How to access Apollo useMutaion response - graph

When I do a mutation with useMutation hook, I can console.log my data but I cannot save the data object in a localState. I don't know what am I missing. Any help is appreciated.
My code is as follows:
//Schema file
startTest(identifier: String): TestResponse
the mutation payload is as follows:
type TestResponse {
errorCode: Int
errorMessage: String
success: Boolean
transactionId: ID
version: Int
In the resolver I hardcoded the following data return:
startTest(_, { identifier }) {
console.log("hello from server");
return {
errorCode: 0,
errorMessage: null,
success: true,
transactionId: "d2984911-bbc4-4e6a-9103-96ca934f6ed3",
version: 0,
In component folder I've triggered the mutation with a button click.
const [startTestt, { loading, error, data }] = useMutation(
onCompleted: ({ startFireDampersTest }) =>
onError: () => console.log("error!"), // never gets called
console.log(result); // undefined
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error!</p>;
if (data && data.startFireDampersTest)
return (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre> // I can see string object but how to render the element of the object inside the component??
const triggerTest = () => {
startTest({ variables: { identifier: "0000000" } });
return (
<Banner />
<button onClick={triggerTest}>Click to Delete Buck</button>
I need to access returned data returned from mutation for later use. the test response/payload is not related to any other queries or types to update. It just contains status of the test and other key values that I need to save in a local state or maybe render it inside a component.

You already have a useState inside your onCompleted, you'd just need to write properly. Assuming the useState is a call to the a React's useState hook, then you're probably just need to move the initialization of your state to your component.
const [isSuccess, setIsSuccess] = useState(false);
const [startTestt, { loading, error, data }] = useMutation(
onCompleted: ({ startFireDampersTest }) =>
onError: () => console.log("error!"), // never gets called


Why is using 'push' inside createSlice add '3' to my state instead of appending an array?

I am trying to append action.payload to my state. However, push methods adds action.payload.length to my state instead of appending the entire array! What am I doing wrong?
const initialState = { users: [] };
export const usersSlice = createSlice({
//other code.
extraReducers(builder) {
builder.addCase(fetchUsers.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.users = state.users.push(...action.payload);
// this one works.
// state.users = state.users.concat(action.payload);
// selector
export const selectUserById = (state, userId) =>
state.users.users.find((user) => === userId);
This is the error I get (referring to selector):
TypeError: state.users.users.find is not a function
And this is my console:
// This is my state.
"users": []
// this is action.payload. Which is an array of 3 objects.
// This is the state after using push:
"users": 3
Well, such a silly mistake.
As y'all know, push method does not return anything. Thus, it made no sense for me to try to assign it to my state. concat method on the other hand, returns a new array. That's why it worked.
Here is what I changed:
There is not state.users = anymore.

wait until first hook is complete before fetching data

I have this custom hook which fetches the data from graphql. The console.log statement shows that this hook is running a number of times on page load, but only 1 of those console.logs() contains actual data.
import { useCustomQuery } from '../api-client';
export const useMe = () => {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useCustomQuery({
query: async (query) => {
return getFields(, 'account_id', 'role', 'profile_id');
console.log(data ? data.account_id : 'empty');
return { isLoading, error, me: data };
I then have this other hook which is supposed to use the id's from the above hook to fetch more data from the server.
export const useActivityList = () => {
const { me, error } = useMe();
const criteria = { assignment: { uuid: { _eq: me.profile_id } } } as appointment_bool_exp;
const query = useQuery({
prepare({ prepass, query }) {
query.appointment({ where: criteria }),
suspense: true,
const activityList = query.appointment({ where: criteria });
return {
isLoading: query.$state.isLoading,
The problem I am facing is that the second hook seems to call the first hook when me is still undefined, thus erroring out. How do I configure this, so that I only access the me when the values are populated?
I am bad with async stuff...
In the second hook do an early return if the required data is not available.
export const useActivityList = () => {
const { me, error } = useMe();
if (!me) {
return null;
// or another pattern that you may find useful is to set a flag to indicate that this query is idle e.g.
// idle = true;
const criteria = { assignment: { uuid: { _eq: me.profile_id } } } as appointment_bool_exp;

Input not updating on react testing library, thus test failing, however it does update on the actual app

I want to test that when i type a value in an input(inputA), anoter input(inputB) gets updated with a value.
inputA accepts a postal code e.g: "10999", after inputB shows a location: "Berlin"
This works on the actual app, i type in inputA, and inputB gets updated.
When ome types on inputA, an action is dispatched and then inputB gets a new value from the redux state.
This is my test code, any ideas why it doesnt updates the input with placeholder of "Ort" on the test, but it does on the actual app?
import { render, withIntl, withStore, configureStore, withState } from "test-utils-react-testing-library";
import { screen, fireEvent, withHistory, withRoute, within } from "#testing-library/react";
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import ProfileForm from "./ProfileForm";
import PersonalDetails from "../PersonalDetails/PersonalDetails";
const STATE = {
locations: { locations: {} },
streets: { streets: {} },
password: {}
const mockStore = configureMockStore();
const STORE = mockStore({
streets: {
isFetching: false,
locations: {
locations: {
isFetching: false,
user: {
session: {
impersonated_access_token: "",
updateError: "error",
const props = {
id: "user1",
user: { email: "" },
locations: {},
onSubmit: jest.fn(),
describe("ProfileForm", () => {
describe("on personal details change", () => {
it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", () => {
const locations = { electricity: { [PLZ_1]: [LOCATION_OBJ_1] } };
const user = { postalcode: null };
render(<ProfileForm {...props} user={user} locations={locations} />, [...decorators, withStore(STORE)]);
const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("PLZ");
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "10999" } })
I guess your input hasn't been updated yet.
Try to use waitfor:
import { waitFor } from "#testing-library/react";
const inputNode = screen. getByPlaceholderText("Ort");
// keep in mind that you need to make your test async like this
// it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", async () => {
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"));
If it won't work, try to add timeout:
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"), { timeout: 4000 });
I've encountered a similar proplem and found that changes in the microtask queue aren't always flushed, so the changes are not applied/rendered until the test is finished running. What worked for me, was to call jest.useFakeTimers() at the beginning of your testcase, and then await act(async () => { jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() }); after the call to fireEvent.<some-event>(...)
In your case:
it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", async () => {
const locations = { electricity: { [PLZ_1]: [LOCATION_OBJ_1] } };
const user = { postalcode: null };
render(<ProfileForm {...props} user={user} locations={locations} />, [...decorators, withStore(STORE)]);
const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("PLZ");
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "10999" } })
await act(async () => {
Tried, but get this error: Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function. No idea where that comes from :(
Try to use findBy instead of getBy.
import { screen, waitFor } from "#testing-library/react";
const inputNode = await screen.findByPlaceholderText("Ort");
// or with timeout: await screen.findByPlaceholderText("Ort", { timeout: 4000 });
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"));

Problem With Redux's Store.dispatch Doesn't Get Updated

Upgrading meteor (from 1.4 to 1.7) and react (from 15.3.2 to 16.8.6).
"react-redux": "^4.4.10"
"redux": "3.5.2"
I found my codes were unable to update/store using Store.dispatch(), the Store just not updated.
My ACTIONS file as below:
export default {
load({Meteor, Store}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'variables.load', null, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
reject({_error: err.reason });
console.log("************ Store (A) = "+JSON.stringify(Store.getState()))
console.log("************ Store (B) = "+JSON.stringify(Store.getState()))
Both the console.log() were having the following:
Store (A) = {"router":{"locationBeforeTransitions":{"pathname":"/settings/config","search":"","hash":"","action":"PUSH","key":"zif4ls","basename":"/crm","query":{}}},"form":{"config":{"syncErrors":{"reportLimit":"Required"}}},"loadingBar":{}}
Store (B) = {"router":{"locationBeforeTransitions":{"pathname":"/settings/config","search":"","hash":"","action":"PUSH","key":"zif4ls","basename":"/crm","query":{}}},"form":{"config":{"syncErrors":{"reportLimit":"Required"}}},"loadingBar":{}}
Which I do expect it will have something like "reportLimit":6 , which was confirmed to have loaded into the data variable. Instead, I was getting the following error in browser console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
Is there anything wrong/breaking changes you could think of? As these codes had been working before the upgrade.
I've further narrowed down the problem. It may seems to be my Routes is not calling the Reducer.
I've since change the code in my Routes to remove the need to use require.ensure .
routes.jsx (prior)
path: 'config',
getComponent(nextState, cb) {
require.ensure([], (require) => {
Store.injectReducer('config', require('./reducers').config)
cb(null, require('./containers/config.js'))
}, 'config')
routes.jsx (latest, to get rid of require.ensure)
path: 'config',
getComponent(nextState, cb) {
.then(mod => {Store.injectReducer('config', require('./reducers').config);
cb(null, mod);});
Then I notice that in the reducer:
// ------------------------------------
// Action Handlers
// ------------------------------------
[LOAD_CONFIG]: (state, action) => ({
// ------------------------------------
// Reducer
// ------------------------------------
const initialState = {
data: null
export default function configReducer(state = initialState, action) {
console.log("************ Reducer")
const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type];
return handler ? handler(state, action) : state;
As per logged, function configReducer doesn't seem to have been called elsewhere.
After much trial-and-error, confirmed the problem is with the routing part, final changes:
routes.jsx (final)
path: 'config',
getComponent(nextState, cb) {
import('./containers/config').then(mod => {
Store.injectReducer('config', require('./reducers/config').default);
cb(null, mod.default);
Key points:
1) This is how the to migrate from require.ensure (used by webpack) to without relying on webpack (which was my case as am fully using Meteor Atmosphere to run)
2) mod and require(...).xxx had changed to mod.default and require(...).default if reducer function is exported as export default, otherwise said reducer will not be called.
Really took me weeks to figure this out!
Try this:
data: data

reducer.state.props is undefined in nested actions react/redux

Below are my action and reducer files - In my component state I am only seeing this.props.mainData - but others subdataOneData etc., are not being loaded in to the state - till reducer i see the right actions are being dispatched and I also see the data for sub - calls - but they are not reaching my component - I have mapStatetoprops - where I am doing
New issue: as per the updated code - when i print out payload in reducer - I see maindata with the api data but SubData [{}, {}, {}] ..?
Updated code:
import { GET_DATA_AND_SUBDATA } from '../constants/types';
export function getMainData() {
return async function getMainData(dispatch) {
const { data } = await getMainDataAPI();
const subData = => {
const endpoint = 'build with';
return Request.get(endpoint);
console.log('subddd' + subData); prints -> **[object Promise],[object Promise],[object Promise]**
payload: { data, subData }
async function getMainDataAPI() {
const endpoint = 'url';
return Request.get(endpoint);
The problem lies on the way you dispatch the actions.
You are not providing data for mainData and subdataOneData at the same time.
export function getData() {
return async function getData(dispatch) {
const { data } = await getDataAPI();
// This will cause first re-render
dispatch({ type: GET_DATA, payload: data });
Object.keys(data).map((keyName, keyIndex) => {
const endpoint = 'ENDPOINT';
Request.get(endpoint).then((response) => {
// This will cause second re-render
type: GET_subdata + keyIndex,
payload: });
return keyIndex;
At first render your subdataOneData is not availble yet.
You are not even specifying a default value in the reducer, therefore it will be undefined.
You can change your action thunk like this
export function getData() {
return async function getData(dispatch) {
const { data } = await getDataAPI();
const subDataResponse = await Promise.all(
Object.keys(data).map( () => {
const endpoint = 'ENDPOINT';
return Request.get(endpoint)
const subData = response => )
payload: { data, subData }
And change your reducer accordingly in order to set all data at once.
export default function myReducer(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
subdataOneData: action.payload.subData[0],
subdataTwoData: action.payload.subData[1]
return state;
Note: it's also a good practice to set your initial state in the reducer.
const initialState = {
subdataOneData: // SET YOUR INITIAL DATA
subdataTwoData: // SET YOUR INITIAL DATA
export default function myReducer(initialState, action) {
