Sum up with the next line into a new colum - r

I'm having some trouble on figuring out how to create a new column with the sum of 2 subsequent cells.
I have :
df1<- tibble(Years=c(1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080),
Values=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ))
Now, I want a new column where the first line is the sum of 1+2, the second line is the sum of 1+2+3 , the third line is the sum 1+2+3+4 and so on.
As 1, 2, 3, 4... are hipoteticall values, I need to measure the absolute growth from a decade to another in order to create later on a new variable to measure the percentage change from a decade to another.

df1<- tibble(Years=c(1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080),
Values=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ))
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = F)
df1 %>%
mutate(xx = slide_sum(Values, after = 1, before = Inf))
#> # A tibble: 9 x 3
#> Years Values xx
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1990 1 3
#> 2 2000 2 6
#> 3 2010 3 10
#> 4 2020 4 15
#> 5 2030 5 21
#> 6 2050 6 28
#> 7 2060 7 36
#> 8 2070 8 45
#> 9 2080 9 45
Created on 2021-08-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Assuming the last row is to be repeated. Otherwise the fill part can be skipped.
df1 %>%
mutate(x = lead(cumsum(Values))) %>%
# Years Values x
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1990 1 3
# 2 2000 2 6
# 3 2010 3 10
# 4 2020 4 15
# 5 2030 5 21
# 6 2050 6 28
# 7 2060 7 36
# 8 2070 8 45
# 9 2080 9 45

Using base R
v1 <- cumsum(df1$Values)[-1]
df1$new <- c(v1, v1[length(v1)])

You want the cumsum() function. Here are two ways to do it.
### Base R
df1$cumsum <- cumsum(df1$Values)
### Using dplyr
df1 <- df1 %>%
mutate(cumsum = cumsum(Values))
Here is the output in either case.
# A tibble: 9 x 3
Years Values cumsum
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1990 1 1
2 2000 2 3
3 2010 3 6
4 2020 4 10
5 2030 5 15
6 2050 6 21
7 2060 7 28
8 2070 8 36
9 2080 9 45

A data.table option
> setDT(df)[, newCol := shift(cumsum(Values), -1, fill = sum(Values))][]
Years Values newCol
1: 1990 1 3
2: 2000 2 6
3: 2010 3 10
4: 2020 4 15
5: 2030 5 21
6: 2050 6 28
7: 2060 7 36
8: 2070 8 45
9: 2080 9 45
or a base R option following a similar idea
newCol = c(cumsum(Values)[-1],sum(Values))


How to find the annual evolution rate for each firm in my data table?

So I have a data table of 5000 firms, each firm is assigned a numerical value ("id") which is 1 for the first firm, 2 for the second ...
Here is my table with only the profit variable :
|id | year | profit
|:----| :----| :----|
|1 |2001 |-0.4
|1 |2002 |-0.89
|2 |2001 |1.89
|2 |2002 |2.79
Each firm is expressed twice, one line specifies the data in 2001 and the second in 2002 (the "id" value being the same on both lines because it is the same firm one year apart).
How to calculate the annual rate of change of each firm ("id") between 2001 and 2002 ?
I'm really new to R and I don't see where to start? Separate the 2001 and 2002 data?
I did this :
years <- sort(unique(group$year))years
And I also found this on the internet but with no success :
res <-
group %>%
arrange(id,year) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(evol_rate = ("group$year$2002" / lag("group$year$2001") - 1) * 100) %>%
Thank you very much
From what you've written, I take it that you want to calculate the formula for ROC for the profit values of 2001 and 2002:
ROC=(current_value​/previous_value − 1) ∗ 100
To accomplish this, I suggest tidyr::pivot_wider() which reshapes your dataframe from long to wide format (see:
id <- sort(rep(seq(1,250, 1), 2))
year <- rep(seq(2001, 2002, 1), 500)
value <- sample(500:2000, 500)
df <- data.frame(id, year, value)
head(df, 10)
#> id year value
#> 1 1 2001 856
#> 2 1 2002 1850
#> 3 2 2001 1687
#> 4 2 2002 1902
#> 5 3 2001 1728
#> 6 3 2002 1773
#> 7 4 2001 691
#> 8 4 2002 1691
#> 9 5 2001 1368
#> 10 5 2002 893
df_wide <- df %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = year,
names_prefix = "profit_",
values_from = value,
values_fn = mean)
res <- df_wide %>%
mutate(evol_rate = (profit_2002/profit_2001-1)*100) %>%
head(res, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#> id profit_2001 profit_2002 evol_rate
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 856 1850 116.
#> 2 2 1687 1902 12.7
#> 3 3 1728 1773 2.6
#> 4 4 691 1691 145.
#> 5 5 1368 893 -34.7
#> 6 6 883 516 -41.6
#> 7 7 1280 1649 28.8
#> 8 8 1579 1383 -12.4
#> 9 9 1907 1626 -14.7
#> 10 10 1227 1134 -7.58
If you want to do it without reshaping your data into a wide format you can use
id <- sort(rep(seq(1,250, 1), 2))
year <- rep(seq(2001, 2002, 1), 500)
value <- sample(500:2000, 500)
df <- data.frame(id, year, value)
df %>% head(n = 10)
#> id year value
#> 1 1 2001 1173
#> 2 1 2002 1648
#> 3 2 2001 1560
#> 4 2 2002 1091
#> 5 3 2001 1736
#> 6 3 2002 667
#> 7 4 2001 1840
#> 8 4 2002 1202
#> 9 5 2001 1597
#> 10 5 2002 1797
new_df <- df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(ROC = ((value / lag(value) - 1) * 100))
new_df %>% head(n = 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#> # Groups: id [5]
#> id year value ROC
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 2001 1173 NA
#> 2 1 2002 1648 40.5
#> 3 2 2001 1560 NA
#> 4 2 2002 1091 -30.1
#> 5 3 2001 1736 NA
#> 6 3 2002 667 -61.6
#> 7 4 2001 1840 NA
#> 8 4 2002 1202 -34.7
#> 9 5 2001 1597 NA
#> 10 5 2002 1797 12.5
This groups the data by id and then uses lag to compare the current year to the year prior

Is it possible to make groups based on an ID of a person in R?

I have this data:
data <- data.frame(id_pers=c(4102,13102,27101,27102,28101,28102, 42101,42102,56102,73102,74103,103104,117103,117104,117105),
birthyear=c(1992,1994,1993,1992,1995,1999,2000,2001,2000, 1994, 1999, 1978, 1986, 1998, 1999))
I want to group the different persons by familys in a new column, so that persons 27101,27102 (siblings) are group/family 1 and 42101,42102 are in group 2, 117103,117104,117105 are in group 3 so on.
Person "4102" has no siblings and should be a NA in the new column.
It is always the case that 2 or more persons are siblings if the ID's are not further apart than a maximum of 6 numbers.
I have a far larger dataset with over 3000 rows. How could I do it the most efficient way?
You can use round with digits = -1 (or -2) if you have id_pers that goes above 10 observations per family. If you want the id to be integers from 1; you can use cur_group_id:
data %>%
group_by(fam_id = round(id_pers - 5, digits = -1)) %>%
mutate(fam_gp = cur_group_id())
# A tibble: 15 × 3
# Groups: fam_id [10]
id_pers birthyear fam_id fam_gp
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 4102 1992 4100 1
2 13102 1994 13100 2
3 27101 1993 27100 3
4 27102 1992 27100 3
5 28101 1995 28100 4
6 28106 1999 28100 4
7 42101 2000 42100 5
8 42102 2001 42100 5
9 56102 2000 56100 6
10 73102 1994 73100 7
11 74103 1999 74100 8
12 103104 1978 103100 9
13 117103 1986 117100 10
14 117104 1998 117100 10
15 117105 1999 117100 10
It looks like we can the 1000s digit (and above) to delineate groups.
data %>%
famgroup = trunc(id_pers/1000),
famgroup = match(famgroup, unique(famgroup))
# id_pers birthyear famgroup
# 1 4102 1992 1
# 2 13102 1994 2
# 3 27101 1993 3
# 4 27102 1992 3
# 5 28101 1995 4
# 6 28102 1999 4
# 7 42101 2000 5
# 8 42102 2001 5
# 9 56102 2000 6
# 10 73102 1994 7
# 11 74103 1999 8
# 12 103104 1978 9
# 13 117103 1986 10
# 14 117104 1998 10
# 15 117105 1999 10

How to delete missing observations for a subset of columns: the R equivalent of dropna(subset) from python pandas

Consider a dataframe in R where I want to drop row 6 because it has missing observations for the variables var1:var3. But the dataframe has valid observations for id and year. See code below.
In python, this can be done in two ways:
use df.dropna(subset = ['var1', 'var2', 'var3'], inplace=True)
use df.set_index(['id', 'year']).dropna()
How to do this in R with tidyverse?
df <- tibble(id = c(seq(1,10)), year=c(seq(2001,2010)),
var1 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)),
var2 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)),
var3 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)))
df[3,4] = NA
df[6,3:5] = NA
df[8,3:4] = NA
df[10,4:5] = NA
We may use complete.cases
df %>%
filter(if_any(var1:var3, complete.cases))
# A tibble: 9 x 5
id year var1 var2 var3
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 2001 48 55 82
2 2 2002 22 83 67
3 3 2003 89 NA 19
4 4 2004 56 1 38
5 5 2005 17 58 35
6 7 2007 4 30 94
7 8 2008 NA NA 36
8 9 2009 97 100 80
9 10 2010 37 NA NA
We can use pmap for this case also:
df %>%
filter(!pmap_lgl(., ~ {x <- c(...)[-c(1, 2)];
# A tibble: 9 x 5
id year var1 var2 var3
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 2001 90 55 77
2 2 2002 77 5 18
3 3 2003 17 NA 70
4 4 2004 72 33 33
5 5 2005 10 55 77
6 7 2007 22 81 17
7 8 2008 NA NA 46
8 9 2009 93 28 100
9 10 2010 50 NA NA
Or we could also use complete.cases function in pmap as suggested by dear #akrun:
df %>%
filter(pmap_lgl(select(., 3:5), ~ any(complete.cases(c(...)))))
You can use if_any in filter -
df %>% filter(if_any(var1:var3, Negate(
# id year var1 var2 var3
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#1 1 2001 14 99 43
#2 2 2002 25 72 76
#3 3 2003 90 NA 15
#4 4 2004 91 7 32
#5 5 2005 69 42 7
#6 7 2007 57 83 41
#7 8 2008 NA NA 74
#8 9 2009 9 78 23
#9 10 2010 93 NA NA
In base R, we can use rowSums to select rows which has atleast 1 non-NA value.
cols <- grep('var', names(df))
df[rowSums(![cols])) > 0, ]
If looking for complete cases, use the following (kernel of this is based on other answers):
df <- tibble(id = c(seq(1,10)), year=c(seq(2001,2010)),
var1 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)),
var2 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)),
var3 = c(sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE)))
df[3,4] = NA
df[6,3:5] = NA
df[8,3:4] = NA
df[10,4:5] = NA
df %>% filter(!if_any(var1:var3,
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> id year var1 var2 var3
#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 2001 13 28 26
#> 2 2 2002 61 77 58
#> 3 4 2004 95 38 58
#> 4 5 2005 38 34 91
#> 5 7 2007 85 46 14
#> 6 9 2009 45 60 40
Created on 2021-06-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Interpolate df column within each group

I have a data frame df and a sample vector years of the following kind:
> df <- data.frame(year = rep(c(2000, 2025, 2030, 2050), 2),
type = rep(c('a', 'b'), each = 4),
value = c(3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, 2, 10))
> years = seq(2010, 2050, 10)
> df
year type value
1 2000 a 3
2 2025 a 9
3 2030 a 8
4 2050 a 6
5 2000 b 7
6 2025 b 5
7 2030 b 2
8 2050 b 10
> years
[1] 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Now I would like to interpolate value within each group of type to get the values for years. My expected result looks like this (where values for 2010, 2020 and 2040 are interpolated):
> result
year type value
1 2010 a 5.4
2 2020 a 7.8
3 2030 a 8
4 2040 a 7
5 2050 a 6
6 2010 b 6.2
7 2020 b 5.4
8 2030 b 2
9 2040 b 6
10 2050 b 10
I have tried something like this but did not succeed as I am not allowed to change the length of the group. Any help is very much appreciated!
> result <- df %>%
group_by(type) %>%
mutate(year = years,
value = approx(year, value, years)$y)
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `year`.
x Input `year` can't be recycled to size 4.
i Input `year` is `years`.
i Input `year` must be size 4 or 1, not 5.
i The error occurred in group 1: type = "a".
We can use complete to get all the sequence per 'type' and then apply approx
df %>%
complete(year = years, type) %>%
group_by(type) %>%
mutate(value = approx(year, value, year)$y) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(type, year)
# A tibble: 14 x 3
# year type value
# <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2000 a 3
# 2 2010 a 5.4
# 3 2020 a 7.8
# 4 2025 a 9
# 5 2030 a 8
# 6 2040 a 7
# 7 2050 a 6
# 8 2000 b 7
# 9 2010 b 6.2
#10 2020 b 5.4
#11 2025 b 5
#12 2030 b 2
#13 2040 b 6
#14 2050 b 10

how to replace missing values with previous year's binned mean

I have a data frame as below
p1_bin and f1_bin are calculated by cut function by me with
Bins <- function(x) cut(x, breaks = c(0, seq(1, 1000, by = 5)), labels = 1:200)
binned <- (sapply(df[,-1], Bins))
colnames(binned) <- paste("Bin", colnames(binned), sep = "_")
df<- cbind(df, binned)
Now how to calculate mean/avg for previous two years and replace in NA values with in that bin
for example : at row-5 value is NA for p1 and f1 is 30 with corresponding bin 7.. now replace NA with previous 2 years mean for same bin (7) ,i.e
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
1 2013 20 30 5 7
2 2013 24 29 5 7
3 2014 10 16 2 3
4 2014 11 17 2 3
5 2015 NA 30 NA 7
6 2016 10 NA 2 NA
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
1 2013 20 30 5 7
2 2013 24 29 5 7
3 2014 10 16 2 3
4 2014 11 17 2 3
5 2015 **22** 30 NA 7
6 2016 10 **16.5** 2 NA
Thanks in advance
I believe the following code produces the desired output. There's probably a much more elegant way than using mean(rev(lag(f1))[1:2]) to get the average of the last two values of f1 but this should do the trick anyway.
df %>%
arrange(year) %>%
mutate_at(c("p1", "f1"), "as.double") %>%
group_by(Bin_p1) %>%
mutate(f1 = ifelse(, mean(rev(lag(f1))[1:2]), f1)) %>%
group_by(Bin_f1) %>%
mutate(p1 = ifelse(, mean(rev(lag(p1))[1:2]), p1)) %>%
and the output is:
# A tibble: 6 x 6
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2013 20 30.0 5 7
2 2 2013 24 29.0 5 7
3 3 2014 10 16.0 2 3
4 4 2014 11 17.0 2 3
5 5 2015 22 30.0 NA 7
6 6 2016 10 16.5 2 NA
