CPT instead of WooCommerce "Product" - wordpress

I have a problem that hopefully you will help me solve.
I'm am pretty new with this job and don't know pretty much anything about coding yet. I built some websites using Elementor but never touched WooCommerce before and now I am working on a real estate website with lots of houses uplouded as a Custom Post Type (which I will call "ANN").
My problem is: my client wants to have a live catalogue of the selling houses for ADS and stuff.
Searching the Web I figured out that WooCommerce is the best way to do it even if I don't need the shopping cart (if you have other ideas are welcome) but as far as I understand WC have ITS OWN CPT "Product" and I wonder how canI set it to use my ANN instead of PRODUCT to the listing?
Is that possible?
The main problem is that there are lots of real estate ads already uplouded so change them is a no go.
I'm using JetEngine plugin for the CPT, Filters, etc.. if this can help somehow.
Thank you for you time!

You could achieve that with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, but you're gonna need elementor pro.
You can create all the additional fields for the information you need to be displayed in that post type using ACF.
See this link for more information: Creating a Field Group
Make sure your custom post type supports custom fields, if you created it with the CPT UI plugin, you can check that by editing your custom post type and scrolling all the way down. You should see a section with a list of things supported by your custom post type, check custom fields and save.
Then create a template for the custom post type using Elementor's theme builder: How to Create a WordPress Single-Post Template in Elementor
Add the custom fields to the template using the ACF integration with Elementor: Elementor Integration With ACF
Lastly, create a custom loop for your custom post type archive using the Elementor custom skin plugin, so yiu can display the custom fields also in the archive if you need to:
How to display posts in Elementor Pro with your own Design (Elementor Custom Loop)


Advanced custom field with short codes

Can i display the data which are in the advanced custom fields using shortcodes without editing theme codes, in my web page front end. If the answer is yes, how can i do this? If not are there any methods to do that easily without deep coding knowledge.
chatGPT says yes but I couldn’t.
Yes, you can. There is an ACF shortcode. See here: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/shortcode/
[acf field="field_name"]
You can also pass a post id to get the field of another post:
[acf field="field_name" post_id="123"]
However, this does not work for all field types. But there is a Wordpress plugin with which you can display the custom fields called ACF Views: https://wordpress.org/plugins/acf-views/

Wordpress customization on custom post

Is there any option? So I can add an option on any custom post via WordPress customization? Actually, I added a custom post on my WordPress theme. Here user needs to add font awesome icon. But I do not want to add option tree metabox and not a custom field. A user will not remember different custom field. So Is there any option?
At some level you are going to end up adding something like a custom field to your post. However, I agree that the user interface for custom fields is clunky and non-intuitive. I agree with you that making an end-user use that would be a bad idea.
Instead, I would recommend using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. It enables you to add meta-data to posts, pages and/or custom post types. It's extremely flexible, intuitively designed and well-documented.
ACF permits you to place your custom field in a variety of places on the Add Post (or custom post) page: just below the visual editor window, on the right with the meta-boxes, or in a meta-box.

Classified Nested Category->Sub Category->Post View for Wordpress

I am really working hard to get a specific Post view in my Wordpress blog.
Click http://theunlockr.com/roms/
Then Click http://theunlockr.com/roms/android-roms/
Then CLick http://theunlockr.com/roms/android-roms/asus-roms/
I figured that this is a nested view of categories and subcategories and finally the post in the respective category.
Need some input on how to do this on a basic wordpress blog.
I have already tried page builder and Grid views and alot of plugins, but cant really make this kind of view.
This is done via custom post types and custom taxonomies.
For example, you could create a custom post type rom, and assign the custom taxonomy roms with child categories Android ROMs -> Asus ROMs. This child category is assigned to the custom post type.

How to create a page like the WordPress Plugin page

I'm pretty sure this is basic but it's been a couple of weeks I'm struggling.
I'm building a video game news type of website with Wordpress and I would like the "game sheet" to work in the same way the WordPress plugin page works (here is an example: http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/ )
The idea would be to have a page for each game and then this page would pull out content in each tabs to display different content:
News would be articles with the game name as a tag
Screeshots would be images from the media manager I would have tagged with the name of the game
Game review and user voting in the sidebar
Again, this seem to be a very basic taxonomy/custom post type system but I just don't know where to start and I can't find the right words to explain it to do a proper google search.
Thank you for your help.
What you need is to create a "custom post type". In other words, something like a post, but with more / different fields. I suggest you use the plugin: "custom content type manager".
After you create the custom post type you need, you will only have to create a page / post the summarizes the custom content you have built. For that you will also use the same plugin.

Advanced custom fields for wordpress

Advanced custom fields for wordpress... Plugin
source: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/discussion/2784/image-fields-on-custom-post-type-values-have-all-gone
I updated my advanced custom fields and all image field values have disapeared.
I checked in the database and i still see the information but they're not linking up correct.
God.. any ideas? :(
You'd better check out the depreciated bits of code. I found this same issue with the_repeater_field (http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/the_repeater_field/) it got depreciated and I had to update my code to the right functions.
Check this page out to see if any of these relate to your problem: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/
Checkout Bonzer Custom Fields Creator:
It creates wide array of input fields at various places inside the wordpress admin panel.
Places in the wordpress admin panel where custom fields are applicable includes:
All Post Types
All Taxonomies
Dashboard (Home)
Users (Your Profile)
Settings (All Pages)
Give it a try, I am sure you will love it.
