I know that I can run monadic instructions sequentially inside monads in Kind language, like this:
Test: _
IO {
But is it possible to run monadic instructions repeatedly, like this below?
Test: _
a = [2,1,3,4,5]
IO {
for num in a:
If it is possible how can I do it correctly?
Monads are usually represented by only two operators :
return :: a -> m(a) // that encapulapse the value inside a effectful monad
>>= :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
// the monadic laws are omitted
Notice, the bind operator is naturally recursive, once it can compose two monads or even discard the value of one and the return can be thought of as a "base case".
m >>= (\a -> ... >>= (\b -> ~ i have a and b, compose or discard? ~) >>= fixpoint)
You just have to produce that sequence, which is pretty straightforward. For example, in Kind we represent monads as a pair which takes a type-for-type value and encapluse a polymorphic type.
type Monad <M: Type -> Type> {
bind: <A: Type, B: Type> M<A> -> (A -> M<B>) -> M<B>
pure: <A: Type> A -> M<A>
In your example, we just have to trigger the effect and discard the value, a recursive definition is enough :
action (x : List<String>): IO(Unit)
case x {
nil : IO.end!(Unit.new) // base case but we are not worried about values here, just the effects
cons : IO {
IO.print(x.head) // print and discard the value
action(x.tail) // fixpoint
test : IO(Unit)
IO {
let ls = ["2", "1", "3", "4", "5"]
The IO as you know it will be desugared by a sequence of binds!
Normally in case of list it can be generalized like the mapM function of haskell library :
Monadic.forM(A : Type -> Type, B : Type,
C : Type, m : Monad<A>, b : A(C), f : B -> A(C), x : List<A(B)>): A(C)
case x {
nil : b
cons :
open m
let k = App.Kaelin.App.mapM!!!(m, b, f, x.tail)
let ac = m.bind!!(x.head, f)
m.bind!!(ac, (c) k) // the >> operator
It naturally discard the value and finally we can do it :
action2 (ls : List<String>): IO(Unit)
let ls = [IO.end!(2), IO.end!(1), IO.end!(3), IO.end!(4), IO.end!(5)]
Monadic.forM!!!(IO.monad, IO.end!(Unit.new), (b) IO.print(Nat.show(b)), ls)
So, action2 do the same thing of action, but in one line!.
When you need compose the values you can represent as monadic fold :
Monadic.foldM(A : Type -> Type, B : Type,
C : Type, m : Monad<A>, b : A(C), f : B -> C -> A(C), x : List<A(B)>): A(C)
case x {
nil : b
cons :
open m
let k = Monadic.foldM!!!(m, b, f, x.tail)
m.bind!!(x.head, (b) m.bind!!(k, (c) f(b, c)))
For example, suppose that you want to sum a sequence of numbers that you ask for the user in a loop, you just have to call foldM and compose with a simple function :
Monad.action3 : IO(Nat)
let ls = [IO.get_line, IO.get_line, IO.get_line]
Monadic.foldM!!!(IO.monad, IO.end!(0),
(b, c) IO {
IO.end!(Nat.add(Nat.read(b), c))
test : IO(Unit)
IO {
get total = action3
For now, Kind do not support typeclass so it make the things a little more verbose, but i think a new support to forM loops syntax can be thought in the future. We hope so :)
So I've noticed that in Idris if you define your own list or vector like type — for example the following type I've found to be useful:
data HFVec : (f : Type -> Type) -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n Type -> Type where
Nil : HFVec f Z []
(::) : (a : f t) -> HFVec f n ts -> HFVec f (S n) (t :: ts)
— then you get list syntax for free:
test : HFVec List 2 [Int, String]
test = [[3], [""]]
I assume this is done when you have a constructor named ::, but I don't know for certain. In the same way you get do-notation if you have a constructor named >>= even if there is no monad implementation:
data Test : Type -> Type where
Pure : a -> Test a
(>>=) : Test a -> (a -> Test b) -> Test b
test : Test Int
test = do
Pure 1
x <- Pure 2
Pure x
This is a pretty cool feature, the only thing is I have not found it documented anywhere. It would be good to know exactly how these mechanisms work so one can know under exactly what circumstances they can be expected to work. Also, are these kind of rules the privilege of the compiler, or can the user make them with the syntax and dsl features?
Idris language tutorial has simple and understandable example of the idea of Dependent Types:
Here is the code:
isSingleton : Bool -> Type
isSingleton True = Int
isSingleton False = List Int
mkSingle : (x : Bool) -> isSingleton x
mkSingle True = 0
mkSingle False = []
sum : (single : Bool) -> isSingleton single -> Int
sum True x = x
sum False [] = 0
sum False (x :: xs) = x + sum False xs
I decided to spend more time on this example. What bothers me in sum function is that I need to explicitly pass single : Bool value to function. I don't want to do this and I want compiler to guess what this boolean value should be. Hence I pass only Int or List Int to sum function there should be 1-to-1 correspondence between boolean value and type of argument (if I pass some other type this just mustn't type check).
Of course, I understand, this is not possible in general case. Such compiler tricks require my function isSingleton (or any other similar function) be injective. But for this case it should be possible as it seems to me...
So I started with next implementation: I just made single argument implicit.
sum : {single : Bool} -> isSingleton single -> Int
sum {single = True} x = x
sum {single = False} [] = 0
sum {single = False} (x :: xs) = x + sum' {single = False} xs
Well, it doesn't really solve my problem because I still need to call this function in the next way:
sum {single=True} 1
But I read in tutorial about auto keyword. Though I don't quite understand what auto does (because I didn't find description of it) I decided to patch my function just a little bit more:
sum' : {auto single : Bool} -> isSingleton single -> Int
sum' {single = True} x = x
sum' {single = False} [] = 0
sum' {single = False} (x :: xs) = x + sum' {single = False} xs
And it works for lists!
*DepFun> :t sum'
sum' : {auto single : Bool} -> isSingleton single -> Int
*DepFun> sum' [1,2,3]
6 : Int
But doesn't work for single value :(
*DepFun> sum' 3
When checking an application of function Main.sum':
List Int is not a numeric type
Can someone explain is it actually possible to achieve my goal in such injective function usages currently? I watched this short video about proving something is injective:
But I don't understand how I can use such proofs in my example.
If this is not possible what is the best way to write such functions?
The auto keyword basically tells Idris, "Find me any value of this type". So you're liable to get the wrong answer unless that type only contains one value. Idris sees {auto x : Bool} and fills it in with any old Bool, namely False. It doesn't use its knowledge of later arguments to help it choose - information doesn't flow from right to left.
One fix would be to make the information flow in the other direction. Rather using a universe-style construction as you have above, write a function accepting an arbitrary type and use a predicate to refine it to the two options you want. This way Idris can look at the type of the preceding argument and pick the only value of IsListOrInt whose type matches.
data IsListOrInt a where
IsInt : IsListOrInt Int
IsList : IsListOrInt (List Int)
sum : a -> {auto isListOrInt : IsListOrInt a} -> Int
sum x {IsInt} = x
sum [] {IsList} = 0
sum (x :: xs) {IsList} = x + sum xs
Now, in this case the search space is small enough (two values - True and False) that Idris could feasibly explore every option in a brute-force fashion and pick the first one that results in a program which passes the type checker, but that algorithm doesn't scale well when the types are much bigger than two, or when trying to infer multiple values.
Compare the left-to-right nature of the information flow in the above example with the behaviour of regular non-auto braces, which instruct Idris to find the result in a bidirectional fashion using unification. As you note, this could only succeed when the type functions in question are injective. You could structure your input as a separate, indexed datatype, and allow Idris to look at the constructor to find b using unification.
data OneOrMany isOne where
One : Int -> OneOrMany True
Many : List Int -> OneOrMany False
sum : {b : Bool} -> OneOrMany b -> Int
sum (One x) = x
sum (Many []) = 0
sum (Many (x :: xs)) = x + sum (Many xs)
test = sum (One 3) + sum (Many [29, 43])
Predicting when the machine will or won't be able to guess what you mean is an important skill in dependently-typed programming; you'll find yourself getting better at it with more experience.
Of course, in this case it's all moot because lists already have one-or-many semantics. Write your function over plain old lists; then if you need to apply it to a single value you can just wrap it in a singleton list.
Say I have this record:
type alias Rec = { a : Int }
And, for example, a function that takes two of these and sums their integers.
f: Rec -> Rec -> Int
This can be implemented using record accessors (i.e. f x y = x.a + y.a), but is there a way to use pattern matching to extract both integers?
Obviously, these two do not work because they would be binding two different numbers to the same variable:
f {a} {a} = a + a
f x y = case (x, y) of ({a}, {a}) -> a + a
There seems to be no such way in the current Elm language. In other functional languages such as ML and Haskell, you could write patterns inside records like:
$ sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.74 [built: Sat Oct 6 00:59:36 2012]
- fun func {field=x} {field=y} = x+y ;
val func = fn : {field:int} -> {field:int} -> int
- func {field=123} {field=45} ;
val it = 168 : int
You might as well make a feature request to the developer(s) of Elm - or ask a question in the community mailing list at least.
P.S. After a quick search, I found such a proposal to add ML-like pattern matching on record fields in Elm, but it seems to have been turned down.:-(
There's no way to do this currently. There is pattern aliasing (as) but it only works for a whole pattern, so this is invalid:
type alias Rec = { a : Int }
f: Rec -> Rec -> Int
f { a as xa } { a as ya } = xa + ya
main = f { a = 1 } { a = 2 }
results in:
Detected errors in 1 module.
-- SYNTAX PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------
I ran into something unexpected when parsing your code!
4| f { a as xa } { a as ya } = xa + ya
I am looking for one of the following things:
a closing bracket '}'
The function:
fn : 'a -> 'b
Now, are there any functions which can be defined and have this type?
There are two possible implementations for that function signature in Standard ML. One employs exceptions, the other recursion:
val raises : 'a -> 'b =
fn a => raise Fail "some error";
(* Infinite looping; satisfies the type signature, *)
(* but won't ever produce anything. *)
val rec loops : 'a -> 'b =
fn a => loops a;
The first solution may be useful for defining a helper function, say bug, which saves a few key strokes:
fun bug msg = raise Fail ("BUG: " ^ msg);
The other solution may be useful for defining server loops or REPLs.
In the Basis library, OS.Process.exit is such a function that returns an unknown generic type 'a:
- OS.Process.exit;
val it = fn : OS.Process.status -> 'a
A small echo REPL with type val repl = fn : unit -> 'a:
fun repl () =
val line = TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn
case line of
NONE => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure
| SOME ":q\n" => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success
| SOME line => (TextIO.print line ; repl ())
You might also find useful this question about the type signature of Haskell's forever function.
I can think of one example:
fun f a = raise Div;
I can think of several:
One that is recursive,
fun f x = f x
Any function that raises exceptions,
fun f x = raise SomeExn
Any function that is mutually recursive, e.g.,
fun f x = g x
and g x = f x
Any function that uses casting (requires specific compiler support, below is for Moscow ML),
fun f x = Obj.magic x
Breaking the type system like this is probably cheating, but unlike all the other functions with this type, this function actually returns something. (In the simplest case, it's the identity function.)
A function that throws if the Collatz conjecture is false, recurses infinitely if true,
fun f x =
let fun loop (i : IntInf.int) =
if collatz i
then loop (i+1)
else raise Collatz
in loop 1 end
which is really just a combination of the first two.
Any function that performs arbitrary I/O and recurses infinitely, e.g.
fun f x = (print "Woohoo!"; f x)
fun repl x =
let val y = read ()
val z = eval y
val _ = print z
in repl x end
One may argue that exceptions and infinite recursion represent the same theoretical value ⊥ (bottom) meaning "no result", although since you can catch exceptions and not infinitely recursive functions, you may also argue they're different.
If you restrict yourself to pure functions (e.g. no printing or exceptions) and only Standard ML (and not compiler-specific features) and you think of the mutually recursive cases as functionally equivalent in spite of their different recursion schemes, we're back to just fun f x = f x.
The reason why fun f x = f x has type 'a → 'b is perhaps obvious: The type-inference algorithm assumes that the input type and the output type are 'a and 'b respectively and goes on to conclude the function's only constraint: That f x's input type must be equal to f x's input type, and that f x's output type must be equal to f x's output type, at which point the types 'a and 'b have not been specialized any further.
I defined a higher-order function like this:
val func : int -> string -> unit
I would like to use this function in two ways:
other_func (func 5)
some_other_func (fun x -> func x "abc")
i.e., by making functions with one of the arguments already defined. However, the second usage is less concise and readable than the first one. Is there a more readable way to pass the second argument to make another function?
In Haskell, there's a function flip for this. You can define it yourself:
let flip f x y = f y x
Then you can say:
other_func (func 5)
third_func (flip func "abc")
Flip is defined in Jane Street Core as Fn.flip. It's defined in OCaml Batteries Included as BatPervasives.flip. (In other words, everybody agrees this is a useful function.)
The question posed in the headline "change order of parameters" is already answered. But I am reading your description as "how do I write a new function with the second parameter fixed". So I will answer this simple question with an ocaml toplevel protocol:
# let func i s = if i < 1 then print_endline "Counter error."
else for ix = 1 to i do print_endline s done;;
val func : int -> string -> unit = <fun>
# func 3 "hi";;
- : unit = ()
# let f1 n = func n "curried second param";;
val f1 : int -> unit = <fun>
# f1 4;;
curried second param
curried second param
curried second param
curried second param
- : unit = ()