Autosys - Release Job Dependency - autosys

I'm looking for a solution for the below scenario. I'm not sure if it's even possible or not.
I've been working on CA Workload automation D series now, there is a release dependency option available in that tool, but when I try to relate the same with Autosys, I'm not able to find a solution.
So please check and help me with this.
Lets say there are 3 jobs in a box A,B,C
B runs on Success of A
C runs on Success of B.
A is in RU state.
B is Active & waiting for SUCCESS(A),
C is Active and waiting for SUCCESS(B).
Now is there any way we can let the job C start executing? (only for this run)
We still want B to execute, but for now we don't want C to wait for SUCCESS of B.


Airflow - trigger a specific task from external

In Apache Airflow, let's say I want to set up a DAG that has 3 tasks.
Task A
Task B
Task C
When the DAG gets scheduled, I want task A to run, followed by Task B (when A completes).
However, I want task C to only run when some external code triggers it (and it shouldn't poll and wait for an external condition to be satisfied; I want it to wait until it receives an external request to start execution, but only if A and B are completed).
I also don't want to create another DAG for task C.
Is this possible? How to set up please? Will it require another task between B and C?
Thanks for any advice on how this can be achieved.
The best way to achieve this is to have two tasks leading into task C, so for example:
A >> [B, x] >> C
Where x is a new task. Then you can set x to be your other trigger condition from somewhere external.
For example if you're waiting for a certain file to be delivered for C to execute, create x as a BranchOperator, and only return C from it if the file exists.

Set multi dag dependency in airflow

I have 3 dags A, B and C. Dag C should get triggered only after tasks in dag A and B completes. Is there a way to implement this in airflow? I am able to set dependency between dag A and C using Triggerdagrun Operator. But when I try to set dependency between dag B and C, C is getting triggered when either A or B completes.
Can someone please help me in solving this?
I understand that explains external task sensor Operator can be used. But it continuously polls if task in dag A and B is complete which might create performance hit over a period of time.
You could set two more wait-task in your dagc,
then startop >> [wait-daga, wait-dagb] >> dagc.
Below is the link to airflow doc:

Record request execution flow in .net

I have been instructed to find all the file names through out the execution flow to complete a request.
Ex: suppose I have 4 project A(WEB), B, C, D, E
A is a web application and it's got a request to load home page. It's started executing the code, it's went to B then C then E then D for fetching data and it's came back to the calling function again where it had started. So I want to record all the project file names where my all execution happened.
though we can achieve same by debugging but looking for an easy way because my solution is too big.
Any suggestion will be very helpful.
Probably the StackTrace is what you are looking for?

Bamboo won't trigger child plan if it is already running

I have a pair of plans setup in Bamboo 5.8, let's call them plan A (smoke test) and plan B (full build and deploy). Plan A is the parent and is set to trigger the child, plan B, with no other advanced or blocking strategies setup on the Dependencies tab. Plan B is only triggered as a child of plan A, no other triggers are enabled. The problem I am seeing is that if plan B is already running and then a second plan A is triggered and finishes before the first plan B completes, when plan B finally finishes, it doesn't get triggered to run by the second plan A , it just sits there until a third plan A happens to be kicked off.
I'm not seeing any way to 'retry' a dependency trigger if the child plan is busy/currently building, is there something server side that needs to be changed or refreshed? We only have 3 build agents.
I'm also experiencing this issue. There is an eight year old, still open Atlassian support ticket for this: BAM-2820. Their workaround in there is to run concurrent builds, which doesn't work in my case because our builds use a shared resource.

Asterisk - Pre-emption calls

I would like to have pre-emption calls in Asterisk. With this I mean that if user A has priority/access-level 1 and wants to talk to user B, how could it preempt the call that user B is already having with user C which has only priority/access-level 2?
Does anyone know if this is supported by Asterisk or how this could be implemented?
Any idea would be very welcome.
No, it not supported by asterisk.
But yes, it can be implemented using dialplan+some script magic. Complexity is high and require expert or guru skill.
Short plan is following:
check if B is in call (need use DEVICE_STATE or GROUP functions)
check if B in call with lower priority caller( ASTDB or REALTIME or fastagi script)
wisper both(or only B) party that now have priority call. For that need read about asterisk auto-dialout and wisper.
wait till B press confirmation key(features.conf)
transfer both B&C to new extension, bridge A&B, play hold for C.
deal with restore C connection if needed.
