geom_label() equivalent in {echarts4r} - r

I'm trying to produce a visualisation using {echarts4r} that involves plotting points with labels displayed on the chart itself, where the labels are unrelated to the position of the points. This sounds like it should be simple, but so far I haven't found any viable method of doing this and I'm beginning to wonder if it's even possible.
Desired output
Here is a minimal example. I will use {ggplot2} to demonstrate what I'd (roughly) like to reproduce:
data <- data.frame(
date_eaten = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-02", "2020-01-03")),
tastiness = c(5, 7, 10),
fruit = c("apple", "orange", "mango")
#> date_eaten tastiness fruit
#> 1 2020-01-01 5 apple
#> 2 2020-01-02 7 orange
#> 3 2020-01-03 10 mango
ggplot(data, aes(x = date_eaten, y = tastiness, label = fruit)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(nudge_y = 0.2)
Attempt using e_labels()
This method is visually exactly what I want, however, it seems that there is no option to specify which columns to take the labels from.
data %>%
e_chart(date_eaten) %>%
e_scatter(tastiness, symbol_size = 10) %>%
Attempt using e_mark_point()
This option allows for more customisation, however this is not really a viable solution as it is very clunky and doesn't strictly 'link back' to the original data:
data %>%
e_chart(date_eaten) %>%
e_scatter(tastiness, symbol_size = 10) %>%
e_mark_point(data = list(
xAxis = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
yAxis = 5,
value = "apple"
)) %>%
e_mark_point(data = list(
xAxis = as.Date("2020-01-02"),
yAxis = 7,
value = "orange"
)) %>%
e_mark_point(data = list(
xAxis = as.Date("2020-01-03"),
yAxis = 10,
value = "mango"

I think this is the solution. Currently I'm not sure exactly how it works as documentation is a bit limited, but it seems to work:
data %>%
e_chart(date_eaten) %>%
e_scatter(tastiness, symbol_size = 10, bind = fruit) %>%
e_labels(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
function(params) {


How to plot multiple lines in radar chart using split in plotly

I have tried using split trace with scatterpolar and it seems to partly work but can't get it to plot the values for all 10 variables. So I want each row (identified by "ean") be plotted as its own line using the values from X1 to X10.
types <- rep(times = 10, list(
col_integer(f = stats::runif,
min = 1,
max = 5)))
products = bind_cols(
tibble(ean =, 25)),
tibble(kategori = sample(c("kat1", "kat2", "kat3"), 25, replace = TRUE)),
gen_tbl(25, 10, col_types = types)
type = 'scatterpolar',
mode = "lines+markers",
r = ~X1,
theta = ~"X1",
split = ~ean
How can I get plotly to plot all variables in the radarchart (X1-X10)? Usually I would select the columns with X1:X10 but I can't do that here (I think it has to do with that ~ is used to select variable here).
So I want the result to look something like this (but I only show lines and not filled polygons and I would have more products). So in the end 25 products is a lot but I am connecting it so that the user can select the diagrams it wants to show.
In plotly it's convenient to use data in long format - see ?gather.
Please check the following:
types <- rep(times = 10, list(
col_integer(f = stats::runif,
min = 1,
max = 5)))
products = bind_cols(
tibble(ean =, 25)),
tibble(kategori = sample(c("kat1", "kat2", "kat3"), 25, replace = TRUE)),
gen_tbl(25, 10, col_types = types)
products_long <- gather(products, "key", "value", -ean, -kategori)
type = 'scatterpolar',
mode = "lines+markers",
r = ~value,
theta = ~key,
split = ~ean

Formatting an ftable in R

I have the following 3 way table I created in R.
with(dataset, ftable(xtabs(count ~ dos + sex + edu)))
The output looks like
edu high low medium unknown
dos sex
five-to-ten-years female 247776 44916 127133 23793
male 225403 37858 147821 20383
five-years-or-less female 304851 58018 182152 33649
male 253977 55720 193621 28972
more-than-ten-years female 709303 452605 539403 165675
male 629162 309193 689299 121336
native-born female 1988476 1456792 2094297 502153
male 1411509 1197395 2790522 395953
unknown female 57974 75480 73204 593141
male 40176 57786 93108 605542
I want to rename the variables and format the table so that I can include it in a report. I know that I can use dnn to rename the variables, but are there any other recommendations to rename the variables? And to format the table (similar to using kable)?
You could convert the output to a text matrix using the following function, after which you can style with kable however you choose:
ftab_to_matrix <- function(ft)
row_vars <- attr(ft, "row.vars")
for(i in seq_along(row_vars)){
row_vars[[i]] <- c(names(row_vars[i]), row_vars[[i]])}
rowvar_widths <- sapply(row_vars, function(x) max(nchar(x))) + 1
col_vars <- attr(ft, "col.vars")
rowvar_widths <- c(1, cumsum(c(rowvar_widths, max(nchar(names(col_vars))))))
ft_text <- capture.output(print(ft))
row_cols <- sapply(seq_along(rowvar_widths)[-1], function(x)
substr(ft_text, rowvar_widths[x - 1], rowvar_widths[x]))
ft_text <- substr(ft_text, rowvar_widths[length(rowvar_widths)] + 2, 100)
ft_breaks <- c(1, cumsum(lapply(strsplit(ft_text[length(ft_text)], "\\d "),
function(x) nchar(x) + 2)[[1]]))
col_cols <- sapply(seq_along(ft_breaks)[-1], function(x)
substr(ft_text, ft_breaks[x - 1], ft_breaks[x]))
trimws(cbind(row_cols, col_cols))
So, for example, using my example data from your last question, you could do something like:
my_tab <- with(`3waydata`, ftable(xtabs(count ~ duration + sex + education)))
as_image(kable_styling(kable(ftab_to_df(my_tab))), file = "kable.png")
Might have been easier had you given the full picture when you asked your first question... You could use gt to make fancy tables for reports. This is an edited version more fully demonstrating some capabilities.
way3data <- data %>%
group_by(duration, education, sex) %>%
summarise(count = sum(number)) %>%
# Reorder with select and Titlecase with stringr
longer <- tidyr::pivot_wider(way3data,
values_from = count,
names_from = "education") %>%
select(duration, sex, high, medium, low, unknown) %>%
# Demonstrating some of the features of gt
# obviously could have done some of this
# to the original dataframe
myresults <- longer %>%
group_by(Duration) %>%
gt(rowname_col = "Sex") %>%
groups = c("native-born",
) %>%
tab_spanner(label = "Education",
columns = matches("High|Low|Medium|Unknown")) %>%
tab_stubhead(label = "Duration or something") %>%
style = cell_text(style = "oblique", weight = "bold"),
locations = cells_row_groups()) %>%
style = cell_text(align = "right", style = "italic", weight = "bold"),
locations = cells_column_labels(
columns = vars(High, Low, Medium, Unknown)
)) %>%
style = cell_text(align = "right", weight = "bold"),
locations = cells_stub()) %>%
title = "Fancy table of counts with Duration, Education and Gender") %>%
tab_source_note(md("More information is available at"))
# myresults
# Can save in other formats including .rtf
myresults %>%
"tab_1.png", expand = 10
You can read about all the formatting choices here
Data compliments of Allan
data <- data.frame(education = sample(c("high","low","medium","unknown"), 600, T),
sex = rep(c("Male", "Female"), 300),
duration = sample(c("unknown", "native-born",
"five-years-or-less", "five-to-ten-years",
"more-than-ten-years"), 600, T),
number = rpois(600, 10))

How to plot Highcharter side by side in RStudio Viewer?

I wanted to see an exact output of a Highcharter plot side by side in RStudio Viewer if it possible, exactly showed in this reference:, So let me define it like this for a simple usage
highcharter_all_plot <- function(){
n <- 5
colors <- c("#d35400", "#2980b9", "#2ecc71", "#f1c40f", "#2c3e50", "#7f8c8d")
colors2 <- c("#000004", "#3B0F70", "#8C2981", "#DE4968", "#FE9F6D", "#FCFDBF")
df <- data.frame(x = seq_len(n) - 1) %>%
y = 10 + x + 10 * sin(x),
y = round(y, 1),
z = (x*y) - median(x*y),
e = 10 * abs(rnorm(length(x))) + 2,
e = round(e, 1),
low = y - e,
high = y + e,
value = y,
name = sample(fruit[str_length(fruit) <= 5], size = n),
color = rep(colors, length.out = n),
segmentColor = rep(colors2, length.out = n)
create_hc <- function(t) {
dont_rm_high_and_low <- c("arearange", "areasplinerange",
"columnrange", "errorbar")
is_polar <- str_detect(t, "polar")
t <- str_replace(t, "polar", "")
if(!t %in% dont_rm_high_and_low){
df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-e, -low, -high)
highchart() %>%
hc_title(text = paste(ifelse(is_polar, "polar ", ""), t),
style = list(fontSize = "15px")) %>%
hc_chart(type = t,
polar = is_polar) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = df$name) %>%
hc_add_series(df, name = "Fruit Consumption", showInLegend = FALSE)
hcs <- c("line", "spline", "area", "areaspline",
"column", "bar", "waterfall" , "funnel", "pyramid",
"pie" , "treemap", "scatter", "bubble",
"arearange", "areasplinerange", "columnrange", "errorbar",
"polygon", "polarline", "polarcolumn", "polarcolumnrange",
"coloredarea", "coloredline") %>% map(create_hc)
x <- highcharter_all_plot()
#Then plot can be accessed in by calling x[[1]], x[[2]], x[[3]]..
As far as my understanding of side by side plot, I only know of 2 these handy methods, which is:
1) Using par(mfrow)
par(mfrow=c(3,4)) -> (which only can by applied to base plot)
2) Using grid.arrange from gridExtra
grid.arrange(x[[1]], x[[2]], x[[3]], x[[4]], nrow=2, ncol=2)
-> (Cannot work since x not a ggplot type)
So I wanted to know if there is a way that this can be applied? I am new using Highcharter
If you inspect the Highcharter website you provided, you will see that those charts are not sided by side using R, but they are just renderer in separate HTML containers and positioned by bootstrap (CSS). So, if you want to render your charts in an HTML environment, I suggest rendering every chart into a separate div.
But maybe Shiny is a tool you are looking for. Maybe this is a duplicate of Shiny rcharts multiple chart output
Maybe this will help you too:

How do I map county-level data as a heatmap using FIPS codes (interactively?) in R

I am hoping to create an interactive map that will allow me to create a plot where users can change the year and variable plotted. I've seen the package tmap be used, so I'm imagining something like that, but I'd also take advice for a static map, or another approach to an interactive one. My data is much, much, richer than this, but looks something like:
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
I'd like my output to be a map of ONLY the counties contained in my dataset (in my case, I have all the counties in North Carolina, so I don't want a map of the whole USA), that would show a heatmap of selected variables of interest (in this sample data, year, life, income, and pop. Ideally I'd like one plot with two dropdown-type menus that allow you to select what year you want to view, and which variable you want to see. A static map where I (rather than the user) defines year and variable would be helpful if you don't know how to do the interactive thing.
I've tried the following (taken from here), but it's static, which is not my ideal, and also appears to be trying to map the whole USA, so the part that's actually contained in my data (North Carolina) is very small.
colors = c("#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77",
example$colorBuckets <- as.numeric(cut(example$life, c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80,
90, 100)))
colorsmatched <- example$colorBuckets[match(county.fips$fips, example$fips)]
map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0,
lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
Here's almost the whole solution. I had hoped some package would allow mapping to be done by fips code alone, but haven't found one yet. You have to download shapefiles and merge them by fips code. This code does everything I wanted above except allow you to also filter by year. I've asking that question here, so hopefully someone will answer there.
# get shapefiles (download shapefiles [here][1] : )
usgeo <- st_read("~/cb_2014_us_county_5m/cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp") %>%
mutate(fips = as.numeric(paste0(STATEFP, COUNTYFP)))
### alternatively, this code *should* allow you download data ###
### directly, but somethings slightly wrong. I'd love to know what. ####
# temp <- tempfile()
# download.file("",temp)
# data <- st_read(unz(temp, "cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp"))
# unlink(temp)
# create fake data
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
# join fake data with shapefiles
example <- st_as_sf(example %>%
# drop layers (not sure why, but won't work without this)
example$geometry <- st_zm(example$geometry, drop = T, what = "ZM")
# filter for a single year (which I don't want to have to do)
example <- example %>% filter(year == 1993)
# change projection
example <- sf::st_transform(example, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# create popups
incomepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg income = $", example$income)
poppopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg pop = ", example$pop)
yearpopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg year = ", example$year)
lifepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg life expectancy = ", example$life)
# create color palettes
yearPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain=example$year)
lifePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Purples", domain=example$life)
incomePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Reds", domain=example$income)
popPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Oranges", domain=example$pop)
# create map
leaflet(example) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = poppopup,
color = ~popPalette(example$pop),
group = "pop"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = yearpopup,
color = ~yearPalette(example$year),
group = "year"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = lifepopup,
color = ~lifePalette(example$life),
group = "life"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = incomepopup,
color = ~incomePalette(example$income),
group = "income"
) %>%
baseGroups=c("income", "year", "life", "pop"),
position = "bottomleft",
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
I'm still looking for a way to add a "year" filter that would be another interactive radio-button box to filter the data by different years.

Having trouble mapping highcharter aesthetics to reactive object elements

I have a large shiny app that allows users to filter through an API and spark table aggregate (dumped to an .Rdata) simultaneously using the same set of initially selectized parameters. Fitting all this into a reproducible example is going to be tough, but, this is the function that is grouping and summming my metric of interest (try to resist asking me to paste in partitionFiltered()):
df <- reactive({partitionFiltered() %>%
dplyr::group_by(updatedTimeHour, direction) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count_dir = sum(n_flows)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(updatedTimeHour, direction, count_dir) %>%
dplyr::arrange(updatedTimeHour) %>%
(Eventually, updatedTimeHour and direction will be replaced by input$periodicity and input$dimension, respectively, but that is beyond the scope of this question.)
The df() object looks like:
updatedTimeHour direction count_dir
6 1 525071.00
6 2 3491.00
6 0 498816.00
6 3 5374.00
7 2 2432.00
7 0 303818.00
7 1 340768.00
7 3 4852.00
8 1 1969048.00
My highcharter calls do not seem to be grouping and coloring the aesthetics as I would expect:
hc <- highchart() %>%
hc_add_series(data = df()$count_dir,
type = input$plot_type,
name = factor(df()$direction)
showInLegend = TRUE,
# ??group = df()$direction,
# ??color = df()$direction,
# ??x = df()$updatedTimeHour, y = df()$count_dir, color = df()$direction,
# ??hcaes(x = df()$updatedTimeHour, y = df()$count_dir, color = df()$direction)
) %>%
hc_xAxis(type = 'datetime',
# ??group = factor(df()$direction),
categories = df()$updatedTimeHour,
tickmarkPlacement = "on",
opposite = FALSE) %>%
hc_title(text = "NetFlows, by Hour",
style = list(fontWeight = "bold")) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE, filename = "threat_extract")
As you can probably tell, I'm very confused about where/how to map the x-grouping udpatedTimeHour, or color the different direction levels appropriately and make sure their group ends up mapped correctly to the labels in the legend and hover.
I have also attempted to map these aesthetics using the hcaes() call I see included as an argument to hc_add_series() in some of the documentation, but I get errors thrown saying that that argument is not (any longer?) named in that hc_ function...
Any help is appreciated, and a related question is here.
You are trying to add as one series multiple objects that's the reason why is not working. Just changing a little bit your code and using the "magic" function hchart it should work:
df = data_frame(updatedTimeHour = c(6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8), direction = c(1,2,0,3,2,0,1,3,1), count_dir = rnorm(9))
type = "line"
hchart(df, type, hcaes(x = updatedTimeHour, y = count_dir, group = as.factor(direction))) %>%
hc_title(text = "NetFlows, by Hour",
style = list(fontWeight = "bold")) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE, filename = "threat_extract")
