in the above code is to ensure that the output type of the simulate function is type-stable, that is, the output type can be uniquely determined by the input types. Type stability is usually an important factor in ensuring performant Julia code. An easy way in this case to ensure type-stability is to always return Matrix{Float64} (if the output type is fixed for all subtypes of ItoProcess then obviously it is uniquely determined). I examine a case where the output type depends on input types below for my estimate example. Anyway, for simulate I might always return Matrix{Float64} since for GeometricBrownianMotion I only need one column, but for Heston I will need two (the first for price of the asset, the second for the volatility process).
In fact, depending on how the code is used, type-stability is not always necessary for performant code (see eg using function barriers to prevent type-instability from flowing through to other parts of your program), but it is a good habit to be in (for Julia code).
I might also want routines to estimate these models. Again, I can follow the same approach (but with a small twist):
function estimate(modeltype::Type{T}, data)::T where {T<:ItoProcess}
# again, code common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
estimate_inner(modeltype, data)
# more common code
return T(some stuff generated from function that can be used to construct T)
function estimate_inner(modeltype::Type{GeometricBrownianMotion}, data)
# code specific to GeometricBrownianMotion
function estimate_inner(modeltype::Type{Heston}, data)
# code specific to Heston
There are a few differences from the simulate case. Instead of inputting an instance of GeometricBrownianMotion or Heston, I instead input the type itself. This is because I don't actually need an instance of the type with defined values for the fields. In fact, the values of those fields is the very thing I am attempting to estimate! But I still want to use multiple dispatch, hence the ::Type{T} construct. Note also I have specified an output type for estimate. This output type is dependent on the ::Type{T} input, and so the function is type-stable (output type can be uniquely determined by input types). But common with the simulate case, I have structured the code so that code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess only needs to be written once, and code that is specific to the subtypes is separted out.
This answer is turning into an essay, so I should tie it off here. Hopefully this is useful to the OP, as well as anyone else getting into Julia. I just want to finish by emphasizing that what I have done above is only one approach, there are others that will be just as performant, but I have personally found the above to be useful from a structural perspective, as well as reasonably common across the Julia ecosystem.

Julia Predefined Functions

I'm currently programming on Julia via command line session.
I know that the predefined functions in Julia (e.g. sqrt) can take on a variable value but in a particular session I tried to use the function as sqrt(25) and it gave me 5.0 but in the same session when I wrote sqrt=9, then it says
"Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main"
and if I have to make this happen I have to open a new session all over again and assign a variable value to sqrt sqrt=9and when I do so then again it says
ERROR:MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
when I try to use sqrt as a function.
The same thing happens with pi.
The topic you are asking about is a bit tricky. Although I agree with the general recommendation of PilouPili it is sometimes not that obvious.
Your question can be decomposed into two issues:
ERROR:MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
This one is pretty clear, I guess, and should be expected if you have some experience in other programming languages. The situation is that name sqrt in the current scope is bound to value 9 and objects of type Int64 are not callable.
The other error
"Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main"
is more complex and may be non obvious. You are free to use name sqrt for your own variables in your current scope until you call or reference the sqrt function. Only after such operations the binding to sqrt is resolved in the current scope (only recently some corner case bugs related to when bindings are resolved were fixed From this moment you are not allowed to change the value of sqrt because Julia disallows assigning values to variables imported from other modules.
The relevant passages from the Julia manual are (
The statement using Lib means that a module called Lib will be available for resolving names as needed. When a global variable is encountered that has no definition in the current module, the system will search for it among variables exported by Lib and import it if it is found there. This means that all uses of that global within the current module will resolve to the definition of that variable in Lib.
Once a variable is made visible via using or import, a module may not create its own variable with the same name. Imported variables are read-only; assigning to a global variable always affects a variable owned by the current module, or else raises an error.
To better understand what these rules mean I think it is best to illustrate them with an example:
julia> module A
export x, y
x = 10
y = 100
julia> using .A
julia> x = 1000
julia> y
julia> y = 1000
ERROR: cannot assign variable A.y from module Main
on the other hand by calling import explicitly instead of using you resolve the binding immediately:
julia> module A
export x, y
x = 10
y = 100
julia> import .A: x, y
julia> x = 1000
ERROR: cannot assign variable A.x from module Main
And you can see that it is not something specific to Base or functions but any module and any variable. And this is actually the case when you might encounter this problem in practice, as it is rather obvious that sqrt is a predefined function, but something like SOME_CONSTANT might or might not be defined and exported by the modules you call using on and the behavior of Julia code will differ in cases when you first assign to SOME_CONSTANT in global scope and when you first read SOME_CONSTANT.
Finally, there is a special case when you want to add methods to functions defined in the other module - which is allowed or not depending on how you introduce the name in the current scope, you can read about the details here what are the rules in this case.
Bogumił's answer is good and accurate, but I think it can be described a bit more succinctly.
Julia — like most programming languages — allows you to define your own variables with the same name as things that are built-in (or more generally, provided by using a package). This is a great thing, because otherwise you'd have to tip-toe around the many hundreds of names that Julia and its packages provide.
There are two catches, though:
Once you've used a built-in name or a name from any package, you can no longer define your own variables with the same name (in the same scope). That's the Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main: you've already used sqrt(4) and now are trying to define sqrt=2. The workaround? Just use a different name for your variable.
You can define your own variable with the same name as a built-in name or a name from any package if you've not used it yet, but then it takes on the definition you've given it. That's what's happening with ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable: you've defined something like sqrt=2 and then tried to use sqrt(4). The workaround? You can still reference the other definition by qualifying it with its module name. In this case sqrt is provided by Base, so you can still call Base.sqrt. You can even re-assign sqrt = Base.sqrt to restore its original definition.
In this manner, the names provided by Base and other packages you're using are a bit like Schrödinger's cat: they're in this kinda-there-but-not-really state until you do something with them. If you look at them first, then they exist, but if you define your own variable first, then they don't.

Function of parameter type in type definition

Assume I want to store I vector together with its norm. I expected the corresponding type definition to be straightforward:
immutable VectorWithNorm1{Vec <: AbstractVector}
However, this doesn't work as intended:
julia> fieldtype(VectorWithNorm1{Vector{Float64}},:norm)
It seems I have to do
immutable VectorWithNorm2{Vec <: AbstractVector, Eltype}
and rely on the user to not abuse the Eltype parameter. Is this correct?
PS: This is just a made-up example to illustrate the problem. It is not the actual problem I'm facing.
Any calculations on a type parameter currently do not work
(although I did discuss the issue with Jeff Bezanson at JuliaCon, and he seemed amenable to fixing it).
The problem currently is that the expression for the type of norm gets evaluated when the parameterized type is defined, and gets called with a TypeVar, but it is not yet bound to a value, which is what you really need it to be called with, at the time that that parameter is actually bound to create a concrete type.
I've run into this a lot, where I want to do some calculation on the number of bits of a floating point type, i.e. to calculate and use the number of UInts needed to store a fp value of a particular precision, and use an NTuple{N,UInt} to hold the mantissa.

How can I dispatch on traits relating two types, where the second type that co-satisfies the trait is uniquely determined by the first?

Say I have a Julia trait that relates to two types: one type is a sort of "base" type that may satisfy a sort of partial trait, the other is an associated type that is uniquely determined by the base type. (That is, the relation from BaseType -> AssociatedType is a function.) Together, these types satisfy a composite trait that is the one of interest to me.
For example:
using Traits
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
#traitdef IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M} begin
#constraints begin
measurements(X) -> M
#Maybe some other stuff that dispatches on (X,M), e.g.
#fits_in(X,M) -> Bool
#how_many_fit_in(X,M) -> Int64
#But I don't want to implement these now
Now here are a couple of example types. Please ignore the particulars of the examples; they are just meant as MWEs and there is nothing relevant in the details:
type Rope
type Paper
function isnew(x::Rope)
(x.age_in_years < 10.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Rope)
if x.color=="Orange"
return 2.0::Float64
elseif x.color!="Taupe"
return 1.0::Float64
return 0.0::Float64
function isnew(x::Paper)
(x.age_in_years < 1.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Paper)
(x.content=="StackOverflow Answers" ? 1000.0 : 0.0)::Float64
Since I've defined these functions, I can do
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Rope})
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Paper})
And now if I define
function measurements(x::Rope)
function measurements(x::Paper)
Then I can do
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Rope,Float64})
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Paper,Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
So far so good; these run without error. Now, what I want to do is write a function like the following:
#traitfn function get_measurements{X,M;IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Generically, this function is meant to be an example of "I want to use the fact that I, as the programmer, know that BaseType is always associated to AssociatedType to help the compiler with type inference. I know that whenever I do a certain task [in this case, get_measurements, but generically this could work in a bunch of cases] then I want the compiler to infer the output type of that function in a consistently patterned way."
That is, e.g.
will always spit out Array{AssociatedType}, and
will always spit out Tuple{Int64,BaseType,AssociatedType}.
AND, one such relationship holds for all pairs of <BaseType,AssociatedType>; e.g. if BatmanType is the base type to which RobinType is associated, and SupermanType is the base type to which LexLutherType is always associated, then
will always output Tuple{Int64,BatmanType,RobinType}, and
will always output Tuple{Int64,SupermanType,LexLutherType}.
So, I understand this relationship, and I want the compiler to understand it for the sake of speed.
Now, back to the function example. If this makes sense, you will have realized that while the function definition I gave as an example is 'correct' in the sense that it satisfies this relationship and does compile, it is un-callable because the compiler doesn't understand the relationship between X and M, even though I do. In particular, since M doesn't appear in the method signature, there is no way for Julia to dispatch on the function.
So far, the only thing I have thought to do to solve this problem is to create a sort of workaround where I "compute" the associated type on the fly, and I can still use method dispatch to do this computation. Consider:
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Rope)
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Paper)
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
M = get_measurement_type_of_product(similar_items[1]::X)
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Then indeed this compiles and is callable:
julia> get_measurements(Array{Rope,1}([Rope("blue",1.0,1.0,1.0),Rope("red",2.0,2.0,2.0)]))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
But this is not ideal, because (a) I have to redefine this map each time, even though I feel as though I already told the compiler about the relationship between X and M by making them satisfy the trait, and (b) as far as I can guess--maybe this is wrong; I don't have direct evidence for this--the compiler won't necessarily be able to optimize as well as I want, since the relationship between X and M is "hidden" inside the return value of the function call.
One last thought: if I had the ability, what I would ideally do is something like this:
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
∃ ! M s.t. measurements(X) -> M
and then have some way of referring to the type that uniquely witnesses the existence relationship, so e.g.
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X},IsWitnessType{IsProduct{X},M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
because this would be somehow dispatchable.
So: what is my specific question? I am asking, given that you presumably by this point understand that my goals are
Have my code exhibit this sort of structure generically, so that
I can effectively repeat this design pattern across a lot of cases
and then program in the abstract at the high-level of X and M,
do (1) in such a way that the compiler can still optimize to the best of its ability / is as aware of the relationship among
types as I, the coder, am
then, how should I do this? I think the answer is
Use Traits.jl
Do something pretty similar to what you've done so far
Also do ____some clever thing____ that the answerer will indicate,
but I'm open to the idea that in fact the correct answer is
Abandon this approach, you're thinking about the problem the wrong way
Instead, think about it this way: ____MWE____
I'd also be perfectly satisfied by answers of the form
What you are asking for is a "sophisticated" feature of Julia that is still under development, and is expected to be included in v0.x.y, so just wait...
and I'm less enthusiastic about (but still curious to hear) an answer such as
Abandon Julia; instead use the language ________ that is designed for this type of thing
I also think this might be related to the question of typing Julia's function outputs, which as I take it is also under consideration, though I haven't been able to puzzle out the exact representation of this problem in terms of that one.

How to use a vector as a type parameter in Julia

This is similar to my previous question, but a bit more complicated.
Before I was defining a type with an associated integer as a parameter, Intp{p}. Now I would like to define a type using a vector as a parameter.
The following is the closest I can write to what I want:
type Extp{g::Vector{T}}
In other words, Extp should be defined with respect to a Vector, g, and I want the contents, c, to be another Vector, whose entries should be the of the same type as the entries of g.
Well, this does not work.
Problem 1: I don't think I can use :: in the type parameter.
Problem 2: I could work around that by making the types of g and c arbitary and just making sure the types in the vectors match up in the constructor. But, even if I completely take everything out and use
type Extp{g}
it still doesn't seem to like this. When I try to use it the way I want to,
julia> Extp{[1,1,1]}([0,0,1])
ERROR: type: apply_type: in Extp, expected Type{T<:Top}, got Array{Int64,1}
So, does Julia just not like particular Vectors being associated with types? Does what I'm trying to do only work with integers, like in my Intp question?
EDIT: In the documentation I see that type parameters "can be any type at all (or an integer, actually, although here it’s clearly used as a type)." Does that mean that what I'm asking is impossible, and that that only types and integers work for Type parameters? If so, why? (what makes integers special over other types in Julia in this way?)
In Julia 0.4, you can use any "bitstype" as a parameter of a type. However, a vector is not a bitstype, so this is not going to work. The closest analog is to use a tuple: for example, (3.2, 1.5) is a perfectly valid type parameter.
In a sense vectors (or any mutable object) are antithetical to types, which cannot change at runtime.
Here is the relevant quote:
Both abstract and concrete types can be parameterized by other types
and by certain other values (currently integers, symbols, bools, and
tuples thereof).
So, your EDIT is correct. Widening this has come up on the Julia issues page (e.g., #5102 and #6081 were two related issues I found with some discussion), so this may change in the future - I'm guessing not in v0.4 though. It'd have to be an immutable type really to make any sense, so not Vector. I'm not sure I understand your application, but would a Tuple work?
