"EventType": "Order:Update",
"Environment": {
"UserName": "Federico",
"MachineName": "HP",
"DomainName": "HP",
"CallingMethodName": "Audit.UnitTest.AuditTests.TestUpdate()",
"Exception": null,
"Culture": "en-GB"
"Target": {
"Type": "Order",
"Old": {
"OrderId": "39dc0d86-d5fc-4d2e-b918-fb1a97710c99",
"Status": 2,
"New": {
"OrderId": "39dc0d86-d5fc-4d2e-b918-fb1a97710c99",
"Status": -1,
"ReferenceId": "39dc0d86-d5fc-4d2e-b918-fb1a97710c99", // <-- Custom Field
"Comments": ["Status Updated to Cancelled"], // <-- Comments
"StartDate": "2016-08-23T11:34:44.656101-05:00",
"EndDate": "2016-08-23T11:34:55.1810821-05:00",
"Duration": 8531
You can't change the type of the AuditEvent properties, but you can add custom fields to the audit event with custom actions.
For example:
Audit.Core.Configuration.AddCustomAction(ActionType.OnScopeCreated, scope =>
scope.SetCustomField("StartDateTimeZone", GetCurrentDate());
Audit.Core.Configuration.AddCustomAction(ActionType.OnEventSaving, scope =>
scope.SetCustomField("EndDateTimeZone", GetCurrentDate());
I've written code which work under unversioned version and it uses ugcPosts api to gets Share/UgcPosts. In response I have thumbnails like below:
UgcPosts - https://api.linkedin.com/v2/ugcPosts/{encoded ugcPostUrn|shareUrn}?viewContext=AUTHOR
"author": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"contentCertificationRecord": "{\"originCountryCode\":\"us\",\"modifiedAt\":1500590592795,\"spamRestriction\":{\"classifications\":[],\"contentQualityClassifications\":[],\"systemName\":\"MACHINE_SYNC\",\"lowQuality\":false,\"contentClassificationTrackingId\":\"B6A8B437D1D5E59D123455F6DCE5B\",\"contentRelevanceClassifications\":[],\"spam\":false}}",
"created": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"time": 1500590543962
"firstPublishedAt": 1500590592702,
"id": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"time": 1500590592806
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"**specificContent**": {
"**com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent**": {
"**media**": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:123ABDEFHAG",
"status": "READY",
"**thumbnails**": [/**here i can have some thumbnail **]
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [
"length": 35,
"start": 66,
"value": {
"com.linkedin.common.CompanyAttributedEntity": {
"company": "urn:li:organization:12345"
"text": "Testing a UGC Post!"
"shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
"versionTag": "2",
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
But now after "migration" I dont see any option to get thumbnails for retriving posts ...
https://api.linkedin.com/rest/posts/{encoded ugcPostUrn|shareUrn}
and example of respone:
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"lastModifiedAt": 1634790968774,
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"publishedAt": 1634790968774,
"author": "urn:li:organization:5515715",
"distribution": {
"feedDistribution": "NONE",
"thirdPartyDistributionChannels": []
"content": {
"media": {
"id": "**urn:li:video:C5F10AQGKQg_6y2a4sQ**" - I can see only this, so probably I need to use VideoApi, but if there will be URN:LI:IMAGE ? Then what? How to get thumbnail for URN:LI:Image ?
"lifecycleStateInfo": {
"isEditedByAuthor": false
"isReshareDisabledByAuthor": false,
"createdAt": 1634790968743,
"id": "urn:li:ugcPost:6856810298419044352",
"commentary": "comment on Oct 20",
"adContext": {
"dscStatus": "ACTIVE",
"dscAdType": "VIDEO",
"isDsc": true,
"dscAdAccount": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:520866471"
TL:DR :)
How to get thumbnail for urn:li:image ? If I get this in response content from posts, how to get this thumbnail for this type of content. For urn:li:video I guess that I can use VideoApi but for Image ?
I was looking for answer in documentation but without success.
I am using the below request body to fetch only the required property values.
"searchSpan": {
"from": {
"dateTime": "2021-11-20T00:00:00.000Z"
"to": {
"dateTime": "2021-11-20T23:00:00.000Z"
"predicateString": "[Params.Name] = 'power'",
"take": 100
The URL is like below:
Despite specifying the required property the response returns all properties as if it has not seen the predicate string. What might I be doing wrong?
"warnings": [],
"events": [
"schema": {
"rid": 0,
"$esn": "my-event-hub",
"properties": [
"name": "mytimestamp",
"type": "DateTime"
"name": "Params.Name",
"type": "String"
"name": "Params.Value",
"type": "Double"
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
"schemaRid": 0,
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
"schemaRid": 0,
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
I'm getting "Properties count error" in the TSI overview page. This might quite be the root cause but I don't know for sure
"For Time Series Insights environment ABC: You have used all 641/600 properties in your environment".
I'm just getting started with using normalizr with Redux, and I can't make it work. Even though I can do it with plain JavaScript.
I have an array of objects
const data = [
data_detail: [
category: 'newCategory',
_id: '123',
_id: 'abc_id',
customer: {
_id: '456',
email: 'hello#gmail.com',
name: 'Bob',
date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',
And I need to transform it to
const normalizedResponse = {
customers: {
'456': {
_id: '456',
email: 'hello#gmail.com',
name: 'Bob',
details: {
'123': {
category: 'newCategory',
_id: '123',
orders: {
'abc_id: {
order_detail: [123],
_id: 'abc_id',
customer: '456',
date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',
Step 1: Display just orders
What I do:
const userSchema = new schema.Entity(
const userListSchema = new schema.Array(userSchema);
const normalizedData = normalize(data, userListSchema);
What I get
"entities": {
"orders": {
"abc_id": {
"data_detail": [
"category": "newCategory",
"id": "123"
"id": "abc_id",
"customer": {
"id": "456",
"email": "hello#gmail.com",
"name": "Bob"
"date": "2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
"abc_id-02": {
"data_detail": [
"category": "newCategory1",
"id": "123-02"
"id": "abc_id-02",
"customer": {
"id": "456-02",
"email": "hello#gmail.com",
"name": "Bob"
"date": "2001-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
"result": [
What I'm trying to get:
orders: {
'abc_id: {
order_detail: [123],
_id: 'abc_id',
customer: '456',
date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',
The question: How to remove some fields from orders and add new ones?
You have 3 different entity types in your data object. First draft out a schema for each of them:
const detail = new schema.Entity('details');
const customer = new schema.Entity('customers');
const order = new schema.Entity('orders');
Then go back and fill in the relationships. It looks like order is the outermost entity. An order contains an array of details/categories and a single customer.
const order = new schema.Entity('orders', {
data_detail: [detail],
All of your entities use _id instead of id, so you need to set the idAttribute.
Your data is an array of order. You can use new schema.Array(order) but you can also just use [order].
Here's your final code:
const customer = new schema.Entity("customers", {}, { idAttribute: "_id" });
const detail = new schema.Entity("details", {}, { idAttribute: "_id" });
const order = new schema.Entity(
data_detail: [detail],
{ idAttribute: "_id" }
const normalizedData = normalize(data, [order]);
That gives you:
"entities": {
"details": {
"123": {
"category": "newCategory",
"_id": "123"
"customers": {
"456": {
"_id": "456",
"email": "hello#gmail.com",
"name": "Bob"
"orders": {
"abc_id": {
"data_detail": ["123"],
"_id": "abc_id",
"customer": "456",
"date": "2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
"result": ["abc_id"]
My series' got the value: cpu.thermal.average. I see the values in the TSI explorer for the given range of time.
By executing the following request, for "temperatures" I only get "null".
I am not sure about how to write $event.cpu.thermal.average equivalent.
Any idea?
"aggregateSeries": {
"timeSeriesId": [
"searchSpan": {
"from": "2021-03-10T07:00:00Z",
"to": "2021-03-10T20:00:50Z"
"interval": "PT3600M",
"filter": null,
"inlineVariables": {
"latitudes": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": {
"tsx": "$event.latitude"
"filter": null,
"aggregation": {
"tsx": "avg($value)"
"temperatures": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": {
"tsx": "$event['cpu.thermal.average']"
"filter": null,
"aggregation": {
"tsx": "avg($value)"
"projectedVariables": [
From here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/time-series-insights/reference-time-series-expression-syntax#value-expressions
When accessing nested properties, the Type is required.
It should work if you use $event.cpu.thermal.average.Double
I'm setting up an action which uses push notifications. Yet, on firebase I can't get "UPDATES_USER_ID" of user to save. It returns "undefined".
I followed the guide on this link and here is my code to get UPDATES_USER_ID.
app.intent('Setup', (conv, params) => {
conv.ask(new UpdatePermission({
intent: "notificationResponseIntent"
app.intent("FinishNotificationSetup", (conv, params) => {
if (conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION')) {
conv.data.GoogleUserID = conv.arguments.get("UPDATES_USER_ID");
conv.ask("some response....");
And here is my webhook request when FinishNotificationSetup intent is invoked.
"responseId": "2f425fe5-db42-47dc-90a1-c9bc85f725d2",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "actions_intent_PERMISSION",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/projectname/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_screen_output"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_intent_permission",
"parameters": {
"text": ""
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/_actions_on_google",
"lifespanCount": 98,
"parameters": {
"data": "{\"***":\"***",\"***":\"***"}"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_account_linking"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/google_assistant_input_type_keyboard"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_web_browser"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/intents/a12b6d3f-0f24-45e9-a1b2-5649083831b0",
"displayName": "FinishNotificationSetup"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"languageCode": "tr"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"source": "google",
"version": "2",
"payload": {
"isInSandbox": true,
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"requestType": "SIMULATOR",
"inputs": [
"rawInputs": [
"inputType": "KEYBOARD"
"arguments": [
"textValue": "true",
"name": "PERMISSION",
"boolValue": true
"name": "text"
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION"
"user": {
"lastSeen": "2019-04-30T07:23:23Z",
"permissions": [
"locale": "tr-TR",
"userId": "ABwppHHCEdtf23ZaNg0DaCv3fvshSUXUvYGXHe6kR7jbKacwIS6vDBBL7YXbN70jYa8KaXWZqbsyhFFSdsYLiw"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA",
"type": "ACTIVE",
"conversationToken": "[\"_actions_on_google\"]"
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"session": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA"
To send notification, I've been using userID instead of UPDATES_USER_ID and it is working. Yet, it will be deprecated soon. So, I need to find a solution to get this ID and couldn't make it working. What do I need to do to get this ID?
I've found solution for this problem. While getting UPDATES_USER_ID conv.arguments.get() only works for first attempt. So, while building your action you must save it. If you didn't store or save, you can reset your profile and try again, you will be able to get.
app.intent("FinishNotificationSetup", (conv, params) => {
if (conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION')) {
conv.user.storage.GoogleUserID = conv.arguments.get("UPDATES_USER_ID");
//For best case
//store ID in your db.
conv.ask("some response....");
For best case, try saving this to your database because conv.user.storage does not work sometimes.