Issue with python tkinter sqlite3 - sqlite
I'm trying to create a registration form with python tkinter sqlite3, but I have a problem, when I do the update of just one record, all the names are updated (not just the one that was selected), and I have also this issue when I try do add new data: c.execute("INSERT INTO SCHOOL VALUES (:ID, :NAME, :BIRTH, :DOCS, :FATHER, :MOTHER, :CLASS)", sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: SCHOOL.CLASS, and I cant add more than 2 records.
I would like some help to solve this problem, this is the code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import _sqlite3
root = Tk()
root.title('trying again')
data = [["1", "BOB", "27/10/2020", "234512", "JOHN", "DOE", "6ยบ"],
# conectar a database
conn = _sqlite3.connect('tree_crm.db')
c = conn.cursor()
ID text,
NAME txt,
BIRTH txt,
DOCS txt,
for record in data:
'ID': str(record[0]),
'NAME': str(record[1]),
'BIRTH': str(record[2]),
'DOCS': str(record[3]),
'FATHER': str(record[4]),
'MOTHER': str(record[5]),
'CLASS': str(record[6])
def query_database():
conn = _sqlite3.connect('tree_crm.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT oid, * FROM SCHOOL")
records = c.fetchall()
global count
count = 0
for record in records:
if count % 2 == 0:
my_tree.insert(parent='', index='end', iid=count, text='',
record[1], record[2], record[3], record[4], record[5], record[6], record[7], record[0]),
my_tree.insert(parent='', index='end', iid=count, text='',
record[1], record[2], record[3], record[4], record[5], record[6], record[7], record[0]),
count += 1
style = ttk.Style()
background=[('selected', "#347083")])
tree_frame = Frame(root)
tree_scroll = Scrollbar(tree_frame)
tree_scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
my_tree = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame, yscrollcommand=tree_scroll)
my_tree['columns'] = ("ID", "NAME", "BIRTH", "DOCS", "FATHER", "MOTHER", "CLASS", "OID")
my_tree.column("#0", width=0, stretch=NO)
my_tree.column("ID", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("NAME", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("BIRTH", anchor=CENTER, width=100)
my_tree.column("DOCS", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("FATHER", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("MOTHER", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("CLASS", anchor=W, width=140)
my_tree.column("OID", anchor=W, width=50)
my_tree.heading("#0", text="", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("ID", text="ID", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("NAME", text="NAME", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("BIRTH", text="BIRTH", anchor=CENTER)
my_tree.heading("DOCS", text="DOCS", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("FATHER", text="FATHER", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("MOTHER", text="MOTHER", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("CLASS", text="CLASS", anchor=W)
my_tree.heading("OID", text="OID", anchor=W)
my_tree.tag_configure('oddrow', background="white")
my_tree.tag_configure('evenrow', background="lightblue")
data_frame = LabelFrame(root, text="INFORMATION")
data_frame.pack(fill="x", expand="yes", pady=20)
fn_ID = Label(data_frame, text="ID")
fn_ID.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_ID = Entry(data_frame)
fn_ID.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_NAME = Label(data_frame, text="NAME")
fn_NAME.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_NAME = Entry(data_frame)
fn_NAME.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_BIRTH = Label(data_frame, text="DOCS")
fn_BIRTH.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_BIRTH = Entry(data_frame)
fn_BIRTH.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_DOCS = Label(data_frame, text="FATHER")
fn_DOCS.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_DOCS = Entry(data_frame)
fn_DOCS.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_FATHER = Label(data_frame, text="MOTHER")
fn_FATHER.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_FATHER = Entry(data_frame)
fn_FATHER.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_MOTHER = Label(data_frame, text="CLASS")
fn_MOTHER.grid(row=1, column=4, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_MOTHER = Entry(data_frame)
fn_MOTHER.grid(row=1, column=5, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_OID = Label(data_frame, text="OID")
fn_OID.grid(row=0, column=6, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_OID = Entry(data_frame)
fn_OID.grid(row=0, column=7, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_CLASS = Label(data_frame, text="BIRTH")
fn_CLASS.grid(row=1, column=6, padx=10, pady=10)
fn_CLASS = Entry(data_frame)
fn_CLASS.grid(row=1, column=7, padx=10, pady=10)
# add records:
def add_records():
my_tree.insert(parent='', index='end', text='',
fn_ID.get(), fn_NAME.get(), fn_CLASS.get(), fn_BIRTH.get(), fn_DOCS.get(),
fn_MOTHER.get(), fn_OID.get()), )
# update records:
def update_records():
select = my_tree.focus()
my_tree.item(select, text="", values=(
fn_ID.get(), fn_NAME.get(), fn_CLASS.get(), fn_BIRTH.get(), fn_DOCS.get(), fn_FATHER.get(),
), )
conn = _sqlite3.connect('tree_crm.db')
c = conn.cursor()
WHERE oid=oid""",
'ID': fn_ID.get(),
'NAME': fn_NAME.get(),
'BIRTH': fn_BIRTH.get(),
'DOCS': fn_DOCS.get(),
'FATHER': fn_FATHER.get(),
'MOTHER': fn_MOTHER.get(),
'CLASS': fn_CLASS.get(),
def up():
rows = my_tree.selection()
for row in rows:
my_tree.move(row, my_tree.parent(row), my_tree.index(row) - 1)
def down():
rows = my_tree.selection()
for row in reversed(rows):
my_tree.move(row, my_tree.parent(row), my_tree.index(row) + 1)
def remove_one():
x = my_tree.selection()
for record in x:
def remove_all():
for record in my_tree.children():
# delete all
def clear_record():
fn_ID.delete(0, END)
fn_NAME.delete(0, END)
fn_CLASS.delete(0, END)
fn_BIRTH.delete(0, END)
fn_DOCS.delete(0, END)
fn_FATHER.delete(0, END)
fn_MOTHER.delete(0, END)
fn_CLASS.delete(0, END)
def select_record(e):
fn_ID.delete(0, END)
fn_NAME.delete(0, END)
fn_CLASS.delete(0, END)
fn_BIRTH.delete(0, END)
fn_DOCS.delete(0, END)
fn_FATHER.delete(0, END)
fn_MOTHER.delete(0, END)
fn_CLASS.delete(0, END)
fn_OID.delete(0, END)
selected = my_tree.focus()
values = my_tree.item(selected, 'values')
# insert values
fn_ID.insert(0, values[0])
fn_NAME.insert(0, values[1])
fn_CLASS.insert(0, values[2])
fn_BIRTH.insert(0, values[3])
fn_DOCS.insert(0, values[4])
fn_FATHER.insert(0, values[5])
fn_MOTHER.insert(0, values[6])
fn_OID.insert(0, values[7])
# add butons:
button_frame = LabelFrame(root, text="COMANDOS")
button_frame.pack(fill="x", expand="yes", padx=20)
update_button = Button(button_frame, text="changing data", command=update_records)
update_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
add_button = Button(button_frame, text="add data", command=add_records)
add_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10)
remove_button = Button(button_frame, text="remove data", command=remove_one)
remove_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)
select_button = Button(button_frame, text="clear data", command=clear_record)
select_button.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10, pady=10)
move_button = Button(button_frame, text="move row down", command=down)
move_button.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=10, pady=10)
move_button = Button(button_frame, text="move row up", command=up)
move_button.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=10, pady=10)
# delete_button = Button(button_frame, text="remover tudo",command=remove_all)
# delete_button.grid(row=0, column=7, padx=10, pady=10)
my_tree.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", select_record)
Unable to reconnect to a socket
I am trying to connect to a socket using a client that is running Tkinter. The script runs a banking app allowing users to log in. The user data is stored in an SQLite database. When running the socket and client scripts the Tkinter window launches and the user is able to log in. However, when the user logs out and tries to log in as another user the program gets stuck. LogInCommand() I think is getting stuck as it only fails when running again. I believe it has to do with how I am discounting from the socket. However, I need the socket to constantly run for the app to work. Socket : import socket import sqlite3 Connection = sqlite3.connect('BankAccounts.sqlite') st = socket.socket() #Creating a socket object. Second socket is the class. print("socket ready") st.bind(("Localhost",8080)) #Creating the socket using port 8080 (IP address + port number) st.listen(100) #Only allowing a maximum of two connections at a time. print("waiting for connections") while True: Client, address = st.accept() #Creating two variables and setting them equal to the accept object method. # print("connected with", address) print("Banking") cdata = Client.recv(1024).decode() print("in loop") if not cdata: break if "*li#" in cdata: print(cdata) data = cdata.split("*li#") cred = data[1].split("##") sql = "SELECT * FROM bankusers" curser = Connection.execute(sql) username = cred[0] password = cred[1] for row in curser: if row[0] == username and row[1] == password: balance = str(row[2]) print(type(balance)) login = ("*Suc*"+balance) print(login) Client.send(bytes(f"{login}",'utf-8')) Client.close() Client : from tkinter import * from tkinter import * from Bank import * import socket root = Tk() Client = socket.socket() Client.connect(("Localhost",8080)) import json login = "Failed" import sqlite3 Connection = sqlite3.connect('BankAccounts.sqlite') def localuser(username,password,balance): user1 = { "username": username, "password": password, "balance" : balance } return user1 def sqlupdate(): with open("bankusers.json","r") as file: reader = json.load(file) balance2 = reader["balance"] username2 = reader["username"] print(balance2) print(username2) sql = f"UPDATE bankusers SET balance = {balance2} where username = '{username2}'" Connection.execute(sql) Connection.commit() def updatenewuser(username, amount): try: sql1 = f"Select * from bankusers where username = '{username}' " data = Connection.execute(sql1) for row in data: newbalance = int(row[2]) + int(amount) sql2 = f"Update bankusers Set balance = {newbalance} where username = '{username}'" Connection.execute(sql2) except: print("The user does not exist") def logout(): canvas.delete("all") label1 = Label(root,text = "Username") label2 = Label(root,text = "Password") global usernamebox global passwordbox usernamebox = Entry(root,width = 20) passwordbox = Entry(root,width = 20) buttonLogin = Button(root,text = "Login",width=10, command=LoginCommand) canvas.create_window(230,100,window = label1) canvas.create_window(230,150,window = label2) canvas.create_window(400,100,window = usernamebox) canvas.create_window(400,150,window = passwordbox) canvas.create_window(400,200,window = buttonLogin) canvas.pack() def pay(): if name.get()==username1: trylabel = Label(root,text= "You are unable to send money to yourself",) canvas.create_window(400,250,window=trylabel) else: canvas.delete("all") try: sql2 = f"SELECT * FROM bankusers where username = '{username1}'" curser = Connection.execute(sql2) for row in curser: if int(amountbox.get()) <= row[2]: print("Sent") newamount = row[2] - int(amountbox.get()) with open("bankusers.json", "w") as file: user = localuser(username1,password1,newamount) json.dump(user,file,indent=3) sqlupdate() updatenewuser(name.get(),int(amountbox.get())) label1 = Label(root,text="Transaction Succsfull") backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen) canvas.create_window(400,100,window=label1) canvas.create_window(400,200,window=backbut) else: canvas.delete("all") label1 = Label(root,text = "Transaction Failed. Please ensure you have suffcient funds for this transaction") canvas.create_window(400,200,window=label1) backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen) canvas.create_window(400,300,window=backbut) except: label1 = Label(root,text = "Transaction Failed. Please check recipient name and amount") canvas.create_window(400,200,window=label1) backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen) canvas.create_window(400,300,window=backbut) def transact(): print("") canvas.delete("all") global name label1 = Label(root,text = "Person Receiving:") label2 = Label(root,text = "Amount:") name = Entry(root,width = 20) global amountbox amountbox = Entry(root,width = 20) paybutt = Button(root,text = "Pay", command = pay) backbutton = Button(root,text = "Back",command = mainscreen) canvas.create_window(350,300,window=backbutton) canvas.create_window(450,100,window = name) canvas.create_window(250,100,window=label1) canvas.create_window(250,200,window=label2) canvas.create_window(450,300,window=paybutt) canvas.create_window(450,200,window=amountbox) return def LoginCommand(): count = 1 li = "*li#" cred = li+usernamebox.get()+"##"+passwordbox.get() Client.send((bytes(cred,"utf-8"))) message = Client.recv(1024).decode() print(message) if "*Suc*" in message: count = 0 login = "Succsess" global username1 global password1 global balance1 username1 = usernamebox.get() password1 = passwordbox.get() usernamebox.destroy() passwordbox.destroy() canvas.delete("all") balance1 = message.split("*Suc*") user = localuser(username1,password1,balance1[1]) with open("bankusers.json", "w") as file: json.dump(user,file,indent=3) mainscreen() if count == 1: global label2 label2 = Label(root,text = "Login Failed. Please Try Again") canvas.create_window(400,250,window = label2) def mainscreen(): with open("bankusers.json","r") as file: reader = json.load(file) balance2 = reader["balance"] label2.destroy() canvas.delete("all") label1 = Label(root, text = f"Available Balance: R{balance2}") buttonLogout = Button(root,text = "Log Out", command=logout) buttonTrans = Button(root,text = "Transact", command=transact) canvas.create_window(400,100,window = label1) canvas.create_window(350,200,window=buttonLogout) canvas.create_window(450,200,window = buttonTrans) canvas.pack() root.title("Raindrop Bank") canvas = Canvas(root, width = 800, height = 400) label1 = Label(root,text = "Username") label2 = Label(root,text = "Password") usernamebox = Entry(root,width = 20) passwordbox = Entry(root,width = 20) buttonLogin = Button(root,text = "Login",width=10, command=LoginCommand) canvas.create_window(230,100,window = label1) canvas.create_window(230,150,window = label2) canvas.create_window(400,100,window = usernamebox) canvas.create_window(400,150,window = passwordbox) canvas.create_window(400,200,window = buttonLogin) canvas.pack() root.mainloop()
How to send nicely formatted mails in R
I use below mentioned code to send mails, can I change the format of table which will pasted on mail body, I want to send nicely formatted/compacted table in mail body. first6 is my data.frame Date=sys.Date()-1 date2 <- paste("My subject of mail", Date, sep = " - ") setwd("/xyz") newdir <- paste("output", Sys.time(), sep = "_") dir.create(newdir)#, showWarnings = FALSE) setwd(newdir) ###### mydoc = bsdoc( title = 'my document') options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 8 ) mydoc = addParagraph(mydoc, value = "Hi All, \n\nPlease check attached summary.") mydoc = addParagraph(mydoc, value = "Summary:") MyFTable = FlexTable( data = first6, add.rownames = FALSE, header.cell.props = cellProperties( background.color = "#FAEBD7" ) , header.par.props = parProperties(text.align = "center" )) MyFTable = setColumnsColors( MyFTable, j=1, colors = '#F0F8FF' ) MyFTable[ , ] = parProperties( text.align = 'center') MyFTable = setColumnsColors( MyFTable, j=ncol(first6), colors = '#F0F8FF' ) mydoc = addFlexTable( mydoc, MyFTable ) writeDoc( mydoc, file = "op2.html" ) send.mail(from = "", to = c(""), subject = date2, body = "op2.html", html = TRUE, smtp = list( = "", port = 465, = "", passwd = "xyz#123", ssl = TRUE), authenticate = TRUE, send = TRUE)
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question, but I think you need to use the right tool for the right job. In column A : Names of the people In column B : E-mail addresses In column C:Z : Filenames like this C:\Data\Book2.xls (don't have to be Excel files) The Macro will loop through each row in "Sheet1" and if there is a E-mail address in column B and file name(s) in column C:Z it will create a mail with this information and send it. Sub Send_Files() 'Working in Excel 2000-2016 'For Tips see: Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim sh As Worksheet Dim cell As Range Dim FileCell As Range Dim rng As Range With Application .EnableEvents = False .ScreenUpdating = False End With Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1") Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") For Each cell In sh.Columns("B").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) 'Enter the path/file names in the C:Z column in each row Set rng = sh.Cells(cell.Row, 1).Range("C1:Z1") If cell.Value Like "?*#?*.?*" And _ Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) > 0 Then Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) With OutMail .to = cell.Value .Subject = "Testfile" .Body = "Hi " & cell.Offset(0, -1).Value For Each FileCell In rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) If Trim(FileCell) <> "" Then If Dir(FileCell.Value) <> "" Then .Attachments.Add FileCell.Value End If End If Next FileCell .Send 'Or use .Display End With Set OutMail = Nothing End If Next cell Set OutApp = Nothing With Application .EnableEvents = True .ScreenUpdating = True End With End Sub You can find other options at the link below.
Physical button interacting with tkinter button widget
I'm making an app to run with my Raspberry Pi with Tkinter GUI. The app allready runs well. Now I want to use 2 physical buttons wired to GPIOS that interact with two of the buttons widgets I have in the app. Thanks to helpers in forums I found the way to do it as You can see in the code. But now I need to disabled in some way the physical button in order to avoid accidental push meanwhile the scripts run, as I can easly do with the widgets. I've been googling a lot but I din not found any example of whaT i need. Can some one give me orientation about the method to obtain this. Thanks in advance. from Tkinter import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO root = Tk() root.geometry("320x480") GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) shootdelay = 12 #12 shootinterval = 7#7 shootnumber = 5#12 videodelay = 3 selft = 5 newset = 0 endvideo = 5 intertext = "(D:" + str(shootdelay) + ")(I:" + str(shootinterval) + ")(T:" + str(shootnumber) + ")" flagselftim = 0 flagvideo = 0 videosetmode = 0 flagsetings = 0 flagcancel = 0 flagnewset = 0 secDelay = shootdelay secInterv = shootinterval secSelftim = selft secvideo = videodelay remainshots = shootnumber secshoots = shootnumber - 1 seccompte = 0 readyshoots = class intervalometer: def __init__(self, master): self.textBox = Text(root, height=1, width=1, relief=SUNKEN, font=('arial narrow', 17, 'normal'), bg="green", fg="white") self.textBox.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=3, pady=2, sticky=NSEW) self.textBox.insert(END, "READY") self.botshoot = Button(root, width=18, font=('arial narrow', 19, 'normal'), text="START", activebackground="#00dfdf") self.botshoot.grid(row=4, rowspan=2, column=0, columnspan=2, ipady=15, pady=2, sticky=NSEW) self.botshoot.configure(command=self.start) self.botStop = Button(root, heigh=2, font=('arial', 18, 'normal'), text="STOP/RESET", activebackground="red") self.botStop.grid(row=13, rowspan=3, column=0, pady=1, sticky=NSEW) self.botStop.configure(state=DISABLED, command=self.stop) self.botQuit = Button(root, width=3, font=('arial', 18, 'normal'), text="QUIT", activebackground="red", state=NORMAL) self.botQuit.grid(row=13, rowspan=3, column=1, pady=1, sticky=NSEW) self.botQuit.configure(command=self.closewindow) GPIO.add_event_detect(18, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.start, bouncetime=200) def start(self, *args, **kwargs): global flagselftim self.count = 0 self.cancel_id = None self.botshoot.configure(state=DISABLED) self.botStop.configure(state=NORMAL) self.botQuit.configure(state=DISABLED) self.start_shoot_delay() def stop(self): global secDelay global secSelftim global selft global flagvideo global videosetmode global secvideo global remainshots global secInterv global readyshoots flagvideo = 0 videosetmode = 0 secDelay = shootdelay secInterv = shootinterval secvideo = videodelay selft = 5 secSelftim = selft remainshots = shootnumber readyshoots = 1 if self.cancel_id is not None: self.textBox.after_cancel(self.cancel_id) self.cancel_id = None self.textBox.insert(END, 0) self.textBox.delete("1.0", END) self.botshoot.configure(text="START") self.botshoot.configure(state=NORMAL) self.botStop.configure(state=DISABLED) self.botQuit.configure(state=NORMAL) self.textBox.insert(END, "READY") self.textBox.configure(font=('arial narrow', 17, 'normal'), bg="green", fg="white") def closewindow(self): root.destroy() def start_shoot_delay(self): global secDelay if secDelay > 9: contador = " " + str(secDelay) else: contador = " " + str(secDelay) self.textBox.delete("1.0", END) self.textBox.configure(font=('arial narrow', 17, 'normal'), bg="red", fg="white") self.botshoot.configure(state=DISABLED) if self.count < shootdelay: self.count += 1 self.textBox.insert(END, contador) self.cancel_id = self.textBox.after(1000, self.start_shoot_delay) secDelay -= 1 else: self.count = 0 secDelay = shootdelay self.start_shoot_interval() def start_shoot_interval(self): global secInterv if remainshots == shootnumber: self.start_shootings() else: if secInterv > 9: contador = " " + str(secInterv) else: contador = " " + str(secInterv) self.textBox.delete("1.0", END) self.textBox.configure(font=('arial narrow', 17, 'normal'), bg="red", fg="white") if self.count < shootinterval: self.count += 1 self.textBox.insert(END, contador) self.cancel_id = self.textBox.after(1000, self.start_shoot_interval) secInterv -= 1 else: self.count = 0 secInterv = shootinterval self.start_shootings() def start_shootings(self): global remainshots global videosetmode global readyshoots global secSelftim global selft remainshots -=1 if secSelftim <5: txtremain = "SHOOTING = " + str(1) + "/" + str(1) else: txtremain = "REMAINING = " + str(remainshots) + "/" + str(shootnumber) print "BEEP shoot nr",readyshoots, "av", shootnumber readyshoots +=1 if remainshots >0: self.start_shoot_interval() else: print "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP : end of roll" self.etstatus.configure(text="END OF ROLL") root.update_idletasks() root.after(500) readyshoots = 1 selft = 5 self.textBox.insert(END, "READY") self.textBox.configure(font=('arial narrow', 17, 'normal'), bg="green", fg="white") self.botshoot.configure(state=NORMAL) self.botStop.configure(state=DISABLED) self.botQuit.configure(state=NORMAL) remainshots = shootnumber intervalometer(root) root.mainloop()
I don't see how this is even an issue since the start method should lock up the entire program, including the input from the button. If the button detection is in it's own thread or something, you could just add a check. The easiest thing to check is the tk Button state: def start(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.botshoot['state'] == DISABLED: print 'already running' return # abort this method self.botshoot.configure(state=DISABLED) # etc ...
Must declare the scalar variable "#useridaUPDATE"
sqlqrystrng = "UPDATE temp_user_details set user_name = #username, user_email = #useremail, user_contact = #usercontact, user_address=#useraddress WHERE user_id = #userida" sqlqrystrng2 = "UPDATE user_type set user_password = #userpassword where user_id = #useridb" string_cnct = sqlqrystrng & sqlqrystrng2 cmd = New SqlCommand(string_cnct, conn) cmd.Parameters.Add(cmd.CreateParameter).ParameterName = "#userida" cmd.Parameters.Add(cmd.CreateParameter).ParameterName = "#useridb" cmd.Parameters.Item("#userida").Value = struserid cmd.Parameters.Item("#useridb").Value = struserid
sqlqrystrng = "UPDATE temp_user_details set user_name = #username, user_email = useremail, user_contact = #usercontact, user_address=#useraddress WHERE user_id = userida" sqlqrystrng2 = " UPDATE user_type set user_password = #userpassword where user_id = #useridb" string_cnct = sqlqrystrng & sqlqrystrng2 cmd = New SqlCommand(string_cnct, conn) cmd.Parameters.Add(cmd.CreateParameter).ParameterName = "#userida" cmd.Parameters.Add(cmd.CreateParameter).ParameterName = "#useridb" cmd.Parameters.Item("#userida").Value = struserid cmd.Parameters.Item("#useridb").Value = struserid You need to add space before Update in second string
CommandText is not initialized
I have this code Dim LogData As sterm.markdata = New sterm.markdata() Dim datelistquery As String Dim properdate As String If Session("TenHolStDateHP1") = "%" or Session("TenHolStDateHP1") = "" Then If Session("passedPropId") = "" Then 'QUERY USED IF NO DATE SELECTED AND A PROPID HAS NOT BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" Else 'QUERY USED IF NO DATE SELECTED AND A PROPID HAS BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND property_id = ''"&Session("passedPropId")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" End If Else If Session("holidayduration") = "7" Then If Session("passedPropId") = "" Then 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 7 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS NOT BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE part_full_flag = ''F'' AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week = ''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" Else 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 7 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE part_full_flag = ''F'' AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND property_id = ''"&Session("passedPropId")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week = ''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" End If Else If Session("holidayduration") = "14" Then theyear = Left(Session("TenHolStDateHP1"), 4) theweek = Right(Session("TenHolStDateHP1"), 2) If theweek < "52" then theyear = theyear If theweek < "10" then theweek = "0" & theweek + 1 Else theweek = theweek + 1 End If Else If (theyear = "2015" and theweek < "53") or (theyear = "2020" and theweek < "53") or (theyear = "2026" and theweek < "53") or (theyear = "2032" and theweek < "53") or (theyear = "2037" and theweek < "53") then theyear = theyear theweek = "53" Else theyear = theyear + 1 theweek = "01" End If End If If Session("passedPropId") = "" Then 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 14 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS NOT BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE part_full_flag = ''F'' AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week in (''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'',''"& theyear & theweek &"'') AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' GROUP BY property_id HAVING count(property_id) > 1 ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" Else 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 14 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE part_full_flag = ''F'' AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND property_id = ''"&Session("passedPropId")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week in (''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'',''"& theyear & theweek &"'') AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' GROUP BY property_id HAVING count(property_id) > 1 ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" End If Else If Session("holidayduration") = "3/4" Then If Session("passedPropId") = "" Then 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 3/4 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS NOT BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE (part_full_flag = ''P'' or split_weeks = ''Y'') AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week = ''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" Else 'QUERY USED IF DATE SELECTED AND 3/4 NIGHTS AND A PROPID HAS BEEN PASSED datelistquery = "SELECT DISTINCT property_id, ' - Sleeps ' + cast(number_slept as varchar) as combsleeps, number_slept FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+",'SELECT property_id, number_slept FROM web_details WHERE (part_full_flag = ''P'' or split_weeks = ''Y'') AND location = ''"&Session("TenChosenLocCode")&"'' AND property_id = ''"&Session("passedPropId")&"'' AND pets_yn like ''"&Session("TenPets")&"'' AND number_slept >= ''"&Session("TenAdults")&"'' AND year_week = ''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'' AND on_hold = ''NO'' AND booked = ''NO'' ') ORDER BY number_slept, property_id" End If End If 'Query to get date in nice format properdate = "SELECT * FROM openquery ("+Application("hpbDsrc")+", 'SELECT starting_period from web_header WHERE year_week = ''"&Session("TenHolStDateHP1")&"'' ')" Dim drCode7 As DataSet = LogData.StermQ3(properdate) dgAvailable2.DataSource = drCode7.Tables(0).DefaultView dgAvailable2.DataBind() End If dd1.DataSource = LogData.StermQ3(datelistquery).Tables(0).DefaultView dd1.DataBind() dd1.Items.Insert(0, new listitem("Any location", "%")) And the error CommandText has not been initialized keeps showing up on the IIS event viewer log I can't replicate the problem myself but I know it is happening can anyone suggest anything The error says it happens with this line dd1.DataSource = LogData.StermQ3(datelistquery).Tables(0).DefaultView Thanks Jamie
I think you are in a situation where none of the following conditions are met: Session("TenHolStDateHP1") = "%" Session("TenHolStDateHP1") = "" Session("holidayduration") = "3/4" Session("holidayduration") = "14" Session("holidayduration") = "7" Since you don't initialize datelistquery to anything and you end in an else if it seems possible that you are not assigning a query to this string and could pass an empty string to your StermQ3 function. You may want to add an else statement to the end of your chain of if/else if statements as a catchall. What you would set datelistquery to in the else statement depends on what you are doing.