Standard Wordpress installation migrate to Kubernetes bitnami/wordpress - wordpress

I have stanard wordpress installation on my server with all plugins, themes and stuff. Now I want to migrate to kubernetes server where I have already installed bitnami/wordpress. I see a bit other structure of files in bitnami/Wordpress installation on kubernetes where is only wp-content and config file in main folder of wordpress.
Can I copy normal Wordpress installation to Kubernetes image bitnami/wordpress installation from image installed by helm? How will be to do it best? Should I do it like normal wordpress website or other technique and tools?

Bitnami Engineer here,
The app's files are now inside the /opt/bitnami/wordpress directory. We recently updated all our WordPress cloud solutions to have the same directory structure. However, it seems that you have a previous version of the solution deployed in the cloud our you used the Bitnami installer in your server.
The easiest way to migrate your data from your current server to the k8s deployment is by using the All in One WP Migration plugin. The plugin takes care of saving all the necessary data so you just need to recover that data in the new deployment. You won't need to copy any other file from the deployment when using this plugin.


How to put Wordpress manually onto Bitnami on local computer?

I use:
Bitnami Wampstack 7.3.17-1
Wordpress 5.4
What I want to do is installing Wordpress manually onto Bitnami on my local PC. I am familiar with XAMPP and WAMPP, so I though what I need to do after unzip the wordpress file is only to put it on htdocs folder. But I couldn't found it on Bitnami, what I can see is apps folder.
Then, because when I tried to access phpMyAdmin I only need to go to:, I thought it will also work for the wordpress. But turns out it's not.
I don't want to use Bitnami-wordpress installer like bitnami-wordpress-5.4.1-0-windows-x64-installer.exe. Because in the future I want to do it for other php-based website I made.
Anyone know how to do it?
Hi Bitnami Engineer here, you can follow these steps to deploy a PHP application on top of WAMP:
Copy the installdir/docs/demo folder into the installdir/apps directory.
Add the following line to the end of the installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami-apps-prefix.conf file:
Replace the installdir placeholder with the full installation directory for your Bitnami stack.
Include "installdir/apps/demo/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
Restart the Apache server using the graphical manager tool.
You should now be able to access the demo application at http://localhost/demo. - You should see a “Hello world” message in your browser.
You can now replace the files inside the installdir/apps/demo/htdocs folder with the WordPress' ones to deploy that application.
You can learn more about this here

How to serve a finished Wordpress Website locally

I downloaded a website and its respective database from Microsoft Azure using FTP with Filezilla and I want to serve it locally. I already set the environment:
What is the next step to deploy the website? Should I copy the website folder in htdocs directory?
Finally I used the plugin Duplicator of Wordpress. This plugin allows me to create a full copy of a remote Wordpress site and an installer file. Once you generate these files you just have to copy them in the web server directory (or in a subdirectory like "MyWebsite") and execute the installer with your web browser going to:
I hope this is useful to someone. Cheers!

OpenShift Empty WordPress Repo

I signed up for OpenShift and created a new WordPress application. Went through the typical WP setup screens in the browser, and now have a fresh instance of WP. I need to start hacking away at WP, so I
git clone ssh://<my-app-repo-url> /path-to-my-project
in my shell, but the
folder is empty!
I ssh'd into my application and the
folder contains all the WP source. Why is the clone operation not pulling down these files?
When you install WordPress using the quickstart, it downloads WordPress and installs it on your gear, not using git. Refer to the directions here ( in the readme for more information.

Make Wordpress installation scalable on OpenShift

I followed this link to make my wordpress installation scalable on OpenShift However, I think I have missed a step somewhere. My git repository does not contain any application wordpress file. I understood that that is the purpose. I only have plugins and themes on the application git. However when the second gear is started (due to scaling), only my files are deployed, not the wordpress installation itself. I must have done something wrong. But I don't understand why it doesn't deploy the wordpress files.
You can try using the wordpress developer quickstart ( which included the base wordpress installation also, but you will still have to use an s3 plugin for your uploaded files.

Unable to git pull Wordpress' folders and sub folders from OpenShift repo using Git

I created a wordpress app hosted on Openshift from the CLI. I'm on a Win7 PC.
After that I made several changes to my Wordpress site from the Wordpress Admin Dashboard. Now I want to pull the whole app to my local machine. I did a git pull which fetched the only folders and files sans the actual wordpress app. When I tried to run it using a WAMP, there's no wordpress site to be started. When I again ran
git pull
The message I get is
Already up-to-date
I'm a rookie and I want to make changes to my wordpress site locally and then push them to the server. Please help me out here.
if you are installing plugins & themes via the wordpress admin, they are not in git, they are installed in your $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR, and are saved there outside of git, you can see in this script where it does the symlinks into your wordpress installation:
If you want those in git also, you would need to modify that script to remove the symlinks, and then put your plugins & themes in git and do a push.
