how to replace missing values with previous year's binned mean - r

I have a data frame as below
p1_bin and f1_bin are calculated by cut function by me with
Bins <- function(x) cut(x, breaks = c(0, seq(1, 1000, by = 5)), labels = 1:200)
binned <- (sapply(df[,-1], Bins))
colnames(binned) <- paste("Bin", colnames(binned), sep = "_")
df<- cbind(df, binned)
Now how to calculate mean/avg for previous two years and replace in NA values with in that bin
for example : at row-5 value is NA for p1 and f1 is 30 with corresponding bin 7.. now replace NA with previous 2 years mean for same bin (7) ,i.e
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
1 2013 20 30 5 7
2 2013 24 29 5 7
3 2014 10 16 2 3
4 2014 11 17 2 3
5 2015 NA 30 NA 7
6 2016 10 NA 2 NA
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
1 2013 20 30 5 7
2 2013 24 29 5 7
3 2014 10 16 2 3
4 2014 11 17 2 3
5 2015 **22** 30 NA 7
6 2016 10 **16.5** 2 NA
Thanks in advance

I believe the following code produces the desired output. There's probably a much more elegant way than using mean(rev(lag(f1))[1:2]) to get the average of the last two values of f1 but this should do the trick anyway.
df %>%
arrange(year) %>%
mutate_at(c("p1", "f1"), "as.double") %>%
group_by(Bin_p1) %>%
mutate(f1 = ifelse(, mean(rev(lag(f1))[1:2]), f1)) %>%
group_by(Bin_f1) %>%
mutate(p1 = ifelse(, mean(rev(lag(p1))[1:2]), p1)) %>%
and the output is:
# A tibble: 6 x 6
ID year p1 f1 Bin_p1 Bin_f1
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2013 20 30.0 5 7
2 2 2013 24 29.0 5 7
3 3 2014 10 16.0 2 3
4 4 2014 11 17.0 2 3
5 5 2015 22 30.0 NA 7
6 6 2016 10 16.5 2 NA


Repeating annual values multiple times to form a monthly dataframe

I have an annual dataset as below:
year <- c(2016,2017,2018)
xxx <- c(1,2,3)
yyy <- c(4,5,6)
df <- data.frame(year,xxx,yyy)
year xxx yyy
1 2016 1 4
2 2017 2 5
3 2018 3 6
Where the values in column xxx and yyy correspond to values for that year.
I would like to expand this dataframe (or create a new dataframe), which retains the same column names, but repeats each value 12 times (corresponding to the month of that year) and repeat the yearly value 12 times in the first column.
As mocked up by the code below:
year <- rep(2016:2018,each=12)
xxx <- rep(1:3,each=12)
yyy <- rep(4:6,each=12)
df2 <- data.frame(year,xxx,yyy)
year xxx yyy
1 2016 1 4
2 2016 1 4
3 2016 1 4
4 2016 1 4
5 2016 1 4
6 2016 1 4
7 2016 1 4
8 2016 1 4
9 2016 1 4
10 2016 1 4
11 2016 1 4
12 2016 1 4
13 2017 2 5
14 2017 2 5
15 2017 2 5
16 2017 2 5
17 2017 2 5
18 2017 2 5
19 2017 2 5
20 2017 2 5
21 2017 2 5
22 2017 2 5
23 2017 2 5
24 2017 2 5
25 2018 3 6
26 2018 3 6
27 2018 3 6
28 2018 3 6
29 2018 3 6
30 2018 3 6
31 2018 3 6
32 2018 3 6
33 2018 3 6
34 2018 3 6
35 2018 3 6
36 2018 3 6
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm new to R and I can see how I would do this with a loop statement but was wondering if there was an easier solution.
Convert df to a matrix, take the kronecker product with a vector of 12 ones and then convert back to a data.frame. The can be omitted if a matrix result is ok. %x% rep(1, 12))

Sum up with the next line into a new colum

I'm having some trouble on figuring out how to create a new column with the sum of 2 subsequent cells.
I have :
df1<- tibble(Years=c(1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080),
Values=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ))
Now, I want a new column where the first line is the sum of 1+2, the second line is the sum of 1+2+3 , the third line is the sum 1+2+3+4 and so on.
As 1, 2, 3, 4... are hipoteticall values, I need to measure the absolute growth from a decade to another in order to create later on a new variable to measure the percentage change from a decade to another.
df1<- tibble(Years=c(1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080),
Values=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ))
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = F)
df1 %>%
mutate(xx = slide_sum(Values, after = 1, before = Inf))
#> # A tibble: 9 x 3
#> Years Values xx
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1990 1 3
#> 2 2000 2 6
#> 3 2010 3 10
#> 4 2020 4 15
#> 5 2030 5 21
#> 6 2050 6 28
#> 7 2060 7 36
#> 8 2070 8 45
#> 9 2080 9 45
Created on 2021-08-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
Assuming the last row is to be repeated. Otherwise the fill part can be skipped.
df1 %>%
mutate(x = lead(cumsum(Values))) %>%
# Years Values x
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1990 1 3
# 2 2000 2 6
# 3 2010 3 10
# 4 2020 4 15
# 5 2030 5 21
# 6 2050 6 28
# 7 2060 7 36
# 8 2070 8 45
# 9 2080 9 45
Using base R
v1 <- cumsum(df1$Values)[-1]
df1$new <- c(v1, v1[length(v1)])
You want the cumsum() function. Here are two ways to do it.
### Base R
df1$cumsum <- cumsum(df1$Values)
### Using dplyr
df1 <- df1 %>%
mutate(cumsum = cumsum(Values))
Here is the output in either case.
# A tibble: 9 x 3
Years Values cumsum
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1990 1 1
2 2000 2 3
3 2010 3 6
4 2020 4 10
5 2030 5 15
6 2050 6 21
7 2060 7 28
8 2070 8 36
9 2080 9 45
A data.table option
> setDT(df)[, newCol := shift(cumsum(Values), -1, fill = sum(Values))][]
Years Values newCol
1: 1990 1 3
2: 2000 2 6
3: 2010 3 10
4: 2020 4 15
5: 2030 5 21
6: 2050 6 28
7: 2060 7 36
8: 2070 8 45
9: 2080 9 45
or a base R option following a similar idea
newCol = c(cumsum(Values)[-1],sum(Values))

Merging two dataframes creates new missing observations

I have two dataframes with the following matching keys: year, region and province. They each have a set of variables (in this illustrative example I use x1 for df1 and x2 for df2) and both variables have several missing values on their own.
df1 df2
year region province x2 ... xn year region province x2 ... xn
2019 1 5 NA 2019 1 5 NA
2019 2 4 NA. 2019 2 4 NA.
2019 2 4 NA. 2019 2 4 NA
2018 3 7 13. 2018 3 7 13
2018 3 7 15 2018 3 7 15
2018 3 7 17 2018 3 7 17
I want to merge both dataframes such that they end up like this:
year region province x1 x2
2019 1 5 3 NA
2019 2 4 27 NA
2019 2 4 15 NA
2018 3 7 12 13
2018 3 7 NA 15
2018 3 7 NA 17
2017 4 9 NA 12
2017 4 9 19 30
2017 4 9 20 10
However, when doing so using merged_df <- merge(df1, df2, by=c("year","region","province"), all.x=TRUE), R seems to create a lot of additional missing values on each of the variable columns (x1 and x2), which were not there before. What is happening here? I have tried sorting both using df1 %>% arrange(province,-year) and df2 %>% arrange(province,-year), which is enough to have matching order in both dataframes, only to find the same issue when running the merge command. I've tried a bunch of other stuff too, but nothing seems to work. R's output sort of looks like this:
year region province x1 x2
2019 1 5 NA NA
2019 2 4 NA NA
2019 2 4 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2017 4 9 15 NA
2017 4 9 19 30
2017 4 9 20 10
I have done this before; in fact, one of the dataframes is an already merged dataframe in which I did not encounter this issue.
Maybe it is not clear the concept of merge(). I include two examples with example data. I hope you understand and it helps you.
DF1 <- data.frame(year=rep(c(2017,2018,2019),3),
DF2 <- data.frame(year=rep(c(2016,2018,2019),3),
#Merge based only in df1
Merged1 <- merge(DF1,DF2,by=intersect(names(DF1),names(DF2)),all.x=T)
year region province x1 x2
1 2017 1 2 2.8365510 NA
2 2017 1 3 3.7557187 NA
3 2017 1 5 4.9208323 NA
4 2018 2 4 2.8241371 NA
5 2018 2 5 6.7925048 1.460993
6 2018 2 5 0.4090941 1.460993
7 2019 3 1 5.5352765 NA
8 2019 3 3 3.8236451 4.256681
9 2019 3 3 3.2746239 4.256681
#Merge including all elements despite no match between ids
Merged2 <- merge(DF1,DF2,by=intersect(names(DF1),names(DF2)),all = T)
year region province x1 x2
1 2016 1 3 NA 4.052034
2 2016 1 4 NA 2.062441
3 2016 1 5 NA 2.673038
4 2017 1 2 2.8365510 NA
5 2017 1 3 3.7557187 NA
6 2017 1 5 4.9208323 NA
7 2018 2 1 NA 0.469960
8 2018 2 2 NA 2.290813
9 2018 2 4 2.8241371 NA
10 2018 2 5 6.7925048 1.460993
11 2018 2 5 0.4090941 1.460993
12 2019 3 1 5.5352765 NA
13 2019 3 2 NA 1.398264
14 2019 3 3 3.8236451 4.256681
15 2019 3 3 3.2746239 4.256681
16 2019 3 4 NA 1.906663

Combine data in many row into a columnn

I have a data like this:
year Male
1 2011 8
2 2011 1
3 2011 4
4 2012 3
5 2012 12
6 2012 9
7 2013 4
8 2013 3
9 2013 3
and I need to group the data for the year 2011 in one column, 2012 in the next column and so on.
2011 2012 2013
1 8 3 4
2 1 12 3
3 4 9 3
How do I achieve this?
One option is unstack if the number of rows per 'year' is the same
unstack(df1, Male ~ year)
One option is to use functions from dplyr and tidyr.
dt2 <- dt %>%
group_by(year) %>%
mutate(ID = 1:n()) %>%
spread(year, Male) %>%
If every year has the same number of data, you could split the data and cbind it using base R, split(df$Male, df$year))
# 2011 2012 2013
#[1,] 8 3 4
#[2,] 1 12 3
#[3,] 4 9 3
If every year does not have the same number of data, you could use rbind.fill of plyr
df[10,] = c(2015, 5) #Add only one data for the year 2015
setNames(object = data.frame(t(rbind.fill.matrix(lapply(split(df$Male, df$year), t)))),
nm = unique(df$year))
# 2011 2012 2013 2015
#1 8 3 4 5
#2 1 12 3 NA
#3 4 9 3 NA
Yet another way is to use dcast to convert data from long to wide format
df[10,] = c(2015, 5) #Add only one data for the year 2015
dcast(df, ave(df$Male, df$year, FUN = seq_along) ~ year, value.var = "Male")[,-1]
# 2011 2012 2013 2015
#1 8 3 4 5
#2 1 12 3 NA
#3 4 9 3 NA

How to remove subjects with missing yearly observations in R?

num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432
I have the data which is represented by various subjects in 5 years. I need to remove all the subjects, which are missing any of years from 2011 to 2015. How can I accomplish it, so in given data only subject A is left?
Using data.table:
A data.table solution might look something like this:
dt <-
dt[, keep := identical(unique(year), 2011:2015), by = Name ][keep == T, ][,keep := NULL]
# num Name year age X
#1: 1 A 2011 68 116292
#2: 1 A 2012 69 46132
#3: 1 A 2013 70 7042
#4: 1 A 2014 71 -100425
#5: 1 A 2015 72 6493
This is more strict in that it requires that the unique years be exactly equal to 2011:2015. If there is a 2016, for example that person would be excluded.
A less restrictive solution would be to check that 2011:2015 is in your unique years. This should work:
dt[, keep := all(2011:2015 %in% unique(year)), by = Name ][keep == T, ][,keep := NULL]
Thus, if for example, A had a 2016 year and a 2010 year it would still keep all of A. But if anyone is missing a year in 2011:2015 this would exclude them.
Using base R & aggregate:
Same option, but using aggregate from base R:
agg <- aggregate(df$year, by = list(df$Name), FUN = function(x) all(2011:2015 %in% unique(x)))
df[df$Name %in% agg[agg$x == T, 1] ,]
Here is a slightly more straightforward tidyverse solution.
First, expand the dataframe to include all combinations of Name + year:
df %>% complete(Name, year)
# A tibble: 20 x 5
Name year num age X
<fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 2011 1 68 116292
2 A 2012 1 69 46132
3 A 2013 1 70 7042
4 A 2014 1 71 -100425
5 A 2015 1 72 6493
6 B 2011 2 20 -8484
7 B 2012 NA NA NA
8 B 2013 NA NA NA
9 B 2014 NA NA NA
10 B 2015 NA NA NA
Then extend the pipe to group by "Name", and filter to keep only those with 0 NA values:
df %>% complete(Name, year) %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
filter(sum( == 0)
# A tibble: 5 x 5
# Groups: Name [1]
Name year num age X
<fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 2011 1 68 116292
2 A 2012 1 69 46132
3 A 2013 1 70 7042
4 A 2014 1 71 -100425
5 A 2015 1 72 6493
Just check which names have the right number of entries.
## Reproduce your data
df = read.table(text=" num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432",
Tab = table(df$Name)
Keepers = names(Tab)[which(Tab == 5)]
df[df$Name %in% Keepers,]
num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
Here is a somewhat different approach using tidyverse packages:
df <- read.table(text = " num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432")
df2 <- spread(data = df, key = Name, value = year)
x <- colSums(df2[, 4:7], na.rm = TRUE) > 10000
df3 <- select(df2, num, age, X, c(4:7)[x])
df4 <- na.omit(df3)
All steps can of course be constructed as one single pipe with the %>% operator.
