How to add a child page to a Custom Post Type "Post" - wordpress

Friends, Hello.
I have an issue, i'm searching for an answer for 2 days now. I think I have checked all the 10 firsts google pages of 20 different requests by now.
So, this is it.
I have a custom post type named "Footballer".
I have created 2 "Posts" of that CPT, which are "Messi" and "Ronaldo".
My permalinks for these 2 footballers are "" and "". It is OK for me.
Now, I want to add a child page "about" (or "stats", or anything) to my footballers and I want this page to be available by the link "" (just add the child page slug after the cpt post link).
Obviously, I want to create a single page "about", not one for every footballer I have, and in this page I would retrieve data for the specific footballer (by functions/shortcodes).
Nota: the cpt and values in this post are fictionnals, I know I would display the about/stats directly in the footballer cpt post. I am just trying to explain what I need -> a generic child page for a cpt, available by "".
How can I do it ? I s it even possible ?
Thanks for your help.
As it is not possible with Divi, can I try to rewrite the URL of my subpage ? If my subpage url is "mysite/subpage/?foot=messi", can I make it appear "mysite/footballer/messi/subpage".
I tried this code, without success
function my_rewrite_url() {
add_rewrite_tag( '%foot%','([^&]+)' );
add_action( 'init', 'my_rewrite_url' );

You are looking for custom taxonomies on the custom post type.


Show custom post archive when custom post not specified

I have a custom post type called produce set up in WordPress and a custom taxonomy called produce_category.
The URL format for posts in this custom post type is in this format http://mywebsite/produce/%produce_category%/%postname%/. Of course %produce_category% and %postname% get substituted accordingly, a working example url would be http://mywebsite/produce/fruits-and-vegetables/avocado.
What I would like to do is show the produce_category custom taxonomy archive if a user visits http://mywebsite/produce/%produce_category%, without specifying post name at the end, e.g http://mywebsite/produce/fruits-and-vegetables to show all produce in fruits-and-vegetables produce_category.
Besides that when a user visits http://mywebsite/produce/ I would like to show all the produce archive. EDIT: I have this working now.
I know how to create the archive pages totally fine and have no problem with that. I am stuck at creating permalinks. When I visit http://mywebsite/produce/%produce_category% I get a 404 error.
I'm looking for advise on the best way to implement this. Currently I am using Custom Post Type Permalinks and CPTUI.
The CPTUI custom taxonomy settings interface does not allow me to have a blank in the custom rewrite slug. It defaults to the custom taxonomy slug, produce_category, when I don't fill in anything.
This gives the front-side produce_category taxonomy archive url as http://mywebsite/produce/produce_category/%produce_category%/ e.g. http://mywebsite/produce/produce_category/fish-and-seafood/ when what I want for the archive is http://mywebsite/produce/fish-and-seafood/.
Please help with suggestion on the best way I can achieve the custom taxonomy url.
Thank you all.
Try this code. It will help you to achieve your url structure... Make sure you update permalinks after saving it to functions.php
function custom_produce_category_link( $link, $term, $taxonomy )
if ( $taxonomy !== 'produce_category' )
return $link;
return str_replace( 'produce_category/', '', $link );
add_filter( 'term_link', 'custom_produce_category_link', 10, 3 );

Replacing Wordpress Category with Static Page?

I'm rehashing a Wordpress question from 4 years ago that had an approved answer, but that solution no longer works in the current version of Wordpress. The original question: Make Wordpress use the page instead of category
Background (copied from originally approved answer): is the domain
I have a WP page called "foobar" with content
I have a WP post category called "foobar"
I have a WP post entitled "fun things to do with foobars", and the category is set to "foobar"
When I go to, I want to see the page about foobars, not a WP category page that shows all blog posts with that category.
When I go to the blog post about fun things, the URL is
The solution at the time
There appeared to be a work-around with a custom permalink structure and using "." (no quotes) as the category base. That solution does not work with the current version of Wordpress.
There were also a couple of answers that suggested various plugins. I'm not overtly opposed to that route, but the suggested plugins at the time seem to have been affected by the same update that negated the accepted answer.
To load page with the same slug as of category name you could use following code snippet that replace category with Page.
function wpa_alter_cat_links( $termlink, $term, $taxonomy ){
if( 'category' != $taxonomy ) return $termlink;
return str_replace( '/category', '', $termlink );
add_filter( 'term_link', 'wpa_alter_cat_links', 10, 3 );
Be aware with the code. You should have pages for all your categories otherwise you will get 404 for those categories which have not created pages.
After adding above code into your activated theme's functons.php file please flush the permalink. You can do that with visiting settings -> permalinks -> click save changes
Hope it works for you!

Dropdown of existing posts in a metabox

I want to have ability to choose for each page what post should appear in a sidebar, from multiple posts type. So I understand that I need a meta box with a dropdown list of all posts, but I don't know how to build this in functions.
I only found this solution which is quite similar to what I want, but this doesn't help me to much, because I can only choose from a single post type and display only in post pages.
There is a free plugin that will solve all of your woes. It's called ACF or Advanced Custom Fields. It has the ability to add a list of posts to a field and attach that field to pages. Here's how you'd do it:
First install the plugin and navigate to the custom fields screen. Setup your field exactly like this:
Then in the options below that section you need to select these options:
That will tell ACF to put the field only on pages. After you have set that up you will get a little sidebar block like this:
You can then select each post for the page and it will return that object on the frontend. You do need to use a little code to get the frontend to spit out the posts you need. Here is the code to get a frontend option from ACF. Inside of the sidebar.php file you need to add this code:
global $post; // Get the global post object
$sidebar_posts = get_field('posts', $post->ID); // Get the field using the post ID
foreach($sidebar_posts as $sidebar_post){ // Loop through posts
echo $sidebar_post->post_title; // Echo the post title
This will simply loop through the posts you select and echo out the title. You can do more with this by adding some other Wordpress post functions using setup_postdata(). This will allow you to do things like the_title() and the_content().
Hope this helps!

How to set custom post type as parent of page?

I've found plenty of info on how to set a page as the parent of a custom post type, but not the other way round - I want to set a custom post type as the parent of my page.
I've found the following hook, originally intended to add drafts to the list of available parents for a page. It works for adding drafts, but if I use it to chaneg the retrieved post type, the parent pulldown on the page edit screen disappears. Any ideas?
add_filter( 'page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args', 'so_3538267_enable_drafts_parents' );
add_filter( 'quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args', 'so_3538267_enable_drafts_parents' );
function so_3538267_enable_drafts_parents( $args )
//$args['post_status'] = 'draft,publish,pending';//works
$args['post_type'] = 'campaign';//custom post type name - doesn't work
return $args;
I've got it working. The code above is good, I just needed to set my custom post type to be hierarchical.
I spoke too soon. The above change allowed me to select the custom post type as the parent of the page, but now the child page is inaccessible on the frontend. I get a 404 error. I've tried flushing permalinks as usual.
The URL it's trying to use for the page:
the first part is the slug for the parent custom post type.
Can anyone tell me how to get this working?

Wordpress Custom Post type page display

Hi I am reading Building wordpress themes from scratch in order to understand theme development.I got to a point in the book where it explains how to create the custom post type pages.And the author mentions that this function is required in order to display the page:
add_action('init' , 'director_rewrite');
function director_rewrite(){
global $wp_rewrite;
$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('typename','typename/%year%%postname%/' , true , 1);
add_rewrite_rule('typename/([0-9]{4})/(.+)/?$','index.php?typename=$matches[2]', 'top');
I have deleted the function and the page still display corectly without it.That leads me to belive that I do not understand wha this actualy does.
So is this function required to properly display custom post type pages?If so what does it do?
It adds rewrite rule for the permalinks structure of your page. If you remove it, the page still show correctly, but link towards your page is different!
