Trying to understand my Google Analytics exit pages - google-analytics

I am trying to understand my Google Analytics because it is showing me landing and exit pages from my site which are the same, and broken, but I don't understand how users are coming to these pages that seem to have part of the link from my YouTube account.
Here is what I am seeing
this is the link to my youtube account.
and as we can see it has this part on the end /user/russandnela
But I can't work out why people would be hitting my site. If anyone wants to take a look and try to help that would be fantastic.


Analytics shows fbclid and fblogin.htm but I shouldn't have them

I created a hugo ssg blog for my mother which is hosted on netlify. The intent of blog was just to keep her busy during pandemic, therefore, it's just lists of articles. No like/dislike, no comments, no other functionalities. Only JS included is Google and Bing Analytics.
I was going through analytics and found random fbclid urls in page visits. After some research I followed advice from this stackoverflow page and stopped worrying. After few months, I see bots visit on /fblogin.htm. Remember,I have not added anything related to FB on the site. There is no fblogin.htm on the site, There is no sharing of blog post on fb. I have no idea why bots from facebook would look for a non-existent page on the site. Is it because of <meta og:...> tags in head? Can someone explain to me what is happening here and should I be worried about it? I occasionally get random spikes of 5-15 visits from china, turkey, finland or some other random country via these fb bots. Should I be concerned?
fblogin.htm should be explored, however fbclid is a parameter that Facebook hangs when you click on a post in Facebook that leads to your site.
So if the link to a page of your site is on Facebook (i.e. in a post) and someone has clicked on it, you will find that parameter in Google Analytics append to the landing page.
IMHO you need to be precise about 'few family members' and 'we tell them on phone' - are you sure how this was shared between them? is anyone Whatsup user or was this shared via Xiaomi or other China phone ? Also if the blog is not password protected those Facebook variables could just be used by the bots to mimic human behaviour

Implementing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking codes on a Wordpress site with Personal plan

I have a Wordpress website and have the Personal plan.
My goal is to implement the tracking code of the Google Tag Manager on each site.
When I am on the Wordpress site in the HTML view, I should be able to paste one tracking code as close to the opening <head> tag as possible on every page of my website but this is not possible.
That´s why I had a talk with somebody from the Wordpress Support team and their answer was the following:
I believe the code for Google Analytics is meant to go in the header of the site. Since is a fully managed environment, we don't have access to the header code.
Instead, we have a built in Google Analytics option available as part of the Business upgrade.
The issue is I don´t want to spend 25$ a month just to have Google Analytics integrated on my website. There must be also a way for somebody like me with a Personal plan to implement the tracking codes.
When I tried to implement them, they were not hidden on the website which should not be the case (because "hidden" is in the code).
Did anybody of you have the same issue like I am facing?
P.S.: There are also Plugins for Google Analytics but with my plan I can´t upload any Plugins. :/
I integrated the code on a text widget. It worked just fine. If you dont give title to the widget, its even completly invisible. so dont spend unecessary money

Pages not in directory showing up on google analytic

I've been using google analytics for my website for awhile now and haven't had any problems. Just today though I checked the all pages tab under Behavior->Site Content and found something very strange. A bunch of pages that aren't on in my websites directory are now appearing there and saying they have traffic (albeit very little). Here's a link to an image of the pages:
I've verified that non of these pages exist on my live server or in the directory on my local machine. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Or how I can get rid of these pages on my website? I've searched around on google but have had no luck figuring out whats going on.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Timothy it looks like you are just seeing Referral/Referrer Spam.
Here are a couple of my favorite links on the subject:
Definitive Guide to Removing Referral Spam
What is Referrer Spam and How to stop it
4 things you must know about Spam in Google Analytics
Its a good idea to have a Raw View with no filters, but then also a filtered view with a added, to filter out any possible hits sent by people copying your GA tracking code.

From which website clicks came?

Two days ago i published a new article on my website,, and taking a look at Google Analytics, i found something amazing!!
I had 10 times more visitors than average on these 3 days. This means somebody shared my article on some website.
What i would love to know is:
On which website the article was shared. For instance, a user sees
the link to my article posted to -> the user clicks on the link -> the user
arrives on my website. This way Google Analytics should be able to
tell me that one user came from, right?
If possible, the exact page on which
the link was shared. For example, if it was shared on a forum, i
wanna go to that page in order to "spy" comments and know what people think about my
Is Google Analytics capable to do it? If not, how can i get what i want?
I really need to know these info to improve my website!
Thanks guys
You should be able to go to Acquisition > All Referrals to see an overview the websites that referred traffic to your site. Once you find a site you'd like to see more info on, click that site and you can see the exact page from which the referral came from.

Why is Google Analytics In-Page Analytics telling me that the tracking code isn't installed when it clearly is?

I see this problem pop up in a lot of places and asking on Google's product support forums was no help at all, so I turn to you guys. My client has asked me to look into this problem with their In-Page Analytics reporting which turns up the errors:
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google. If you host the Google
tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and
can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics
cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly.
If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll
have to manually check it is being loaded correctly.
Both of these statements are false. To ensure that it wasn't my original setup that was the problem I installed Yoast's GA plugin (it's a wordpress site) and I still get this error. I've also confirmed that the tracking ID is correct. All other metrics are being reported in GA. This in-page section, however, is the problem.
This is the website, by the way. Any help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.
How long has it been since the first hit to the property/view? In my experience it takes anywhere from several hours to up to 2 days for that message to go away.
