How to add Brainfuck into Atom - atom-editor

I know nothing about grammars or that type of stuff and i don't know how to make brainfuck work in
Atom. I have installed script and brainfuck, but if I try to run it just prints the error "Command not configured for Brainfuck!". can anybody please help?

here's what i have found ( hope that works.
if it doesn't so you may try downloading an interpreter manually a link of bf interpreter is here .


Error: '\l' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "'<path to>\l"

I install R-4.1.1arm64 on m1 Mac.
When I type R in the terminal, it creates an error
Besides, when I use the Rscript command it will also generate the error.
I am not familiar with programming. Could anyone tell me a clear way to fix it?
Thanks, guys.
Well, no problem now. I just delete the file ".Rprofile" and install the package "languageserver".

grpcui: command not found

I am new to grpcui. I've been trying to follow the installation. I did
go get
go install
I also added grpcui path to my $PATH. Even tried to pull down the repo and make install. But I keep getting grpcui: command not found. Anyone could help ?
After installation, your grpcui should be in /home/user/go/bin. If so, try and add that folder to your $PATH, as I did (and it worked).
To further Adam's answer, a critical step in updating the PATH is restarting the terminal.
On OSX this needs to be done via exec bash -l. Simply exiting and opening the terminal does not work.
path gist
terminal SO question

Could not start the julia language server in VS Code

I'm getting this error in VS Code:
Could not start the julia language server. Make sure the configuration setting julia.executablePath points to the julia binary.
In user settings I put
"julia.executablePath": "c:\\Program Files\\Julia\\Julia-0.5.0\\bin\\julia.exe"
which is a correct executable path.
Julia works without a problem in console and VS Code worked fine with older extension 0.4.2. I've tried reinstalling both the extension and VS Code, but it didn't help.
What am I doing wrong?
I had the same problem, just run Julia REPL and switch to pkg mode with ] and add LanguageServer package with add LanguageServer and restart vs code.
VS Code settings don't seem to always play nice with backslashes. Try instead single slashes, even on Windows:
"julia.executablePath": "c:/Program Files/Julia/Julia-0.5.0/bin/julia.exe"
It may, however, also be a problem with the blank in 'Program Files', in which case the legacy 8.3 filename convention could work:
"julia.executablePath": "c:/PROGRA~1/Julia/Julia-0.5.0/bin/julia.exe"
Note that you would typically have both 'C:\PROGRA~1' and 'C:\PROGRA~2' pointing to 'C:\Program Files' and 'C:\Program Files (x86)', respectively. Find the correct one from the console.
Have a look if the 'LanguageServer' package is actually installed/somehow uninstalled, this happened to me. After manually installing it, it was all fine and dandy again.
Indexing all the packages still takes ages, though.
This can happen if the VS Code extension doesn't support the current version of Julia.
Also check that the path is pointing to the julia.exe executable inside the bin folder.
because there is also another one that doesn't work.
Reinstalling Julia solved this for me, I tried the previous answers
It is probably due to a SysImage you have compiled and replaced the original sys.dll file with that. Try to check the path C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.3\lib\julia or any other path you have installed Julia and see if a sys.dll.backup exists there, together with a sys.dll file. Rename the sys.dll to sys.dll.old and rename the sys.dll.backup to sys.dll. Then restart julia or VS Code.

What is '.R' folder and where to look for it?

I am a beginner in R. I use Rstudio on my MAC OSX.
I have no idea what does this mean 'create a folder ~/.R and put a Makevars in it.'
I went word by word and tried creating '.R' in my home(~) directory. MAC doesnt allow it saying "You can’t use a name that begins with a dot “.”, because these names are reserved for the system. Please choose another name." ( of course!)
Next I tried to look for .R folder, hoping that it might already be there. But couldn't find it anywhere.
Can anyone please explain where is this '.R' folder on our system? Or how is the whole R folder hierarchy is built.
I tried doing this:
path2 = normalizePath("~/.R")
Warning message:
In normalizePath("~/.R") :
path[1]="/Users/as82986/.R": No such file or directory
Error in setwd(path2) : cannot change working directory
Problem is I couldn't even find anything on google because looking for '.R' folder threw pretty vague and unrelated results.
Also, would appreciate if I am not directed to any more documentations. Please. And thank you so much for helping me.
You need to use the to open a Unix console and then type:
$ mkdir ~/.R
The dollar sign is there to remind you that this is not the R console which has a ">" prompt. (Do not type the "$".) You are going to need to learn a few more lessons about the Unix commands if you plan to compile packages from source. I generally run my Finder with ShowAllFiles set to Yes. Do a google search if that is not meaningful to you.

Jar file not executing

I am having a problem, I run my jar file but nothing happens, not even an error, it just returns to the cmd line where I started. the java code is ok because it works fine in netbeans on the machine i created it on, what is missing from the machine I am actually running it on? help please
If you are using javaw(java's "consoleless" version) instead of java and you print the answers with:
System.out.println(String stringToPrint);
or with
System.out.print(String stringToPrint);
You won't have anything printed on the screen because javaw won't print anything, so try execute it like this:
java -jar filename.jar
If this is not what you are looking for, sorry.
