I have been instructed to find all the file names through out the execution flow to complete a request.
Ex: suppose I have 4 project A(WEB), B, C, D, E
A is a web application and it's got a request to load home page. It's started executing the code, it's went to B then C then E then D for fetching data and it's came back to the calling function again where it had started. So I want to record all the project file names where my all execution happened.
though we can achieve same by debugging but looking for an easy way because my solution is too big.
Any suggestion will be very helpful.
Probably the StackTrace is what you are looking for?
Sample: https://www.codeproject.com/articles/223611/how-to-log-the-current-call-stack-in-net
I'm looking for a solution for the below scenario. I'm not sure if it's even possible or not.
I've been working on CA Workload automation D series now, there is a release dependency option available in that tool, but when I try to relate the same with Autosys, I'm not able to find a solution.
So please check and help me with this.
Lets say there are 3 jobs in a box A,B,C
B runs on Success of A
C runs on Success of B.
A is in RU state.
B is Active & waiting for SUCCESS(A),
C is Active and waiting for SUCCESS(B).
Now is there any way we can let the job C start executing? (only for this run)
We still want B to execute, but for now we don't want C to wait for SUCCESS of B.
We've one IIS application server on which we have deployed ASP.NET application.
Now the issue is Server is hanging very frequently and every time we are recycling or restarting application pool. Could you please help me to fix it.
What I've tried:
1) Looked into IIS log and found that there are few requests throwing 500 error some time. All the time except few instances same requests are working fine and getting 200 status.
2) Few resources are taking longer time like
a) "Report.aspx" - State- SendResponse - Time Elapsed- 2-3 minutes
I checked the query and found that sp is returning data in 00:00:02.
b) "NewReport.aspx" - State- ExecuteRequestHandler- Time Elapsed- 1 minutes
I checked the query and found that sp is returning data too quickly.
3) Default recycle time is 29 hrs, and each application is using individual pool.
4) In code application connection has been opened and not closed at very few places.
5) We are using connection pooling, having 2 different connection string with Max Pool=500 and min Pool=50 each.
6) Most of the time there is no error in Event Viewer, some time have received TCP/IP error.
What I am looking for:
1) Do I need to make any changes in IIS to track down or please help if any changes required in IIS?
2) Is there any setting in SQL Server which can help me to find out or fix it?
3) Please help if anything else I've to do to fix this issue from your previous experiences.
I think you should capture a hang dump for W3WP.exe with Procdump or debug diagnostic tool first. We need to check all managed stack trace via WINDBG, sos.dll and mex extension. So that we can figure out worker thread is pending on which method and which module. Then might tell us about how to fix this hang issue. If you could find a way to always reproduce this problem. The problem would become much easier.
This link is about how to capture hang dump.
If you don't know how to analyze dump file manually, debug diagnostic analysis tool could help you achieve this.
Since I've upgraded my app from trial I can't no more update it with my git client. My SSH-key are ok, with other trial apps all works fine.
In my app i get this error:
A B O R T E D !! Could not get lock on repository; probably deployment
in progress. Counting objects: 403, done. Delta compression using up 2
fatal:sha1 file '' write error: Invalid argument
Sorry, there is no answer for this question, as it is too specific for your App. It's not a good question for Stack Overflow. Please only ask questions here that are of general interest.
Can anyone recommend a fairly clean method for determining the process scheduler an app-engine is running on at run-time (NT or UNIX). I need to set a file path that is obviously dependent upon the server the process is being executed on. I understand the GetEnv command can be used, but I don't want to set an environment variable for this particular instance (it does not reside under the PS_FILES) path. I've searched peoplebooks for any kind of built in function or system variable, but was not successful (obviously).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Okay, I may have asked this question a little too early. I apologize.
It looks like I'll just be able to query the process request table to pull back the server name:
Evaluate &server
Exactly :-)
There are a host of Process Request records that can give you the information you need. Glad that you found it.
I am having an VBScript files which runs by many instance of jobs. I need to log the error information if any error occurs in the script processing. If i maintain a log file then how can i differentiate the log file for each instances (around 10 simultaneous instances) of vb script calling.
I dont go for any db logging.
Please suggest some good ways.
I would use the same log file for all instances. I would then have each instance create a GUID:
When an error is logged by an instance, it uses the GUID to identify itself. This way it shouldn't matter if you have 10 or 50 instances, they will be unique in logging and you won't have a ton of log files everywhere.