Fixed background issue on Firefox and Safari for mobile - css

The background-attachment:fixed is working well on Chrome but on safari, it does not work. How can I fix this issue?

for fixing background image please use width and height css element and make sure background-image property use properly.


Glitchy CSS3 skew animation (Chrome only)

Check this codepen:
How come it's so glitchy when animating it? I'm on Chrome v.33. Works perfectly fine in Safari and Firefox (Safari glitches the same way as Chrome [read below], but instead of the width it's the height).
edit: I can try to explain the glitch for those of you who don't see it. It animates all properties somewhat OK, but at the very end of the animation, the width of the 3 divs instantly changes by a handful of pixels which is very, very undesirable.
For those of you who use Chrome and doesn't see the glitch please comment with your Chrome version.
I'm not sure yet of what is this about, but I added a delay on the transition of .logo > div and the problem was solved but I don't know if you can retain this transition.
Try it and let me know
-webkit-transition-delay: 1s;.

CSS overflow:scroll doesn't work only for iFrame in Chrome, Safari and Opera

I am using overflow:scroll; in my css to have scrollbars always "on" for an iFrame window, but it works only for Firefox! Any idea about Chrome, Safari and Opera? Thank you in advance!
I have a similar issue with webkit (safari and chrome) based browsers; seems that they value higher the css styles on the html over the actual iframe style itself. CanĀ“t find much documentation on this, but I am sure it is the origin of the problem. the iframe moves to left when pulled right on its main content (under the navigation menu). Only on webkit.
This happens when scaling down the iframe with the scale (transform) css property.
This is not the perfect answer but at least a hint; will continue research and post afterwards.
And looking for others to contribute to this issue. Thanks.

IE7 negative position issue

Take a look at this fiddle:
Render it in Firefox and IE7.. In Firefox, it works fine, but in IE, a long scrollbar shows.
How to fix this bug?
Note: I've also this problem in Android based browsers, in landscape mode.
The cause of the incompatibility in IE7 here is that the width of the html document is smaller than the width of the element labelled id="e". In the fiddle that you've provided the view port is about 660px wide, if the element e is 660px or less, then the green box appears as in other browsers.
What are you trying to achieve here? Are you sure that css is the best way to achieve your goal?

IE8 background images can't resize and offset

The background images are normal under IE9, but don't work in IE8.
The URL is, and the default CSS file is
Can anyone tell me what's wrong and correct it?
background-size is not supported in IE8 and older. You need a javascript solution to make it work in IE8.
I use this method with a <img> positioned behind all content:

CSS position different in Chrome, IE, and Firefox

I have a small image/arrow that appears under my menu items on hover. The problem is that IE and Firefox position the image differently than Chrome does. What is the problem and how might I fix this?
Here is my applied css:
