How to create custom alert in Google Analytics 4 - google-analytics

I want to create a custom alert in Google Analytics according to this guide
But this functionality is available only for Universal Analytics properties. And I can't find the custom alerts section for my GA4 properties as well as for Firebase Analytics property. There is a similar thing - Custom Insights but looks like it's not possible to select your own events there as trigger. And I need these alerts for data coming from mobile apps (they are using Firebase Analytics). Is there any workaround, is it possible to create a custom alert for GA4?
Why do I need a custom alert in the first place? I want to have a notification when multiple users are not finishing the sign-up process.

At the moment, there are no ways to do it in interface. You can eventually build a your customized system that reads data in BigQuery every day and sends you an email based on the rules you have defined.


Define Google Analytics 4 custom dimensions via API

Is there a way to programmatically define custom dimensions using the Google Analytics Admin API (that works with GA4)?
I'm talking about defining the dimensions ahead of time so I can send them along with events, which is what you'd manually do in the Google Analytics user interface (under All events > Manage Custom Definitions). This is what I'd like to do programmatically. Once they're defined, sending these custom dimensions along with tracking events is easy enough (using gtag).
Apparently, this was possible in the previous version of the API, but that API says that it "does not support GA4 properties".
You already can programmatically define/create custom dimensions and metrics with the Google Analytics Admin API for GA4 properties.
Custom dimensions
Can be created with this method providing:
parameterName (it hasn't need to exist beforehand)
scope (User or Event)
Custom metrics
Can be created with this method providing:
scope (Metric_Scope_unspecified or Event)
Warning from Google: This is an early preview version of the API and
is subject to change. While we will try to notify you of upcoming
changes, you should expect to encounter breaking changes before the
APIs are publicly released.
You are correct that the Google Analytics Management API V3 cannot be used to configure GA4 properties. The Analytics Admin API V1, which supports GA4, does not currently have methods to create custom metrics/dimensions.
I will update this question once we have more information on when this feature can become available.
The Google Analytics Team

Adding user property in Firebase Analytics as a secondary column

We have recently migrated our iOS app to use Firebase Analytics from Google Analytics
Within GA, we had a custom dimension which is now being sent through the SDK as a user property
Without using BigQuery, is there a way in the Firebase Console to view screen views and/or events with the user property as a secondary data item? Not as a filter, but to add as a column to the report in the same way as you can add a secondary dimension in GA
Or is Firebase now deprecating functionality to force you to start using and paying for BigQuery?
Try to connect Firebase with Google Analytics 4 and in Explore --> Analysis report, anyway for custom analysis, the better way currently is export raw data to BigQuery and use that.

Is it possible to get which user triggered an event in Firebase Console?

Im learning how to use the analytics tool of firebase, i have the following problem:
I'd like to get who triggered those events, how would i got about doing that?
Google Analytics for Firebase only collects anonymized data by default. The console doesn't give you the identity of users who trigger events.
If you want per-user information, you're going to have to write client code to set a user property with the identifying piece of data (for example, a user ID), then export Analytics data to BigQuery, and make queries from there.

Basic idea of Firebase + GTM, is Google Analytics completely necessary?

I'm somewhat confused about the flow of data in this integration, do I need a GA account to make use of GTM's functionality, or can I just keep the tags inside GTM/send them back to firebase?
I'm an iOS developer and need to tag my already existing firebase events in GTM, but not sure if I'm understanding the big picture here.
Thanks in advance!
You don't need to send data to Google Analytics. In fact, Firebase tags in GTM don't have any field where you can insert the Property ID of Google Analytics. Using them you send the events to the Firebase project that you have configured in its console.

Sending events to 3rd party domains with Google Analytics Universal

We provide an iframe-based embeddable widget to our clients and want to be able to send their Google Analytics account events based on what is happening inside our iframe. We used to be able to do this using the old ga.js with the following code:
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._setAccount', CUSTOMER_GA_ACCOUNT_ID]);
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._setDomainName', CUSTOMER_DOMAIN]);
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._trackEvent',"category", "event", "label"]);
This code would be fired inside our iframe, but would result in an event being pushed to the customer's google analytics account, letting them have some insight into customer behavior inside our embeddable widget. The NAMESPACE in front of the actions would keep these events separate from our GA stuff, and would prevent our GA stuff from going to their GA account. They would provide us with their Google Analytics account ID when they wanted to enable this feature.
Is there a way to do something similar with the new Universal Analytics API?
I don't seem to see a similar way to namespace actions and the cross-domain tracking documentation doesn't indicate how to send events/pageviews to two domains/GA accounts (ie we want to track pageviews on our GA account, and send the events to our customer's GA account).
I suggest going the roundabout way - set a pixel in your widget and make the actual endpoint for that pixel a script on your server that sends the data via the measurement protocol to your clients analytics account.
