How to fix 'RealmObject cannot be called as a function' realm-js error? - realm

In a react-native project using Realm-js, I've just created a clone of the app, integrated all libs, and copied over all src directories.
The app builds installs and runs on Android.
When i go through the authentication flow (which utilizes realm to store auth data), i ultimately get an error:
[ Error: RealmObject cannot be called as a function ]
login function:
async function login(username, password) {
try {
const result = await Api.login({
username: username,
pass: password,
const userAuthResult = await Db.updateAuth(result);
} catch (err) {
console.log('[ ERROR ]:', err)
if (!err.message || err.message.includes('Network Error')) {
throw new Error('Connection error');
throw new Error('Wrong username or password');
and ive narrowed down the issue to Db.updateAuth(...)
export const updateAuth = (params) => {
console.log(' [ HERE 1 ]')
const auth = {
token: params.token,
refreshToken: params.refresh_token,
tokenExpiresAt: Math.floor( / 1000) + 600, //params.expires_at,
federatedToken: params.federatedToken ?? '',
federatedTokenExpiresAt: params.federatedTokenExpiresAt ?? 0,
username: params.username,
roleName: params.role_name,
roleId: params.role_id,
lastLogin: Math.floor( / 1000),
console.log(' [ HERE 2 ]')
realm.write(() => {
console.log(' [ HERE 3 ]')
realm.create('Authorizations', auth, 'modified'); // PROBLEM
return auth;
inspecting the schema, i found theres no federatedToken propereties, yet in the auth update object, there are two. not sure why it wouldnt be throwing an error in the original non-cloned app.
authorizations schema:
AuthorizationsSchema.schema = {
name: 'Authorizations',
primaryKey: 'id',
properties: {
id: 'int',
token: 'string',
refreshToken: 'string',
tokenExpiresAt: 'int',
username: 'string',
name: 'string',
roleName: 'string',
roleId: 'int',
lastLogin: 'int',
Realm.js (class declaration) ->
from realm instantiation:
let realm = new Realm({
schema: [
schemaVersion: 60,
deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true,
//path: './myrealm/data',
this logs the 1, 2, and 3 statements. The issue seems to come from the 'problem' line. Im not sure what exactly this error means, as there doesnt seem to be anything in realm's repo about it, and in the app this was cloned from, there was no issue with this line. I can also see other lines are throwing similar errors later on the user flows
Anyone know what this is about? or where i can learn more?
React-native: v64.2
realm-js: 10.6.0 (app cloned from was v10.2.0)
MacOS: 11.3 (M1 architecture)

in order to create you have the first call, the realm.write a method like this.
const storeInDataBase = (res,selectedfile) => {
realm.write(() => {
var ID =
realm.objects(DocumentConverstionHistory).sorted('HistoryID', true).length > 0
? realm.objects(DocumentConverstionHistory).sorted('HistoryID', true)[0]
.HistoryID + 1
: 1;
realm.create(DocumentConverstionHistory, {
HistoryID: ID,
Date: `${new Date()}`
Here is the schema file
export const DATABASENAME = 'documentconverter.realm';
export const DocumentConverstionHistory = "DocumentConverstionHistory"
export const DocumentConverstionHistorySchema = {
name: "DocumentConverstionHistory",
primaryKey: 'HistoryID',
properties: {
HistoryID: {type: 'int'},
Name: {type: 'string'},
Uri: {type: 'string?'},
Type: {type: 'string?'},
Size: {type: 'string?'},
Date: {type: 'date?'}


How do I scrape all spotify playlists ever? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 9 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 5 days ago and failed to reopen the post:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Improve this question
I am trying to analyze all user-curated Spotify playlists and the tracks inside all of them, especially in the hip-hop genre.
I have tried using search API and Get Category’s Playlist Spotify API but there are limits around 1000 data points.
I am trying to go around the API by thinking of parsing different queries, but still have no idea which query can give me all data. I would appreciate any help!
I am expecting a list of all user-curated Spotify playlist IDs.
This is what I have tried with Get Category’s Playlist Spotify API with Spotipy Library in Google Colab
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import spotipy
import spotipy.util as util
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
import spotipy.oauth2 as oauth2
# Replace Auth details with your Client ID, Secret
spotify_details = {
'client_id' : 'Client ID',
'client_secret':'Client Secret',
scope = "user-library-read user-follow-read user-top-read playlist-read-private playlist-read-collaborative playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private"
sp = spotipy.Spotify(
results = sp.category_playlists(category_id="hiphop", limit = 5, country="US", offset=0)
total = results["playlists"]["total"]
df=pd.DataFrame([],columns = ['id', 'name', 'external_urls.spotify'])
for offset in range(0,total,50):
results = sp.category_playlists(category_id="hiphop", limit = 50, country="US", offset=offset)
playlists = pd.json_normalize(results['playlists']['items'])
I only can get around 104 playlists when I run
P.S. This number varies around 80-100+ depending on the location of your account.
Main idea is same as #Nima Akbarzadeh's idea with offset
I am using axios call with Spotify API call on node.js
Got the playlists first, then get track within loop each playlist.
This Code can get all of hiphop songs from Spotify.
const axios = require('axios')
const API_KEY='<your client ID>'
const API_KEY_SECRET='<your client Secret>'
const getToken = async () => {
try {
const resp = await
url = '',
data = '',
config = {
params: {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials'
auth: {
username: API_KEY,
password: API_KEY_SECRET
return Promise.resolve(;
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
const getCategories = async (category_id, token) => {
try {
let offset = 0
let next = 1
const songs = [];
while (next != null) {
const resp = await axios.get(
url = `${category_id}/playlists?country=US&offset=${offset}&limit=20`,
config = {
headers: {
'Accept-Encoding': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
for(const item of {
if(item?.name != null) {
external_urls: item.external_urls.spotify,
type: item.type,
id :
offset = offset + 20
next =
return Promise.resolve(songs)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
const getTracks = async (playlists, token) => {
try {
const tracks = [];
for(const playlist of playlists) {
const resp = await axios.get(
url = `${}`,
config = {
headers: {
'Accept-Encoding': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
for(const item of {
if(item.track?.name != null) {
external_urls: item.track.external_urls.spotify
return Promise.resolve(tracks)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
.then(token => {
getCategories('hiphop', token)
.then(playlists => {
getTracks(playlists, token)
.then(tracks => {
for(const track of tracks) {
.catch(error => {
.catch(error => {
.catch(error => {
I got 6435 songs
$ node get-data.js
name: 'RapCaviar',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DX0XUsuxWHRQd'
name: "Feelin' Myself",
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DX6GwdWRQMQpq'
name: 'Most Necessary',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DX2RxBh64BHjQ'
name: 'Gold School',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DWVA1Gq4XHa6U'
name: 'Locked In',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DWTl4y3vgJOXW'
name: 'Taste',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DWSUur0QPPsOn'
name: 'Get Turnt',
external_urls: '',
type: 'playlist',
id: '37i9dQZF1DWY4xHQp97fN6'
name: 'BILLS PAID (feat. Latto & City Girls)',
external_urls: ''
name: 'Persuasive (with SZA)',
external_urls: ''
name: 'Shirt',
external_urls: ''
name: 'Back 2 the Streets',
external_urls: ''
name: 'FTCU (feat. GloRilla & Gangsta Boo)',
external_urls: ''
name: 'My Way',
external_urls: ''
name: 'Donk',
external_urls: ''
... 6335 more items
node get-data.js > result.json
Update with Python version
import spotipy
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth
import json
import re
SCOPE = ['user-library-read',
USER_ID = '<your user id>'
REDIRECT_URI = '<your redirect uri>'
CLIENT_ID = '<your client id>'
CLIENT_SECRET = '<your client secret>'
auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(
def get_categories():
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
query_limit = 50
new_offset = 0
while True:
results=sp.category_playlists(category_id='hiphop', limit = query_limit, country='US', offset=new_offset)
for item in results['playlists']['items']:
if (item is not None and item['name'] is not None):
# ['https:', '', '', 'v1', 'playlists', '37i9dQZF1DX0XUsuxWHRQd', 'tracks']
tokens = re.split(r"[\/]", item['tracks']['href'])
'id' : item['id'],
'name': item['name'],
'url': item['external_urls']['spotify'],
'tracks': item['tracks']['href'],
'playlist_id': tokens[5],
'type': item['type']
new_offset = new_offset + query_limit
next = results['playlists']['next']
if next is None:
return categories
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to upload to call get_categories: '+ str(e))
def get_songs(categories):
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
for category in categories:
if category is None:
playlist_id = category['playlist_id']
for item in results['tracks']['items']:
if (item is not None and item['track'] is not None and item['track']['id'] is not None and item['track']['name'] is not None and item['track']['external_urls']['spotify'] is not None):
'id' : item['track']['id'],
'name': item['track']['name'],
'url': item['track']['external_urls']['spotify']
return songs
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to upload to call get_songs: '+ str(e))
categories = get_categories()
songs = get_songs(categories)
# print(len(songs)) -> 6021
Result by
$ python > all-songs.json
Currently, Spotify will not let you scrape more than 1K as their application even show maximum 1k music (based on this answer).
Also, if there is any offset option, you can set it to 1k, and it will skip the first 1k, so you can get the second chunk.

With Strapi 4 how can I get each users music events

I'm using strapi 4 with nextjs.
In the app strapi holds music events for each user and each user should be able add and retrieve there own music events.
I am having trouble retrieving
each users music events from strapi 4
I have a custom route and custom controller
The custom route is in a file called custom-event.js and works ok it is as follows:
module.exports = {
routes: [
method: 'GET',
path: '/events/me',
handler: '',
config: {
me: {
auth: true,
policies: [],
middlewares: [],
The controller id a file called custom-controller.js and is as follows:
module.exports = createCoreController(modelUid, ({strapi }) => ({
async me(ctx) {
try {
const user = ctx.state.user;
if (!user) {
return ctx.badRequest(null, [
{messages: [{ id: 'No authorization header was found'}]}
// The line below works ok
console.log('user', user);
// The problem seems to be the line below
const data = await{ user:})
// This line does not show at all
console.log('data', data);
if (!data) {
return ctx.notFound()
return sanitizeEntity(data, { model: })
} catch(err) {
ctx.body = err
Note there are two console.logs the first console.log works it outputs the user info
The second console.log outputs the data it does not show at all. The result I get back
using insomnia is a 200 status and an empty object {}
The following line in the custom-controller.js seems to be where the problem lies it works for strapi 3 but does not seem to work for strapi 4
const data = await{ user:})
After struggling for long time, days infact, I eventually got it working. Below is the code I came up with. I found I needed two queries to the database, because I could not get the events to populate the images with one query. So I got the event ids and then used the event ids in a events query to get the events and images.
Heres the code below:
const utils = require('#strapi/utils')
const { sanitize } = utils
const { createCoreController } = require("#strapi/strapi").factories;
const modelUid = "api::event.event"
module.exports = createCoreController(modelUid, ({strapi }) => ({
async me(ctx) {
try {
const user = ctx.state.user;
if (!user) {
return ctx.badRequest(null, [
{messages: [{ id: 'No authorization header was found'}]}
// Get event ids
const events = await strapi
where: {
populate: {
events: { select: 'id'}
if (!events) {
return ctx.notFound()
// Get the events into a format for the query
const newEvents = events[0] => ({ id: { $eq:}}))
// use the newly formatted newEvents in a query to get the users
// events and images
const eventsAndMedia = await strapi.db.query(modelUid).findMany({
where: {
$or: newEvents
populate: {image: true}
return sanitize.contentAPI.output(eventsAndMedia,
} catch(err) {
return ctx.internalServerError(err.message)

Apollo/GraphQL: Setting Up Resolver for String Fields?

In GraphiQL at http://localhost:8080/graphiql, I'm using this query:
instant_message(fromID: "1"){
I'm getting this response:
"data": {
"instant_message": {
"fromID": null,
"toID": null,
"msgText": null
"errors": [
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.fromID\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 3,
"column": 5
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.toID\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 5
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.msgText\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 5,
"column": 5
I tried to set up my system according to the examples found here:
Looking at that article, it doesn't seem to be necessary to set up individual resolvers for string fields, but I must be missing something.
What is the correct way to update my resolvers so as to return results from string fields? Example code would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks very much in advance to all for any thoughts or info.
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
const db = new Sequelize(Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbname, Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbuser, Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbpsd, {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'postgres',
.then(function(err) {
console.log('Connection to Sequelize has been established successfully.');
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('Unable to connect to the Sequelize database:', err);
const IMModel = db.define('IM', {
id: {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true},
fromID: {type: Sequelize.STRING},
toID: {type: Sequelize.STRING},
msgText: {type: Sequelize.STRING}
IMModel.sync({force: true}).then(function () {
// Table created
return IMModel.create({
fromID: '1',
toID: '2',
msgText: 'msg set up via IMModel.create'
const IM = db.models.IM;
export {db, IM };
const typeDefinitions = [`
type instant_message {
id: Int
fromID: String
toID: String
msgText: String
type Query {
instant_message(fromID: String, toID: String, msgText: String): instant_message
type RootMutation {
fromID: String!
toID: String!
msgText: String!
): instant_message
schema {
query: Query,
mutation: RootMutation
export default typeDefinitions;
import * as connectors from './db-connectors';
import { Kind } from 'graphql/language';
const b = 100;
const resolvers = {
Query: {
instant_message(_, args) {
const a = 100;
return connectors.IM.find({ where: args });
RootMutation: {
createInstant_message: (__, args) => { return connectors.IM.create(args); },
export default resolvers;
When you define your GraphQLObjectTypes you need to provide a resolver for each of their fields.
You defined your instant_message with multiple fields but did not provide resolvers for each of these fields.
More over you defined the types of those field with regular typescript fields while you need to define it with GraphQL types (GraphQLInt, GraphQLString, GrapQLFloat etc..)
So defining your type should look something like this:
let instant_message = new GraphQLObjectType({
id: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return}
fromID: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.fromID}
toID: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.toID}
msgText: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.msgText}
In addition, you will need to define your Query as follows:
let Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "query",
description: "...",
fields: () => ({
instant_messages: {
type: new GraphQLList(instant_message),
args: {
id: {type: GraphQLInt}
resolve: (root, args) => {
connectors.IM.find({ where: args })
The issue is that the query does not expect an array,
Please fix it:
type Query {
instant_message(fromID: String, toID: String, msgText: String): [instant_message]
Then you should make sure the resolver returns Array of objects, if it doesnt work then the resolver is not returning an Array.

Ordering q.all promises

I'm trying to insert an array of users into a sequelize database using q.all() and the create() function like so:
var users = [{
provider: 'local',
role: 'user',
name: 'Test user 1',
email: '',
password: 'test',
gender: 'f'
}, {
provider: 'local',
role: 'admin',
name: 'Test user 2',
email: '',
password: 'admin',
gender: 'm'
var userIDs = [];
return q.all([
.then(function(data) {
async.eachSeries(data, function(newUser, cb) {
}, function() {
console.log('finished populating users');
.catch(function(err) {
This works and I can access the userID's later on, but unfortunately the users returned in data are not always created in the same order. How can I make it asynchronous so that Test user 1 is always created first, then once that is finished, test user 2 is created?
Thanks for any help

Meteor collection2 - all validation messages

I am looking for a way to retrieve all validation errors. (I'm using Collection2 and SimpleSchema)
Consider this code:
title: '',
description: ''
}, function(error, result) {
message: 'Title may not be empty.',
invalidKeys: [
0: {
name: 'title',
type: 'required',
value: ''
1: {
name: 'description',
type: 'required',
value: ''
I would like to have all the error messages that are related to validation.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any solution for this.
I've found a satisfiable solution
I ran into the same problem and my solution was to insert said errors into a client mongo error collection which would then display the errors to the user. The following is what I came up with:
Schema.newUser = new SimpleSchema({....});
Client Side Validation
function tokenRegistration (newUser) {
var valContext = Schema.newUser.namedContext('tokenRegForm');
if (!valContext.validate(newUser)) {
var keys = valContext.invalidKeys();
_.each(keys, function (value) {
var error =,
message = valContext.keyErrorMessage(error);
return ErrorMessage.insert({errormessage: message})
