Jetbrains Rider filewatcher is not compiling scss to css - css

I started using Rider a few days back and I wanted to start using SCSS in my projects and compile them back to CSS, I was messing around with the File Watcher but i couldn't get it to work, I keep getting this message in my console when I turn show console to Always; Process finished with exit code 0, but i dont see any changes in my CSS file compared to my SCSS file.
In the link below you can see my File Watcher settings, I appreciate any help i get on this,
Thanks alot.
File watcher settings
This is the output of the console:
Console ouput
Here is the css tree:
Css tree

Rider File Watcher
I found the solution to my problem. For some reason, the following line was configured in 'Output paths to refresh':
Obviously, this means that the file watcher will not refresh .css or files. It should be empty in order for the compiler to update the .css file.
I hope others can use this answer to continue their work in the future.


File Watcher in PhpStorm compiles too quick

How can I improve the File Watcher to compile a SCSS to CSS after I press Cmd + S (for save)?
The problem is that the File Watcher compiled the files too quick so sometimes results in an error, because I'm still writing the function or CSS tags. That causes a lots of trouble and takes so much time and to be honest, disturbs the workflow.
In file watcher settings, Advanced options, try clearing Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher checkbox:
the watcher will be triggered on explicit CMD + S/moving focus from the IDE only

Laravel Mix - Public CSS Keeps overriding

I'm using Laravel mix in my project. I need to alter the app.css in the public folder, whenever i comment or delete styles and run npm run dev the styles come back. I need them gone. How do I permanently stop this?
The files in public generated by npm run [production|dev] are compiled versions of the application's source files. These files should be treated as immutable: they are written once during the compilation process and never to be written to again. Any changes you need to make to the output should be done in the compilation process, whether that's by modifying the source files or by adjusting the way that the compilation process works. Every time you run npm run dev it replaces the old files with the new.
You can find the source files for your application in resources/assets. If you're not sure how to make a specific change please create a new question outlining the problem you're having, e.g: "I want to remove this style from my app.scss but I don't know how".

MagicalRecord/MagicalRecordDeprecationMacros.h file not found

I down load the Magical Record master. Drag the MagicalRecord folder to my project. Import CoreData.framework then build. Show the error "MagicalRecord/MagicalRecordDeprecationMacros.h file not found", Please see the images
It looks as if you're inside MagicalRecord's NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalRecord.h header file. These files are setup to work with your code and generally don't require any changes. I would recommend going over RayWenderlich's MagicalRecord tutorial. It's a step by step guide to working with MagicalRecord in CoreData.

PhpStorm LESS Watcher configuration

I am using PhpStorm 8 to work on some LESS files.
variables.less gets imported from styles.less.
When I save variables.less only a variables.css is being made.
How do I configure the watcher to transpile only styles.less > styles.css and automatically upload styles.css?
Here's my current config: Current watcher config
You need to enable Track only root files option so that only main file will be compiled.
If it does not work -- delete your existing watcher and create new one from scratch. Here is mine (as an example -- works fine for me).
For automatic upload (deployment) -- have a look at the official manual:
If configured correctly but it still does not work -- it's possible (quite likely) that your Output paths to refresh is not pointing to a correct file (after File Watcher execution IDE does not re-read whole project looking for changes -- only files pointed here).

Non-project files with ReSharper (SASS)

I'm running JetBrains ReSharper 8.2 on a project that uses SASS for styling.
I compile my seperate scss files into one file "common.css". This file is not included in the project, but gets compiled on build on the server (grunt + compass takes care of this).
I don't want to include this file, but only my SCSS files in the project. This however causes ReSharper to report a lot of errors ("Unknown CSS class"...) in my views because the file isn't included.
Is there a workaround for this (without disabling css errors in settings)?
I've tried the "ReSharper.ExternalCode" extension (, but without any luck.
Sadly, there isn't a workaround for this. ReSharper doesn't know about SCSS files, and doesn't know anything about files that aren't included in the project, so it can only assume the CSS classes are undefined.
The external code plugin should work and allow ReSharper to process the resulting css file. However, I'm not sure how flexible it is - I think it needs everything to be configured before the solution is opened. That is, it only tells ReSharper about the generated file when the solution is being opened. Configuring things while a solution is open probably won't be reflected immediately (but I haven't tried it). Similarly, it doesn't notify ReSharper of changes to the file, and I don't think that ReSharper sets up any monitoring. So if the file isn't available when the solution opens, or changes while it's open, ReSharper won't have correct information. I'd try and configure it, close the solution and reopen.
