Julia Predefined Functions - julia

I'm currently programming on Julia via command line session.
I know that the predefined functions in Julia (e.g. sqrt) can take on a variable value but in a particular session I tried to use the function as sqrt(25) and it gave me 5.0 but in the same session when I wrote sqrt=9, then it says
"Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main"
and if I have to make this happen I have to open a new session all over again and assign a variable value to sqrt sqrt=9and when I do so then again it says
ERROR:MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
when I try to use sqrt as a function.
The same thing happens with pi.

The topic you are asking about is a bit tricky. Although I agree with the general recommendation of PilouPili it is sometimes not that obvious.
Your question can be decomposed into two issues:
ERROR:MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
This one is pretty clear, I guess, and should be expected if you have some experience in other programming languages. The situation is that name sqrt in the current scope is bound to value 9 and objects of type Int64 are not callable.
The other error
"Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main"
is more complex and may be non obvious. You are free to use name sqrt for your own variables in your current scope until you call or reference the sqrt function. Only after such operations the binding to sqrt is resolved in the current scope (only recently some corner case bugs related to when bindings are resolved were fixed https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/30234). From this moment you are not allowed to change the value of sqrt because Julia disallows assigning values to variables imported from other modules.
The relevant passages from the Julia manual are (https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/modules/):
The statement using Lib means that a module called Lib will be available for resolving names as needed. When a global variable is encountered that has no definition in the current module, the system will search for it among variables exported by Lib and import it if it is found there. This means that all uses of that global within the current module will resolve to the definition of that variable in Lib.
Once a variable is made visible via using or import, a module may not create its own variable with the same name. Imported variables are read-only; assigning to a global variable always affects a variable owned by the current module, or else raises an error.
To better understand what these rules mean I think it is best to illustrate them with an example:
julia> module A
export x, y
x = 10
y = 100
julia> using .A
julia> x = 1000
julia> y
julia> y = 1000
ERROR: cannot assign variable A.y from module Main
on the other hand by calling import explicitly instead of using you resolve the binding immediately:
julia> module A
export x, y
x = 10
y = 100
julia> import .A: x, y
julia> x = 1000
ERROR: cannot assign variable A.x from module Main
And you can see that it is not something specific to Base or functions but any module and any variable. And this is actually the case when you might encounter this problem in practice, as it is rather obvious that sqrt is a predefined function, but something like SOME_CONSTANT might or might not be defined and exported by the modules you call using on and the behavior of Julia code will differ in cases when you first assign to SOME_CONSTANT in global scope and when you first read SOME_CONSTANT.
Finally, there is a special case when you want to add methods to functions defined in the other module - which is allowed or not depending on how you introduce the name in the current scope, you can read about the details here what are the rules in this case.

Bogumił's answer is good and accurate, but I think it can be described a bit more succinctly.
Julia — like most programming languages — allows you to define your own variables with the same name as things that are built-in (or more generally, provided by using a package). This is a great thing, because otherwise you'd have to tip-toe around the many hundreds of names that Julia and its packages provide.
There are two catches, though:
Once you've used a built-in name or a name from any package, you can no longer define your own variables with the same name (in the same scope). That's the Error: cannot assign variable Base.sqrt from module Main: you've already used sqrt(4) and now are trying to define sqrt=2. The workaround? Just use a different name for your variable.
You can define your own variable with the same name as a built-in name or a name from any package if you've not used it yet, but then it takes on the definition you've given it. That's what's happening with ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable: you've defined something like sqrt=2 and then tried to use sqrt(4). The workaround? You can still reference the other definition by qualifying it with its module name. In this case sqrt is provided by Base, so you can still call Base.sqrt. You can even re-assign sqrt = Base.sqrt to restore its original definition.
In this manner, the names provided by Base and other packages you're using are a bit like Schrödinger's cat: they're in this kinda-there-but-not-really state until you do something with them. If you look at them first, then they exist, but if you define your own variable first, then they don't.


Can I define variable in Julia just like in Fortran

I am new to Julia. Have a quick question.
In Fortran, we can do
implicit none
Therefore whenever we use a variable, we need to define it first. Otherwise it will give error.
In Julia, I want to do the same time thing. I want to define the type of each variable first, like Float64, Int64, etc. So that I wish that Julia no longer need to automatically do type conversion, which may slow down the code.
Because I know if Julia code looks like Fortran it usually runs fast.
So, in short, is there a way in Julia such that, I can force it to only use variables whose types has been defined, and otherwise give me an error message? I just want to be strict.
I just wanted to define all the variables first, then use them. Just like Fortran does.
As suggested by the experts who answers the questions, thank you very much! I know that perhaps in Julia there is no need to manually define each variables one by one. Because for one thing, if I do that, the code will become just like Fortran, and it can be very very long especially if I have many variables.
But if I do not define the type of the each variables, is Julia smart enough to know the type? Will it do some conversions which may slow down the code?
Also, even if there is no need to define variables one by one, is there in some situations we may have to manually define the type manually?
No, this is not possible* as such. You can, however, add type annotations at any point in your code, which will raise an error if the variable is not of the expected type:
julia> i = 1
julia> i::Int64
julia> i = 1.0
julia> i::Int64
ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Int64, got a value of type Float64
[1] top-level scope
# REPL[4]:1
julia> i=0x01::UInt8
*Julia is a dynamically-typed language, though there are packages such as https://github.com/aviatesk/JET.jl for static type-checking (i.e., no type annotations required) and https://github.com/JuliaDebug/Cthulhu.jl for exploring Julia's type inference system.
Strict type declaration is not how you achieve performance in Julia.
You achieve the performance by type stability.
Moreover declaring the types is usually not recommended because it decreases interoperability.
Consider the following function:
f(x::Int) = rand() < 4+x ? 1 : "0"
The types of everything seem to be known. However, this is a terrible (from performance point of view) function because the type of output can not be calcuated by looking types of input. And this is exactly how you write the performant code with regard to types.
So how to check your code? There is a special macro #code_warntype to detect such cases so you can correct your code:
Another type related issue are the containers that should not be specified by abstract elements. So you never want to have neither Vector{Any} nor Vector{Real} - rather than that you want Vector{Int} or Vector{Float64}.
See also https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/performance-tips/ for further discussion.

Why do loops in Julia introduce their own scope

As a novice to Julia, I, like many others, am perplexed by the fact that loops in Julia create their own local scope (but not on the REPL nor within functions). There is much discussion online about this topic, but most of the questions here are about the particulars of this behaviour, such as why doing a=1 inside the loop doesn't affect variable a outside the loop, but a[1]=1 works. I get how it works now, for the most part.
My question is why was Julia implemented with this behaviour. Is there a benefit to this from the prespective of the user? I cannot think of one. Or was it necessary for some technical reason?
I appologise if this has been asked already, but all the questions and answers I've seen so far were about how this works and how to deal with it, but I am curious about WHY Julia was implemented this way.
Firstly, loops in Julia only introduce a new scope of the sort that hides variables existing outside the loop (as per your complaint) if the scope outside the loop is global scope. So, for instance
function foo()
a = 0
# Loop does not hide existing variable `a`, will work just fine
for i = 100
a += i^2
return a
julia> foo()
in other words
# Anywhere other than global scope
a = 0
for i = 100
a += i^2
a == 10000 # TRUE
This is because in Julia, as in many many other languages, global scope may be considered harmful. At the very least, a for loop with global scope would encounter significant performance penalties. For instance, consider the following:
julia> a = 0
julia> #time for i=1:100
# Technically this "global" keyword is superfluous since we're running this at the repl, but doesn't hurt to be explicit
global a += rand()^2
0.000022 seconds (200 allocations: 3.125 KiB)
julia> function bar()
a = 0
for i=1:100
a += rand()^2
return a
bar (generic function with 1 method)
julia> #time bar()
0.000002 seconds
Note the massive difference in allocations (the bottom version has zero) and the ~10x time difference.
Now, you may have noticed I used a special keyword global there in the global example, but since this was being run in the REPL, that doesn't actually do anything other than make it explicit what is happening.
That brings us to the other significant difference you have noticed: when run in the REPL, for loops appear not to introduce a new scope, even though the REPL is certainly global scope. This is because it turns out to be a huge pain when debugging to have to add a bunch of global qualifiers to code you have copy-pasted from somewhere deeper in your program (say within a function, where loops do not hide outside variables). So for the sake of convenience when debugging, the REPL effectively adds those global keywords for you, making the presumption that if you cared about performance you wouldn't just be pasting raw loops into the REPL, and if you are just pasting raw loops into the REPL, you're probably debugging or something.
In a script, however, it is presumed that you do care about performance, so you will get an error if you try to use a global variable within a loop without explicitly declaring it as such.
The details are substantially more complicated, as the other answer explains in more technically correct terms. Some of this complication, as far as I know, is due to a reversal on the decision of whether or not global variables should or should not be accessible by default within a loop in the REPL that happened around the time of Julia v0.7.
for loops in Julia introduce a so called local (soft) scope, see https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/variables-and-scoping/#man-scope-table.
The rules for local (soft) scope are (quoting):
If x is not already a local variable and all of the scope constructs containing the assignment are soft scopes (loops, try/catch blocks, or struct blocks), the behavior depends on whether the global variable x is defined:
if global x is undefined, a new local named x is created in the scope of the assignment;
if global x is defined, the assignment is considered ambiguous:
in non-interactive contexts (files, eval), an ambiguity warning is printed and a new local is created;
in interactive contexts (REPL, notebooks), the global variable x is assigned.
So your statement:
why doing a=1 inside the loop doesn't affect variable a outside the loop
is only true in non-interactive contexts if the for loop is not inside a hard local scope (typically if for loop is in a global scope), and the variable you assign to is defined in global scope. However, you will get a warning then.
Now the crucial part of your question is I think:
My question is why was Julia implemented with this behaviour. Is there a benefit to this from the prespective of the user?
The answer is that for loop creates a new binding for a variable that is defined within its scope. To see the consequence consider the following code (I assume that variable x is not defined in enclosing scope so that x is defined in local scope):
julia> v = []
julia> for i in 1:2
x = i
push!(v, () -> x)
julia> v[1]()
julia> v[2]()
Whe have created two anonymous functions and all works as you probably expected.
Now let us check what would happen in Python:
>>> v = []
>>> for i in range(1, 3):
... x = i
... v.append(lambda: x)
>>> v[0]()
>>> v[1]()
The result might surprise you. Both anonymous functions return 2. This is a consequence of not creating a local variable with a new binding in each iteration of the loop.
However, if in Julia you were working in REPL and x were defined in global scope you would get:
julia> x = 0
julia> v = []
julia> for i in 1:2
x = i
push!(v, () -> x)
julia> v[1]()
julia> v[2]()
just like in Python.
The other consideration, as explained in the other answer is performance. But most likely performance critical code is written inside a function anyway, and the discussed performance considerations are only relevant in global scope.
This is a design choice of Matlab, quoting from https://research.wmz.ninja/articles/2017/05/closures-in-matlab.html:
When an anonymous function is created, the immediate values of the referenced local variables will be captured. Hence if any changes to the referenced local variables made after the creation of this anonymous function will not affect this anonymous function.
So as you can see in Matlab there is a difference of anonymous function vs. a closure, which does something different:
When a nested function is created, the immediate values of the referenced local variables will not be captured. When the nested function is called, it will use the current values of the referenced local variables.
In Julia there is no such difference as you can see in the examples above.
And quoting the documentation of Matlab https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/anonymous-functions.html:
Because a, b, and c are available at the time you create parabola, the function handle includes those values. The values persist within the function handle even if you clear the variables:
(but I think it is not as explicit as the explanation I linked above)

How to reset any function in Julia to its original state?

I am learning Julia, Here is something I am unable to figure out.
Case1: I started Julia console and overridden the default sqrt function with a number 10. So now the function doesn't work. To me coming from R its bit of surprise, In R usually even if we override a function it works because of the method dispatch. Clearly, Julia's way of doing it is different which is okay. But now I am unable to reset to its natural state. I have to restart Julia to make it(sqrt) work again.
julia> sqrt = 10
julia> sqrt(5)
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
julia> sqrt = Nothing
julia> sqrt(5)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Nothing(::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
Nothing() at boot.jl:324
[1] top-level scope at REPL[4]:1
Case2: I started Julia console and used sqrt function to calculate things and it worked. But now if I try to reset to a constant it's not working. (I am assuming its because its compiled already and hence can't be overridden).
julia> sqrt(7)
julia> sqrt = 10
ERROR: cannot assign a value to variable Base.sqrt from module Main
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
My question is:
Is there any way to reset the function to original state without restarting Julia?
Also is my assumption for case2 is correct?
I am not sure if its already answered somewhere. I tried to find it out, but couldn't. I am still giving a read on this thing. But asking for help if anyone knows this. Thanks in advance.
AFAIU, the rationale for this behavior is as follows:
when you run sqrt(5) in a program, it means that you know about the sqrt function. If, later on, you try to assign a new value to sqrt, Julia forbids you to do so, on the grounds that sqrt in your program actually refers to the Base.sqrt function, which is a constant. (Note that the same is true of any function that got exported by a package you're using; there is no specificity related to Base here, except that you don't have to explicitly using Base in order to be able to call the functions it defines).
if you don't use sqrt first as a function, Julia can't assume that you know about Base.sqrt. So if the first mention of sqrt in your program is an assignment, it will happily create a new variable of that name. This makes Julia more future-proof: suppose that you write a program that declares and uses a variable named foo. As of Julia 1.5.3, no Base.foo function exists. But now imagine that Julia 1.6 introduces a Base.foo function. We wouldn't want such a change to break your existing code, which should continue working with newer Julia versions. Therefore the safe choice in this case consists in letting you freely declare a variable foo without worrying about the name collision with Base.foo.
Now in the case where you accidentally create in an interactive session a global variable that collides with an existing function, a simple solution would be to simply reassign your variable to the function from Base (or whichever module the original function came from):
julia> sqrt = 1
# Oops, looks like I made a mistake
julia> sqrt(2)
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
# Let's try and fix it
julia> sqrt = Base.sqrt
sqrt (generic function with 20 methods)
julia> sqrt(2)

How to get a function from a symbol without using eval?

I've got a symbol that represents the name of a function to be called:
julia> func_sym = :tanh
I can use that symbol to get the tanh function and call it using:
julia> eval(func_sym)(2)
But I'd rather avoid the 'eval' there as it will be called many times and it's expensive (and func_sym can have several different values depending on context).
IIRC in Ruby you can say something like:
obj.send(func_sym, args)
Is there something similar in Julia?
EDIT: some more details on why I have functions represented by symbols:
I have a type (from a neural network) that includes the activation function, originally I included it as a funcion:
type NeuralLayer
However, I needed to serialize these things to files using JLD, but it's not possible to serialize a Function, so I went with a symbol:
type NeuralLayer
And currently I use the eval approach above to call the activation function. There are collections of NeuralLayers and each can have it's own activation function.
#Isaiah's answer is spot-on; perhaps even more-so after the edit to the original question. To elaborate and make this more specific to your case: I'd change your NeuralLayer type to be parametric:
type NeuralLayer{func_type}
Since func_type doesn't appear in the types of the fields, the constructor will require you to explicitly specify it: layer = NeuralLayer{:excitatory}(w, b). One restriction here is that you cannot modify a type parameter.
Now, func_type could be a symbol (like you're doing now) or it could be a more functionally relevant parameter (or parameters) that tunes your activation function. Then you define your activation functions like this:
# If you define your NeuralLayer with just one parameter:
activation(layer::NeuralLayer{:inhibitory}) = …
activation(layer::NeuralLayer{:excitatory}) = …
# Or if you want to use several physiological parameters instead:
activation{g_K,g_Na,g_l}(layer::NeuralLayer{g_K,g_Na,g_l} = f(g_K, g_Na, g_l)
The key point is that functions and behavior are external to the data. Use type definitions and abstract type hierarchies to define behavior, as is coded in the external functions… but only store data itself in the types. This is dramatically different from Python or other strongly object-oriented paradigms, and it takes some getting used to.
But I'd rather avoid the 'eval' there as it will be called many times and it's expensive (and func_sym can have several different values depending on context).
This sort of dynamic dispatch is possible in Julia, but not recommended. Changing the value of 'func_sym' based on context defeats type inference as well as method specialization and inlining. Instead, the recommended approach is to use multiple dispatch, as detailed in the Methods section of the manual.

Reflecting on a Type parameter

I am trying to create a function
import Language.Reflection
foo : Type -> TT
I tried it by using the reflect tactic:
foo = proof
intro t
reflect t
but this reflects on the variable t itself:
*SOQuestion> foo
\t => P Bound (UN "t") (TType (UVar 41)) : Type -> TT
Reflection in Idris is a purely syntactic, compile-time only feature. To predict how it will work, you need to know about how Idris converts your program to its core language. Importantly, you won't be able to get ahold of reflected terms at runtime and reconstruct them like you would with Lisp. Here's how your program is compiled:
Internally, Idris creates a hole that will expect something of type Type -> TT.
It runs the proof script for foo in this state. We start with no assumptions and a goal of type Type -> TT. That is, there's a term being constructed which looks like ?rhs : Type => TT . rhs. The ?foo : ty => body syntax shows that there's a hole called foo whose eventual value will be available inside of body.
The step intro t creates a function whose argument is t : Type - this means that we now have a term like ?foo_body : TT . \t : Type => foo_body.
The reflect t step then fills the current hole by taking the term on its right-hand side and converting it to a TT. That term is in fact just a reference to the argument of the function, so you get the variable t. reflect, like all other proof script steps, only has access to the information that is available directly at compile time. Thus, the result of filling in foo_body with the reflection of the term t is P Bound (UN "t") (TType (UVar (-1))).
If you could do what you are wanting here, it would have major consequences both for understanding Idris code and for running it efficiently.
The loss in understanding would come from the inability to use parametricity to reason about the behavior of functions based on their types. All functions would effectively become potentially ad-hoc polymorphic, because they could (say) run differently on lists of strings than on lists of ints.
The loss in performance would come from representing enough type information to do the reflection. After Idris code is compiled, there is no type information left in it (unlike in a system such as the JVM or .NET or a dynamically typed system such as Python, where types have a runtime representation that code can access). In Idris, types can be very large, because they can contain arbitrary programs - this means that far more information would have to be maintained, and computation occurring at the type level would also have to be preserved and repeated at runtime.
If you're wanting to reflect on the structure of a type for further proof automation at compile time, take a look at the applyTactic tactic. Its argument should be a function that takes a reflected context and goal and gives back a new reflected tactic script. An example can be seen in the Data.Vect source.
So I suppose the summary is that Idris can't do what you want, and it probably never will be able to, but you might be able to make progress another way.
