How to use python in Wordpress if needed - wordpress

As the heading of the question; I just want to know whether it is possible to use python in Wordpress for a complete build of a web page. I have seen some answers but, they were not satisfactory and it is recommended to use python there?

As I understand, you want to know whether it is possible to use python in Wordpress for a complete build of a web page.
Yes, python should be installed onto your server. On most linux powered servers we have python by default.
However, shared hosting will allow you to run python inside wordpress. It is best to be on VPS then you can trigger python from wordpress using short codes.That will execute and display python script output on the page.
For further reading please follow the links below:
The trick is use the word press[source code] shortcut tag, as documented at


Configure Fluent-bit file output plugin set file rollover

I've a Fluent-bit running as docker instance which uses tail input plugin to read docker log files and currently I've configured output plugin to use Elasticsearch.
However in prod since Elasticsearch resides on another zone, don't want to consume bandwidth I don't want to use Elasticsearch, instead want to use file output plugin. But in file plugin there is no documentation explaining the file rollover configuration.
At the moment there is no such feature in Fluent Bit File output plugin. Please log the enhancement request on GitHub:
Since this feature makes a lot of sense it can be implemented shortly,
Fluent Bit Maintainer

Install WordPress with its plugins using chef-solo

I have a WordPress website up and running with many plugins installed on it and a huge database, I need to use chef-solo in order to create an environment in which can install the same website with all its plugins and and also importing its database.
I need it to be like, using chef to install the same website on a different server, exactly the same
Now here are my questions:
I know we can use chef to install WordPress but can we set it in a
way that we don't need to configure the the WordPress and everything
is already set once its running?
What to do with the plugins? can we install them using the chef or
now that should be done manually?
How about importing the database, that can be done with chef-solo
as well?
The whole website is on git, can I somehow import the whole
is there any other issue I may possibly face? if I want do that?
There is a wordpress cookbook openly available for chef.
When you mean configure, I take it you mean setup data in the database. Assuming that you've separated the database instance from the server instance, and you're attempting to scale up the number of servers then you should be able to skip data setup. You should be configuring the new server instance (node) to point to the same database via Chef.
I stumbled into this question looking for the answer to this question. From what I can tell the start may be here.
Kind of hand-wavy, but this should enable you to do some wordpress stuff via the command line with Chef, rather than the point and click it prefers.
As per #1, you should not need to import the database. If the database goes down, you'll want to focus on that as a separate but connected recipe, since then you'll want to be taking snapshots and uploading them somewhere like S3 via a cron job. I believe there are plugins that can enable this.
You'll have to be a little more clear by "import". If it's in a code base you may be able to short-cut your cookbook path by pulling down the git repo onto the host. You may want to look at git-archive.
Other issues that I'm looking at are images. We're migrating from a hosted solution to AWS, and it appears that instead of storing the images in the database, word-press pulls them into a local directory. This means that if we scale to > 1 host, we'll have issues with images. Something to think about, there's a wealth of plugins that can probably solve this.
Hope this is helpful,

Standalone Expression Engine site

I have a client that has a website built in the Expression Engine (this also applies for a WordPress site I have the same requests for).
Basically the client wants an offline version that is distributable say on a cd or usb drive. This also needs to be dummy proof that it's basically a double click and voila site is open and offline and functional.
Please let me know of any applications or thoughts you may have on ways to achieve this.
The only thing I have come across is using XAMPP but this then has to be installed on every computer before hand and files to be transferred to the htdocs folder before use - as this is not dummy proof and a bit risky I can't see this as the solution.
I'd do it like:
export everything as pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript and media assets.
create the AutoPlay just like any CD-ROM to open the index.html file.
the AutoPlay should have Windows/OSX versions.
create some JS functions to check for network connection and pull updated content from the live site.
How to create an "hybrid" usb stick?
Resources for building public information displays using HTML/CSS?

How can I upload to Confluence using a unix curl command?

OK, so I know how to upload to SharePoint thanks to this question:
How to send file to Sharepoint from Linux creating non existend directories
Now I am trying to figure out how to do it with Atlassian's Confluence. Any takers?
What I am looking for is a scriptable Unix command.
You question needs improving for a real understanding of what you're trying to achieve. That said, you can for example attach a file to a page within Confluence using curl.
The easy way to use do this would be using Bob Swifts Atlassian/Confluence CLI using the addAttachment command to add an attachment.
The plugin changed to be commercial a while back, but you can download the latest free release here.

Using the simpletest automator in Drupal 6

I've been trying to learn how to use simpletest, and I found the simpletest automator. I was able to install it and run it, but where is the file with the results of the 'macro' saved? I haven't been able to find it.
Also, is there a quick way to duplicate a drupal install in simpletest? I know it starts from a clean install, but I don't want to have to go through and figure out what all is enabled and who has what permissions at the start of the test. Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
Thank You.
Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
The short answer is no.
Essentially simpletest should be used as a unit test framework. Where all of the data that is needed is set up at the beginning of the test and it is not reliant on system setting or a particular user having a permission. It does this quite well, and can test core functionality and individual modules easily. If you are testing an indavidual module you have written using simpletest is, well, simple.
Unfortunately most websites use a number of modules and are configured to work together in a very specific way. Simpletest doesn't cope with this very well.
There are ways to get around this:
One option is to write a setup script in php which will work as a big setup script for your test. This can create users, set settings and permissions. This can be dificult to write and maintain and can cause the tests to take a long time to run.
Another option is for the site testing (which is different from unit testing) to be done in a tool other than simpletest. I have had some success with selenium. The downside to this is that you need to find a way have clean data. Which can be tricky, copying a database works but doesn't scale.
I've been pointed to this blog post as an answer to the question:
You can also use a site deployment module and enable only that at the very beginning of your test (in your SetUp() function).
