REST API deleting parent/child relationship vs deleting child object - parent-child

I have a rest api with a type "Entity", this Entity has a list of children which themselves are also type Entity
Accessing the resources is as follows:
Get Children of an entity:
GET /api/entities/{id}/children
Get Single entity:
GET /api/entities/{id}
For removing resources I currently have the following planned:
Remove child from parent but keep child resource in database (delete ONLY the relation):
DELETE /api/entities/{id}/children/{childId} (calling GET /api/entities/{childId} will still return this resource!)
Remove entity from database:
DELETE /api/entites/{id}
Is this the common practice in REST API design for differentiating between removing a relationship vs removing a resource? Or is it expected that the child resource will be both removed from the hierarchy and completely deleted as well? What are the common ways to differentiate these two actions?


How to disable the automatic loading of all related entities during serialization?

Symfony 4 with JMS.
The Parent class is associated with the OneToMany child class. In the repository, I get some parents, and some children (leftJoin with the condition). However, when trying to serialize Parents, JMS automatically gets all (!) Children from database, making additional queries to the database. How can I avoid this? Is there any option in the JMS config?
The only thing that comes to my mind is the VirtualProperty() version, in which I will filter the children already inside the entity. But this is not very effective.
I want to serialize this field, but not all child entities. Only satisfying the condition. In the repository I do ->leftJoin('p.children', 'c', 'WITH', ' = bar'), but the serializer loads the elements that are not in the condition by separate requests. This is the problem
Use serialization groups to choice which attributs you want and limit childrens with maxDepth ?

How to set a deleted property to true rather than removing a related doctrine entity in Symfony

I'm building an app that allows a user to create reports for advertisers. The entities are set up so that there is a relation between the Report object and the Advertiser object - so that the advertiser has a getReports() method to get them.
I would like to change the app so that instead of actually deleting entities, that it simply changes a "deleted" property to true. That part is no problem, but I'm unsure how to make it so that the getReports() on the Advertiser entity only returns reports for the advertiser that have a deleted property of false.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions how that should be done in accordance with Symfony best practices.
You should look into Gedmo Doctrine Extensions.
Specifically for your case:
TLDR; they allow you to configure behavior of your entities in a way you desire, so for example when you "delete" an entity, Gedmo's listeners would set it's deleted value to a current datetime. Now you'd still have that record in your database but with not null value of deleted column marking it 'soft deleted', so when querying, it wouldn't be returned (because Doctrine knows how to query these stuff and would add a condition i.e.: ... where deleted ...) unless you explicitly say you want to see those soft deleted records.

LUIS cannot edit hierarchical entity to add a new child

Well, the subject line tells it all. I have only 3 entities and all are hierarchical with less than 10 children. When I try to add a new child to any of these the app hangs with a yellow ribbon on the page top saying "Updating .."
Is this normal?
This is a temporary limitation in the portal that will be fixed soon.
In the interim you can work around this by calling the REST APIs to modify the existing entity. Here is a step by step of adding a new child entity 'Middle' to an existing 'Children' hierarchical entity which contains 'First' and 'Last':
Get your Programmatic API key (
Get the application ID and Version (
Get Hierarchical Entity ID (
Update model (

How to detect if entity exist in database

I have 2 entities, User and Profile. Profile has in-symfony relation with User, but there is no in-database relation (no foreign key, no cascade) - only simple int column named user_id and nothing more.
Problem is obvious: when i delete user - associated profiles persists, but their user_id points to non-existing user row.
Since I use in-symfony relations when i fetch profile from database it fetches also related user entity. I expected that if there is no row with specific ID, it would just leave null or at least throw an exception or something.
Problem is that symfony creates empty User entity object with only id set. rest of its fields are null.
I know solution would be to create FK, constraints etc ... but I'm not allowed to touch anything in database schema.
How can I manage this problem ? I could even leave those empty object if only i had simple way to determine if they exist in database inside TWIG - so i would know if i can display {{ }} for example.
Fast and dirty solution, as you ask, is to use this test:
But I strongly recommend to rework your entity relations.
Found solution: its fetch: EAGER set to problematic mapping in doctrine.
By default doctrine uses LAZY fetching what results in using Proxy classes generated by doctrine for related entity. That class is almost same as real entity class. Difference is inside getter methods that before returning value performs fetching entity from database.
At this point, when you call getter on such proxy, doctrine tries to find entity in database using its ID, and since it doesn't find anything it throws exception.
When using EAGER fetching doctrine performs fetching of related entities on the same time when it fetches main entity and if it doesn't find it then sets null on relation field.

Symfony2: loading user roles from database

I'm running into a problem with the Symfony2 Security system, particularly when trying to load Roles from a database. Before going further, I am aware of FOSUserBundle, but at the moment, in an effort to better understand the Symfony2 framework, I want to try and make my bundle work using Symfony2 components only. TL;DR -> please don't tell me to just use the FOSUserBundle. :-)
I have 3 entities configured in my bundle, Accounts, AccountsRoles, and AccountsRepository.
MySQL demo_template.accounts Table
MySQL demo_template.accounts_roles Table
All aspects of the bundle were working correctly (registration, confirmation, password reset, and login) before I attempted to add the loading of user roles from a database. When I simply set the role to array('ROLE_USER') via the getRoles() { return array('ROLE_USER') }, authentication worked and the user successfully logged into the site.
However, upon attempting to integrate roles from the database, I receive the following error, which I understand is an instance of AuthenticationException:
Notice: Undefined index: id in /home/humplebert/Websites/www/template/vendor/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Query/SqlWalker.php line 804
Stack Trace
The exception is only generated when I modify the query in AccountsRepository and remove
the "->select()" and "->leftJoin()" components. In looking at the Stack Trace, around line 16 on the link, it appears I have all sorts of "crazy" happening with regards to the many-to-many mapping in the BasicEntityPersister.
I've searched high and low in my Entity classes for any reference to plain "id" and can find none. I've noticed that if I change the names of my "ID" columns in my entities to just "id" (i.e. replace "AccountsID" with "id" in src\RedK\Core\IndexBundle\Entity\Accounts) the error goes away (and is replaced with another error, more on that in a moment).
Question 1)
Is there something blatently wrong with my Entities to be generating the "Undefined index: id" error I am receiving? If not, does Symfony2/Doctrine2 require that Auto-Increment columns in be labeled "id"?
As I have continued to tinker, I decided to try renaming my table ID columns to "id". Therefore, src\RedK\Core\IndexBundle\Accounts replaces AccountsID with just "id". And likewise, src\RedK\Core\IndexBundle\AccountsRoles replaces RolesID with just "id". Upon doing so, the "Undefined index: id" error goes away. However, I am presented with a new error: "table or view demo_template.accounts_accountsroles does not exist". Well of course it doesn't exist, I don't have a table defined as accounts_accountsroles. I have two tables, accounts and accounts_roles.
Question 2)
In order to use the Symfony2/Doctrine2 tools for importing user roles from a database, what rules are there regarding the naming of the tables? Based on the error I received, it seems that some form of concatenation is taking place. Or have I just simply screwed up my annotations somewhere along the line?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regarding Question 1) the short answer is no! For the long answer see section 5.3 Mapping Defaults in the Doctrine Association Mapping documentation:
It states that if you use this short annotation:
/** #ManyToMany(targetEntity="Group") */
private $groups;
"In that case, the name of the join table defaults to a combination of the simple, unqualified class names of the participating classes, separated by an underscore character. The names of the join columns default to the simple, unqualified class name of the targeted class followed by “_id”. The referencedColumnName always defaults to “id”, just as in one-to-one or many-to-one mappings."
You can override the defaults by providing more detailed many to many annotations (see link above) and therefore avoid the id error.
Regarding Question 2) the concatenation is correct. Many to many relationships require a third 'junction' table. The Doctrine paragraph above explains how the name of this table is generated.
I don't know why the 'table ... does not exist' error is occurring for the junction table as the annotations look ok to me. It appears as though your database schema is somehow out of sync with your annotations.
I implemented a solution, above FOSUserBundle and described it here
After implementing Role access throug Doctrine you still need to make a RoleHierarchy service aware of it.
