How to send a file with RTK Query from Redux Toolkit? - redux

I am trying to use RTK Query mutations to upload a file to the API. Here is my mutation code:
addBanner: builder.mutation({
query(body) {
return {
url: `/api/banners`,
method: 'POST',
Here is how I generate the data for request.
const [addBanner, { isBannerLoading }] = useAddBannerMutation();
const new_banner = new FormData();
new_banner.append("file", my_file);
new_banner.append("type", my_type);
new_banner.append("title", my_title);
addBanner(new_banner).unwrap().then( () => ...
But I get an error:
A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: `api.mutations.L-Mje7bYDfyNCC4NcxFD3.originalArgs.file`...
I know I can disable non-serializable check entirely through middleware, but I don't think it is an appropriate way of using Redux Toolkit and RTK. Without a file all works fine. Is there any right way of uploading files with RTK?

Edit: This has been fixed with #reduxjs/toolkit 1.6.1 - please update your package
I just opened an issue for this: - thanks for bringing it up!
For now, you'll probably have to disable that check (you can do so for a certain path in the state while keeping it for the rest with the ignoredPath option).


alexa skill local could not write to dynamodb

I am writing a node.js skill using ask-sdk and using alexa-skill-local to test the endpoint. I need to persist data to DynamoDb in one of the handler. But I keep getting "missing region error". Please find my code below:
'use strict';
// use 'ask-sdk' if standard SDK module is installed
const Alexa = require('ask-sdk');
const { launchRequestHandler, HelpIntentHandler, CancelAndStopIntentHandler, SessionEndedRequestHandler } = require('./commonHandlers');
const ErrorHandler = {
canHandle() {
return true;
handle(handlerInput, error) {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.speak('Sorry, I can\'t understand the command. Please say again.')
.reprompt('Sorry, I can\'t understand the command. Please say again.')
// Code for the handlers here //
exports.handler = Alexa.SkillBuilders
And in one of the handler I am trying to get persisted attributes like below:
handlerInput.attributesManager.getPersistentAttributes().then((data) => {
console.log('--- the attributes are ----', data)
But I keep getting the following error:
(node:12528) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: AskSdk.DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter Error: Could not read item (amzn1.ask.account.AHJECJ7DTOPSTT25R36BZKKET4TKTCGZ7HJWEJEBWTX6YYTLG5SJVLZH5QH257NFKHXLIG7KREDKWO4D4N36IT6GUHT3PNJ4QPOUE4FHT2OYNXHO6Z77FUGHH3EVAH3I2KG6OAFLV2HSO3VMDQTKNX4OVWBWUGJ7NP3F6JHRLWKF2F6BTWND7GSF7OVQM25YBH5H723VO123ABC) from table (EucerinSkinCareDev): Missing region in config
at Object.createAskSdkError (E:\projects\nodejs-alexa-sdk-v2-eucerin-skincare-dev\node_modules\ask-sdk-dynamodb-persistence-adapter\dist\utils\AskSdkUtils.js:22:17)
at DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter.<anonymous> (E:\projects\nodejs-alexa-sdk-v2-eucerin-skincare-dev\node_modules\ask-sdk-dynamodb-persistence-adapter\dist\attributes\persistence\DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter.js:121:45)
Can we read and write attributes from DynamoDb using alexa-skill-local ? Do we need some different setup to achieve this ?
I know that this is a really old topic, but I had the same problem few days ago, and I'm gonna explain how I did it work.
You have to download DynamoDB Locally and follow the instructions from here
Once that you have configure your local DynamoDB and check that it is working. You have to pass it through your code, to DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter constructor.
Your code should look similar to:
var awsSdk = require('aws-sdk');
var myDynamoDB = new awsSdk.DynamoDB({
endpoint: 'http://localhost:8000', // If you change the default url, change it here
accessKeyId: <your-access-key-id>,
secretAccessKey: <your-secret-access-key>,
region: <your-region>,
apiVersion: 'latest'
const {DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter} = require('ask-sdk-dynamodb-persistence-adapter');
return new DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter({
tableName: tableName || 'my-table-name',
createTable: true,
dynamoDBClient: myDynamoDB
Where <your-acces-key-id>, <your-secrete-access-key> and <your-region> are defined at aws config and credentials files.
The next step is launch your server with alexa-skill-local command as always.
Hope this will be helpfull! =)
Presumably you have an AWS config profile that your skill is using when running locally.
You need to edit the .config file and set the default region (ie us-east-1) there. The region should match the region where your table exists.
Alternatively, if you want to be able to run completely isolated, you may need to write come conditional logic and swap the dynamo client with one targeting an instance of DynamoDB Local running on your machine.

Export / Log to error tracking service

Is there a way to get an export of the store state / actions programmatically in Production that could be imported back into dev tools?
For example I can setup middleware to capture the current state and send that to something like (Trackjs,Sentry, Rollbar) but that lacks all the previous state and actions.
I would like to capture in the same format as exporting from the Redux Dev Tools.
Sample export from Dev Tools
This is currently in development but you can now push action history right in the extension see
Another option is to save the actions to a JSON file as an array and import them back in.
That's possible as of
let actions = []
export function logActions (stateSanitizer) {
return store => next => action => {
return next(action)
These actions can be saved to a file or database and can be imported back into the dev tools.
Sample actions
"type": "INCREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
I created this repo which demos this in action it uses middleware to log the actions when an error happens.
I maintain a Redux middleware called Raven for Redux which attaches Redux data to Sentry error reports. Currently it adds the following context to each error report:
The complete state object.
The complete last action object.
The type of all actions that lead up to the current state. These are added as "breadcrumbs".
The Sentry blog has a writeup describing it in more detail:
You can find the middleware as an NPM package here:

How to delete a large node in firebase

I have a Firebase child node with about 15,000,000 child objects with a total size of about 8 GB of data.
exampele data structure:$pushKey
each $pushKey contains a small flat dictionary:
{a: 1.0, b: 2.0, c: 3.0}
I would like to delete this data as efficiently and easy as possible. How?
What i Tried:
My first try was a put request:
data-raw: null
response: {
"error": "Data requested exceeds the maximum size that can be accessed with a single request. Contact for help."
So that didn't work, let's do a limit request:
data-raw: null
response: {
"error": "Querying related parameters not supported on this request type"
No luck so far :( What about writing a script that will get the first X number of keys and then create a patch request with each value set to null?
"error" : "Mixing 'shallow' and querying parameters is not supported"
It's really not going to be easy this one? I could remove the shallow requirement and get the keys, and finish the script. I was just hoping there would be a easier/more efficient way???
Another thing i tried were to create a node script that listen for childAdded and then directly tries to remove those children?
ref.authWithCustomToken(AUTH_TOKEN, function(error, authData) {
if (error) {console.log("Login Failed!", error)}
if (!error) {console.log("Login Succeeded!", authData)}
ref.child("childNode").on("child_added", function(snap) {
console.log(`found: ${snap.key()}`)
ref.child("childNode").child(snap.key()).remove( function(err) {
if (!err) {console.log(`deleted: ${snap.key()}`)}
This script actually hangs right now, but earlier I did receive somethings like a max stack limit warning from firebase. I know this is not a firebase problem, but I don't see any particular easy way to solve that problem.
Downloading a shallow tree, will download only the keys. So instead of asking the server to order and limit, you can download all keys.
Then you can order and limit it client-side, and send delete requests to Firebase in batches.
You can use this script for inspiration:
Use firebase cli tool for this: firebase database:remove --project .
In Browser Console this is fastest way
database.ref('data').limitToFirst(10000).once('value', snap => {
var updates = {};
snap.forEach(snap => {
updates[snap.key] = null;

How to save a file -in a folder- using FileSystem and CollectionFS ? (yeah, really.)

I think I'm missing something. I have read a lot of posts/examples and I can't save images on my system (I work locally).
What is my goal ?
I'm trying to save a file submitted by the user in a folder (server-side). Does it sound easy ? Maybe.
What's the issue ?
Short answer : I can't figure out how to save the file in my folder.
Do you want more information ?
The story of a file upload
I have read that to use the path parameter like new FS.Store.FileSystem("thumb", { path: "/public/images/user/avatar" }) , I have to declare my collection server-side. But when I call Avatars.insert() (Avatars is the name of my collection), it seems like it doesn't exists. This makes sense because this collection exists only on the server.
So I've tried to declare the collection both server-side and client-side (I've read some examples about that) and that works ! The file is correctly added to MongoDB, but my folder is still empty (I'm not sure but I think this is because Avatars.insert() is called client-side so the collection used is the client-side one, the one which cannot take path parameter).
But no problem ! I've created 2 Meteor methods (one client-side and one server-side) called "updateAvatarFile". With this "trick", I'm able to do"updateAvatarFile", field.files[0]), which calls both server-side and client-side methods. So I can do some UI stuff in the client-side one and upload the file in the other. But I can't pass the file as a parameter.
field.files[0] contains the file client-side but server-side it's an empty object. My question is : How can I upload a file ?
I can't do it client-side (because I can't use path parameter) but I can pass the file to the server. I'm sure that I'm missing something but I can't figure what.
Here is how I go :
// /client/views/templates/settings.js{
'submit #updateAvatar': function (e, template) {
const field = document.getElementsByName('avatar')[0];'updateAvatarFile', field.files[0]);
// /client/lib/clientMethods.js
'updateAvatarFile': function (file) {
// blabla
// /server/lib/serverMethods.js
'updateAvatarFile': function (file) {
Avatars.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
if (err) {
} else {
// /server/collections/serverAvatarCollection.js
Avatars = new FS.Collection("avatars", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.FileSystem("original", { path: "/public/images/user/avatar" }),
new FS.Store.FileSystem("thumb", { path: "/public/images/user/avatar" })
filter: {
maxSize: 1000000, //1Mo
allow: { contentTypes: ['image/*'] }
onInvalid: function (message) {
//throw new Meteor.Error(403, message);
// /client/collections/clientAvatarCollection.js
// (this one is actually in a comment block)
Avatars = new FS.Collection("avatars", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.FileSystem("original"),
new FS.Store.FileSystem("thumb")
filter: {
maxSize: 1000000, //1Mo
allow: { contentTypes: ['image/*'] }
onInvalid: function (message) {
I've also tried to insert the file with the client-side method but I've got the same result (the file is added to MongoDB but not saved into a folder).
Using different path values didn't work either.
EDIT : Or maybe I'm trying to use the wrong package ? To my mind, transform a picture to chunks and save them into MongoDB sounds really weird and bad. Do you have any adivces ?
EDIT 2 :
answer to Michel Floyd (sorry about that, the character limit is annoying).
First, thanks for your answer !
1. At the moment, I'm just trying Meteor so I have both autopublish and insecure installed. Not publishing/subscribing to my collection cannot cause an issue, is that right ?
2. Before your answer I've tried to set up a collection available for both server and client by putting my avatarCollection.js in /collections. I was thinking that path which doesn't contains server or client are automatically available for the two sides. So what is the difference between /collections and /lib ? (I know that all files in a "lib" folder are loaded first). Is it a bad practice to put collections in /collections ? Maybe should I create a /lib/collections folder ?
3. (the last point, sorry for the long comment) I've tried what you advised above but it doesn't seems to work (or I am doing something wrong, again ><). When I use Avatars.insert(), CollectionFS don't save the file on my local storage. I've also checked the root of my HDD in case CollectionFS interpreted / to be the root of my machine but it doesn't. In the other hand, CollectionFS have created 4 collections in MongoDB (cfs._tempstore.chunks, cfs.avatars.filerecord, cfs_gridfs._tempstore.chunks and cfs_gridfs._tempstore.files) - the gridfs is weird. I have GridFS installed but I use FileSystem -. Those tables are not empty. That's why I think CollectionFS split my file into chunks and save them in MongoDB.
You're generally on the right track. CollectionFS uses storage adapters to deal with actual file storage. You can put files on S3, gridFS, or your local file system as you're trying to do. Putting the file contents in Mongo directly is usually avoided.
Firstly, define your collection:
Avatars = new FS.Collection("avatars", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.FileSystem("original", { path: "/public/images/user/avatar" }),
new FS.Store.FileSystem("thumb", { path: "/public/images/user/avatar" })
filter: {
maxSize: 1000000, //1Mo
allow: { contentTypes: ['image/*'] }
onInvalid: function (message) {
//throw new Meteor.Error(403, message);
in /lib! This will make it available to both the server and the client.
Secondly, make sure you publish your avatars collection from the server and subscribe to it from the client. I don't see any publish/subscribe code in your question. You need it.
Thirdly, if you just do:
on the client with a file then CollectionFS then CollectionFS will take care of storing it for you. The thing is, it won't be instantly available. It can take a little while for the actual upload and storage to happen. You can look at fileObj.isUploaded for example to see if the file is ready.

Marionette js itemview not defined: then on browser refresh it is defined and all works well - race condition?

Yeah it's just the initial browser load or two after a cache clear. Subsequent refreshes clear the problem up.
I'm thinking the item views just aren't fully constructed in time to be used in the collection views on the first load. But then they are on a refresh? Don't know.
There must be something about the code sequence or loading or the load time itself. Not sure. I'm loading via require.js.
Have two collections - users and messages. Each renders in its own collection view. Each works, just not the first time or two the browser loads.
The first time you load after clearing browser cache the console reports, for instance:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: MessageItemView is not defined"
A simple browser refresh clears it up. Same goes for the user collection. It's collection view says it doesn't know anything about its item view. But a simple browser refresh and all is well.
My views (item and collection) are in separate files. Is that the problem? For instance, here is my message collection view in its own file:
var MessageListView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: MessageItemView,
el: $("#messages")
And the message item view is in a separate file:
var MessageItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "div",
template: Handlebars.compile(
'<div>{{fromUserName}}:</div>' +
'<div>{{message}}</div>' +
Then in my main module file, which references each of those files, the collection view is constructed and displayed:
//Define a model
MessageModel = Backbone.Model.extend();
//Make an instance of MessageItemView - code in separate file, messagelistview.js
MessageView = new MessageItemView();
//Define a message collection
var MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: MessageModel
//Make an instance of MessageCollection
var collMessages = new MessageCollection();
//Make an instance of a MessageListView - code in separate file, messagelistview.js
var messageListView = new MessageListView({
collection: collMessages
Do I just have things sequenced wrong? I'm thinking it's some kind of race condition only because over 3G to an iPad the item views are always undefined. They never seem to get constructed in time. PC on a hard wired connection does see success after a browser refresh or two. It's either the load times or the difference in browsers maybe? Chrome IE and Firefox on a PC all seem to exhibit the success on refresh behavior. Safari on iPad fails always.
in file application.js
paths: {
jquery: '../../jquery-1.10.1.min',
'jqueryui': '../../jquery-ui-1.10.3.min',
'jqueryuilayout': '../../jquery.layout.min-1.30.79',
underscore: '../../underscore',
backbone: '../../backbone',
marionette: '../../backbone.marionette',
handlebars: '../../handlebars',
"signalr": "../../jquery.signalR-1.1.3",
"signalr.hubs": "/xyvidpro/signalr/hubs?",
"debug": '../../debug',
"themeswitchertool": '../../themeswitchertool'
shim: {
'jqueryui': {
deps: ['jquery']
'jqueryuilayout': {
deps: ['jquery', 'jqueryui']
underscore: {
exports: '_'
backbone: {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
marionette: {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Marionette"
"signalr": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "SignalR"
"signalr.hubs": {
deps: ["signalr"],
exports: "SignalRHubs"
"debug": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"themeswitchertool": {
deps: ["jquery"]
require(["marionette", "jqueryui", "jqueryuilayout", "handlebars", "signalr.hubs", "debug", "themeswitchertool"], function (Marionette) {
window.App = new Marionette.Application();
//...more code
Finally, inside the module that uses creates the collection views in question, the list of external file dependencies is as follows:
var dependencies = [
Clearly the itemViews are listed before collectionViews. This seems correct to me. Not sure what accounts for the collectionViews needing itemViews before they are defined. And why is all ok after a browser refresh?
The sequence in which you load files is most likely wrong: you need to load the item view before the collection view.
Try putting all of your code in the same file in the proper order, and see if it works.
The free preview to my book on Marionette can also guide you to displaying a collection view.
Edit based on calirification:
The dependencies listed for the module are NOT loaded linearly. That is precisely what RequireJS was designed to avoid. Instead the way to get the files loaded properly (i.e. in the correct order), is by defining a "chain" of dependencies that RequireJS will compute and load.
What you need to do is define (e.g.) your userlistview to depend on userview. In this way, they will get loaded in the proper order by RequireJS. You can see an example of a RequireJS app here (from by book on RequireJS and Marionette). Take a look at how each module definition decalre which modules it depends on (and that RequireJS therefore needs to load before). Once again, listing the modules sequentially within a dependecy array does NOT make them get loaded in that sequence, you really need to use the dependency chain mechanism.
