How does Khan Academy not show related videos? - youtube-iframe-api

I am curious how Khan Academy does not show related videos for their iFrame embed of Youtube in both the following cases:
On Pause.
And at the end of the video.
A sample of Khan Academy videos are here.
I know that Google/YouTube ended support of rel=0 back in October 2018 - but thats not the point. How does Khan Academy do it. See the video here:
PS. I have done my research and seen:
Is there a way of hiding related Youtube videos on pause with iframe api?
But I am trying to see exactly how Khan Academy (and apparently Stanford too) does it - I'm pretty sure they are following the Youtube TOS carefully.

I wanted to implement the iframe player but without the "related videos" section. Researched a lot on ways to do that, some of them were:
Just don't show the player when paused
Cover the player's part with an empty, transparent div where the recommendations show up
But the cons of these ways were that they decreased the overall User Experience Quality for the website.
Seeing the way parameter "rel=0" works is that it filters out the suggestions of other youtube channel videos to just show videos of the youtube channel of which, the video is being played in the iframe player.
But if all videos are unlisted in the youtube channel, and then you use the "rel=0" parameter, It won't recommend them at all. Maybe because we instructed it to show related videos of the youtube channel of the current video but there aren't any listed ones to show on that channel.
This could mean they maybe have another youtube channel with all of their videos but unlisted.
Please correct me if I'm wrong :)
I hope this helped.


Alternative to storing video files in cloud service

I'm building a video streaming platform for a niched audience. It's basically YouTube with a fence around it. Users are vetted based on quite strict criteria so content will be high quality and relevant. I've been using Firebase to store the videos, but I soon realized this will become very costly in the end and since it's gonna be free and monetized through ads (not video ads), I will probably never see an upside. So I had an idea of using YouTube's API to basically upload videos to one account and stream them through unlisted links directly onto my platform.
There are a few issues with this however: first off, I'm not sure if this goes against YouTube's policies or rules. I've been trying to contact them, but it's virtually impossible to get ahold of them. Does anyone know?
Secondly, there are irrelevant, disrupting video ads that I cannot remove and links to other videos, taking the user from the platform.
So, are there other options? Any experts on Vimeo or Dailymotion for example?
Even YouTube is struggling with the storage/money issue, so I realize this might be an impossible question - I'm prepared to be disappointed.

How to track source traffic from utm to Youtube video page?

UPD. I realised that I need to rephrase the question. So does anybody know how to track Youtube video views that come from a specific QR code? There may be different QR codes for the same video.
My ideas:
According to stackoverflow utm parameters don't work for youtube links. Theoretically I can create a page on my website that redirects to Youtube video page and put its link into QR code. Google Analytics will show stats for this page. But I can't track how long users watched the video because Youtube analytics shows breakdown of External traffic up to domain only and not for exact links. So not ideal and quite complicated with redirects.
Any other ideas? Thanks!
We need to create a QR code for a paper leaflet with the link leading to Youtube video page. We are going to add utm source parameter to the link to see how many people will use this QR code.
My question is where I can see the stats on non-standard traffic sources for this Youtube video page? I don't see this option in Youtube itself and I've read that if I link Google analytics to my Youtube channel, it will show data for the channel page only and not for individual video pages. Is it true? How can I see the breakdown of 'Ex­tern­al' source in Youtube video page stats to see exact destinations the traffic comes from?
I'm in the process of setting up Google analytics for my channel and it doesn't work (it's a separate question) so I want to understand if it can help me with my problem at all.
Thank you!
UTM parameters will only work to show you data coming to your website. Also, setting up Google Analytics for your channel will only make sense if the channel videos are embedded in a website, otherwise, you just need to use YouTube Analytics.

is it possible to replace Youtube's Iframe Video Ads

is it possible to replace Youtube's embedded Video's Ads with my own video ads.
maybe using a video player to do that but how can i do?
for example. someone is embedding youtube videos somewhere else. he wants to show some video ads on those videos. how can he do that?
I doubt it is impossible. It is, however, illegal to do so. When using the YouTube Data API or the JS API you agree to their terms of service, which explicitly state that you may not alter or remove in-player ads of embedded videos (section II, paragraph 7).
Is it possible to replace Youtube's embedded Video's ads with my own video ads?
If you own the video the answer is YES, but if it's own by someone, the answer is NO. Only the owner/author of the video have rights to the ads of these video.
For more information, you can check this related SO question. It might give you an idea about your problem.
Also from the YouTube Help, it is stated here that:
You will automatically be opted into showing ads on embedded videos if
you've associated your YouTube and AdSense accounts and have enabled
your videos for embedding. Note that embedded videos will honor the
same ad enablement settings as videos on
If you don't want to show ads on your embedded videos, there is no way
to directly disable ads on just embedded videos, however, you may
disable your videos for embedding altogether.

Conversion coming from Youtube ads

I'm trying to find a way to track "paid traffic" from Youtube, ie. people who click on one of our ads, got redirected to one of our videos, then clicked on a link in the comment section. At the moment everybody coming from Youtube appears under the Youtube channel in our analytics.
Yet, inside Youtube Analytics, I can see that 90% of people watching specific videos come from paid traffic.
I tried to see if I could get any possible information from the youtube APIs but it looks like nothing is useful, event to determine how could be the split between paid/unpaid traffic.
Also, impossible to find a split by video.. except in GA. Therefore, no possible link?!
1/ Is it possible to link paid traffic internal to Youtube and part of the "youtube" channel traffic in GA? data-wise or just mathematically?
2/ Is there a way to hadve an idea or approximate the convertion rate?
PS: I know this should not be seen a pure conversion channel*
To answer your questions:
1. Is it possible to link paid traffic internal to YouTube and part of the "YouTube" channel traffic in Google Analytics? data-wise or just mathematically?
As far as I know, yes it is possible. In fact, there's no better way to analyze your new brand channel layout than integrating it with Google Analytics. Reasons as given:
The main difference between YouTube analytics and Google Analytics is that the former provides data about the videos, while the latter provide data about the visitors of the channel’s pages.
To use this feature, please refer to the steps given in How to integrate your YouTube One brand channel with Google Analytics
2. Is there a way to have an idea or approximate the conversion rate?
I tried looking for documentation on conversion rate but it seems that this doesn't exist as also mentioned in Conversion rate between YouTube views and track sales
And, as suggested in Google AdWords Help, in tracking viewer conversions for video ads,
Since video advertising doesn’t always drive immediate conversions, we recommend that you look at view-through conversion data, which shows the number of online conversions that happened within 30 days after a viewer saw, but did not click, your video ad.
I hope that helps.

Identify restrictions in embeddable Youtube videos

I'm having problems identifying playback restrictions of embedded YouTube videos when using YouTube Data API v3.
Example: YouTube ID k85mRPqvMbE and 3n4dXiagrZc seem to share same restrictions when it comes to embedded playback (in my case on an iPhone). The parameters I have looked at are "embeddable" in Video API and videoSyndicated/videoEmbeddable in Search API.
All the "obvious" parameters give the same results for both videos, but while I can play "3n4dXiagrZc" on my device without any problems, "k85mRPqvMbE" refuses to play due to content owner blocking me from watching it (playback through YouTube app or YouTube web works fine though). Please note that I have check the country restrictions as well and my country is not blocked for any of the two.
Any ideas on how to identify videos via the YouTube Data API v3 that are blocked for the reason stated above?
If you do a JSON query, you will get the video info. Here look for "embed:allowed", if present the video is embeddable.. Hope this helps! :)
