Analytics shows fbclid and fblogin.htm but I shouldn't have them - google-analytics

I created a hugo ssg blog for my mother which is hosted on netlify. The intent of blog was just to keep her busy during pandemic, therefore, it's just lists of articles. No like/dislike, no comments, no other functionalities. Only JS included is Google and Bing Analytics.
I was going through analytics and found random fbclid urls in page visits. After some research I followed advice from this stackoverflow page and stopped worrying. After few months, I see bots visit on /fblogin.htm. Remember,I have not added anything related to FB on the site. There is no fblogin.htm on the site, There is no sharing of blog post on fb. I have no idea why bots from facebook would look for a non-existent page on the site. Is it because of <meta og:...> tags in head? Can someone explain to me what is happening here and should I be worried about it? I occasionally get random spikes of 5-15 visits from china, turkey, finland or some other random country via these fb bots. Should I be concerned?

fblogin.htm should be explored, however fbclid is a parameter that Facebook hangs when you click on a post in Facebook that leads to your site.
So if the link to a page of your site is on Facebook (i.e. in a post) and someone has clicked on it, you will find that parameter in Google Analytics append to the landing page.

IMHO you need to be precise about 'few family members' and 'we tell them on phone' - are you sure how this was shared between them? is anyone Whatsup user or was this shared via Xiaomi or other China phone ? Also if the blog is not password protected those Facebook variables could just be used by the bots to mimic human behaviour


What is this url mean, "/h/xxx.html" of my website?

In Google Analytics I found a page which I did not create.
The full url is
When I open it, it looks like the latest posts recently.
But who make it?
Does it generate automatically ?
Why, Where and How?
Any experience? Thanks.
I'm using
I had the same issue and found this to be annoying referral spam designed to get you to visit their website. I filtered my report by “Hostname” and found all the visits are from one of 5 domains which all redirect to a website with a “free" SEO report: Just more obnoxious spam tactic by an unreputable SEO firm - Semalt.
Here's a good article about referral spam from Semalt and how to filter them out of your analytics:

Trying to understand my Google Analytics exit pages

I am trying to understand my Google Analytics because it is showing me landing and exit pages from my site which are the same, and broken, but I don't understand how users are coming to these pages that seem to have part of the link from my YouTube account.
Here is what I am seeing
this is the link to my youtube account.
and as we can see it has this part on the end /user/russandnela
But I can't work out why people would be hitting my site. If anyone wants to take a look and try to help that would be fantastic.

Getting Strange Google Analytics URL Data

I recently opened up my google analytics and looked at the behavior panel all pages in depth for the first time and I noticed some strange pages such as:
I removed the client value and some other fields and replaced with REMOVED for anonymity purposes but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's malware.
I have a site that uses wordpress in the cloud and I have scanned with wordfence saying that my site is clean.
Was wondering if I should look deeper, or if this behavioral page is normal.
Amobee and Flashtalking are both advertising platforms, so it looks somebody has configured advertising tags incorrectly. Probably those clicks should be routed through the respective platforms (e.g. to record data for bid management or something like that) and instead they go directly to your page with redirect Urls appended. If you do paid advertising then you should check with the people who configured this for you.

Are sites using AMP pages losing google analytics tracking to third party sites?

My wife and I run a WordPress blog that utilizes the AMP plugin. AMP versions of posts are automatically created. Though I may have read somewhere that AMP caches can be shared with anyone, it did not occur to me until now that other sites can display our AMP content as a cached page of their site and we never get credit for the visit.
Just today, a blogger friend mentioned that she saw traffic in her Google Analytics from
This is a cached version of our web page located at
She is seeing referral traffic from a third party site containing our content. We have no Google Analytics record for this traffic or that third party page. So my question is:
Am I losing the credit for traffic passing through third party sites? And how are people even getting to them?
This matters because we just launched AdThrive ads on our site last week, and with mobile being approx 70% of traffic, we are losing money due to AMP. I realize that some ad networks are already compatible with AMP, but AdThrive is not, due to the fact that they employ real-time bidding on ad spots, which delivers maximum earnings to the publisher.
Maybe more sites are sharing cached versions of our AMP pages, but we know at least that Google Cache is doing so and AmpProject is doing so. How is that content tracked in GA? If it isn't, how is that supposed to be okay?
AMP is starting to feel like I've given someone permission to scrape all my content and outrank my actual site with my own content. is a cache that belongs to Google. This cache is used for all views that happen in search and google news and many other apps including Bing etc. You are definitely not losing credit since they will all show you as the author and creator.

From which website clicks came?

Two days ago i published a new article on my website,, and taking a look at Google Analytics, i found something amazing!!
I had 10 times more visitors than average on these 3 days. This means somebody shared my article on some website.
What i would love to know is:
On which website the article was shared. For instance, a user sees
the link to my article posted to -> the user clicks on the link -> the user
arrives on my website. This way Google Analytics should be able to
tell me that one user came from, right?
If possible, the exact page on which
the link was shared. For example, if it was shared on a forum, i
wanna go to that page in order to "spy" comments and know what people think about my
Is Google Analytics capable to do it? If not, how can i get what i want?
I really need to know these info to improve my website!
Thanks guys
You should be able to go to Acquisition > All Referrals to see an overview the websites that referred traffic to your site. Once you find a site you'd like to see more info on, click that site and you can see the exact page from which the referral came from.
