How can I suppress zsh pattern escaping during string expansion? - zsh

I am trying to port this snippet of code from bash to zsh:
#! /usr/bin/env bash # change zsh
set -x
case "${marks}" in
echo match
This prints "match".
Bash replaces ${pattern} as is and then uses [ab] to match either 'a' or 'b'.
zsh seemingly escapes the '[]' characters and then uses \[ab\] to match this string verbatim.
I don't see a zsh option, how to change the behavior and hardcoding the pattern is not an option.

To make zsh treat a parameter value as a pattern, instead of a literal string, you need to use glob substitution:
local marks=a pattern='[ab]'
case $marks in
( $~pattern )
echo match


How zsh interprets $HOME:abc

Why does zsh interpret $HOME:abc like /userbc? bash interprets it as /user:abc.
$echo $HOME:abc
$echo $HOME:abc
History expansion, filename generation and parameter expansion all have modifiers of the form :N after the expansion. :a means to expand to an absolute path. Use ${HOME}:abc instead to treat the colon as a literal character.
You are using zsh modifiers, of which “a” is a valid one.
echo ${HOME}:abc
Avoid in zsh by using {}.

How to set command line args with the space delimited contents of the first command line argument in zsh

I will be getting one command line argument in the script I'm writing which will itself be a space delimited list of the actual command line arguments. I'd like to set the arguments of the current script with these arguments. How might I accomplish that?
I'd like to use set -- but I'm not sure how this would work.
Given arguments to my script: -a -b -c
echo $1 # prints "-a -b -c"
You can do this with set -- "${(z)1}". This will split $1 into words, handling quoting the same way the shell itself does:
% cat script.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
set -- "${(z)1}"
for arg; do
echo "==$arg=="
% ./script.zsh "-a -b -c -d'has spaces'"
==-d'has spaces'==
If you also want to remove a level of quotes, use "${(#Q)${(z)1}}" instead.

how to echo literal variable value with zsh

I have a simple shell function to convert a *nix style path to Windows style (I happen to be using Windows Subsystem for Linux).
# convert "/mnt/c/Users/josh" to "C:\Users\josh"
function winpath(){
newPath="${enteredPath/\/mnt\/c/C:}" # replace /mount/c/ with C:
newPath="${newPath//\//\\}" # replace / with \
echo $newPath
The desired behavior is:
$ winpath /mnt/c/Users/josh
This works correctly in bash, but in zsh, echo seems to do some extra interpolation of the $newPath value. It behaves like this:
$ winpath /mnt/c/Users/josh
What character sequence is echo interpolating and why is it remove the \U? Most importantly, how do I return the literal value?
I've tried digging through the zsh documentation, but it's a jungle. Thanks in advance!
zsh processes certain escape sequences that bash does not by default. \U introduces 4-byte Unicode codepoint, but since the following 8 characters are not a valid hexadecimal number, no character is substituted.
I would recommend using printf, as its behavior is much more predictable from shell to shell.
printf '%s\n' "$newPath"
The problem is that you are using the internal command echo, instead of the external one. If you would write
command echo $newPath
you would get the expected output. command forces zsh to look up the command word according to the current PATH, ignoring internal commands, aliases or functions of the same name.

zsh extended globbing not working as expected

I have extendedglob enabled in zsh, but extended globbing does not seem to work:
$ print -l /etc/*.#(cfg|conf)
zsh: no matches found: /etc/*.#(cfg|conf)
$ print -l /etc/*.(conf)
zsh: number expected
how can I use regular expressions to list files in /etc which end either in .conf or in .cfg ?
Wrong syntax. The #(...) construct is not related to EXTENDED GLOB, but to KSH_GLOB.
setopt extendedglob
print -l /etc/*.(cfg|conf)
As a side note, you can even then not use regular expressions to generate file lists. Regular expressions can only be used to match strings.

ZSH subString extraction

In ZSH script, for a given args, I want to obtain the first string and the rest.
For instance, when the script is named test
sh test hello
supposed to extract h and ello.
ZSH manual
Subscripting may also be performed on non-array values, in which case the subscripts specify a
substring to be extracted. For example, if FOO is set to ‘foobar’, then ‘echo $FOO[2,5]’ prints
So, I wrote a shell script in a file named test
echo $1
echo $1[1,1]
$ sh test hello
the result fails. What's wrong with the code?
Also I don't know how to extract subString from n to the last. Perhaps do I have to use Array split by regex?
This may be another question, so if it's proper to start new Thread, I will do so.
Thanks to #skishore Here is the further code
#! /bin/zsh
echo $1
ARG_FIRST=`echo $1 | cut -c1`
ARG_REST=`echo $1 | cut -c2-`
if $ARG_FIRST = ""; then
echo nullArgs
if $ARG_FIRST = "#"; then
echo #Args
echo regularArgs
I'm not sure how to compare string valuables to string, but for a given args hello
command not found: h
What's wrong with the code?
What I've found right
#! /bin/zsh
echo $1
ARG_FIRST=`echo $1 | cut -c1`
ARG_REST=`echo $1 | cut -c2-`
if [ $ARG_FIRST ]; then
if [ $ARG_FIRST = "#" ]; then
echo #Args
echo regularArgs
echo nullArgs
As the result of whole, this is what I've done with this question.
GitSnapShot is a ZSH thin wrapper for Git commands for easier and simpler usage
As others have said, you need to wrap it in curly braces. Also, use a command interpreter (#!...), mark the file as executable, and call it directly.
echo $1
echo ${1[1,1]}
The easiest way to extract a substring from a parameter (zsh calls variables parameters) is to use parameter expansion. Using the square brackets tells zsh to treat the scalar (i.e. string) parameter as an array. For a single character, this makes sense. For the rest of the string, you can use the simpler ${parameter:start:length} notation instead. If you omit the :length part (as we will here), then it will give you the rest of the scalar.
File test:
echo ${1[1]}
echo ${1:1}
$ ./test Hello
As others have said, you need (preferably double) square brackets to test. Also, to test if a string is NULL use -z, and to test if it is not NULL use -n. You can just put a string in double brackets ([[ ... ]]), but it is preferable to make your intentions clear with -n.
if [[ -z "${ARG_FIRST}" ]]; then
Also remove the space between #! and /bin/zsh.
And if you are checking for equality, use ==; if you are assigning a value, use =.
Declare all parameters to set the scope. If you do not, you may clobber or use a parameter inherited from the shell, which may cause unexpected behavior. Google's shell style guide is a good resource for stuff like this.
Use builtins over external commands.
Avoid backticks. Use $(...) instead.
Use single quotes when quoting a literal string. This prevents pattern matching.
Make use of elif or case to avoid nested ifs. case will be easier to read in your example here, but elif will probably be better for your actual code.
Using case:
typeset ARG_FIRST="${1[1]}"
typeset ARG_REST="${1:1}"
echo $1
echo 'ARG_REST='"${ARG_REST}"
case "${ARG_FIRST}" in
('') echo 'nullArgs' ;;
('#') echo '#Args' ;;
# Recommended formatting example with more than 1 sloc
echo 'regularArgs'
using elif:
typeset ARG_FIRST="${1[1]}"
typeset ARG_REST="${1:1}"
echo $1
echo 'ARG_REST='"${ARG_REST}"
if [[ -z "${ARG_FIRST}" ]]; then
echo nullArgs
elif [[ '#' == "${ARG_FIRST}" ]]; then
echo #Args
echo regularArgs
Use "$#" unless you really know what you are doing. Explanation.
You can use the cut command:
echo $1 | cut -c1
echo $1 | cut -c2-
Use $() to assign these values to variables:
ARG_FIRST=$(echo $1 | cut -c1)
ARG_REST=$(echo $1 | cut -c2-)
You can also replace $() with backticks, but the former is recommended and the latter is somewhat deprecated due to nesting issues.
So, I wrote a shell script in a file named test
$ sh test hello
This isn't a zsh script: you're calling it with sh, which is (almost certainly) bash. If you've got the shebang (#!/bin/zsh), you can make it executable (chmod +x <script>) and run it: ./script. Alternatively, you can run it with zsh <script>.
the result fails. What's wrong with the code?
You can wrap in braces:
echo ${1} # This'll work with or without the braces.
echo ${1[3,5]} # This works in the braces.
echo $1[3,5] # This doesn't work.
Running this: ./test-script hello gives:
./test-script.zsh hello
./test-script.zsh:5: no matches found: hello[3,5]
Also I don't know how to extract subString from n to the last. Perhaps do I have to use Array split by regex?
Use the [n,last] notation, but wrap in braces. We can determine how long our variable is with, then use the length:
# Store the length of $1 in LENGTH.
echo ${1[2,${LENGTH}]} # Display from `2` to `LENGTH`.
This'll produce ello (prints from the 2nd to the last character of hello).
Script to play with:
echo ${1} # Print the input
echo ${1[3,5]} # Print from 3rd->5th characters of input
echo ${1[2,${LENGTH}]} # Print from 2nd -> last characters of input.
You can use the cut command:
But that would be using extra baggage - zsh is quite capable of doing all this on it's own without spawning multiple sub-shells for simplistic operations.
