How to get the categories archieves with the thumnail images in wordpress? - wordpress

I need to show the thumbnail images on the category pages.,but the condition is the thumbnail images are only achieved posts....
If there any possible to do this on wordpress.,please guide me.,or give the codes for wordpress...
Thanks in advance.,

try reading this one


Random featured image wordpress

I would like to randomize featured image from selection on my wordpress. I have a chid theme twenty twnenty. I tried several plugins an does't work.
I need help!!
Thank you
though not sure if can select from a predefined set on a per-post basis

Upload multiple images for a single post in Wordpress

I have been already searching about this issue but didn't get the targeted answer yet.
In every answer I find the solution about 'upload multiple images for a post for image slider'.
I want to upload a thumbnail and a normal image for a post. And want to display that thumbnail image in my home page and that normal image in the post page.
How to do that? Any plugin for that ?
Anybody help please? Thanks in advance

Place all featured images inside content of all posts Wordpress. Possible?

It is possible to place all featured images (from all posts) attached to posts and place them inside content like way of ech posts?
perefcly at top.
Quite the opposite as familiar grabbing the first image of the article and set it as the featured.
If so? How?
Thanks for help.
Make a custom query inside your first post loop and pull all the posts, then inside every post of second loop, that you'l receive, show it's featured image.

Gallery of galleries in Wordpress

I need to do this:
But I don't see how I can do it in wordpress, I've tried Nextgen plugin but the gallery shows all the images and the album is only a link to the gallery and I don't want this effect.
Anybody knows any way of doing it?
if made out of images, how you want to store text info? I suggest make out of post, then use for. ex.

How to insert a particular image in a Wordpress post

I have theme which shows some default theme in it.The themes name is Flow Hub.In first page and all of the other pages I have a default image there.But my requirement is to replace that default image in there,with the image which I am inserting with the Post.
It could be thumbnail or any of the size.
Please suggest how to do it and achieve this with an ease.
Thanks in advance.
how to insert an image into a post , YouTube tutorial
