Wordpress - Enable subscribers (frontend-custom form) change their email address - wordpress

We have developed a custom dashboard (not woocommerce my-account) into our child theme. We want to give the subscribers option to change their email address from the custom dashboard via a form. For instance, they will enter the new email and a confirmation link is sent to the email address before it is saved as primary/ default user email for their account. So, I am just looking for a way to create the form on our custom dashboard and code it to send the confirmation link on the new email the same way woocommerce does from 'my-account'.
So, in short we would like to replicate the "Account details" (Edit Account of woocommerce) section in your own custom dashboard where customers are allowed to change email address. Woocommerce/ Wordpress send a confirmation link on the new email before it becomes active.
Thanks in advance.


How to Allow Users to Select Recipients In a WordPress Comment section

Are there any plugin or ways to allow users select recipients and send them notification according their email address?
For example if person select IT department I would like to send notification only to it#example.com
I'm using plugin wpDiscuz for comments and this form in the attachment is custom field. Unfortunately there's no option in wpDiscuz to connect custom field to emails. But this form has Meta key. Maybe I can connect it with that? Or maybe I can connect it with JS code?

Not getting Wordpress confirmation mail for change of default email address

I am trying to change the default wordpress email in Settings>General but not getting the confirmation email if I enter an email address of my own domain.
For eg:
My wordpress site is www.mydomain.com
If I change the email to info#mydomain.com I dont get any confirmation mail for applying the change. But if i change the email to myname#gmail.com then I get the confirmation mail.
My Wordpress site is hosted at ecowebhosting.co.uk and my domain email is configured in google G-suite.
I have purchased domain from Bigrock.in
I dont know if that is creating any problem
If anyone can please help.
Here's an easier way:
Step 1: Log in to your WordPress with your admin account.
Step 2: Click on Settings - General
Step 3: Change the URL from options-general.php to just options.php
Step 4: Find the admin email field, change it, and save it.
You can change it from database:
->Login to your database
->go to users table
->search for admin
->open admin and look for email address
->change the email address and save it

How to set individual mail for each admin in wordpress

I have a Wordpress site with more than 10 admins. I want to set individual web mail for each admin so that when they login to the site's admin panel, they can see the mails sent to them.
In front-end there will be a contact form with a combo box in it. From that combo box visitors can select which admin they want to send mail to.
Is it possible? If yes, how?
Right question. please go for the custom email plugin [WP Change Default Email]. thanks

How i can send an unsubscribes link into a mail for the user on wordpress site

I have an option in the admin section of the site that is built with WordPress from there i can send email for each subscriber with some contents and images or anything that i want. now i want to send an unsubscribe link with email that will sent to the user.Any help on this will be appriciated.
You just want them to unsubscribe so that you can't mail them or you want to delete there account as well. Also, are you using any plugin for the same?

Change WooCommerce recipient for admin emails

Is there a way to change the recipient email address for all WooCommerce emails that normally go to the site administrator?
The reason for doing this is a separation of roles. The site administrator deals with security alerts, new registrations, password resets, and general site duties. We have another user that is responsible for the online store. All WooCommerce "admin" emails should go to this other person, not the email address specified in Settings --> General.
Ideally, this would be setup in the user profile or WooCommerce settings. I don't have an issue hard-coding the email address in some hook or filter.
I don't think this is possible without editing core WooCommerce files, and that is not recommended as that would be overwritten next update.
The admin email seams to fetched like this get_option( 'admin_email' ) everywhere and there is not filter manipulate this.
The best solution might be to ask for a filter (on their GitHub).
This should be possible:
In the WooCommerce section on the dashboard, there is a setting option
In that there is an Emails tab.
In the Email Sender Options section, change/add the ""From" Email Address" to the other users emails address.
Save the changed made
