Creating a upload form with - wordpress

I have created a website with ,
I want to add a file upload button so that people could upload the files and as soon as they upload the file I want it to be uploaded on my site as well, and they must enter the authentication password before uploading. I am using the free plan of WordPress and hence can't install plugins.
In case more information needed please feel free to ask.

The closest you can get to this on free is embedding a Jotform form - that form allows uploading an attachment.
It won’t automatically upload to the media library. But if you enable the Post by Email feature on your site and use the PBE email address for your Jotform notification email, that can then automatically create a new post on your site from the form submission.
I’m not sure to what extent you’ll be able to customize the Jotform email with the PBE parameters to control the created post’s formatting and settings, but it’s an option you can look into.


Remove custom email rule from wordpress site

Help a developer i hired not only he didn't finish the job, but also he left a rule that sends him a copy for everyone who sings up on my site i've been trying to remove the rule from the plugins to no avail I am new to programming, below ill place some images hopefully one can indicate me where such rule could be, i want to mention i am using fluent form and that also he had ftp access only to that specific directory as i didn't fully trusted him.
also, there are not custom snippets in the snippets section
also he never had access to cpanel, and the email is sent only from that specific form i belive as it was the only form at the time enter image description here
I can confirm that removing the plugins and removing cache and re-installing the plugins doesn't work but I can officially confirm that the issue only happens when this line is added into fluent form, methods=stripe&fname={inputs.names.first_name}&lname={inputs.names.last_name}&email={}&cname={inputs.input_text_1}&acname={inputs.input_text_2}&phone={inputs.numeric-field}&admin_url={}
Even if only this: methods=stripe is added, still send the email to him that instructions tells the plugin where to find that email address
i tried typing the email address in php my admin and file manager in cpanel but nothing i find only logs at most of the emails sent
Since you are using Fluent forms then you should check the notification rules of that specific form.
Click on Settings of the form you want
Go to Settings & Integration(Top bar) > Email Notifications (Sidebar)
There you will see all notification rules for that form, his email is probably there, remove it.
More info here.
SOLVED: The rule came from within the theme file editor, wasn't the plugins.
the developer added his email for notification testing and never removed it.

How to integrate mobile app with Wordpress

I am working on a mini e-commerce mobile app for a pharmacy. What I need is:
Register through the mobile app and using the Wordpress registration
utility. The registration process will include sending the profile
avatar and optionally an insurance identity image as a base 64
encoded from the mobile app. The images should be converted, stored
on an wp-content/upload folder, and their URL stored as user meta.
Login using the Wordpress credentials.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a product with its data.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a shopping cart (per user).
Insert/Update/Delete/View all orders (all and per user).
I am very new to Wordpress. I have to use Wordpress as there is already a Wordpress site for the pharmacy and we need to make something to plug it in with the existed website easily.
I found those plugins which helped me getting most of the job done JSON API, JSON API Auth, JSON API User, and CoCart. Also I had to turn on the REST API at WooCommerce-> Settings-> Advanced tab

Post file to Shopify URL

I have produced an ASP.NET/MVC Web application where a user uploads a file, I then take that file and generate a new file based on server-side calculations. This new file is saved server-side.
I then need to post this new file to my client's Shopify URL via a Submit button (the end user will see this file and can then select 'Add to Cart').
I've been doing some looking around (e.g. 'post file to Shopify URL?') and the search results returned relate to either uploading files to your Shopify account through the Shopify admin console, or, a Shopify form post to external URL - this is not what I want - I need to post to Shopify from an external URL.
Is it possible to post a file to a Shopify URL? and if so, presumably this could be done using JSON? Can I use the Shopify API to do this? Presumably I'd need Shopify username / password credentials from the client to do this?
As you can tell(!) I'm a newbie to Shopify development so please forgive the seemingly straight-forward questions, but some guidance would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
You should be using Shopify to upload the file. In product.liquid you can do this, and the file is saved along with the order as a product's line item property. When the order is booked, you can listen for that event, then use API calls to get the order and the image the customer uploaded. At that point you manipulate the image or file as you wish.
You cannot POST a file to Shopify in the sense of making a product that then goes in the cart. What you could do is POST to your server, use the API to generate a new product with that file as part of the new product, then show that new product off to the customer. A lot of work in that pattern for sure!
Anyway, your question in the context of Shopify and how it works is too difficult to answer here with much more detail, especially without you saying what it is you are trying to actually do.

wordpress user registration/profile plugin

I am trying to make a wordpress site which will allow users to register by themselves and log into the site and have a profile. IS there such a plugin that will allow me to incorporate this into my site? I have looked around and being that I have very little experience with making sites/wordpress I have decided to ask some experts.
I know with wordpress you get a "blog" sort of site, but i'm hoping that if the plug-in i'm looking for exists then I can make my site to look different. The reason I am asking for each individual member to have their own "profile page/ private page" is because I want to be able to upload data to their specific pages and they should be able to see the data without seeing others'.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide me.
If I can't find a suitable solution, I will try to build a site with joomla, I had gone with wordpress because I had heard that it was easier to use.
Yeah, There is one plugin to do all these in wordpress. Plugin name: Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile
plugin Link:
Yeah, There is one plugin to do with all the things which you want. Plugin Name : "Theme My Login"
Plugin Features :
Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match
the rest of your website
Includes a customizable widget to login anywhere from your blog
Redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role
Show gravatar to users who are logged in.
Assign custom links to users who are logged in based on their role
Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery
Send user emails in HTML format
Allow users to set their own password upon registration
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon
Theme user profiles
Please refer the following Location :
Theme My Login

Wordpress Update through email

I have a blog, that is update pretty often. I like, while on the road to be able to use my blackberry or any eepc to prepare my post, review it, and send and email to somewhere that will be able to update my blog
three solution come to my mind
offline blog, edit and resync when return (not super good)
send email, update blog with blackberry
write text doc, send it by email and manually copy-paste in new post after return
I like not to have a list of all the possible solution, but the best working solution that you have use/try and like...
I use wp 2.6
Note just as boj note, I discover the already there feature included in wordpress... but I like my post to be in a Drafts state, because some photos and later editing will be done, but most of the post will already there
I have found that list. Just as Weblog Client said, there is a tons of software to do that, i just like THE BEST ONE !
Post to your blog using email.
WordPress can be configured to use e-mail to post to a blog. To enable this functionality, you need to:
Create a dedicated e-mail account to be used solely for posting to your blog,
Configure WordPress to access that account, and
Configure WordPress to publish messages from the e-mail account
