Export / Log to error tracking service - redux

Is there a way to get an export of the store state / actions programmatically in Production that could be imported back into dev tools?
For example I can setup middleware to capture the current state and send that to something like (Trackjs,Sentry, Rollbar) but that lacks all the previous state and actions.
I would like to capture in the same format as exporting from the Redux Dev Tools.
Sample export from Dev Tools

This is currently in development but you can now push action history right in the extension see https://github.com/zalmoxisus/remotedev-server/pull/20
Another option is to save the actions to a JSON file as an array and import them back in.
That's possible as of https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension/issues/173
let actions = []
export function logActions (stateSanitizer) {
return store => next => action => {
return next(action)
These actions can be saved to a file or database and can be imported back into the dev tools.
Sample actions
"type": "INCREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
}, {
"type": "DECREMENT"
I created this repo which demos this in action https://github.com/timarney/redux-trackjs-logger it uses middleware to log the actions when an error happens.

I maintain a Redux middleware called Raven for Redux which attaches Redux data to Sentry error reports. Currently it adds the following context to each error report:
The complete state object.
The complete last action object.
The type of all actions that lead up to the current state. These are added as "breadcrumbs".
The Sentry blog has a writeup describing it in more detail: https://blog.sentry.io/2016/08/24/redux-middleware-error-logging.html
You can find the middleware as an NPM package here: https://github.com/captbaritone/raven-for-redux


Firebase: Delete user analytics data - userdeletionRequests:upsert - GDPR

My question is, how can I delete a users analytics data from firebase using "Google User Deletion API" and its method: userdeletionRequests:upsert? This is important for me to fully fulfill GDPR.
I tried searching for this, but didn't a solution for using it in combination with "NodeJS" and "firebase-cloud-functions".
My biggest problem is, how I get the access, token, this is what I have for now:
const accessToken = (await admin.credential.applicationDefault().getAccessToken()).access_token;
return ky.post(constants.googleUserDeletionURL, {
body: JSON.stringify({
kind: "analytics#userDeletionRequest",
id: {
type: "USER_ID",
userId: uid,
propertyId: constants.googleUserDeletionPropertyId,
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
}).catch((err) => {
functions.logger.log(`An Error happened trying to delete user-anayltics ${(err as Error).message}`);
But I always get An Error happened trying to delete user-anayltics Request failed with status code 403 Forbidden
Okay, after some painful and long days (literally took me like >20 hours), I've figured out how to achieve this request. Here is a step for step guide:
Step 1 - Needed Dependencies
To send a post-request to google, we need a http-client-library. I've choosen "ky", so we need to install it first with:
npm install ky
Furthermore, we need to create or OWN oAuth2 token, otherwise the post request will be denied with "error 403". To create our own oAuth token, we need another dependency:
npm install #googleapis/docs
Step 2 - Needed Google Property ID
With your request, Google needs to know which property-id / project you are targeting (where it should later delete the user-analytics-data). To get this property-id, we need to log in into GCP via Firebase (not the "real" GCP, the one via Firebase).
For this, go into your "console.firebase.google.com" → Select your project → Analytics Dashboard → "View more in Google Analytics (button at the right corner)"
Write "property-id" into the search field and then save it somewhere (we need it later)
Step 3 - Creating Client-Secret
The third step is to create a service-account, which we will later add into our functions-folder, in order to create our oAuthClient (don't worry, you will see what I mean to a later point)
To create your new service.json, log in to google cloud platform via "https://cloud.google.com/" and then follow the pictures:
Step 4 - Download JSON
After we created our "oAuth-Deleter service-account", we need to manually download the needed JSON, so we can paste it into our functions-folder.
For this, select "oauth-deleter#your-domain.iam.gserviceaccount.com" under "Service Account"
Then click on "Keys" and "Add key", which will automagically download you a service-json (SELECT Key type → JSON → Create).
Step 5 - Paste JSON file into your functions-folder
To loosen up the mood a bit, here is an easy step. Paste the downloaded JSON-File into your functions-folder.
Step 6 - Grant Access to our new created oAuth-Delelter-Account
Creating the service-account and giving it access in the normal GCP is not enough for Google, so we also have to give it access in our Firebase project. For this, go back into your "GCP via Firebase (see Step 2)" → Click on Setting → "User Access for Account" → Click on the "plus"
Then click on "Add user" and write the email we copied before into the email field (the email from Step 3, Picture FOURTH "Service-Account ID). In our case, it is "oAuth-Deleter#your-domain.iam.gserviceaccount.com". Furthermore, it needs admin-access:
Step 6 - The code
Now, after these million unnecessary but necessary steps, we get to the final part. THE DAMN CODE. I've written this in typescript with "compilerOptions" → "module": "esnext", "target": "esnext". But I am sure that you are smart enough to change the code after completing this many steps :)
import admin from "firebase-admin";
import functions from "firebase-functions";
import ky from "ky";
import docs from "#googleapis/docs";
import { UserRecord } from "firebase-functions/v1/auth";
export const dbUserOnDeleted = functions.
.onDelete((user) => doOnDeletedUser(user))
export asnc function doOnDeletedUser/user: UserRecord) {
try {
const googleDeletionURL = "https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/userDeletion/userDeletionRequests:upsert"
// Step 1: Paste propertyID: (See Step 2)
const copiedPropertyID = "12345678"
// Step 2: Create oAuthClient
const oAuthClient = new docs.auth.GoogleAuth({
scopes: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.user.deletion"]
// Step 3: Get user uid you want to delete from user-analytics
const uid = user.uid
// Step 4: Generate access token
// (this is the reason why we needed the 5 steps before this)
// yup, a single line of code
const accessToken = await oAuthClient.getAccessToken() as string;
// Step 5: Make the request to google and delete the user
return ky.post(googleDeletionURL, {
body: JSON.stringify({
kind: "analytics#userDeletionRequest",
id: {
type: "USER_ID",
userid: uid
propertyId: copiedPropertyID
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
} catch (err) {
functions.logger.error(`Something bad happened, ${(err as Error).message)`
This was and probably will be my longest post at stack overflow forever. I have to say that it was a pain in the a** to get this thing to working. The amount of work and setup that is needed to simply delete a data from one endpoint is just ridiculous. Google, please fix.

How to send a file with RTK Query from Redux Toolkit?

I am trying to use RTK Query mutations to upload a file to the API. Here is my mutation code:
addBanner: builder.mutation({
query(body) {
return {
url: `/api/banners`,
method: 'POST',
Here is how I generate the data for request.
const [addBanner, { isBannerLoading }] = useAddBannerMutation();
const new_banner = new FormData();
new_banner.append("file", my_file);
new_banner.append("type", my_type);
new_banner.append("title", my_title);
addBanner(new_banner).unwrap().then( () => ...
But I get an error:
A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: `api.mutations.L-Mje7bYDfyNCC4NcxFD3.originalArgs.file`...
I know I can disable non-serializable check entirely through middleware, but I don't think it is an appropriate way of using Redux Toolkit and RTK. Without a file all works fine. Is there any right way of uploading files with RTK?
Edit: This has been fixed with #reduxjs/toolkit 1.6.1 - please update your package
I just opened an issue for this: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/issues/1239 - thanks for bringing it up!
For now, you'll probably have to disable that check (you can do so for a certain path in the state while keeping it for the rest with the ignoredPath option).

How to configure dynamodb-to-lambda trigger using amplify framework/cli

The amplify docks here says that we can configure a lambda function as a dynamodb trigger by running **amplify add function** and selecting the "Lambda Trigger" option, but when I run the "amplify add api" (selected Python as runtime language) I am not getting the lambda trigger option, I'm only getting the "Serverless function" and "lambda layer" options.
Please help me to resolve this issue to access the feature.
docs snapshot - showing 4 options
my CLI snapshot - showing only 2 options
I know it works for nodejs runtime lambda, but I want this option for Python Lambda as well.
Just followed these steps with amplify CLI version 4.50.2.
To create a lambda function that is triggered by changes to a DynamoDB table, you can use the following command line actions, which are walked-through inside of the CLI after entering the below command:
amplify add function
Select which capability you want to add:
❯ Lambda function (serverless function)
Provide an AWS Lambda function name:
Choose the runtime that you want to use:
> NodeJS # IMPORTANT: Must be NodeJS as of now, you can change this later by manually editing ...-cloudformation-template.json file inside function directory
Choose the function template you want to use
> Lambda Trigger
What event source do you want to associate with the lambda trigger
> Amazon DynamoDB Stream
Choose a DynamoDB event source option
>Use API category graphql #model backend DynamoDB table(s) in the current Amplify project
Choose the graphql #model(s)
<Select any models (using spacebar) you want to trigger the function after editing>
Do you want to trigger advanced settings
Y # IMPORTANT: If you are using a dynamodb event source based on a table defined by graphql schema, you will need to give this function read access to the api resource that contains the graphql schema that defines the table that drives the event
Do you want to access other resources in this project from your Lambda function?
y # See above, select your api that contains the data model and make sure that the function has at least read access.
After this, the other options (layer, call scheduling) are up to you.
After creating the function via the above CLI options, you can change the "Runtime" field inside the -cloudformation-template.json file inside function directory, eg if you want a python lambda function change the runtime to "python3.8". You will also need to create a file called index.py inside your function's directory which has a handler(event, context) function. See example below:
import json
def handler(event, context):
print("Triggered via DynamoDB")
return json.dumps({'status_code': 200, "message": "Received from DynamoDB"})
After making these edits, you can run amplify push and, if you open your fxn in the management console online, it should show an attached dynamoDB stream.
Doesn't appear to be available anymore in the CLI codebase - see Supported-service.json deleted and replaced by supported-services.ts
Select nodejs and you will be able to view lambda trigger
just add the following to {YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME}-cloudformation-template.json, remember to replace (YOUR_TABLE_NAME) to your table name.
"LambdaTriggerPolicyPurchase": {
"DependsOn": [
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
"Properties": {
"PolicyName": "amplify-lambda-execution-policy-Purchase",
"Roles": [
"Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": {
"Fn::ImportValue": {
"Fn::Sub": "${apilanguageGraphQLAPIIdOutput}:GetAtt:(YOUR_TABLE_NAME):StreamArn"
"LambdaEventSourceMappingPurchase": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping",
"DependsOn": [
"Properties": {
"BatchSize": 100,
"Enabled": true,
"EventSourceArn": {
"Fn::ImportValue": {
"Fn::Sub": "${apilanguageGraphQLAPIIdOutput}:GetAtt:(YOUR_TABLE_NAME):StreamArn"
"FunctionName": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"StartingPosition": "LATEST"
i got them by creating a dummy function using the template that shows up after you choose nodejs and checking compare its -cloudformation-template.json with my own function

firebase dynamic link generated via API open appstore

I'm creating a dynamic link via API.
How can I specify to open the AppStore if the app is not installed?
here the body for my request:
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"domainUriPrefix": "https://wi.page.link",
"link": "https://wiapp.com.au/faq?promocode=mypromo_code",
"iosInfo": {
"iosBundleId": "com.direce.sr",
"socialMetaTagInfo" :{
"socialTitle":"my titu",
"suffix": {
this works if I create the dynamic link via firebase console, where I can specify what to do if app not installed
found the problem, is the
it is different value if creating from the dashboard or for API,
so the correct one when doing from, API should be without the "id"
You can add a parameter called iosInfo, which has a property called iosAppStoreId (the app store id).
Check the documentation page here.

Managing API calls with default error handling in react-redux application

I've completed my application and I'm now integrating the real api calls for each async action. I use redux-thunk which returns a promise from an axios instance.
Currently I'm repeating so much of the same logic in my actions that I'm sure I'm missing something.
API response example
"ok": true,
"warnings": [],
"errors": [],
"response": {/* stuff */}
The Idea is that I need the same error handling if either the axios call fails (so another response status then 2xx). Additionally I need to also do the same thing when the api response returns "ok": false.
Preferably I would like to dispatch an action which shows a notification to users so they also know when something goes wrong. Aside from that I want to log the api response's warnings and error entities. This is mainly because I'll use sentry for monitoring.
Any Ideas on how to do this without doing a .catch() with the same logic on each api call in any of my action creators?
I've thought about using the onError of axios but that can't dispatch an action as far as I know.
You could use a response interceptor to dispatch appropriate actions. Just wire them up after you create the store
const store = createStore(...)
axios.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
if (!response.data.ok) {
store.dispatch({ type: "RESPONSE_NOT_OK", response }
return response
}, (error) => {
store.dispatch({ type: "RESPONSE_HAD_ERROR", error }
return Promise.reject(error)
Obviously, you can handle the response how ever you want, this was just for demonstration purposes.
