The problem that I am trying to solve is as follows:
Write an Erlang function named collatz that takes one argument N. You may assume that N is an integer 1 or larger. The function should print the Collatz sequence (one number per line) starting with N. For example, collatz( 4 ) should print 4, 2, 1 (on separate lines). collatz( 6 ) should print 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 (on separate lines).
The collatz function that I have written is working properly but I am having difficulty in printing the output on separate lines. The commented-out part of the code below is my attempt to generate the output on separate lines.
collatz(1) -> [1];
collatz(N) when N rem 2 == 0 ->
[N|collatz(N div 2)];
%[io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n",[N])N|collatz(N div 2)];
collatz(N) ->
%[io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n",[N])N|colla[N|collatz(N div 2)]tz(3*N+1)].
The output that I get when I call for example collatz(5) is [5,16,8,4,2,1]. I want these numbers to be printed out on separate lines.
Instead of running the whole program and printing the result, consider printing each element before each iteration, like
collatz(N) -> io:format("~p~n", [N]), collatz(next_collatz(N)).
You just need to evaluate io:format/2 before prepending N in your list…
collatz(1) ->
io:format("Collatz is : 1~n"),
collatz(N) when N rem 2 == 0 ->
io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n", [N]),
[N | collatz(N div 2)];
collatz(N) ->
io:format("Collatz is : ~p~n", [N]),
[N | collatz(3 * N + 1)].
1> C = fun C(1,_) -> io:format("1~n") ;
2> % rem is not allowed in a guard, it is why I added it in the parameters
2> C(N,0) -> io:format("~p~n",[N]), NN = N div 2, C(NN, NN rem 2);
3> C(N,_) -> io:format("~p~n",[N]), NN = 3 * N + 1, C(NN, NN rem 2) end.
4> Collatz = fun(N) -> C(N, N rem 2) end.
5> Collatz(5).
I am learning Prolog, specifically GNU Prolog, for fun. I thought an interesting challenge would be to generate a sequence of Collatz numbers given a seed, which here is 5. Here's my pseudocode:
collatz(curr, next) -> if even, next is curr / 2
collatz(curr, next) -> if odd, next is curr * 3 + 1
collatz_seq(1, [1]) -> terminate and return 1
collatz_seq(curr, [curr | accum]) -> next = collatz(curr), collatz_seq(next, accum)
I translated that to Prolog like this:
collatz(Curr, Next) :-
0 is Curr mod 2,
Next is Curr / 2.
collatz(Curr, Next) :-
1 is Curr mod 2,
Next is Curr * 3 + 1.
collatz_seq(1, [1]) :- !.
collatz_seq(Curr, [Curr | Accum]) :-
collatz(Curr, Next),
collatz_seq(Next, Accum).
% collatz_seq(3, X).
I first ran my code like this: gprolog --consult-file and tested out 3 with collatz_seq(3, X). in the REPL. uncaught exception: error(type_error(integer,5.0),(is)/2) was the REPL's response. I think that there's a problem here with 5 being misrepresented as 5.0. For 3 as input, the sequence should go 3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1, but it terminates at 5. How do I avoid this intermingling of floats and ints when a float's decimal point is just zero?
I came across this question in a coding competition. Given a number n, concatenate the binary representation of first n positive integers and return the decimal value of the resultant number formed. Since the answer can be large return answer modulo 10^9+7.
N can be as large as 10^9.
Eg:- n=4. Number formed=11011100(1=1,10=2,11=3,100=4). Decimal value of 11011100=220.
I found a stack overflow answer to this question but the problem is that it only contains a O(n) solution.
Link:- concatenate binary of first N integers and return decimal value
Since n can be up to 10^9 we need to come up with solution that is better than O(n).
Here's some Python code that provides a fast solution; it uses the same ideas as in Abhinav Mathur's post. It requires Python >= 3.8, but it doesn't use anything particularly fancy from Python, and could easily be translated into another language. You'd need to write algorithms for modular exponentiation and modular inverse if they're not already available in the target language.
First, for testing purposes, let's define the slow and obvious version:
# Modulus that results are reduced by,
M = 10 ** 9 + 7
def slow_binary_concat(n):
Concatenate binary representations of 1 through n (inclusive).
Reinterpret the resulting binary string as an integer.
concatenation = "".join(format(k, "b") for k in range(n + 1))
return int(concatenation, 2) % M
Checking that we get the expected result:
>>> slow_binary_concat(4)
>>> slow_binary_concat(10)
Now we'll write a faster version. First, we split the range [1, n) into subintervals such that within each subinterval, all numbers have the same length in binary. For example, the range [1, 10) would be split into four subintervals: [1, 2), [2, 4), [4, 8) and [8, 10). Here's a function to do that splitting:
def split_by_bit_length(n):
Split the numbers in [1, n) by bit-length.
Produces triples (a, b, 2**k). Each triple represents a subinterval
[a, b) of [1, n), with a < b, all of whose elements has bit-length k.
a = 1
while n > a:
b = 2 * a
yield (a, min(n, b), b)
a = b
Example output:
>>> list(split_by_bit_length(10))
[(1, 2, 2), (2, 4, 4), (4, 8, 8), (8, 10, 16)]
Now for each subinterval, the value of the concatenation of all numbers in that subinterval is represented by a fairly simple mathematical sum, which can be computed in exact form. Here's a function to compute that sum modulo M:
def subinterval_concat(a, b, l):
Concatenation of values in [a, b), all of which have the same bit-length k.
l is 2**k.
Equivalently, sum(i * l**(b - 1 - i)) for i in range(a, b)) modulo M.
n = b - a
inv = pow(l - 1, -1, M)
q = (pow(l, n, M) - 1) * inv
return (a * q + (q - n) * inv) % M
I won't go into the evaluation of the sum here: it's a bit off-topic for this site, and it's hard to express without a good way to render formulas. If you want the details, that's a topic for, or a page of fairly simple algebra.
Finally, we want to put all the intervals together. Here's a function to do that.
def fast_binary_concat(n):
Fast version of slow_binary_concat.
acc = 0
for a, b, l in split_by_bit_length(n + 1):
acc = (acc * pow(l, b - a, M) + subinterval_concat(a, b, l)) % M
return acc
A comparison with the slow version shows that we get the same results:
>>> fast_binary_concat(4)
>>> fast_binary_concat(10)
But the fast version can easily be evaluated for much larger inputs, where using the slow version would be infeasible:
>>> fast_binary_concat(10**9)
>>> fast_binary_concat(10**18)
You just have to note a simple pattern. Taking up your example for n=4, let's gradually build the solution starting from n=1.
1 -> 1 #1
2 -> 2^2(1) + 2 #6
3 -> 2^2[2^2(1)+2] + 3 #27
4 -> 2^3{2^2[2^2(1)+2]+3} + 4 #220
If you expand the coefficients of each term for n=4, you'll get the coefficients as:
1 -> (2^3)*(2^2)*(2^2)
2 -> (2^3)*(2^2)
3 -> (2^3)
4 -> (2^0)
Let the N be total number of bits in the string representation of our required number, and D(x) be the number of bits in x. The coefficients can then be written as
1 -> 2^(N-D(1))
2 -> 2^(N-D(1)-D(2))
3 -> 2^(N-D(1)-D(2)-D(3))
... and so on
Since the value of D(x) will be the same for all x between range (2^t, 2^(t+1)-1) for some given t, you can break the problem into such ranges and solve for each range using mathematics (not iteration). Since the number of such ranges will be log2(Given N), this should work in the given time limit.
As an example, the various ranges become:
1. 1 (D(x) = 1)
2. 2-3 (D(x) = 2)
3. 4-7 (D(x) = 3)
4. 8-15 (D(x) = 4)
I am new in prolog, so i have to explain these code to my class teacher.
can someone please explain this code. Thanks
vowel(X):- member(X,[a,e,i,o,u]).
nr_vowel([X|T],N):- vowel(X),nr_vowel(T,N1), N is N1+1,!.
nr_vowel([X|T],N):- nr_vowel(T,N).
1 ?- nr_vowel([a,t,i,k],X).
X = 2.
An explanation is indeed highly appropriate.
For example, let us ask the simplest question:
Which solutions are there at all?
Try out out, by posting the most general query where all arguments are fresh variables:
?- nr_vowel(Ls, N).
Ls = [],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [a],
N = 1.
Hm! That's probably not what you wanted to describe!
So I change your code to:
nr_vowel([], 0).
nr_vowel([X|T], N):-
N #= N1+1.
nr_vowel([X|T], N):-
Then we get:
?- nr_vowel(Ls, N).
Ls = [],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [a],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [a, a],
N = 2 ;
Ls = [a, a, a],
N = 3 ;
Looks better!
How about fair enumeration? Let's see:
?- length(Ls, _), nr_vowel(Ls, N).
Ls = [],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [a],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [e],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [i],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [o],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [u],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [_2006],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [a, a],
N = 2 ;
Ls = [a, e],
N = 2 .
The first few answers all look promising, but what about Ls = [_2006], N = 0?
This is clearly too general!
You must make your program more specific to avoid this overly general answer.
Here is the problem in a nutshell:
?- nr_vowel([X], N), X = a.
X = a,
N = 1 ;
X = a,
N = 0.
Whaaat? a is a vowel, so why is N = 0??
Here is it in a smaller nutshell:
?- nr_vowel([a], 0).
I leave adding suitable constraints to the predicate as an exercise for you.
The code is simplistic in itself, all it does is count the number of vowels in a list (Guess that's quite evident to you).
Let's take your input as an example, the list is [a,t,i,k]
When you call nr_vowel([a,t,i,k],Z), prolog searches for and unifies the query with the second nr_vowel clause, this is because it is the first clause with a non-empty list input.
Now, vowel(a) returns true, so prolog moves on to the next predicate, which calls nr_vowel([t,i,k],Z). However this time, when prolog tries to unify it with the second nr_vowel, vowel(t) returns false, so it unifies it with the third clause and behaves similarly until the list is empty.
As soon as the list is empty, prolog unifies Z with 0 and starts coming up the recursion levels and does N=N+1 depending on if the caller predicate had a vowel or not, and as soon as it reaches the top of the recursive chain, Z is unified with the final value of N.
In short -
N=N+1 happens if the head of the list is a vowel
N=N i.e. no change occurs if head of list is NOT a vowel.
I'm struggling with this code right now. I want to determine whether an integer is divsible by 11. From what I have read, an integer is divisible to 11 when the sum (one time +, one time -) of its digits is divisible by 11.
For example: 56518 is divisible by 11, because 8-1+5-6+5 = 11, and 11 is divisible by 11.
How can i write this down in Haskell? Thanks in advance.
A number x is divisible by y if it's remainder when divided by y is 0. So you can just do
divisibleBy11 x = x `rem` 11 == 0
ifan I'm sure you know that in real life you would use mod or rem for this simple example, but the algorithm you are asking about is interesting. Here's a fun way to do it that emphasizes the functional nature of Haskell:
digits = map (`mod` 10) . takeWhile (> 0) . iterate (`div` 10)
divisible11 = (== 0) . head . dropWhile (>= 11) . iterate (reduce11 . digits)
reduce11 [] = 0
reduce11 (d:ds) = foldl combine d $ zip (cycle [(-), (+)]) ds
combine d (op, d') = d `op` d'
Surely, div and mod are faster, but why not? I assume the problem is converting a number to a list of digits:
toDigits = map (read . (:[])) . show
56518 is converted to a String "56518", and each symbol in the string (every digit) is converted to a string itself with map (:[]), at this point we have ["5","6","5","1","8"], and we read every single-digit string as an integer value: [5,6,5,1,8]. Done.
Now we can calculate the sum of digits this way:
sumDigits x = sum (zipWith (*) (cycle [1,-1]) (reverse (toDigits x)))
cycle [1,-1] makes an infinite list [1, -1, 1, -1, ...], which we pair with the reversed list of digits (toDigit x), and multiply elements of every pair. So we have [8, -1, 5, -6, 5] and its sum.
Now we can do it recursively:
isDivisible x
| x == 11 || x == 0 = True
| x < 11 = False
| x > 11 = isDivisible (sumDigits x)
How about...
mod11 n | n < 0 = 11 - mod11 (-n)
| n < 11 = n
| otherwise = mod11 $ (n `mod` 10) - (n `div` 10)
I have this complex iterations program I wrote in TI Basic to perform a basic iteration on a complex number and then give the magnitude of the result:
For (I,1,N)
Z^2 + C → Z
DISP “MAGNITUDE”, sqrt ((real(Z)^2 + imag(Z)^2))
What I would like to do is make a Haskell version of this to wow my teacher in an assignment. I am still only learning and got this far:
fractal ::(RealFloat a) =>
(Complex a) -> (Integer a) -> [Complex a]
fractal c n | n == a = z : fractal (z^2 + c)
| otherwise = error "Finished"
What I don't know how to do is how to make it only iterate n times, so I wanted to have it count up a and then compare it to n to see if it had finished.
How would I go about this?
Newacct's answer shows the way:
fractal c n = take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c
Iterate generates the infinite list of repeated applications.
iterate (2*) 1 == [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...]
Regarding the IO, you'll have to do some monadic computations.
import Data.Complex
import Control.Monad
fractal c n = take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Print and read (you could even omit the type signatures here)
putStr "Seed: "
c <- readLn :: IO (Complex Double)
putStr "Number of iterations: "
n <- readLn :: IO Int
-- Working with each element the result list
forM_ (fractal c n) $ \current -> do
putStrLn $ show current
putStrLn $ "Magnitude: " ++ (show $ magnitude current)
Since Complex is convertible from and to strings by default, you can use readLn to read them from the console (format is Re :+ Im).
Edit: Just for fun, one could desugar the monadic syntax and type signatures which would compress the whole programm to this:
main =
(putStr "Seed: ") >> readLn >>= \c ->
(putStr "Number of iterations: ") >> readLn >>= \n ->
forM_ (take n $ iterate (\z -> z^2 + c) c) $ \current ->
putStrLn $ show current ++ "\nMagnitude: " ++ (show $ magnitude current)
Edit #2: Some Links related to plotting and Mandelbrot's sets.
Fractal plotter
Plotting with
Simplest solution
Well you can always generate an infinite list of results of repeated applications and take the first n of them using take. And the iterate function is useful for generating an infinite list of results of repeated applications.
If you'd like a list of values:
fractalList c n = fractalListHelper c c n
fractalListHelper z c 0 = []
fractalListHelper z c n = z : fractalListHelper (z^2 + c) c (n-1)
If you only care about the last result:
fractal c n = fractalHelper c c n
fractalHelper z c 0 = z
fractalHelper z c n = fractalHelper (z^2 + c) c (n-1)
Basically, in both cases you need a helper function to the counting and accumulation. Now I'm sure there's a better/less verbose way to do this, but I'm pretty much a Haskell newbie myself.
Edit: just for kicks, a foldr one-liner:
fractalFold c n = foldr (\c z -> z^2 + c) c (take n (repeat c))
(although, the (take n (repeat c)) thing seems kind of unnecessary, there has to be an even better way)