Divs stack with 3d effect - css

I am trying to create 3d like animation for building and floors.
This is my initial design idea.
I want to create this divs with 3d effects and possible some animation on hover to recognize the current div.
I have never done animation or worked with 3d css effects so your help is much appreciated
Thanks in advance !

Im thinking that you could likely increase the z-index in css to make it appear on top of other elements.


React component sliding in/out

I'm trying to write a sliding menu similar to that with images here: https://chustynka.pl/
I've got already components that are changing in time (with arrows) the only thing left is animation. I added the classes and ids that will be useful but I don't know how to use css to animate them. Could you help?
Unfortunately it's not just CSS code you need. As you're going to animate the slides you have to do some more javascript code as well. For example you have to keep track of the direction of the slides. That is if you're pressing the left or right arrow. That, in turn, will decide which direction the slides will slide in/out.
There's a lot of approaches to doing this but it involves more coding in JS. =)
This is not a React slider I've made here but you can download/clone it from Github and take a look at the script for it. Maybe it will give you some idea of what you have to do.

How can I transition a gradient using css3?

I didn't see anything that really hit on what I'm trying to do. I know that animating gradients used to not be possibly but I think that's changed in the last year or so. Does anyone have any advice about how to move four divs with different background gradients through css3 transitions? I'm trying to create a nighttime to dawn to day gradient transition and can't seem to make it work. Ideally I'd love to do it just with css3 but if I have to use JavaScript or jQuery, that's fine. Also, I'd like to make it happen on load and not need a :hover pseudo class.
Thanks in advance!

Strange behavior with SVG CSS3 animation

I should preface this by saying that I am brand new to the world of SVGs. I'm playing around with a rather simple experiment using SVGs and CSS3 animations.
I have created the SVG in Inkscape and saved it as a plain SVG. I've then put it into HTML to play around with some CSS3 animations.
As you can see from my link below the whole SVG bounces strangely, this can be removed by removing the .arm class from the CSS. (which stops the single red circle group that has an arm class).
The problem is that I want the red circle groups to animate (spin) whilst the entire larger group is also spinning.
Any ideas or blatant things I may be doing wrong? (I do realize it's not the best SVG but I was just experimenting).
Note 1: After playing around a bit more if I remove either .arm or .center CSS rules then the wobble stops, but together they produce the wobble.
Here I fixed it for you (kind of).
Basically I hacked it so it works, but you'll need to wrap your SVG in another container and have that rotate from center. If you animate too far down the nest, it will be affected by siblings.
It looks as though the shape is not creating a perfect circle when spinning, therefore shifting the center whilst spinning causing the wobble.

CSS Carousel using z-index

I was wondering if it would be possible, using CSS alone, to create a carousel by switching the z-index of divs at specified intervals (let's say 5 seconds). The divs would be layered on top of each other, and then, as their z-index changed they'd move forward or backward as appropriate, using their div IDs, leaving only one viewable at a time. This process would then loop. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it? Thanks!
CSSWizardy created a nice css-only-carousel with changing the left-value.
Not changing the z-index, but should do the magic for you.
Also I just found the solution for you!
Check out this website http://css3.bradshawenterprises.com/cfimg/
Demo 3!

can you fade gradients in divs?

I was curious if it's possible to fade from one gradient to another inside a div in css3? I would like to be able to have one gradient start fading into another around the center of the div background.
(for instance, a fade like here http://garyoak.com/images/fade.png )
I know how to do the gradients individually, but i have no idea how to do fade 1 gradeint into a another if it's possible. If it's not possible, is there way to accomplish this effect? I was thinking of stacking two divs on top of each other, each one backed with a different gradient and having the top one fade horizontally, but again I'm not really sure how to do that.
I could combine the gradients into one single horizontal gradient, but i already have all the single colour gradients defined and it'd take quite abit of time to correctly combine them together, especially if i decide to change one of the gradients. I basically just want to avoid having to define and update seperate gradients to fade two existing gradients together.
If someone could help me out/point me to a proper resource to figure this out, I'd appreciate it.
I just answered a similar question, see here for an example of how to do multiple gradients:
Question about a specific gradient with css3
