After webpack(Nextjs 10 project) changes tailwind errors - next.js

Before the changes, everything was going to build and everything worked.
my next.config.js //
// const withCss = require('#zeit/next-css');
// const withSass = require('#zeit/next-sass');
class TailwindExtractor {
static extract(content) {
return content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:\/]+/g) || [];
const nextConfig = {
module.exports = withPlugins([
// [ withSass, {} ],
// [ withCss, {} ],
[ withPurgeCss, {
], nextConfig);
Further, as recommended, I decided to abandon the use of the deprecated # zeit / next-css and # zeit / next-sass
I added the tailwind.config.js file as written on their website:
module.exports = {
purge: ['./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', './components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
And made changes to post.config.js and also installed the missing packages:
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'postcss-import': {},
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
'postcss-preset-env': { stage: 2 },
In _app.js, I include the main.scss file:
#import "tailwindcss/preflight";
#import "tailwindcss/components";
#import "tailwindcss/utilities";
.self-class {
#apply .bg-olive .shadow-olive .text-base .text-white .font-bold;
I get an error: Error: Syntax error: /home/roma/project/main.scss #applycannot be used cannot be found, or its actual definition includes a pseudo-selector like :hover, :active, etc. If you're sure, make sure that any#importstatements are being properly processed *before* Tailwind CSS sees your CSS, as#apply can only be used for classes in the same CSS tree.
Do I have my tailwind.config.js file configured incorrectly or is the file built incorrectly in general? So where I am trying to refer to tailwind styles is not known about them yet?
Thanks for any help!


How to write nested CSS with TailWind in Nuxt?

How to write nested CSS with TailWind in Nuxt?
Tailwind recommends to not use preprocessors like Sass or less and recommends it's better to use postcss-nested and import...
I tried and searched too much to use it I couldn't
I only added this config to add css nesting ability as I searched
build: {
postcss: {
plugins: {
'postcss-import': true,
'tailwindcss/nesting': {},
'postcss-nested': {},
splitChunks: {
layouts: true
And this is my tailwind config file codes
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit',
darkMode: true, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {
variants: {
extend: {},
purge: {
content: [
plugins: [],
this is my package.json file I've installed these:
#nuxtjs/tailwindcss - postcss - postcss-import - postcss-nested
Now when I try to write nested CSS I get error
I want to be able to write nested in components and in seprate css files alongside tailwind!
In vue components style section I try to write like this:
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
.test {
But it doesn't work

Nextjs config with postcss nesting doesn't work

I am using nextjs with tailwindcss and i am facing the difficulty in adding postcss-nesting to my nextjs app.
Here is the configuration below for the same :
const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins");
module.exports = withPlugins([], {});
module.exports = {
plugins: [
module.exports = {
purge: {
enabled: true,
content: [
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
In my custom css file i am trying to use it like
.toolbar_navigation_items {
li {
#apply text-3xl;
then i am getting the error
"(2:3) Nested CSS was detected, but CSS nesting has not been configured correctly.
Please enable a CSS nesting plugin *before* Tailwind in your configuration.
NOTE : I also tried changing my postcss.config.js to
module.exports = {
plugins: [
as mentioned in the docs but it says
A PostCSS Plugin was passed as a function using require(), but it must be provided as a string.
I had same issue
install postcss-nesting: npm install -D postcss-nesting
module.exports = {
plugins: {
"tailwindcss/nesting": "postcss-nesting",
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
Had same error. When used:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Got this link:
It shows how new config should be written (remove the require('package') function wrapping the strings). New postcss.config.js:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
This fixed the nesting config issue for me.
npm i sharp
# or
yarn add sharp

nx - tailwindcss not working with next js

I Generate a new project with nx using nextjs preset. Then with the help of the nx dev blog post i setup tailwind css like following
const { join } = require('path');
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: { config: './apps/storefront/tailwind.config.js' },
// tailwindcss: {
// config: join(__dirname, 'tailwind.config.js'),
// },
autoprefixer: {},
const { createGlobPatternsForDependencies } = require('#nrwl/react/tailwind');
module.exports = {
purge: createGlobPatternsForDependencies(__dirname),
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const withNx = require('#nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx');
* #type {import('#nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx').WithNxOptions}
const nextConfig = {
nx: {
// Set this to true if you would like to to use SVGR
// See:
svgr: false,
module.exports = withNx(nextConfig);
But now if I run the apps, tailwind CSS does not seem to be laded in the app. So what am I doing wrong, and how can fix the issue?
In tailwind.config.js, you should change "purge" into "content" which recommends by the new release version of tailwindcss and also the path should config by starting from the root path. For example: content: ['./apps/blogs/pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}']
YR007 answer should be marked as the correct one, both postcss.config.js and tailwind.config.js should have root references if they are inside a monorepo app, for example:
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'tailwindcss/nesting': {},
tailwindcss: { config: './apps/backoffice/tailwind.config.js' },
autoprefixer: {},
module.exports = {
content: [
darkMode: 'class',
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
**In Nx + Nextjs with tailwind some libs components are missing tailwindcss classes you can configure them like that in tailwind.config.js in Nextjs project **
you can point directly to libary
module.exports = {
content: [
join(__dirname, '**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'),
There is a simple way for it's setup. Make a tailwind.config.js file at root and add this code
module.exports = {
mode: "jit",
purge: [
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
Create a postcss.config.js file and make this
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
Then in your globals.css , simply import tailwind
#import "tailwindcss/base";
#import "tailwindcss/components";
#import "tailwindcss/utilities";
and include this globals.css file in your app.js

NextJS with global CSS import fail in production mode

I'm using Next.JS with a few other modules. One of them, Megadraft, comes with its own CSS. I don't know if this is relevant, but I also use PurgeCSS.
Everything works fine on development mode, but the CSS seems to break in production mode. To be a little more explicit, all of the classes of Megadraft, seem to have no definition in production mode.
The HTML nodes in the inspector still show that the classes are here, but they have just no definition.
Here's how I import the said CSS files in my pages/_app.js file:
// pages/_app.js
import "css/tailwind.css";
import "megadraft/dist/css/megadraft.css";
And this is my postcss.config.js:
// postcss.config.js
const purgecss = [
content: [
defaultExtractor: (content) => content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || [],
module.exports = {
plugins: [
...(process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? [purgecss] : []),
I'm using next ^9.4.4. It may be worth noticing that TailwindCSS seems to work just fine (both in dev and prod), but I think it may be because it is used as a plugin in postcss...
Just in case also, I integrated webpack to my project to solve an error I had where the code was telling that I needed a loader:
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
cssModules: true,
webpack: (config, options) => {
config.node = {
fs: "empty",
test: /\.(png|woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)$/,
use: [
loader: "url-loader?limit=100000",
loader: "file-loader",
return config;
Anyway, if someone has an idea of why this works in development mode and not in production, it could be of great help.
Option 1: use Tailwind CSS built-in PurgeCSS
// tailwind.config.css
module.exports = {
purge: ["./components/**/*.js", "./pages/**/*.js"],
theme: {
extend: {}
variants: {},
plugins: []
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["tailwindcss", "postcss-preset-env"]
Be sure to add postcss-preset-env to the package's dev dependencies with npm i --save-dev postcss-preset-env or yarn add -D postcss-preset-env.
Option 2: Manually setup purge and add "./node_modules/megadraft/dist/**/*.css" to purgecss whitelisting content array:
// tailwind.config.css
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {}
variants: {},
plugins: []
// postcss.config.js
const purgecss = ['#fullhuman/postcss-purgecss',{
content: ["./node_modules/megadraft/dist/**/*.css", "./components/**/*.js", "./pages/**/*.js"],
defaultExtractor: content => {
const broadMatches = content.match(/[^<>"'`\s]*[^<>"'`\s:]/g) || []
const innerMatches = content.match(/[^<>"'`\s.()]*[^<>"'`\s.():]/g) || []
return broadMatches.concat(innerMatches)
module.exports = {
plugins: [
...process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? [purgecss]
: []
There may be better solutions but these two are what I can think of.

Why are css classes are missing in production when using Tailwind and next.js?

Tailwind version: v9.3.5
PostCSS Config:
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
...(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? {
'#fullhuman/postcss-purgecss': {
content: ['./components/**/*.js', './pages/**/*.js'],
defaultExtractor: content =>
content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
: {}),
Tailwind Config:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
tint: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)',
variants: {},
plugins: [],
Styles work perfectly in development but in production only some styling is working. Upon checking the CSS file in build folder, looks like some of the CSS classes are not being extracted or possibly purged therefore resulting in partial styling of the app.
EDIT : PurgeCSS version 3.0 add safelist option, replace whitelist
I faced the same problem when i dynamically inject name of some classes into my html template.
I am using nuxt.js/tailwindcss so you need to read the documentary first to solve your problem.
here's the code who generate the classes missing in production
computed: {
axeY() {
return this.y < 0 ? `-translate-y${this.y}` + ' ' : `translate-y-1` + ' '
axeX() {
return this.x < 0 ? `-translate-x${this.x}` : `translate-x-${this.x}`
PostCSS will analyse all files into the content table (declaring in the config file), noted that my files doesn't include classes with translate prefix
as you can see, my missing classes are: [translate-x-1,-translate-x-1, translate-y-1, -translate-y-1] ... the number 1 is a variable.
I need to tell purgecss to not delete those classes by adding them into a whitelist
Or you can use them into your files, for example by creating an unless file (a file analyzed by PostCSS)
You can specify content that should be analyzed by PurgeCSS with an array of filenames
Maintain your config file of TailWindCSS by specifying all cores plugins that you're using
In a complicated case you can use a regular expression in the config file.
in my case, i can directly config purge in the config file of TailWindCSS, by passing the whitelist in the options variable, and here is my config file when i use the first solution :
** TailwindCSS Configuration File
** Docs:
** Default:
const num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12]
const whitelist = [] => {
whitelist.push('translate-x-' + x)
whitelist.push('-translate-x-' + x)
whitelist.push('translate-y-' + x)
whitelist.push('-translate-y-' + x)
module.exports = {
future: {
removeDeprecatedGapUtilities: true,
theme: {},
variants: {
backgroundColor: ['hover', 'focus', 'active'],
plugins: [],
purge: {
// Learn more on
enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
content: [
options: {
Found the issue, postcss config was missing sections folder in content array and also since my js files had jsx, i need to add that as well.
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
...(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? {
'#fullhuman/postcss-purgecss': {
// added sections folder and changed extension to jsx
content: ['./components/**/*.jsx', './pages/**/*.js', './sections/**/**/*.jsx'],
defaultExtractor: content =>
content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
: {}),
I struggled with this same issue. Tailwind will purge classes created with string concatenation.
One solve is to save class names as variables.
n = ‘row-start-2’;
For my use case I couldn't do this. Instead, I used the safelist greedy option.
In tailwind config file:
module.exports = {
purge: {
content: ["./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
options: {
safelist: {
greedy: ["/safe$/"],
Then I added the "safe" class to all elements where I'm using string concatenation to create classes.
className={`safe sm:grid-cols-${smCols} sm:grid-rows-${smRows} md:grid-cols-${mdCols} md:grid-rows-${mdRows}
