Loading CSV with fread stops because of to large string - r

This is the command I'm using :
dallData <- fread("data.csv", showProgress = TRUE, colClasses = c(rep("NULL", 2), "character", rep("NULL", 37)))
but I get this error when trying to load it: R character strings are limited to 2^31-1 bytes|
Anyway to skip those values ?

Here's a strategy that may work or at least narrow down the possible sources of error. It assumes you have enough working memory to hold the data and that your separators are really commas. If you actually have tabs as separators then you will need to modify accordingly. The plan is to read using readLines which will basically ignore the quotes that are probably mismatched. Then figure out which line or lines are at fault using count.fields, table, and which.
input <- readLines("data.csv") # ignores quotes
counts.def <- count.fields(textConnection(input),
sep=",") # defaults quotes are both ' and "
table(counts.def) # might show a variety of line counts.
# Second try with just double-quotes
counts.dbl <- count.fields(textConnection(input),
sep=",", quote="\"") # just dbl-quotes
table(counts.dbl) # if all the same, then all you do is change the quotes argument
Depending on the results you may need to edit cerain lines which can be identified using which(counts.def < 40) assuming most of them are 40 as your input efforts suggest is the expected number of fields per line.
(If the tag for [ram] means you are limited and getting warnings or using virtual memory which slows things down horribly, then you should restart your OS, and only load R before trying again. R needs contiguous block of memory and Windoze isn't very good at memory management.)
Here's a small test case to work with:
input <- readLines(textConnection(
text, text, text, text, text, text
text, text, O'Malley, text,text,text
junk,junk, more junk, \"text\", tex\"t, nothing


R Dataframe from a Text file with 2 Byts Separator

if you can help with converting a big text:
sample of the text :
with separator "II" to a Dataframe.
i have used :
df_BST7<-read.table(df_BST7,sep = ",")
but I am always getting an Error
could not allocate memory (206 Mb) in C function 'R_AllocStringBuffer'
and when i call head() I am getting
'"X1","ID_Sitze.x","Produktionsdatum.x","Herstellernummer.x","Werksnummer.x","Fehlerhaft.x","Fehlerhaft_Datum.x","Fehlerhaft_Fahrleistung.x","ID_Sitze.y","Produktionsdatum.y","Herstellernummer.y","Werksnummer.y","Fehlerhaft.y","Fehlerhaft_Datum.y","Fehlerhaft_Fahrleistung.y""1",1,"K2LE1-109-1091-2",2008-11-12,"109",1091,1,2010-10-18,37080,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"2",2,"K2LE1-109-1091-1",2008-11-12,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"3",3,"K2LE1-109-1091-12",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"4",4,"K2LE1-109-1091-5",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"5",5,"K2LE1-109-1091-40",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"6",6,"K2LE1-109-1091-15",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"7",7,"K2LE1-109-1091-31",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"8",8,"K2LE1-109-1091-6",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"9",9,"K2LE1-109-1091-8",2008-11-13,"109",1091,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA"10",10,"K2LE1-109-109 [... abgeschnitten]
So, there are several possible problems, some might be specific to your examples.
Clean example data
First, let's take a look at your example data. In what you provide, there are no newlines, everything is on a single line. Is that the case in the original "Komponente_K2LE1.txt" file? If yes, we might need some more work to find where to add newlines (see below).
The first column name, X1, only has a quote on the right. It can't work without the quote on the left: "X1"IIID_Sitze.
The saved dataframe has 16 columns, I expect because there is a row number at the beginning of each row which is not in the header. So we can add an additional column header to have 16 of them:
Then we have a small problem with line 19 which is truncated, I assume it comes from your copy/paste and that's not a problem with the full file. So let's forget about it for now. So I have this text:
raw_lines <- '"row_nb"II"X1"II"ID_Sitze.x"II"Produktionsdatum.x"II"Herstellernummer.x"II"Werksnummer.x"II"Fehlerhaft.x"II"Fehlerhaft_Datum.x"II"Fehlerhaft_Fahrleistung.x"II"ID_Sitze.y"II"Produktionsdatum.y"II"Herstellernummer.y"II"Werksnummer.y"II"Fehlerhaft.y"II"Fehlerhaft_Datum.y"II"Fehlerhaft_Fahrleistung.y"
Now you are replacing "II" with "," and reading it with read.table(), which is perfectly correct, except that read.table() would assume you're giving a file name and throw an error as it can't open that connection (that file). To make it work you need this:
df_BST7 <- read.table(text = df_BST7,sep = ",")
So now that does run on my computer.
Side note, since you're already using the tidyverse, you could as well use that equivalent code instead:
df_BST7 <- str_replace_all(raw_lines,'II',",")
df_BST7 <- read_csv(df_BST7)
which could help with something later
The error message
Now the error message you get suggests it's a memory problem. I see 2 possibilities: the table is so big it can't fit in your computer's memory, or indeed your whole input table is on a single line, so that makes a very long line, which won't fit in memory.
Whole table too big
I don't think it's the problem here, but just in case, check how big the file on the disk is, and how much memory is free on your computer, and whether you could free up enough memory by just closing a few programs. Possibly you could save your modified text to disk and delete it from R's memory with rm(df_BSt7), then load it directly from disk into df_BST7. Since the raw text fits in memory, that should work. If memory is a challenge, you can replace read_csv() with read_csv_chunked() and process one chunk at a time.
All on one line
I think this is the most likely. Again, there are two possibilities.
Missing carriage return
Actually line breaks can be described in 2 ways, Unix-like systems (MacOS and GNU/Linux) use the symbol newline (\n), whereas Windows uses a pair of carriage return and newline (\r\n). I'm not sure how this could create problems inside R, but if your file was generated on a Unix-like system and you're trying to read it on Windows that's an explanation. Then the goal would become to replace \n with \r\n.
No line breaks at all
If there is absolutely no line break, neither \r nor \n, then we need to guess where they are. On a Unix system you could try awk or sed, but there are ways to do it in R. The following code should work, except the last column will need some cleaning up afterwards:
raw_lines2 <- str_remove_all(raw_lines2, "\r")
all_fields <- raw_lines2 %>%
str_split("II") %>%
nb_lines <- (length(all_fields) - 1)/15
reconstruct_lines <- map_chr(0:(nb_lines-1), ~ paste(all_fields[(2+15*.):(16+15*.)], collapse = ",")) %>%
paste(collapse = "\n")

write_csv - Exporting trailing spaces (no elimination)

I am trying to export a table to CSV format, but one of my columns is special - it's like a number string except that the length of the string needs to be the same every time, so I add trailing spaces to shorter numbers to get it to a certain length (in this case I make it length 5).
df <- read.table(text="ID Something
22 Red
55555 Red
123 Blue
df <- mutate(df,ID=str_pad(ID,5,"right"," "))
ID Something
1 22 Red
2 55555 Red
3 123 Blue
Unfortunately, when I try to do write_csv somewhere, the trailing spaces disappear which is not good for what I want to use this for. I think it's because I am downloading the csv from the R server and then opening it in Excel, which messes around with the data. Any tips?
str_pad() appears to be a function from stringr package, which is not currently available for R 3.5.0 which I am using - this may be the cause of your issues as well. If it the function actually works for you, please ignore the next step and skip straight to my Excel comments below
Adding spaces. Here is how I have accomplished this task with base R
# a custom function to add arbitrary number of trailing spaces
SpaceAdd <- function(x, desiredLength = 5) {
additionalSpaces <- ifelse(nchar(x) < desiredLength,
paste(rep(" ", desiredLength - nchar(x)), collapse = ""), "")
paste(x, additionalSpaces, sep="")
# use the function on your df
df$ID <- mapply(df$ID, FUN = SpaceAdd)
# write csv normally
write.csv(df, "df.csv")
NOTE When you import to Excel, you should be using the 'import from text' wizard rather than just opening the .csv. This is because you need marking your 'ID' column as text in order to keep the spaces
NOTE 2 I have learned today, that having your first column named 'ID' might actually cause further problems with excel, since it may misinterpret the nature of the file, and treat it as SYLK file instead. So it may be best avoiding this column name if possible.
Here is a wiki tl;dr:
A commonly encountered (and spurious) 'occurrence' of the SYLK file happens when a comma-separated value (CSV) format is saved with an unquoted first field name of 'ID', that is the first two characters match the first two characters of the SYLK file format. Microsoft Excel (at least to Office 2016) will then emit misleading error messages relating to the format of the file, such as "The file you are trying to open, 'x.csv', is in a different format than specified by the file extension..."
details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYmbolic_LinK_(SYLK)

Removing "NUL" characters (within R)

I've got a strange text file with a bunch of NUL characters in it (actually about 10 such files), and I'd like to programmatically replace them from within R. Here is a link to one of the files.
With the aid of this question I've finally figured out a better-than-ad-hoc way of going into each file and find-and-replacing the nuisance characters. It turns out that each pair of them should correspond to one space ([NUL][NUL]->) to maintain the intended line width of the file (which is crucial for reading these as fixed-width further down the road).
However, for robustness' sake, I prefer a more automable approach to the solution, ideally (for organization's sake) something I could add at the beginning of an R script I'm writing to clean up the files. This question looked promising but the accepted answer is insufficient - readLines throws an error whenever I try to use it on these files (unless I activate skipNul).
Is there any way to get the lines of this file into R so I could use gsub or whatever else to fix this issue without resorting to external programs?
You want to read the file as binary then you can substitute the NULs, e.g. to replace them by spaces:
r = readBin("00staff.dat", raw(), file.info("00staff.dat")$size)
r[r==as.raw(0)] = as.raw(0x20) ## replace with 0x20 = <space>
writeBin(r, "00staff.txt")
# chr [1:155432] "000540952Anderson Shelley J FW1949 2000R000000000000119460007620 3 0007000704002097907KGKG1616"| __truncated__ ...
You could also substitute the NULs with a really rare character (such as "\01") and work on the string in place, e.g., let's say if you want to replace two NULs ("\00\00") with one space:
r = readBin("00staff.dat", raw(), file.info("00staff.dat")$size)
r[r==as.raw(0)] = as.raw(1)
a = gsub("\01\01", " ", rawToChar(r), fixed=TRUE)
s = strsplit(a, "\n", TRUE)[[1]]
# chr [1:155432] "000540952Anderson Shelley J FW1949 2000R000000000000119460007620 3 0007000704002097907KGKG1616"| __truncated__

readline is considering every record in the spreadsheet as a new line [R]

I am trying to create a function that will calculate the frequency count of keywords using TM package. The function works fine if the text pasted from readline is on free form text without a new line. The problem is, when I paste a bunch of text copied from a spreadsheet, readline considers it as a new line.
keyword <- function() {
x <- readline(as.character('Input text here: '))
x <- Corpus(VectorSource(x))
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(x)
Here's the full code: https://github.com/CSCDataAnalytics/PM-Analysis/blob/master/Keyword.R
How can I prevent this from happening or at least consider a bunch of text of every row from the spreadsheet as one vector only?
If I'm understanding you correctly, the problem is when the user pastes the text from another application: the newline is causing R to stop accepting the subsequent lines.
One technique (fragile as it may be) is to look for a specific line, such as an empty line "" or a period ".". It's a little fragile because now you need (1) assurance that the data will "never" include that as a whole line, and (2) it is easily appended by the user.
endofinput <- ""
totalstr <- ""
while(! endofinput == (x <- readline('prompt (empty string when done): ')))
totalstr <- paste(totalstr, x)
In this case, the empty string is the catch, and when the while loop is done, totalstr contains all input separated by a space (this can be changed in the paste function).
NB: one problem with this technique is that it is "growing" the vector totalstr, which will eventually cause performance penalties (depending on the size of the input data): every loop iteration, more memory is allocated and the entire string is copied plus the new line of text. There are more verbose ways to side-step this problem (e.g., pre-allocate a vector larger than your anticipated input data), but if you aren't anticipated 1000s of lines then you may be able to accept this naive programming for simplicity.
Another option would be to have the user save the data to a text file and use file.choose() and readLines() to get your data.
Try collapsing the data into a single string after using readline
x <- paste(readline(as.character('Input text here: ')), collapse=' ')

R - read.table imports half of the dataset - no errors nor warnings

I have a csv file with ~200 columns and ~170K rows. The data has been extensively groomed and I know that it is well-formed. When read.table completes, I see that approximately half of the rows have been imported. There are no warnings nor errors. I set options( warn = 2 ). I'm using 64-bit latest version and I increased the memory limit to 10gig. Scratching my head here...no idea how to proceed debugging this.
When I said half the file, I don't mean the first half. The last observation read is towards the end of the file....so its seemingly random.
You may have a comment character (#) in the file (try setting the option comment.char = "" in read.table). Also, check that the quote option is set correctly.
I've had this problem before how I approached it was to read in a set number of lines at a time and then combine after the fact.
df1 <- read.csv(..., nrows=85000)
df2 <- read.csv(..., skip=84999, nrows=85000)
colnames(df1) <- colnames(df2)
df <- rbind(df1,df2)
I had a similar problem when reading in a large txt file which had a "|" separator. Scattered about the txt file were some text blocks that contained a quote (") which caused the read.xxx function to stop at the prior record without throwing an error. Note that the text blocks mentioned were not encased in double quotes; rather, they just contained one double quote character here and there (") which tripped it up.
I did a global search and replace on the txt file, replacing the double quote (") with a single quote ('), solving the problem (all rows were then read in without aborting).
