The problem that I am trying to solve is as follows:
Write an Erlang function named collatz that takes one argument N. You may assume that N is an integer 1 or larger. The function should print the Collatz sequence (one number per line) starting with N. For example, collatz( 4 ) should print 4, 2, 1 (on separate lines). collatz( 6 ) should print 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 (on separate lines).
The collatz function that I have written is working properly but I am having difficulty in printing the output on separate lines. The commented-out part of the code below is my attempt to generate the output on separate lines.
collatz(1) -> [1];
collatz(N) when N rem 2 == 0 ->
[N|collatz(N div 2)];
%[io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n",[N])N|collatz(N div 2)];
collatz(N) ->
%[io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n",[N])N|colla[N|collatz(N div 2)]tz(3*N+1)].
The output that I get when I call for example collatz(5) is [5,16,8,4,2,1]. I want these numbers to be printed out on separate lines.
Instead of running the whole program and printing the result, consider printing each element before each iteration, like
collatz(N) -> io:format("~p~n", [N]), collatz(next_collatz(N)).
You just need to evaluate io:format/2 before prepending N in your list…
collatz(1) ->
io:format("Collatz is : 1~n"),
collatz(N) when N rem 2 == 0 ->
io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n", [N]),
[N | collatz(N div 2)];
collatz(N) ->
io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n", [N]),
[N | collatz(3 * N + 1)].
1> C = fun C(1,_) -> io:format("1~n") ;
2> % rem is not allowed in a guard, it is why I added it in the parameters
2> C(N,0) -> io:format("~p~n",[N]), NN = N div 2, C(NN, NN rem 2);
3> C(N,_) -> io:format("~p~n",[N]), NN = 3 * N + 1, C(NN, NN rem 2) end.
4> Collatz = fun(N) -> C(N, N rem 2) end.
5> Collatz(5).
For term "15::nat", the value 15 is automatically converted to the binary value (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One))). I would like to know where that's done, so I can know how it's done.
(Small update: I know that 15 is a type class numeral constant, which gets converted to binary Num.num, which gets mapped to nat, so maybe the nat is decimal, or maybe it's binary. However, my basic question remains the same. Where is the decimal to binary conversion done?)
I show below how I know about the conversion.
I define notation to show me that Num.numeral :: (num => 'a) is coercing 15 to Num.num.
abbreviation nat_of_numeral :: "num => nat" where
"nat_of_numeral n == (numeral n)"
notation nat_of_numeral ("n#N|_" [1000] 1000)
Next, 15 gets coerced to binary in a term command:
term "15::nat"
(*The output:*)
term "n#N|(num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One))) :: nat"
And next, 15 gets coerced before it gets used in a proof goal:
lemma "15 = n#N|(num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One)))" (*
goal (1 subgoal):
1. n#N|(num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One))) =
n#N|(num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One))) *)
by(rule refl)
The conversion seems to be decently fast, as shown by this:
(*140 digits: 40ms*)
term "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
I also want to convert base 2 to base 10, but if I see how the above is done, it might show me how to do that.
Here's the overview of how I think it's done.
It starts in the Num.thy parse_translation, at the ML function numeral_tr.
In that function, there is the use of Lexicon.read_xnum of lexicon.ML, which takes a string argument.
I don't know the details, but string "15" is extracted from an expression like
"15 = n#N|(num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One)))",
and fed to read_xnum, where there is this equivalency:
Lexicon.read_xnum "15" = {leading_zeros = 0, radix = 10, value = 15}
In read_xnum the function Library.read_radix_int of library.ML is used, and it takes as arguments an integer radix and a list of digits, such as shown in this equivalency:
Library.read_radix_int 10 ["1","5"] = (15, []);
Next, the conversion from 15 to (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 (num.Bit1 num.One))) is a result of IntInf.quotRem in the parse_translation.
This takes me out of convenient HTML linking for
IntInf.quotRem is in Isabelle2013-2\contrib\polyml-5.5.1-1\src\basis\IntInf.sml, and is defined as
val quotRem: int*int->int*int = RunCall.run_call2C2 POLY_SYS_quotrem,
which leads to Isabelle2013-2\contrib\polyml-5.5.1-1\src\basis\RuntimeCalls.ML line 83:
val POLY_SYS_quotrem = 104 (* DCJM 05/03/10 *).
For Windows that takes me to Isabelle2013-2\contrib\polyml-5.5.1-1\src\libpolyml\x86asm.asm line 1660, though I could be leaving out some important details:
MOVL Reax,Redi
CALLMACRO RegMask quotrem,(M_Reax OR M_Redi OR M_Redx OR Mask_all).
I think that's enough of an overview to answer my question. A string "15" is converted to an ML integer, and then some assembly language level quotient/remainder division is used to convert 15 to binary Num.num.
I'm actually only interested in how "15" is converted to 15 in read_radix_int, and whether the details of that function will help me. I explain the application more below.
From here, I put in more detail for myself, to put in a nice form much of the information I collected.
What's sort of the deal
I start with a binary number as a bool list, something like [True, True, True, True] for binary 15, though here, I simplify it in some ways.
That then gets converted to something like [[True, False, True, False], [True, False, True]], which is decimal 15.
The real problem can be finding the right search phrase
Searching on something like "decimal to binary conversion" returns links to a lot of basic math algorithms, which aren't what I'm looking for.
Normal programming conversions aren't what I need either, which is just making explicit the underlying fact that integers are already in binary form:
Convert from base 10 to base 2 using bitwise operations
C: Convert decimal to binary
Finally, other searches led me to the right word, "radix". Additionally, I resorted to doing searches on how things are done in C, where bit shifts are what I'm trying to tie into, though these may not be what I need:
Binary to decimal and decimal to binary base conversion using bitwise operators in C
C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary using Bitwise AND operator
Radix leading back to Num.thy
"Radix" took me back to Num.thy, which is where I thought the action might be, but hadn't seen anything that was obvious to me.
I include some source from Num.thy, lexicon.ML, and IntInf.sml:
Lexicon.read_xnum; (* string ->
{leading_zeros: int, radix: int, value: int}.*)
Lexicon.read_xnum "15"; (* {leading_zeros = 0, radix = 10, value = 15}.*)
Lexicon.read_xnum "15" = {leading_zeros = 0, radix = 10, value = 15};
IntInf.quotRem; (* int * int -> int * int.*)
IntInf.quotRem (5,3); (* (1, 2) *)
parse_translation {* (* Num.thy(293) *)
fun num_of_int n =
if n > 0 then
(case IntInf.quotRem (n, 2) of
(0, 1) => Syntax.const #{const_name One}
| (n, 0) => Syntax.const #{const_name Bit0} $ num_of_int n
| (n, 1) => Syntax.const #{const_name Bit1} $ num_of_int n)
else raise Match
val pos = Syntax.const #{const_name numeral}
val neg = Syntax.const #{const_name neg_numeral}
val one = Syntax.const #{const_name}
val zero = Syntax.const #{const_name}
fun numeral_tr [(c as Const (#{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ t $ u] =
c $ numeral_tr [t] $ u
| numeral_tr [Const (num, _)] =
val {value, ...} = Lexicon.read_xnum num;
if value = 0 then zero else
if value > 0
then pos $ num_of_int value
else neg $ num_of_int (~value)
| numeral_tr ts = raise TERM ("numeral_tr", ts);
in [("_Numeral", K numeral_tr)] end
ML{* (* lexicon.ML(367) *)
(* read_xnum: hex/bin/decimal *)
val ten = ord "0" + 10;
val a = ord "a";
val A = ord "A";
val _ = a > A orelse raise Fail "Bad ASCII";
fun remap_hex c =
let val x = ord c in
if x >= a then chr (x - a + ten)
else if x >= A then chr (x - A + ten)
else c
fun leading_zeros ["0"] = 0
| leading_zeros ("0" :: cs) = 1 + leading_zeros cs
| leading_zeros _ = 0;
fun read_xnum str =
val (sign, radix, digs) =
(case Symbol.explode (perhaps (try (unprefix "#")) str) of
"0" :: "x" :: cs => (1, 16, map remap_hex cs)
| "0" :: "b" :: cs => (1, 2, cs)
| "-" :: cs => (~1, 10, cs)
| cs => (1, 10, cs));
{radix = radix,
leading_zeros = leading_zeros digs,
value = sign * #1 (Library.read_radix_int radix digs)}
ML{* (* IntInf.sml(42) *)
val quotRem: int*int->int*int = RunCall.run_call2C2 POLY_SYS_quotrem
A big part of what I was looking for; radix again
Library.read_radix_int; (* int -> string list -> int * string list *)
Library.read_radix_int 10 ["1","5"]; (* (15, []): int * string list.*)
Library.read_radix_int 10 ["1","5"] = (15, []);
ML{* (* library.ML(670) *)
fun read_radix_int radix cs =
val zero = ord "0";
val limit = zero + radix;
fun scan (num, []) = (num, [])
| scan (num, c :: cs) =
if zero <= ord c andalso ord c < limit then
scan (radix * num + (ord c - zero), cs)
else (num, c :: cs);
in scan (0, cs) end;
The low-level division action
There's the high-level Integer.div_mod in integer.ML, which wasn't used for the translation above:
fun div_mod x y = IntInf.divMod (x, y);
In Isabelle2013-2\contrib\polyml-5.5.1-1\src\basis\IntInf.sml, the higher-level divMod can be compared to the lower-level quotRem:
ML{* (* IntInf.sml(42) *)
val quotRem: int*int->int*int = RunCall.run_call2C2 POLY_SYS_quotrem
(* This should really be defined in terms of quotRem. *)
fun divMod(i, j) = (i div j, i mod j)
With the low-level action for quotRem apparently being done at the assembly language level:
ML{* (* RuntimeCalls.ML(83) *)
val POLY_SYS_quotrem = 104 (* DCJM 05/03/10 *)
(* x86asm.asm(1660)
MOVL Reax,Redi
CALLMACRO RegMask quotrem,(M_Reax OR M_Redi OR M_Redx OR Mask_all)
These various forms of div and mod are important to me.
I'm thinking that div and mod are to be avoided if possible, but tying into quotRem would be the way to go, I think, if division is unavoidable.
As a followup to my earlier question on finding runs of the same character in a string, I would also like to find a functional algorithm to find all substrings of length greater than 2 that are ascending or descending sequences of letters or digits (e,g,: "defgh", "34567", "XYZ", "fedcba", "NMLK", 9876", etc.) in a character string ([Char]). The only sequences that I am considering are substrings of A..Z, a..z, 0..9, and their descending counterparts. The return value should be a list of (zero-based offset, length) pairs. I am translating the "zxcvbn" password strength algorithm from JavaScript (containing imperative code) to Scala. I would like to keep my code as purely functional as possible, for all the usual reasons given for writing in the functional programming style.
My code is written in Scala, but I can probably translate an algorithm in any of Clojure, F#, Haskell, or pseudocode.
Example: For the string qweABCD13987 would return [(3,4),(9,3)].
I have written a rather monsterous function that I will post when I again have access to my work computer, but I am certain that a more elegant solution exists.
Once again, thanks.
I guess a nice solution for this problem is really more complicated than it seems at first.
I'm no Scala Pro, so my solution is surely not optimal and nice, but maybe it gives you some ideas.
The basic idea is to compute the difference between two consecutive characters, afterwards it unfortunately gets a bit messy. Ask me if some of the code is unclear!
object Sequences {
val s = "qweABCD13987"
val pairs = (s zip s.tail) toList // if s might be empty, add a check here
// = List((q,w), (w,e), (e,A), (A,B), (B,C), (C,D), (D,1), (1,3), (3,9), (9,8), (8,7))
// assuming all characters are either letters or digits
val diff = pairs map {case (t1, t2) =>
if (t1.isLetter ^ t2.isLetter) 0 else t1 - t2} // xor could also be replaced by !=
// = List(-6, 18, 36, -1, -1, -1, 19, -2, -6, 1, 1)
* #param xs A list indicating the differences between consecutive characters
* #param current triple: (start index of the current sequence;
* number of current elements in the sequence;
* number indicating the direction i.e. -1 = downwards, 1 = upwards, 0 = doesn't matter)
* #return A list of triples similar to the argument
def sequences(xs: Seq[Int], current: (Int, Int, Int) = (0, 1, 0)): List[(Int, Int, Int)] = xs match {
case Nil => current :: Nil
case (1 :: ys) =>
if (current._3 != -1)
sequences(ys, (current._1, current._2 + 1, 1))
current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2 - 1, 2, 1)) // "recompute" the current index
case (-1 :: ys) =>
if (current._3 != 1)
sequences(ys, (current._1, current._2 + 1, -1))
current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2 - 1, 2, -1))
case (_ :: ys) =>
current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2, 1, 0))
sequences(diff) filter (_._2 > 1) map (t => (t._1, t._2))
It's always best to split a problem into several smaller subproblems. I wrote a solution in Haskell, which is easier for me. It uses lazy lists, but I suppose you can convert it to Scala either using streams or by making the main function tail recursive and passing the intermediate result as an argument.
-- Mark all subsequences whose adjacent elements satisfy
-- the given predicate. Includes subsequences of length 1.
sequences :: (Eq a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
sequences p [] = []
sequences p (x:xs) = seq x xs 0 0
-- arguments: previous char, current tail sequence,
-- last asc. start offset of a valid subsequence, current offset
seq _ [] lastOffs curOffs = [(lastOffs, curOffs - lastOffs)]
seq x (x':xs) lastOffs curOffs
| p x x' -- predicate matches - we're extending current subsequence
= seq x' xs lastOffs curOffs'
| otherwise -- output the currently marked subsequence and start a new one
= (lastOffs, curOffs - lastOffs) : seq x' xs curOffs curOffs'
curOffs' = curOffs + 1
-- Marks ascending subsequences.
asc :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
asc = sequences (\x y -> succ x == y)
-- Marks descending subsequences.
desc :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
desc = sequences (\x y -> pred x == y)
-- Returns True for subsequences of length at least 2.
validRange :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
validRange (offs, len) = len >= 2
-- Find all both ascending and descending subsequences of the
-- proper length.
combined :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
combined xs = filter validRange (asc xs) ++ filter validRange (desc xs)
-- test:
main = print $ combined "qweABCD13987"
Here is my approximation in Clojure:
We can transform the input string so we can apply your previous algorithm to find a solution. The alorithm wont be the most performant but I think you will have a more abstracted and readable code.
The example string can be transformed in the following way:
user => (find-serials "qweABCD13987")
(0 1 2 # # # # 7 8 # # #)
Reusing the previous function "find-runs":
user => (find-runs (find-serials "qweABCD13987"))
([3 4] [9 3])
The final code will look like this:
(defn find-runs [s]
(let [ls (map count (partition-by identity s))]
(filter #(>= (% 1) 3)
(map vector (reductions + 0 ls) ls))))
(def pad "#")
(defn inc-or-dec? [a b]
(= (Math/abs (- (int a) (int b))) 1 ))
(defn serial? [a b c]
(or (inc-or-dec? a b) (inc-or-dec? b c)))
(defn find-serials [s]
(map-indexed (fn [x [a b c]] (if (serial? a b c) pad x))
(partition 3 1 (concat pad s pad))))
find-serials creates a 3 cell sliding window and applies serial? to detect the cells that are the beginning/middle/end of a sequence. The string is conveniently padded so the window is always centered over the original characters.
I have this complex iterations program I wrote in TI Basic to perform a basic iteration on a complex number and then give the magnitude of the result:
For (I,1,N)
Z^2 + C → Z
DISP “MAGNITUDE”, sqrt ((real(Z)^2 + imag(Z)^2))
What I would like to do is make a Haskell version of this to wow my teacher in an assignment. I am still only learning and got this far:
fractal ::(RealFloat a) =>
(Complex a) -> (Integer a) -> [Complex a]
fractal c n | n == a = z : fractal (z^2 + c)
| otherwise = error "Finished"
What I don't know how to do is how to make it only iterate n times, so I wanted to have it count up a and then compare it to n to see if it had finished.
How would I go about this?
Newacct's answer shows the way:
fractal c n = take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c
Iterate generates the infinite list of repeated applications.
iterate (2*) 1 == [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...]
Regarding the IO, you'll have to do some monadic computations.
import Data.Complex
import Control.Monad
fractal c n = take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Print and read (you could even omit the type signatures here)
putStr "Seed: "
c <- readLn :: IO (Complex Double)
putStr "Number of iterations: "
n <- readLn :: IO Int
-- Working with each element the result list
forM_ (fractal c n) $ \current -> do
putStrLn $ show current
putStrLn $ "Magnitude: " ++ (show $ magnitude current)
Since Complex is convertible from and to strings by default, you can use readLn to read them from the console (format is Re :+ Im).
Edit: Just for fun, one could desugar the monadic syntax and type signatures which would compress the whole programm to this:
main =
(putStr "Seed: ") >> readLn >>= \c ->
(putStr "Number of iterations: ") >> readLn >>= \n ->
forM_ (take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c) $ \current ->
putStrLn $ show current ++ "\nMagnitude: " ++ (show $ magnitude current)
Edit #2: Some Links related to plotting and Mandelbrot's sets.
Fractal plotter
Plotting with
Simplest solution
Well you can always generate an infinite list of results of repeated applications and take the first n of them using take. And the iterate function is useful for generating an infinite list of results of repeated applications.
If you'd like a list of values:
fractalList c n = fractalListHelper c c n
fractalListHelper z c 0 = []
fractalListHelper z c n = z : fractalListHelper (z^2 + c) c (n-1)
If you only care about the last result:
fractal c n = fractalHelper c c n
fractalHelper z c 0 = z
fractalHelper z c n = fractalHelper (z^2 + c) c (n-1)
Basically, in both cases you need a helper function to the counting and accumulation. Now I'm sure there's a better/less verbose way to do this, but I'm pretty much a Haskell newbie myself.
Edit: just for kicks, a foldr one-liner:
fractalFold c n = foldr (\c z -> z^2 + c) c (take n (repeat c))
(although, the (take n (repeat c)) thing seems kind of unnecessary, there has to be an even better way)
A question I got on my last interview:
Design a function f, such that:
f(f(n)) == -n
Where n is a 32 bit signed integer; you can't use complex numbers arithmetic.
If you can't design such a function for the whole range of numbers, design it for the largest range possible.
Any ideas?
You didn't say what kind of language they expected... Here's a static solution (Haskell). It's basically messing with the 2 most significant bits:
f :: Int -> Int
f x | (testBit x 30 /= testBit x 31) = negate $ complementBit x 30
| otherwise = complementBit x 30
It's much easier in a dynamic language (Python). Just check if the argument is a number X and return a lambda that returns -X:
def f(x):
if isinstance(x,int):
return (lambda: -x)
return x()
How about:
f(n) = sign(n) - (-1)ⁿ * n
In Python:
def f(n):
if n == 0: return 0
if n >= 0:
if n % 2 == 1:
return n + 1
return -1 * (n - 1)
if n % 2 == 1:
return n - 1
return -1 * (n + 1)
Python automatically promotes integers to arbitrary length longs. In other languages the largest positive integer will overflow, so it will work for all integers except that one.
To make it work for real numbers you need to replace the n in (-1)ⁿ with { ceiling(n) if n>0; floor(n) if n<0 }.
In C# (works for any double, except in overflow situations):
static double F(double n)
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n < 0)
return ((long)Math.Ceiling(n) % 2 == 0) ? (n + 1) : (-1 * (n - 1));
return ((long)Math.Floor(n) % 2 == 0) ? (n - 1) : (-1 * (n + 1));
Here's a proof of why such a function can't exist, for all numbers, if it doesn't use extra information(except 32bits of int):
We must have f(0) = 0. (Proof: Suppose f(0) = x. Then f(x) = f(f(0)) = -0 = 0. Now, -x = f(f(x)) = f(0) = x, which means that x = 0.)
Further, for any x and y, suppose f(x) = y. We want f(y) = -x then. And f(f(y)) = -y => f(-x) = -y. To summarize: if f(x) = y, then f(-x) = -y, and f(y) = -x, and f(-y) = x.
So, we need to divide all integers except 0 into sets of 4, but we have an odd number of such integers; not only that, if we remove the integer that doesn't have a positive counterpart, we still have 2(mod4) numbers.
If we remove the 2 maximal numbers left (by abs value), we can get the function:
int sign(int n)
return 1;
return -1;
int f(int n)
if(n==0) return 0;
case 1:
return sign(n)*(abs(n)+1);
case 0:
return -sign(n)*(abs(n)-1);
Of course another option, is to not comply for 0, and get the 2 numbers we removed as a bonus. (But that's just a silly if.)
Thanks to overloading in C++:
double f(int var)
return double(var);
int f(double var)
return -int(var);
int main(){
int n(42);
Or, you could abuse the preprocessor:
#define f(n) (f##n)
#define ff(n) -n
int main()
int n = -42;
cout << "f(f(" << n << ")) = " << f(f(n)) << endl;
This is true for all negative numbers.
f(n) = abs(n)
Because there is one more negative number than there are positive numbers for twos complement integers, f(n) = abs(n) is valid for one more case than f(n) = n > 0 ? -n : n solution that is the same same as f(n) = -abs(n). Got you by one ... :D
No, it is not valid for one case more as I just recognized by litb's comment ... abs(Int.Min) will just overflow ...
I thought about using mod 2 information, too, but concluded, it does not work ... to early. If done right, it will work for all numbers except Int.Min because this will overflow.
I played with it for a while, looking for a nice bit manipulation trick, but I could not find a nice one-liner, while the mod 2 solution fits in one.
f(n) = 2n(abs(n) % 2) - n + sgn(n)
In C#, this becomes the following:
public static Int32 f(Int32 n)
return 2 * n * (Math.Abs(n) % 2) - n + Math.Sign(n);
To get it working for all values, you have to replace Math.Abs() with (n > 0) ? +n : -n and include the calculation in an unchecked block. Then you get even Int.Min mapped to itself as unchecked negation does.
Inspired by another answer I am going to explain how the function works and how to construct such a function.
Lets start at the very beginning. The function f is repeatedly applied to a given value n yielding a sequence of values.
n => f(n) => f(f(n)) => f(f(f(n))) => f(f(f(f(n)))) => ...
The question demands f(f(n)) = -n, that is two successive applications of f negate the argument. Two further applications of f - four in total - negate the argument again yielding n again.
n => f(n) => -n => f(f(f(n))) => n => f(n) => ...
Now there is a obvious cycle of length four. Substituting x = f(n) and noting that the obtained equation f(f(f(n))) = f(f(x)) = -x holds, yields the following.
n => x => -n => -x => n => ...
So we get a cycle of length four with two numbers and the two numbers negated. If you imagine the cycle as a rectangle, negated values are located at opposite corners.
One of many solution to construct such a cycle is the following starting from n.
n => negate and subtract one
-n - 1 = -(n + 1) => add one
-n => negate and add one
n + 1 => subtract one
A concrete example is of such an cycle is +1 => -2 => -1 => +2 => +1. We are almost done. Noting that the constructed cycle contains an odd positive number, its even successor, and both numbers negate, we can easily partition the integers into many such cycles (2^32 is a multiple of four) and have found a function that satisfies the conditions.
But we have a problem with zero. The cycle must contain 0 => x => 0 because zero is negated to itself. And because the cycle states already 0 => x it follows 0 => x => 0 => x. This is only a cycle of length two and x is turned into itself after two applications, not into -x. Luckily there is one case that solves the problem. If X equals zero we obtain a cycle of length one containing only zero and we solved that problem concluding that zero is a fixed point of f.
Done? Almost. We have 2^32 numbers, zero is a fixed point leaving 2^32 - 1 numbers, and we must partition that number into cycles of four numbers. Bad that 2^32 - 1 is not a multiple of four - there will remain three numbers not in any cycle of length four.
I will explain the remaining part of the solution using the smaller set of 3 bit signed itegers ranging from -4 to +3. We are done with zero. We have one complete cycle +1 => -2 => -1 => +2 => +1. Now let us construct the cycle starting at +3.
+3 => -4 => -3 => +4 => +3
The problem that arises is that +4 is not representable as 3 bit integer. We would obtain +4 by negating -3 to +3 - what is still a valid 3 bit integer - but then adding one to +3 (binary 011) yields 100 binary. Interpreted as unsigned integer it is +4 but we have to interpret it as signed integer -4. So actually -4 for this example or Int.MinValue in the general case is a second fixed point of integer arithmetic negation - 0 and Int.MinValue are mapped to themselve. So the cycle is actually as follows.
+3 => -4 => -3 => -4 => -3
It is a cycle of length two and additionally +3 enters the cycle via -4. In consequence -4 is correctly mapped to itself after two function applications, +3 is correctly mapped to -3 after two function applications, but -3 is erroneously mapped to itself after two function applications.
So we constructed a function that works for all integers but one. Can we do better? No, we cannot. Why? We have to construct cycles of length four and are able to cover the whole integer range up to four values. The remaining values are the two fixed points 0 and Int.MinValue that must be mapped to themselves and two arbitrary integers x and -x that must be mapped to each other by two function applications.
To map x to -x and vice versa they must form a four cycle and they must be located at opposite corners of that cycle. In consequence 0 and Int.MinValue have to be at opposite corners, too. This will correctly map x and -x but swap the two fixed points 0 and Int.MinValue after two function applications and leave us with two failing inputs. So it is not possible to construct a function that works for all values, but we have one that works for all values except one and this is the best we can achieve.
Using complex numbers, you can effectively divide the task of negating a number into two steps:
multiply n by i, and you get n*i, which is n rotated 90° counter-clockwise
multiply again by i, and you get -n
The great thing is that you don't need any special handling code. Just multiplying by i does the job.
But you're not allowed to use complex numbers. So you have to somehow create your own imaginary axis, using part of your data range. Since you need exactly as much imaginary (intermediate) values as initial values, you are left with only half the data range.
I tried to visualize this on the following figure, assuming signed 8-bit data. You would have to scale this for 32-bit integers. The allowed range for initial n is -64 to +63.
Here's what the function does for positive n:
If n is in 0..63 (initial range), the function call adds 64, mapping n to the range 64..127 (intermediate range)
If n is in 64..127 (intermediate range), the function subtracts n from 64, mapping n to the range 0..-63
For negative n, the function uses the intermediate range -65..-128.
Works except int.MaxValue and int.MinValue
public static int f(int x)
if (x == 0) return 0;
if ((x % 2) != 0)
return x * -1 + (-1 *x) / (Math.Abs(x));
return x - x / (Math.Abs(x));
The question doesn't say anything about what the input type and return value of the function f have to be (at least not the way you've presented it)...
...just that when n is a 32-bit integer then f(f(n)) = -n
So, how about something like
Int64 f(Int64 n)
return(n > Int32.MaxValue ?
-(n - 4L * Int32.MaxValue):
n + 4L * Int32.MaxValue);
If n is a 32-bit integer then the statement f(f(n)) == -n will be true.
Obviously, this approach could be extended to work for an even wider range of numbers...
for javascript (or other dynamically typed languages) you can have the function accept either an int or an object and return the other. i.e.
function f(n) {
if (n.passed) {
return -n.val;
} else {
return {val:n, passed:1};
js> f(f(10))
js> f(f(-10))
alternatively you could use overloading in a strongly typed language although that may break the rules ie
int f(long n) {
return n;
long f(int n) {
return -n;
Depending on your platform, some languages allow you to keep state in the function. VB.Net, for example:
Function f(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
Static flag As Integer = -1
flag *= -1
Return n * flag
End Function
IIRC, C++ allowed this as well. I suspect they're looking for a different solution though.
Another idea is that since they didn't define the result of the first call to the function you could use odd/evenness to control whether to invert the sign:
int f(int n)
int sign = n>=0?1:-1;
if (abs(n)%2 == 0)
return ((abs(n)+1)*sign * -1;
return (abs(n)-1)*sign;
Add one to the magnitude of all even numbers, subtract one from the magnitude of all odd numbers. The result of two calls has the same magnitude, but the one call where it's even we swap the sign. There are some cases where this won't work (-1, max or min int), but it works a lot better than anything else suggested so far.
Exploiting JavaScript exceptions.
function f(n) {
try {
return n();
catch(e) {
return function() { return -n; };
f(f(0)) => 0
f(f(1)) => -1
For all 32-bit values (with the caveat that -0 is -2147483648)
int rotate(int x)
static const int split = INT_MAX / 2 + 1;
static const int negativeSplit = INT_MIN / 2 + 1;
if (x == INT_MAX)
return INT_MIN;
if (x == INT_MIN)
return x + 1;
if (x >= split)
return x + 1 - INT_MIN;
if (x >= 0)
return INT_MAX - x;
if (x >= negativeSplit)
return INT_MIN - x + 1;
return split -(negativeSplit - x);
You basically need to pair each -x => x => -x loop with a y => -y => y loop. So I paired up opposite sides of the split.
e.g. For 4 bit integers:
0 => 7 => -8 => -7 => 0
1 => 6 => -1 => -6 => 1
2 => 5 => -2 => -5 => 2
3 => 4 => -3 => -4 => 3
A C++ version, probably bending the rules somewhat but works for all numeric types (floats, ints, doubles) and even class types that overload the unary minus:
template <class T>
struct f_result
T value;
template <class T>
f_result <T> f (T n)
f_result <T> result = {n};
return result;
template <class T>
T f (f_result <T> n)
return -n.value;
void main (void)
int n = 45;
cout << "f(f(" << n << ")) = " << f(f(n)) << endl;
float p = 3.14f;
cout << "f(f(" << p << ")) = " << f(f(p)) << endl;
x86 asm (AT&T style):
; input %edi
; output %eax
; clobbered regs: %ecx, %edx
testl %edi, %edi
je .zero
movl %edi, %eax
movl $1, %ecx
movl %edi, %edx
andl $1, %eax
addl %eax, %eax
subl %eax, %ecx
xorl %eax, %eax
testl %edi, %edi
setg %al
shrl $31, %edx
subl %edx, %eax
imull %ecx, %eax
subl %eax, %edi
movl %edi, %eax
imull %ecx, %eax
xorl %eax, %eax
Code checked, all possible 32bit integers passed, error with -2147483647 (underflow).
Uses globals...but so?
bool done = false
f(int n)
int out = n;
out = n * -1;
done = true;
return out;
This Perl solution works for integers, floats, and strings.
sub f {
my $n = shift;
return ref($n) ? -$$n : \$n;
Try some test data.
print $_, ' ', f(f($_)), "\n" for -2, 0, 1, 1.1, -3.3, 'foo' '-bar';
-2 2
0 0
1 -1
1.1 -1.1
-3.3 3.3
foo -foo
-bar +bar
Nobody ever said f(x) had to be the same type.
def f(x):
if type(x) == list:
return -x[0]
return [x]
f(2) => [2]
f(f(2)) => -2
I'm not actually trying to give a solution to the problem itself, but do have a couple of comments, as the question states this problem was posed was part of a (job?) interview:
I would first ask "Why would such a function be needed? What is the bigger problem this is part of?" instead of trying to solve the actual posed problem on the spot. This shows how I think and how I tackle problems like this. Who know? That might even be the actual reason the question is asked in an interview in the first place. If the answer is "Never you mind, assume it's needed, and show me how you would design this function." I would then continue to do so.
Then, I would write the C# test case code I would use (the obvious: loop from int.MinValue to int.MaxValue, and for each n in that range call f(f(n)) and checking the result is -n), telling I would then use Test Driven Development to get to such a function.
Only if the interviewer continues asking for me to solve the posed problem would I actually start to try and scribble pseudocode during the interview itself to try and get to some sort of an answer. However, I don't really think I would be jumping to take the job if the interviewer would be any indication of what the company is like...
Oh, this answer assumes the interview was for a C# programming related position. Would of course be a silly answer if the interview was for a math related position. ;-)
I would you change the 2 most significant bits.
00.... => 01.... => 10.....
01.... => 10.... => 11.....
10.... => 11.... => 00.....
11.... => 00.... => 01.....
As you can see, it's just an addition, leaving out the carried bit.
How did I got to the answer? My first thought was just a need for symmetry. 4 turns to get back where I started. At first I thought, that's 2bits Gray code. Then I thought actually standard binary is enough.
Here is a solution that is inspired by the requirement or claim that complex numbers can not be used to solve this problem.
Multiplying by the square root of -1 is an idea, that only seems to fail because -1 does not have a square root over the integers. But playing around with a program like mathematica gives for example the equation
(18494364652+1) mod (232-3) = 0.
and this is almost as good as having a square root of -1. The result of the function needs to be a signed integer. Hence I'm going to use a modified modulo operation mods(x,n) that returns the integer y congruent to x modulo n that is closest to 0. Only very few programming languages have suc a modulo operation, but it can easily be defined. E.g. in python it is:
def mods(x, n):
y = x % n
if y > n/2: y-= n
return y
Using the equation above, the problem can now be solved as
def f(x):
return mods(x*1849436465, 2**32-3)
This satisfies f(f(x)) = -x for all integers in the range [-231-2, 231-2]. The results of f(x) are also in this range, but of course the computation would need 64-bit integers.
C# for a range of 2^32 - 1 numbers, all int32 numbers except (Int32.MinValue)
Func<int, int> f = n =>
n < 0
? (n & (1 << 30)) == (1 << 30) ? (n ^ (1 << 30)) : - (n | (1 << 30))
: (n & (1 << 30)) == (1 << 30) ? -(n ^ (1 << 30)) : (n | (1 << 30));
Console.WriteLine(f(f(Int32.MinValue + 1))); // -2147483648 + 1
for (int i = -3; i <= 3 ; i++)
Console.WriteLine(f(f(Int32.MaxValue))); // 2147483647
Essentially the function has to divide the available range into cycles of size 4, with -n at the opposite end of n's cycle. However, 0 must be part of a cycle of size 1, because otherwise 0->x->0->x != -x. Because of 0 being alone, there must be 3 other values in our range (whose size is a multiple of 4) not in a proper cycle with 4 elements.
I chose these extra weird values to be MIN_INT, MAX_INT, and MIN_INT+1. Furthermore, MIN_INT+1 will map to MAX_INT correctly, but get stuck there and not map back. I think this is the best compromise, because it has the nice property of only the extreme values not working correctly. Also, it means it would work for all BigInts.
int f(int n):
if n == 0 or n == MIN_INT or n == MAX_INT: return n
return ((Math.abs(n) mod 2) * 2 - 1) * n + Math.sign(n)
Nobody said it had to be stateless.
int32 f(int32 x) {
static bool idempotent = false;
if (!idempotent) {
idempotent = true;
return -x;
} else {
return x;
Cheating, but not as much as a lot of the examples. Even more evil would be to peek up the stack to see if your caller's address is &f, but this is going to be more portable (although not thread safe... the thread-safe version would use TLS). Even more evil:
int32 f (int32 x) {
static int32 answer = -x;
return answer;
Of course, neither of these works too well for the case of MIN_INT32, but there is precious little you can do about that unless you are allowed to return a wider type.
I could imagine using the 31st bit as an imaginary (i) bit would be an approach that would support half the total range.
works for n= [0 .. 2^31-1]
int f(int n) {
if (n & (1 << 31)) // highest bit set?
return -(n & ~(1 << 31)); // return negative of original n
return n | (1 << 31); // return n with highest bit set
The problem states "32-bit signed integers" but doesn't specify whether they are twos-complement or ones-complement.
If you use ones-complement then all 2^32 values occur in cycles of length four - you don't need a special case for zero, and you also don't need conditionals.
In C:
int32_t f(int32_t x)
return (((x & 0xFFFFU) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000U) >> 16)) ^ 0xFFFFU;
This works by
Exchanging the high and low 16-bit blocks
Inverting one of the blocks
After two passes we have the bitwise inverse of the original value. Which in ones-complement representation is equivalent to negation.
Pass | x
0 | 00000001 (+1)
1 | 0001FFFF (+131071)
2 | FFFFFFFE (-1)
3 | FFFE0000 (-131071)
4 | 00000001 (+1)
Pass | x
0 | 00000000 (+0)
1 | 0000FFFF (+65535)
2 | FFFFFFFF (-0)
3 | FFFF0000 (-65535)
4 | 00000000 (+0)
boolean inner = true;
int f(int input) {
if(inner) {
inner = false;
return input;
} else {
inner = true;
return -input;
return x ^ ((x%2) ? 1 : -INT_MAX);
I'd like to share my point of view on this interesting problem as a mathematician. I think I have the most efficient solution.
If I remember correctly, you negate a signed 32-bit integer by just flipping the first bit. For example, if n = 1001 1101 1110 1011 1110 0000 1110 1010, then -n = 0001 1101 1110 1011 1110 0000 1110 1010.
So how do we define a function f that takes a signed 32-bit integer and returns another signed 32-bit integer with the property that taking f twice is the same as flipping the first bit?
Let me rephrase the question without mentioning arithmetic concepts like integers.
How do we define a function f that takes a sequence of zeros and ones of length 32 and returns a sequence of zeros and ones of the same length, with the property that taking f twice is the same as flipping the first bit?
Observation: If you can answer the above question for 32 bit case, then you can also answer for 64 bit case, 100 bit case, etc. You just apply f to the first 32 bit.
Now if you can answer the question for 2 bit case, Voila!
And yes it turns out that changing the first 2 bits is enough.
Here's the pseudo-code
1. take n, which is a signed 32-bit integer.
2. swap the first bit and the second bit.
3. flip the first bit.
4. return the result.
Remark: The step 2 and the step 3 together can be summerised as (a,b) --> (-b, a). Looks familiar? That should remind you of the 90 degree rotation of the plane and the multiplication by the squar root of -1.
If I just presented the pseudo-code alone without the long prelude, it would seem like a rabbit out of the hat, I wanted to explain how I got the solution.