What's a good way to document Hydra configs? - fb-hydra

In argparse you provide help alongside the definition of the argument. This helps keep the doc up-to-date with the args.
Is there an option to do something similar in Hydra? Or some other preferred way for documenting the options, without having to list them manually within the hydra/help message?
Edit: this becomes an even greater problem when using call/instantiate and the config options depend on the code.

Right now we recommend using hydra/help. We do have a feature request, feel free to follow/contribute to the discussions here https://github.com/facebookresearch/hydra/issues/633.


How to access the extended help mode in Julia?

The Julia REPL comes with a default help mode which you can access by doing ? in the terminal. However, I saw someone mention the # Extended help and how package developers can use that header to write longer doc strings which are hidden from the usual ? help response. How do I access this extended help section?
Julia's extended help section can be accessed by doing something like ??Print rather than ?Print in the REPL. Again, as aforementioned, this will display the extended examples section.
It is worth noting that not every function nor every package take advantage of this. It is best to check the source file's to see if the # Extended help feature is enabled for a particular package.

is there any complete minecraft forge documentation anywhere?

While it doesn't appear that this is a duplicate based on my searches, I'm sure other people have complained about this in many places.
I play minecraft and know java pretty well, so I thought it would be interesting to make mods with the minecraft forge. However, most tutorials are outdated or incomplete and I can't find a complete documentation. Now, if someone says, for instance, that existing blocks can be accessed through the Blocks class, I don't know what package that class is in. My more specific question was about modifying the properties of TNT(I wanted to do this as a test mod). Based on what I've been able to scrounge from various forums, using reflection on existing blocks in the game is possible, and what I found surrounding food would suggest there is a class for TNT somewhere that can be modified to boost its power. Just so someone can explain the not-well-explained principles of forge mod making, where would I find this TNT-related class that I could use reflection on, and how would I go about doing that(I've never done stuff with reflection before)?
To be clear, I've gotten forge minecraft all set up, I don't need an explanation of that. Just how to modify the properties of TNT(and hopefully this explanation will help me understand some broader principles)
I've been using https://nekoyue.github.io/ForgeJavaDocs-NG/ for a while. It has 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 and 1.17.1
I've been looking for a complete documentation/tutorial too, and I haven't fount a lot of stuff to be clear, but I found a wiki that might be useful. Here it is if you want to check it out:
Mcjty's wiki: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Main_Page
Forge's official documentation can be found here, versions:

Control over OpenAPI 3.0 package generation for jersey-jaxrs

I'm using openapi-generator for jersey-jaxrs (OpenAPI 3.0). I'd like to control the package where my code is being generated.
I'm setting the api-package, model-package, package-name, and invoker-package options, all to a xxx.yyy.zzz value.
My problem is that most of the code is generated under gen.xxx.yyy.zzz, and it's not discoverable by the part of the code generated under xxx.yyy.zzz. Implicitly, gen is prepended to the package name. I understand this is convenient in many cases, but not mine. Is there any generator option to avoid this?
I've learned a bit about the Mustache templates and they seem like a possible solution, but maybe a bit too much for my requirements.
Ultimately, I can move the code in gen to the other (non-gen) package manually, and it works, but this is quite inconvenient.
Finally, I found out that you can mark folders in IntelliJ IDEA as "generated sources root", which makes it discoverable to the rest of the project's code.
This doesn't solve my question, but it does solve the problem that originated the question.

Solve deprecation about $this- get('twig')-> getextension('form')

I'm getting message like this in an application:
Referencing the "form" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is deprecated since 1.26 and will be removed in Twig 2.0. Use the Fully Qualified Extension Class Name instead
The code causing this is:
There seem to be some related threads, but I've been unable to find a solution for this. I've also taken a deep look at deprecation notes, but I've been unable to find anything that, with my knowledge, helps me to solve the problem. I'd ask for a clear solution for what I have to do to get rid of this message, that doesn't allow me to even try to upgrade.
Thanks in advance.
Well, I think I've found the solution. I just needed to find out the FQCN for the specific call, and it's
So, adding
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension;
and replacing
solved the problem.
I think there should be a more specific guide about what to replace and the replacement for each case.
PD: I'm trying to find out how to mark this as solved, but maybe I'm not allowed to do this kind of things yet.

Automated CSS regression testing using HTTP verbs

I'm about to set up automated CSS regression with a tool like:
Phantom CSS
These look like good tools, but I want to test URLs using verbs. For example, I want to make a POST request with some data and run the test against that. This does not appear to be possible with any of the above tools. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Since PhantomCSS depends on CasperJS, here is the hint how the CasperJS.prototype.download() method could be used: https://github.com/casperjs/casperjs/blob/master/modules/casper.js#L643. The PhantomCSS then uses casper.capture to get the according sources. I would dig into this direction. Please reply if this was helpful or might be improved. BackstopJS also depends on Casper, so it's worth checking it. If no API provided - only dirty hacker's hands may help you. Let the Force be with you.
