how to stop php server in Atom - atom-editor

In Atom how do you stop php server from running? The doc's say:
so I went to a terminal, cd to the root for the server and issued the command. It said command not found

there's an atom palette ctrl-shift-p you issue the command there.


how can I check if Leiningen is successfully installed and working at full capacity?

Java JDK is installed, everything works great, also maven works great.
I followed the instructions from the site, downloaded the bat file, set the path and at the command prompt started the installation with the command lein self-install.
what i got in response is downloading leiningen now ....
after a while, C: \ windows \ system32> appeared below that line and it stays that way for several hours.
What more should I do?
The command line normally uses a prompt like > or similar to indicate it is waiting for a command. Then you type something followed by the <return> key:
> lein --version
Leiningen 2.9.8 on Java 1.8.0_322 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Here I typed lein --version, then <ret>, and the computer responded with a 1-liner about the version of Leiningen and Java that are installed. Then it displayed the prompt again, waiting for the next command.
You can use the cd (change directory) command to move around. With no prompt it will send you back to your "home" directory. See docs for the BASH or ZSH shell.
For Windows, I highly recommend installing the BASH Shell and git from this site:
IMHO the bash shell is greatly superior to the built-in Windows shell from CMD.EXE

Nuclide remotee development setup with anaconda on the server side

I am using nuclide and nuclide-server for remote development for Python. However, the anaconda / virtualenv envirionment is on the server side. How do I make sure that I am inside the anaconda / virtualenv environment?
For example, do I need to do this:
source activiate ...blah...
start the nuclide-server inside the virtualenv
so that I can make sure that the nuclide-server is inside my desired virtualenv?
I suggest creating a shell script on your remote server that should consist of:
initialization of your environment
any other preparation
and finally running the nuclide-start-server command
After your script is done, it should be somewhere in your $PATH so you could fill the script's name in the Remote Server Command field as shown in the .

Opening the atom editor from iTerm2 window is displaying - 'zsh: command not found: atom'

Just installed iTerm2 with oh-my-zsh, with atom already installed..
I have cloned a git repo of mine to use on an older laptop and for some reason oh-my-zsh is not opening my atom on the usual command.
➜ LandingPage git:(master) atom .
zsh: command not found: atom
Tried rectifying it by accessing and changing the .zshrc file but permission is denied. Anyone any suggestions?
As per this question/answer it looks like atom may not have created a symlink to the atom command.
This has nothing to do with zsh -- the first argument is just telling you the shell, the information after it is the error.
For example on my machine (which doesn't have atom) when running zsh and trying to open a file with atom I get zsh: command not found: atom. When I try the same command with bash, I get bash: atom: command not found.
Let me know if the above link doesn't work! Hopefully this helps.

sftp put -r not working, terminal prints "Entering myDirectory" and then nothing happens

I am trying to upload a directory from my local machine to a Digital Ocean droplet, ubuntu 14.04, using the command "put -r myDirectory". Initially I had the "unable to canonicalize path" issue, but I created a remote 'myDirectory' as instructed and the error message disappeared.
However, "put -r myDirectory" still doesn't work - the console prints "Uploading myDirectory/ to /remote/path/myDirectory, Entering myDirectory/" and then nothing happens. I am new to sftp but I'm very puzzled as I can't find my problem on the internet.
Well - I'm currently running into the same problem.
It seems that this OpenSSH bug report may have a lot to do with it:
I'm running on Ubuntu 15.10, OpenSSH version 6.9p1. They seem to have fixed it in this commit from Feb 11, but I'm not sure yet how to get it running in my current environment.
put /mydir/*
worked for me.

Brackets shell not running node commands

I have just installed the Brackets Shell extension (Mac OSX 10.9) and can run normal shell commands (ls, pwd), but not node commands (bower install, npm install). I get 'command not found'. Any suggestions?
Currently the brackets shell extension has a bug in that it is not reading your profile path environment. This is why you are receiving "command not found" in the console.
I'll be releasing an update to the shell extension this coming weekend (10/4/2014) which should resolve your issues.
