Random featured image wordpress - wordpress

I would like to randomize featured image from selection on my wordpress. I have a chid theme twenty twnenty. I tried several plugins an does't work.
I need help!!
Thank you

though not sure if can select from a predefined set on a per-post basis


Product image box missing under WooCommerce admin

I'm using WooCommere 3.6.1. I wonder if you had experienced this? The product image box on the right under “Add Product” seems to be missing (View https://nimb.ws/thSTYC). I tried online tutorial of deactivating plugins and changed to default Twenty Seventeen theme and nothing works. I even remove all my codes under functions.php and my all custom CSS that didn’t work either. Under Screen Options there’s no Product Image selection, https://nimb.ws/tlzjFy
However, featured image box appears to be visible for adding post.
Any ideas what else I should try?
My bad, I eventually found the culprit, https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/

WordPress Featured Images in Child Themes

I'm in the process of moving a website, and on the new location, the featured images no longer work in child themes such as "Noteworthy". I do know with parent themes, the images show up as needed.
I don't think it's a database issue, it's obviously loading the data properly in parent themes. What other troubleshooting methods am I overlooking?
What I had done was refresh the DB table, and tried looking for a plugin. When I go inside the posts, I have the option to set an image manually, but when I use a parent theme the featured images generates from the db_postmeta table and displays.
Thank you!
Edit: I had tried two different child themes, but have no success.
Apparently, I overlooked a folder containing all the images. All I had to do was drop this folder in place, and the featured images re-obtained their information.

Bulk post update after changing default layout

I just change default layout for my wordpress "Patterns" theme. I try to find out, how I can update all posts in one go? There is over 50000 articles.
Many Thanks
If you change your theme pattern, the template should work fine, for the 50k posts.
But there is conditions:
- shortcodes generated by plugins must be compatible in term of size (width)
- thumbmails sizes are correct for this layout, if not, you need to regenerate all of them

How to get the categories archieves with the thumnail images in wordpress?

I need to show the thumbnail images on the category pages.,but the condition is the thumbnail images are only achieved posts....
If there any possible to do this on wordpress.,please guide me.,or give the codes for wordpress...
Thanks in advance.,
try reading this one http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_get_archives

Wordpress Gallery

This website is based on wordpress, I wonder which plugin/theme are they using to customize wordpress into a gallery/download site.
Many thanks for your help!
I think you can do this with WordPress' thumbnail feature. You can assign a thumbnail to each post. It looks like that, and some tweaking to the theme in the way the posts are displayed and the download button is included.
Maybe there's a plugin to assign a file to download on each post, that's the only part I find complex in this theme.
Check these links:
