MagicalRecord/MagicalRecordDeprecationMacros.h file not found - magicalrecord

I down load the Magical Record master. Drag the MagicalRecord folder to my project. Import CoreData.framework then build. Show the error "MagicalRecord/MagicalRecordDeprecationMacros.h file not found", Please see the images

It looks as if you're inside MagicalRecord's NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalRecord.h header file. These files are setup to work with your code and generally don't require any changes. I would recommend going over RayWenderlich's MagicalRecord tutorial. It's a step by step guide to working with MagicalRecord in CoreData.


Jetbrains Rider filewatcher is not compiling scss to css

I started using Rider a few days back and I wanted to start using SCSS in my projects and compile them back to CSS, I was messing around with the File Watcher but i couldn't get it to work, I keep getting this message in my console when I turn show console to Always; Process finished with exit code 0, but i dont see any changes in my CSS file compared to my SCSS file.
In the link below you can see my File Watcher settings, I appreciate any help i get on this,
Thanks alot.
File watcher settings
This is the output of the console:
Console ouput
Here is the css tree:
Css tree
Rider File Watcher
I found the solution to my problem. For some reason, the following line was configured in 'Output paths to refresh':
Obviously, this means that the file watcher will not refresh .css or files. It should be empty in order for the compiler to update the .css file.
I hope others can use this answer to continue their work in the future.

How to solve this error? - 'Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for axml file

Am new to Xamarin and is currently building a very simple app using the tutorial from Youtube. Am just in a middle of the video when I got this error even tho I carefully followed all instructions. And even the instructor in the video was able to run his app successfully
Here's the code where I'm getting the error:
var view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.SignUp, container, false);
For me it is caused by namespace changes. After I corrected the namespace in project properties, then I can build again
I just deleted my newly created axml file, rebuild, add it again, and this time, clean and rebuild.
Everytime I added a new axml file, I clean and rebuild. That's all, thank you :).
Actually this problem occurs when your ResourceDesigner.cs file has not yet mapped the file that you added to your resource directory.
The easiest way i would suggest to handle this situation is you comment the code you are trying to write and clean build your project and it will work like a charm.
Good luck!
In my Resource.Layout.toolbar, Resource was ambiguous between Android.Resource and Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Resource. Instead the one that works for me is [Project name].Droid.Resource. Clean, deleted bin/debug and now it's fine
Resource.designer.cs was excluded from project. Solved by including back.
In Xamarin.Android this problem can be resolved by saving other axml/xml file. Many times cleaning solution, deleting bins/obj doesn't working for me.
In my case my Main file was configured in the Build Action as AndroidResourceAnalysisConfig and then change property to AndroidResource then Build my project and it works.
I had a lot of "XXX" does not contain "XXX" errors like this after a git reverse operation. Very annoying.
I tried all the solutions I could find, all without luck. Finally I magically fixed it by going to the Android project properties, Android Options, then unchecked "Use Fast Deployment (debug mode only)". I then built the project and it worked. Then I went back and checked that option so it was back to normal, and everything is fine.

Getting an all-white screen on deploying Qt Quick demo app Minehunt

To test the deployment process I am trying to deploy the included demo app Minehunt. I am able to get it to run, no crashing or errors, but the screen is all white.
I believe this generally means that I am missing plugins. Dependency walker reports no problems, and I even tried including ALL the plugins from the Qt MingW plugins directory, but no such luck.
Here is what I am including so far; Can anyone advise what else I need to add to get it to run?
Your dlls don't look bad at all. I think, too, that it's your plugins. Even if they are there, there is a good chance, that your program don't find them. Qt is a bit picky where to look by default. You might try qt.conf. This is a small textfile you must create in the folder where your executable lies. It contains the path to your Qt plugins.
For instance, in one of my projects I have the followin folder layout:
...many dlls...
Then I added a qt.conf file to the Appfolder, which has the following content:
Plugins = plugins/qt/plugins
My program is Qt 4, but I don't think this aspect of plugin deployment changed in Qt5.
All my qt dlls are in qt. And I add the following PATH: SET PATH=.\plugins;.\plugins\qt;%PATH%. Works like a charm on any Windows I ever tried.
I then created a .bat file, which does:
SET PATH=.\plugins;.\plugins\qt;%PATH%
cd Appfolder
start myapp
This was an ugly quick fix, which I did not have the time to replace with something better, yet.
If application runs and shows blank screen then that usually indicates two things :
All the dependencies (dlls) are probably present and detected properly.
Most probably whats missing is the presence of qml files at the correct location.
In your main.cpp check the path of qml file which you would have given, and see if relatively that folder is present at the same location corresponding to your executable.
Also, instead of running the executable by double clicking, run it through the command line. It might print some messages if it is not able to locate some images/files/other dependencies etc according to the specified paths.
Edit 1 :
Add this flag in the .pro file :
CONFIG += console
It will give the exact debug message in a console once you run the application.

Export a jar file from Eclipse or Command Line

This is my first post ever but I intend to use this more often in the future so please be critical if I do something wrong.
I have done research on the topic and have already attempted everything from using the command line to Eclipse's File>export>jar and choosing the appropriate options.
Basically I have attempted everything suggested in the following two links:
Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse
The results of my efforts are:
1) a jar file is created
2) when I try to run it the error is "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from test.jar"
I assure you that I have indeed created a "manifest.txt" file in my project that consists of
"Main-Class: Login
I even include a newline because I hear that is necessary in some instances.
Does anyone know what I could be missing? Or better yet can anyone please provide an extremely detailed explanation of how to create a jar. This could be either from command line or eclipse.
My current project is setup where I have three java files in my workspace: Login, NewFrame, and NewUser. Login has the main method which will eventually call the other files. These three files are in the default package. The projects name is JavaVersion.
Thank you Antimony for your interest and help. After more tinkering I was able to figure it out for myself. Turns out I was never correctly defining the entry point. For anyone looking to export a jar in Eclipse I would also like to recommend this link.
How do you build a JAR in eclipse with a custom manifest file?

Flex Builder not building new source code

I have imported an existing project into flex but any changes I make to the source are not being built and displayed when I test run the application. The original files which are in the bin-debug folder dont seem to be changing at all.
I have tried cleaning the project, deleting the bin-debug folder even reinstalling flex builder, but nothing has solved the problem.
I've read this post which was about the same problem but none of the advice helped.
Any advice would be appreciated.
When you imported the project did you do a default import (copies everything into your workspace) or an "Existing Projects into Workspace" import?
If you did the default (listed as "FlexBuilder/Flex Project" under the import source) then you might be changing the wrong code. If you're looking in the original project's location for the SWFs to run then you're in the wrong place, as the SWFs you build will be in the new location.
One quick way to test to see if your code is actually being compiled would be to intentionally put a compile error in there. If the compiler chokes on it then your code is being compiled.
There's another thing you can try. I just ran into a weird issue where FB was caching a compile error, and even after fixing the file it still showed the error. Even after doing a clean, restarting FB, etc.
I found a place where FB caches information for the project, and for some reason it wasn't clearing things it should. It's possible your project's cache got messed up and it's messing up the compile somehow. You can try deleting it (might need to delete and re-import your project though).
The cache is at:
I just made a blog post about this, in case you'd find it useful.
